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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 19, 2023 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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very large joint projects are planned, in what areas? sash, good morning, in particular in the shipbuilding and high technology segment. the strategic partnership between russia and china will strengthen; the ministry of the republic expects additional steps in this direction during the visit of prime minister mikhail mishustin to beijing; it will focus on the practical tasks of advancing joint projects. it is also planned to expand interaction within brix, ats and the group. this will help
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reduce the risks of geopolitical fragmentation and to maintain the stability of global supply chains, the system of payments in national currencies will continue to develop, all the necessary infrastructure for this has been created, and the results are already significant. in addition, uniform audit accounting standards are being formed. in our trade, more than 90% of trade turnover is carried out in national currencies. in chinese yuan and russian rubles, the necessary settlement infrastructure has been created, which ensures mutual trade. from kainer we receive primarily cars, tractors, smartphones and other electronics, clothing and shoes. by the end of november, our trade turnover exceeded the target $200 billion per year. the result of 11 months, according to russian customs data, is 201
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, the numbers vary slightly, but the chinese customs department of the state customs committee of china gave data of 218 billion . according to our data for 11 months, this is 2015 billion dollars, that is, we are the task set by our leaders vladimirovich putin and shizen pin, it means that we have already fulfilled these 200 billion in 11 months, but our annual forecast, according to our data, will be annual. trade volume with china is about $220 billion. by 1930, trade turnover could reach 300 billion, according to the russian cabinet of ministers. over the past 2 years, we have reoriented trade flows and are sending 60% of exports to asian countries, including our hydrocarbons. in january-october, russian oil shipments to china increased by a quarter, and lng by a third. meanwhile, daily gas supplies in siberia are breaking records. applications exceed
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contractual obligations, by the end of the year more than 22 billion cubic meters that were originally planned, and soon the parties may complete negotiations on a new route, the power of siberia-2. the gas pipeline can reach 50 billion cubic meters of gas per year, it can be launched in a fairly short time, because the fields have already been developed, these are western fields, western siberian fields in russia, that is, everything is there. some gas pipelines also exist on russian territory, that is , only part of the gas pipelines need to be built on russian territory, mongolian territory, that’s all, then china will build its own during this time part, so over the course of several years, literally 2-3 years, we can expect gas supplies. agricultural products take second place after hydrocarbons in our exports to china; in 10 months, their supplies have increased by more than one and a half times and exceeded 6 billion. this is a big breakthrough,
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because russia and china have resolved most of the problems associated with the supply of agricultural products from russia to china, this and various types of meat, for example, grain, flour, rapeseed, and so on, and in this sense, we are gradually growing non-fuel. not oil sector products. mutual investments are growing. next year, russia and china plan to launch joint projects in the areas of end-to-end technologies, shipbuilding and green energy. in particular, we agreed on cooperation in the production of hydrogen. as for the peaceful atom, we are building four power units in china, cooperation in this area will expand. the plans, of course, are extensive, including, for example, in the field
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of nuclear energy, the construction of joint fast neutron reactors - a unique technology that is available only to our rosatom corporation, this is... technologies for a two-step closed cycle of using nuclear fuel, of course, in the field of energy, various joint projects, global in the field of transport interaction, opening new transport corridors, logistics interaction, in tourism there is also a positive trend, by the end of this year the flow of tourists between russia and china will exceed a million people, by 2030 it will grow... thank you sasha, it was alexandra nazarova with a story about the prospects for economic cooperation between russia and china. more than 100 people died as a result of an earthquake in
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china. the disaster occurred in gansu province in the northwest of the country. this was reported by the central television of the people's republic of china. according to the regional headquarters for liquidation of consequences, it is powerful. the tremors began at midnight beijing time in the epicenter of the earthquake and surrounding areas , damaging houses, roads and other social infrastructure. the water supply has also been disrupted, and there are interruptions in the power supply. and to other international topics. the yemeni houthis said that responsible for attacks on foreign oil tankers and cargo ships in the red sea. to control the houthis, the us and allies are sending warships to this area. region, now in the red sea there are navies of at least five states, including japan and south korea. maria skorodilka has all the details. they change routes and take detours. transport companies in western countries are one by one refusing to transport goods via the soviet canal. the reason is the yemeni
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houthis. they fire at ships in the red sea. as a result, more and more carriers. the most popular sea route from china to europe goes around africa. by attacking ships in the red sea, the houthis hope. encourage israel to stop its military operation in the gaza strip. tel aviv stated that the houthis crossed the red line with their actions. israel's goal is unchanging. israel's victory is the victory of the free world, led by the united states, over the evil of hamas. we are fighting a brutal enemy who is hiding behind civilians. the idf attacks the gaza strip. military releases footage of palestinian tunnels movements. today, idf troops operate in the most dangerous areas. hamas locations throughout gaza, so in the north of the enclave , our troops killed thousands of terrorists, destroyed military infrastructure and disbanded most of the battalions. in response, hamas attacks the israeli military, fighting on the west bank.
