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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 20, 2023 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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we’ll sew it together, i’d tear you apart with horses, where are you going, drown yourself, holob 2,
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russia is a country of which we are proud, we are proud that we bring light and warmth throughout the world, we look forward with pride. paving new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity. we are proud of our successes, but we never rest on our laurels. discover the achievements of our country, come to the exhibition: russia forum.
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the fso, fsb, svr and other special services today celebrate the day of security agency workers. president vladimir putin congratulated the employees on their professional holiday. the russian ministry of defense has summed up the results of the year. the supreme commander-in-chief took part in the board. and then, in an informal setting, the head of state. talked with the heroes of russia, what did you talk about with the soldiers? the united states is building a coalition to counter the houthis in the red sea. yemen puts forward its own conditions and threatens to continue attacks on international ships if they are not met. tensions around the middle east crisis are growing. one of the main achievements intergovernmental cooperation between moscow and beijing - refusal of the dollar in mutual settlements. and what else? follow. today in russia they celebrate
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the day of security agency workers with the professional holiday of employees and veterans of the fsb, svr, fso and other special services, vladimir putin congratulated. dear comrades, dear veterans, i congratulate you on the day of security authorities. this holiday is a symbol of respect of our people for our entire society for the people who guard sovereignty and the constitutional order countries, protect the interests of russia, the rights and freedoms of citizens, thwart the hostile plans of foreign intelligence services, show examples of courage, bravery, competent and non-standard operational actions. there are many glorious and heroic pages in the historical chronicles of the domestic security agencies. and on this day
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, first of all, i want to say a big thank you to our veterans: you withstood many difficult trials with honor, and worthily defended your homeland from internal and external threats. today, as we face serious challenges, personal the composition of the special services acts competently and quickly. i thank the employees of the fsb, svr, fso and the main department. programs, for high professionalism in carrying out assigned tasks, for courage and determination, for clear, well-coordinated work. thus, over the past year, much has been done to provide counterintelligence support for a special military operation, to protect the lives and safety of our citizens in the donetsk and lugansk people’s republics, in the kherson and zaporozhye regions. we know that the kiev regime has direct support.
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foreign intelligence services openly took the path of terrorist methods, in fact , state terrorism. these are sabotage against civilian objects, transport and energy.
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the work of domestic companies and enterprises , including those that solve the most important defense and technological problems today, and, of course, attempts by foreign intelligence services to destabilize the socio-political situation in russia, undermine civil peace and interethnic harmony, and interfere in our internal affairs must be severely suppressed , violate the sovereign , inviolable right of the people of russia to determine their own... dear friends, the security agencies do not have simple tasks, but you have all the necessary potential, all the capabilities to protect the security of the state, society , our citizens, i am sure you will continue to work
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with high dedication, cherish and develop the best professional traditions, and therefore achieve new successes, serve with dignity and honor. russia and our great people. once again i congratulate you on the holiday and, of course, well, happy 2024. good health and prosperity to you and your loved ones. all attempts by the west to inflict a strategic defeat on russia failed thanks to the courage of our soldiers and the increased power of the armed forces. the myth of the invulnerability of western military equipment has collapsed. vladimir putin stated this to his defense ministry colleagues. the president assessed the situation. over the past year and noted a number of priority tasks. key points were collected by anastasia efimova. it was a busy year for the armed forces; soldiers and officers solved all problems during special military operation, courageously and professionally. the assessment that the president gave while speaking at an extended meeting
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of the board of the ministry of defense. the head of state noted that the fighters on the front line today ensure the sovereignty of the country at the global level; he thanked everyone, the leadership and personnel. memory of those who gave their lives for their homeland, declared a minute of silence, and we will especially note the unprecedented support of our people, the support of the defenders of the fatherland, the patriotic spirit of the absolute majority of the country's citizens, the unity the unity of people of different nationalities and religions is a reliable, indestructible pillar of our army and navy, we will always be faithful to the cause for which we gave our lives... our comrades in arms, i ask you to honor their memory without silence. the supreme
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commander-in-chief formulated a number of priority tasks that must be solved first, among them equipping with the most modern weapons and equipment, and timely supplies to the troops.
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at a high level, all plans approved in this area will certainly be implemented. with the head of state also got acquainted with advanced models of weapons at the exhibition today. equipped specifically taking into account the needs of the northern military district, we do not abandon our own, our wounded, including the evacuation of the wounded and medical bags, among others.
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didn’t leave us any chance, but, but they were faced with the fact that it was impossible
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to finally achieve their goals by legal means, but it didn’t work out, it didn’t work out, from decade to decade, it just didn’t work out, so in the end they decided on a coup d’etat , yes, of course, there were a lot of problems in ukraine, internal, economic, social injustice. a lot, well, why a coup d'etat, go to the elections, what we were told all the time, only by political means, only this way, only within the framework of the constitution, where all this is, there’s no desire for the camera to work here, to show certain gestures, yes, but you understand, what gestures i want to show now, this is what they showed us, this is what, and the norms of international law, and loud words.