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there are several arrivals in one of the israeli cities right near the border with lebanon. as a result of the impact , the house caught fire. the israeli army is attacking hezbollah targets. these shots show the south of lebanon. cessation of hostilities on the border israeli authorities called it life-saving. there is terror all around, the media write. arriving urgently in tel aviv, the us secretary of defense announced the start of a multinational operation to protect israel and the red sea. the attacks in the red sea are disgusting, dangerous and violate international law. in this regard , we are forming a national coalition in which not only the united states will participate and we will strengthen our presence in the region. true, hamas representatives do not believe in the selfless actions of the united states. this is the experience of victory, for example. in vietnam or like in afghanistan, running away with disappointment? the only experience that the united states has provided to the idf is the experience of killing women and children, destroying homes, hospitals and schools. the actions of the united states cause discontent among the arab monarchies. the americans want to win over more western allies. for example,
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norway, experts say. it is not yet clear whether the donkey will join the kaleicia. there is a scandal in norway. residents of one of the cities blocked the entrance to a factory that allegedly supplies weapons to israel. meanwhile, washington has funds there is almost nothing left to support conflicts in the world. now the biden administration is supplying weapons to israel not only bypassing congress, but behind ukraine’s back. the united states will announce a new aid package to kiev at the end of december, it will be the last, the white house confirmed. american newspapers write that the money promised to ukraine will go to replenish its own reserves and to tel aviv, of course. maryadilka, news. and now to the situation in the svo area. russian sappers are combing the area near mariupol. total. for 3 months on this site they found and neutralized more than one and a half thousand dangerous mechanisms, what traps did the enemy leave during the retreat did eduard ponigov see? we are now in the suburbs of mariupol, there used to be fierce battles here, the area changed
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hands, and while retreating, the enemy left behind many traps, there are a lot of shell residues here that can pose a danger to civilians, so russian sappers are now combing . most often, sappers come here at the request of local residents, who, after the outbreak of hostilities, action, they left home, have now returned back, specialists are taking out metal detectors, suits, and body armor are starting. the hardest thing, of course, is to work in the private sector ; now sappers are starting to examine the next area, there are probably a lot of traps here that can be hidden anywhere, you need to act very carefully. sappers maintain maximum concentration, the slightest mistake can cost lives, here is a deadly find, an anti-personnel mine. an explosive device was discovered, mark a mine, fighters they unwind the so-called cat and decide to destroy the mine directly. on a personal plot, the sappers had just successfully
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cleared another anti-personnel mine, at first they tried to pull it off, but it didn’t work, so it was decided to put an additional charge, and after that it was detonated. that's it, the mine is destroyed. the fields around mariupol are still strewn with unexploded grenades, bombs and shells, it’s hard to even imagine how many of them there are, there are a lot of tripwires, they are hidden in unexpected places, that’s all. depends on imagination whoever installed them, the enemy acted and thought ahead, he installed tripwires, mine traps, in the most inconvenient places that an ordinary person would not think or climb into, tripwires for opening doors, for closing doors, and installed locking mechanisms under mats at the entrances to houses, that is, when leaving, they did not leave behind them so that the civilian population did not return... in this calculation there are no random people, everyone was trained at the international mine action
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center of the russian armed forces, came according to contract, i got a job, so it’s already been 8 years, and my family and friends are reacting, everything is fine, reacting, okay, well, they ’re worried, for sure, well, of course they’re worried , well, what can we do, we have such a choice of military people, painstaking work russian sappers are bearing fruit, local residents are gradually returning. to a normal, peaceful life , there is still a risk that ammunition, mines may come across, i don’t know, you feel the risk, well, just a little, i feel the risk, but i live normally, these mines are invisible, they are still green , grass, grass too, how do you live in such conditions, it’s not scary, no, but why, there is light, water, there is everything, you can live, it’s warm in the house, demining is carried out every day, seven days a week, for the last three months. in the vicinity of mariupol , approximately 1,700 explosive objects were found and neutralized. eduard pungov,
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alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. russia and tajikistan, as part of the russia forum exhibition at avdnkh, signed several agreements that will help expand interstate ties. there was a meeting the day before intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation between our countries. russian deputy prime minister marat khusnulin and the prime minister of tajikistan agreed on the construction of an educational center for gifted children in dushanbe, as well as a drama theater named after mayakovsky. as noted, the construction of such infrastructure facilities allows us to stimulate socio-economic development, as well as create comfortable living conditions for citizens. well, what’s important is that russia today already has a rich experience in implementing such projects. in addition, marad khusurin showed representatives of tajikistan pavelion number 15.
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the main area of ​​cooperation was on the projects of creating an educational center for gifted children and a new theater named after mayakovsky, we not only identified construction sites, agreed on technical aspects, but also reached the signing of intergovernmental agreements, tasks for build in the next 2 years to make it a worthy decoration of the capital of tajikistan. foreign trade indicators for the last 3 we are up from 970 million in 2020. this year , already in the twenty-second year, we reached 670 billion; this year we are planning to increase this volume,
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so the conclusion of new agreements was signed during the official visit of the president of the republic of tajikistan to the russian federation. invest in your country with a reliable vtb broker and the vtb application. my investments with low commissions on operations, professionals work, order green peas from 69 rubles from stores.
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fenraventa for only 3,799 rubles in emfidio and eldorado. win when you create special moments, when you find a reason to get together, when you give joy to your loved ones, order from sbermarket and megamarket and win 10 million rubles and other incredible prizes. the european union approved the twelfth package of sanctions against russia, and what specific restrictions
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are being discussed, i will now tell you in more detail. so, all of them will come into force after publication in the official. magazine, perhaps the main innovation of this round of sanctions is the restriction against the russian diamond industry. first, a ban is introduced on the import of non-industrial diamonds mined, processed or produced in our country, but from march 1, this measure will also affect russian stones processed in third countries. in addition, products are now prohibited from importing from russia from iron, also copper and aluminum. the restrictions affected some chemicals, as well as russian liquefied propane. with a one-year transition period. there are a number of other innovations, for example, european companies are required to stipulate in contracts with partners a ban on the re-export of certain dual-use goods to russia. also, the eu in the twelfth package of sanctions obliges companies to warn about the sale of tankers that can transport russian oil at a price above the ceiling, but that’s not all, now
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the requirements for organizations for compliance with price restrictions. however, there is an exception: the european union exempted sakhalin-2 from compliance with these rules. and the night before , vladimir putin extended the decree on response measures to these sanctions, now until the end of june next. year, a total of 147 persons were added to the eu sanctions list, these are 61 individuals and 86 organizations. there is an exception, for example, the european council has now allowed people to come to the eu with their own cars if they do not plan to sell them, and the import of personal belongings is also now unlimited. and to other topics. north sea the route is the shortest and safest for freight transport by water between europe and countries. region, why its importance is growing right now was discussed by the minister for the development of the far east and the arctic, alexey chikunkov, and professor mgemo, member of the presidium for foreign and
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defense policy andrey bezrukov. conversation within the framework of a joint project of the government press service of our tv channel in the dialogue program. we see interest in the arctic from, well, absolutely everyone there, starting with the equatorial tropical states, the middle east, switzerland, india, here you are... as a specialist in international affairs, to what do you attribute such a sharply increased interest in the arctic on the part of, let's say, mildly non- arctic, but major states. i see two aspects there: the first, of course, is resource, the second aspect is look at what is happening in the middle east now. and if the region, and i think it will, will destabilize even further, and this will last for years, because we are now entering an era of redivision of the world. for serious people there is no alternative to a quiet transition from the east to west, in addition to the northern sea route,
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alexey chikunkov and andrey bezrukov also outlined the key prospects for the socio-economic development of the russian far east and its role in strengthening connections with the entire asian region. watch the dialogue program on russia-24 today after 11:00 moscow time. the days of the regions continue at the russia forum exhibition, which takes place at vdnkh. the rostov region will also present its program. how it lives and how it develops today in the material of our colleagues. don father and don ivanovich, this is how the cossacks respectfully call their main river. it runs through the entire rostov region, it is the fifth longest river in europe, and has always been food for the cossacks. and today don gives income. cargoes are carried by water to the regions of russia and abroad, primarily bread. the rostov region is one of the country's main grain suppliers. this year the region broke