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and why do they say this, to induce them to pay money, that’s why. the united states, having solved these problems of the current plan, which means that by tearing off, as they say, ukraine, by breaking off russia’s relations with europe, in this regard they achieved what they wanted, unfortunately, we just couldn’t behave differently, or we had to give up everything and see how they chomp, eating everything .
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changes are taking place in the political consciousness of many peoples of europe, but they see that the united states is brazenly mercilessly exploiting europe in its own interests, they didn’t care about these interests in the end, but this is their choice, this is the choice of the peoples europe, we have never interfered, are not interfering and are not going to interfere in this, but what exactly we will do is we will defend our interests.
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but the interest of kiev itself, according to historical and geopolitical logic, should have been connected with russia, because it was our country that could be the guarantor of sovereignty and integrity.
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they don’t want it, it’s not necessary, history will put everything in its place, we won’t interfere, but we won’t give up ours, that’s what everyone should understand, in ukraine, those who are aggressive towards russia, in europe, in the united states the states want to negotiate, let them negotiate, but only based on what we will do, based on our interests. vladimir putin again expressed his confidence that russia will achieve all its goals and protect the sovereignty and security of the homeland on this day, presenting gold stars to the heroes of a special military operation. during a special military operation, you fight on the front line, in the most difficult areas, acting professionally, courageously, shoulder to shoulder, together with your
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comrades. thank you for your courage and strength spirit. all. our country, all our citizens are proud of you and believe in you. you have to operate in a difficult combat situation, overcome serious challenges, but i know your attitude, the attitude of all our soldiers and commanders, so i am confident that we will definitely achieve our goals, we will reliably protect our people, sovereignty and security. homeland, thank you very much, thank you for your impeccable, valiant service, for your loyalty to military duty and oath. and the heroes in their response promised not to let us down. we are all very grateful you, what you give us, you gave us a chance to manifest ourselves, we manifest ourselves, and we will go to the end, so that you know that we will go to
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the end, in any situation, and i want to add to you in this regard. homeland , gave all of us, including me, the opportunity to reward us all and you and me with the opportunity to work for our country, for our people, this is a reward from the outside for each of us, and we are all with you, and i, including including, we will all go to the end, protecting the interests of the country. there is no such experience as the russian army in the world today, no one has, and this experience, the president emphasized, must be used. well, after the award ceremony, the heroes of russia told what specific tasks they had to solve during the special operation. i heard the tanks, yes, that they were coming, but i didn’t see where they were, i came out of the trench onto the road, and the tank stood about 50 meters away from me,
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and it so happened that i was a little faster. the enemy did not get through, that is, we repelled the tank attack, that is. the infantry also went, which didn’t work out for them either, that is, they couldn’t even approach us, and the enemy was shocked by the fact that they outnumbered us five to six times, nevertheless they were dumbfounded by the fact that we acted too boldly, too brazenly, the guys worked fearlessly, forcing the enemy to retreat, contributed to a further offensive, destroyed the crew of about five six tanks. and also several infantry fighting vehicles, including nato models. receiving an award from the hands of the supreme commander-in-chief is, first of all, pride in yourself, in your unit, since the award is not only mine, but that of the battalion personnel, who took part from the very beginning of the special operation. the head of the department, sergei shaigu, also spoke at the defense board. the minister summed up
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the interim results of the special operation and spoke about the development of the russian armed forces. details from stanislav. sergei shaigu began the extended meeting of the board of the ministry of defense with a short summary of the successes of the military special operation. the minister recalled that during its implementation, four new subjects of the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions became part of the russian federation. the total population of these regions is about 5 million people. almost 3 million refugees who have not seen their families since 2014 have also returned to new regions. in addition, railway communication with donbass has been restored; thousands of kilometers of railway tracks were once destroyed in the armed forces of ukraine, so colossal work has been done. meanwhile, according to the minister of defense, russia today continues to increase its combat power, for example, the aerospace forces are receiving new combat vehicles, airplanes, and helicopters, and the combat power of the navy
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has been replenished with four more just this year submarines and eight surface ships at once. in addition, the enterprises of the ministry of defense are now working around the clock, and the production of military equipment has increased fourfold. in order to meet the needs of the armed forces , defense industrial enterprises. they cut down four times, increased their capacity and switched to round-the-clock operation. since february 2022, that is, since the beginning of the special military operation, the production of tanks has increased by 5.6 times, infantry fighting vehicles by 3.6 times, armored personnel carriers by 3.5 times, unmanned aerial vehicles by 16.8 times, artillery ammunition, which is extremely important. 17.5 times. military education is also of great interest today; more and more people want to enroll in military universities, master various military specialties, and
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at the same time, the desire of ordinary russians, who have nothing to do with a military career, to simply stand up for their homeland is growing. every day more than one and a half thousand people apply for military service. this year alone, about 490,000 contract troops were recruited. the number of foreigners has increased sevenfold volunteers who want to fight on the side of truth, today not only the minister of defense spoke about the results of 2023 plans for 2024, but also the commander of various branches of the military in more detail. particular attention in 2023 was paid to rearmament with regard to the complex. with a gliding wing unit, then this year we will complete the installation of the next missile regiment in the dambarovsky missile formation of the orenburg region. all combat