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a record for early grain harvest. the weight of the don loaf exceeded 15 million tons. western sanctions did not stop farmers. the equipment used on the farms is made here in the rostov region. the legendary rosselsh plant has produced more than 3 million combines in its history and is one of the five largest. in the world of agricultural machinery manufacturers. rosselsh today produces more than 150 types of items and modifications of agricultural machinery and is currently developing road-building and municipal equipment. soon rasilmash will start producing tractors. these are the workshops of the future giant plant in rostov-on-don, an entire city within a city - 57. m. design capacity is up to 15-18 tractors per shift. huge dial installed on the administrative building. no longer counts down the months and weeks remaining before launch, but days and hours, and these blades count down the success of the rostov region in the field of green energy. this year
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, the region became russia’s leader in wind generation for the third time; there are six wind farms on the don. the equipment for wind generation has truly cyclopean dimensions: the installation height is 150 m, the tower plus a fifty-meter blade, each of which weighs about 10 tons, and the total weight of such a structure reaches 320 tons, while... to put this colossus into action , a minimum sufficient breeze of 2-4 m/s is required, like now, for the blades to start moving, an electric current begins to be generated, but the most famous blades from the rostov region, of course, on helicopters, the most load-lifting helicopter in the world is mi- 26t , the mi-28n night hunters in demand today , were born on the don, and the world-famous anton chekhov and mikhail sholokhov were also born on the don, their works are read in 100 languages ​​on all continents in taganrok, where he was born. where the author of the quiet don was born and worked , favorite tourist routes, in total , the rostov region is visited by more than 3 million tourists every year, they come to... see
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the capital of southern russia , the old center with merchants' mansions built back in the 17th century, modern streets. rostov is a rare city where there is a pedestrian embankment on the right and left banks. tourists also love the taganrog bay and the endless don steppes. there are still places on danu where real mustangs live in the wild. invite guests to cossack village, starocherkasskaya. it was here that the whirlwind otaman, matvey platov, razdorskaya, pukhlyakovskaya was born. in each you can see real kurens and real kazas. traditions in those days, the cossacks were considered the guardians of the russian land, they always made their historical choice to serve russia. today, the brigades of the all-great don army are in the zone of a special military operation, from time immemorial they have stood guard over the russian state and the don cossacks as the first cossack army in our days, a characteristic example of courage and determination
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complete your home.
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siberia, siberia, yes, i’ll cut out your tongue now , we won’t hang you, we’ll burn it, so i’d tear you apart with horses, where are you going, drown yourself 2.
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in moscow 9:29 ff, briefly about the main thing. prime minister mikhail mishusin is not working in petin these days, plans are to meet with the chairman of the council with the chairman of the people's republic of china sidinping and negotiations with the prime minister of the state council lit sana. the focus is on developing strategic interaction, with special attention to expanding cooperation in trade
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and economics, as well as promotion. large projects. in the krasnaya liman direction of the special operation, russian vasilek mortars are hitting the forward positions of the ukrainian armed forces along the second line of ukrainian defense. the artillerymen of the central military district hit enemy military targets on the third line using akantsia self-propelled guns. the firing range of this weapon is tens of kilometers. the american group approached the entrance to the red sea. fox news reported that the day before the pentagon announced the start of an international operation against the yemeni houthis. in solidarity with palestine, they carry out airstrikes on commercial vessels allegedly associated with israel. the world's largest shipping companies began sending their tankers and container ships around the red sea and the soviet canal. in northwest china.


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