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training activities planned for this year have been completed, exercises and testing of activities of the highest levels of missile readiness the shelves have been worked out in full. thus, the tasks set for this year have been generally completed. and the share of modern weapons by the end of the year will be 88%. the goals for next year have been set, all the activities have been planned, and we will carry them out. in january we plan to receive a naval fleet, another icebreaker, multifunctional vessels, and supply vessels. and of course, the next year has no less ambitious plans, just like the supreme commander-in-chief gave. instructions, the minister of defense set us specific tasks, which exercises are necessary all fleets must prepare, as if the readiness of the fleets has been verified by control
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checks and exercises , primarily by the use of practical weapons. the minister of defense himself summed up that in 2024 , russian troops will continue to carry out a military special operation until all the tasks set by the president are fully completed, but in addition, special attention will be paid to the patriotic... education of youth. stanislav vasilchenko, nikolay lomakin, sergey vanilovich, anna tarasenko, lead. vladimir putin instructed the government to special economic measures to create russian legal entities to manage the south russian urangoi oil and gas condensate fields. the documents are published on the official legal information portal. according to presidential decrees, the russian llc created will transfer all rights, assets and obligations of gazprom’s joint ventures with two companies to the german winterdia and the austrian. a resolution introduced in russia to
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combat the glorification of nazism, neo-nazism and other practices that contribute to escalation of modern forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and intolerance associated with them. the document was reportedly supported by 118 countries, 49 opposed and 14 abstained. paris, together with its allies , will take measures to stop yemen's houthi attacks on commercial ships in the red sea. this was stated by the minister of foreign affairs of france, catherine colana. about how exactly the west intends to fight the houthi threat, stanislav bernwald. the us department of defense published a text statement about the start of a military operation guardian of prosperity against kusit in the red sea. as follows from the documents, the number of participants in the operation, in addition to the united states, will include bahrain, great britain, spain, italy, canada, the netherlands, and norway. seychelles and france, that's what the united states secretary of defense said. this morning we launched operation prosperity guardian,
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which includes international participation. strength. this operation brought together more than a dozen countries from all over the world. they will conduct joint patrols in the red sea and the gulf of adon. i know that you all remember the division of our forces, ready to act together. and it is in this spirit that all our countries, including mine, are working to protect peace in the red sea and respond together to new threats. currently , warships of the united states, britain and france are on duty in the red sea. according to satellite information, the american aircraft carrier is located. 188 nautical miles southeast of the entrance to the bab-elmandep strait, connecting the gulf of adon with the red sea south of yemen. on top of all this, the netherlands says it is ready to provide military officers for us operation sentinel prosperity to ensure security in the red sea. this was stated by the minister of defense of this state. vessel attacks in the red sea undermine freedom of navigation and pose a great danger to ships
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' crews. led by the united states, the netherlands and many other like-minded countries are joining forces to ensure freedom and safety of navigation. this morning i spoke on the phone with my american colleague lloyd austin. i thanked him for the us leadership and confirmed that the netherlands would provide staff officers for operations guardian of prosperity. also, one of the italian modern frigates with drones on board may soon join the coalition ships. virgilio pheasant. the yemeni houthis say. meanwhile, the appearance of warships from the usa, france, britain, and italy will not stop them from attacking any ships associated with israel. our position on the palestinian issue will not change, regardless of whether a naval coalition is created or not, we will continue to support the oppressed palestinian people. well, besides the largest oil companies who are afraid to enter the red sea due to houthi attacks on
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tankers. in the gulf of adon , tankers supplying liquefied gas to europe began to turn around; those tankers that nevertheless decided to enter the red sea turn off the trackers that allow them to determine their location. since friday, at least five ships have changed course, avoiding the yemen coastline. this is an inevitable part of the route to the suede canal, which, well, actually connects europe and asia. reaction of middle eastern countries to yemen's actions in the waters of the red sea have not yet followed, but... it is clear that everyone is waiting for developments, but nevertheless, egypt and jordan are suffering the most serious economic losses in connection with the actions of yemen in the waters of the red sea. stanislav bernwald, andrey potapov, news: beirut-lebanon. zelensky at a press conference named one of the reasons for the failure of the offensive in southern ukraine. in his opinion, the problem is an acute shortage of weapons. military experts , meanwhile, say: washington will soon leave the list of donors to the conflict. they're putting pressure
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to kyiv and from the outside. the un called on the ukrainian authorities to allow the use of all languages ​​in the country. natalya goncharova will continue the topic. it’s time for kiev to stop hoping for western support. former chief of staff of the nato military mission in moscow, harry tabakh , is confident that ukrainian military commanders do not possess the basic basics of strategic planning. even after receiving the money, ukrainians will still not be able to spend it on what is really needed in the ssu, aviation and air defense. we 'll give it to you.
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goals to help. former pentagon advisor douglas mcgregor believes that kiev missed the golden moment to start negotiations. in his opinion, russia will not end the confrontation without taking control of odessa and kharkov. i hope that europeans will come to their senses, take a step forward as soon as possible and take responsibility for the current catastrophe, which it is time to put an end to. moreover, i see no evidence that the norwegians, spaniards, french, germans,


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