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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 20, 2023 12:30pm-12:58pm MSK

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friendship along the wire to the czech republic, slovakia and hungary has remained at almost the same level as last year, and if there are no obstacles from ukraine, deliveries will continue . about this and more in our interview told the channel. head of transneft nikolai tokarev. nikolai petrovich, hello. good afternoon, i would like to start the conversation traditionally with the results of the year, key events, key figures, what will 2023 be remembered for both the company and the industry as a whole? well , i would probably like to start with the fact that transneft is not just an enterprise in teka, but one of the key enterprises in teka, and how stable and reliable it will work. transneft largely depends on
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how stable and reliable the oil segment will feel in the current market. the thing is that we ensure the supply of oil to our refineries. development of the company, all the indicators of the twenty -third year that were planned for implementation, they were fulfilled almost in full, this 600 km of the linear part of the new main oil pipelines will be put into operation,
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tank farms at our sites have been increased by approximately a million cubic meters, several dozen systems who control volumes, quality and quantity. oil that enters the system is automated technological process control systems, well, a lot more, but in general , the funding for this entire program this year amounted to about 250 billion rubles, all of them have been mastered, in general, for the next 5 years until the twenty-eighth year, about one and a half trillion rubles are allocated for the construction of a replacement. linear part for the replacement of electromechanical and pumping equipment, construction of tank farms, and many, many other things that are necessary and necessary for the industry, so i think that overall this year went well for us, despite for all sanctions vakhanali, these restrictions
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, as for the twenty-second year, there was a slight decrease in exports of about 4-5% due to the fact that russia assumed obligations within the framework of opec plus a decrease in the volume of export supplies, we are fulfilling our obligations, due to this , there is such a small redistribution of volumes in favor of refining on the domestic market, here by about 4%, well, about an increase in refining volumes at our refineries, exports increased by about... 4% compared to twenty-second year, export of petroleum products by 13%, so the situation is stable, understandable, the numbers speak for themselves, well , you said that there were many difficulties this year, and the year began with the fact that supplies to the shipyard stopped per year, where
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they were redirected, well, you know, this was not the biggest problem for us with these supplies, the fact is that in... during this short time, well , about two quarters, this is by the summer of twenty- two year, significantly increase export volumes to china, india, well, i can say that about 100 million tons of oil were supplied to india approximately this year, to china, new directions have appeared there, these are egypt, morocco, myanmar, well, you can list a whole series more, pakistan. just recently, so there were no big problems, how, another question, they required certain technical measures, to increase throughput and increase oil capacity, somehow we didn’t even notice that this required some serious efforts,
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of course, specialists worked, but serious this was not a problem for us, as for the capacity of the ports, we’ll talk a little further, and nikolai petrovich... another question about the druzhba oil pipeline, while supplies to hungary, the czech republic and slovakia have been preserved, but we all know that there were completely different, difficult situations at the pumping station, was there the volume of supplies that was, how did you generally overcome these difficulties? you know, i ’ll comment with numbers now, can i ask? so i can give you the official report for the twenty- third year. czech republic, last year. 200 in this year by 124% by the twenty-first year, this year 4,200, that is, 100% the same volume as in the past. slovakia: 5,250, this is
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100% in relation to the twenty-first year, this year there is a decrease of 10%, this is for the slovaks. hungary, almost 5 million is 144% by age 21. this year. 98% by the twenty-second year, so all these volumes have been preserved, they will be in the twenty-third year, so this is what it will look like, and of course the applications for next year, they will be about the same, because both the czech republic and slovakia have now applied to brussels with a request, they really do not have access to muria, they do not have the opportunity to receive oil from other sources, the czechs do. a little bit there from the side of trieste through another oil pipeline, but in general, without our oil, they
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simply cannot exist, but they will preserve it, or it is more possible, at least preserve it, because in january of twenty-four these restrictions on the use of russian oil will end , and permission, well, from here on next year’s deliveries, are you ready to supply everything, in principle yes, if not there will be problems on the part of ukraine, because they have been done during this year, due to which it was possible to move so quickly to the east, in this regard
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, you will redirect to increase the transportation of oil to the port of kozmino, there according to the project 30 million tons, according to in fact, you have not a spontaneous decision on our part, we saw opportunities to optimize technological processes, organizational issues, well, for example, a tanker is moored. first , customs officers and border guards work, then, that means, there are also relevant services there, registration documents are being processed, all this takes a lot of time, which means we came to the conclusion that we need to do this at the same time, then it will be reduced by three to four times, which means we have oil that will be poured into other tankers, which is what we actually did, well then applied a number of technical solutions that made it possible to optimize and more efficiently use the existing base, well, in the end, yes 42.6...
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energy and the government are seriously discussing this issue, the necessary instructions have
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been given in order to consider how this optimize, how best to do this, then in practical terms the issue is being resolved, well , everyone is interested in the shortest possible time, especially achinsk, it will be ready in the middle of next year, now the capacity of the eastern siberia- oceans oil pipeline is 80 million tons per year, there are new technologies, there is modern technology with which you can increase your throughput. next year we understand this has already been calculated, so to speak, everything will be 46 in kozmino
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, also 16 plus the miget station, uh, well, 50 - that’s not the limit, i don’t dare to think further, we looked at options for diversifying export directions when we were given such a task, well , the espo direction, firstly, it will require serious financial costs there, already costing a trillion. in terms of money, and of course, this is what we are doing today, these are the most realistic measures that can be quickly implemented, commission additional capacity, but ensure output. at least by 50 million tons according to kozmina, and what scenario could there be for the expansion of the kozmino port, that is is this the construction of a new pier, or is it still a remote floating device, like in novorossiysk, you know, remote floating devices are so exotic, in general , we have them in russia, they are used by the caspian corpse transport consortium on the black sea, and so not only here, they
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are also in the world, there are precedents for the use of these devices, but... in our country, traditionally, these are usually stationary berths - all the technology , all the projects that we use, they are focused precisely on such solutions technical, so for now we are not seriously talking about the construction of new additional berths in kozminy, for now we manage to solve with other technical solutions, possibilities, but just not in the future, this is such a special topic in general, it requires... other technical solutions, other equipment, other services, well, that is, this is a completely unique option, that is , for now, due to the optimization of work, due to the optimization of time, infrastructure , it is additionally true, but for now it is within our capabilities to implement such projects yes, we will of course focus primarily on them. deputy prime minister alexander novak
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, who is also the chairman of the board of directors of transneft , reported on large investment projects for expansion to ports just... this year, although they planned it later, there are opportunities, the linear part is already built, half is approximately built, the the port infrastructure is also being prepared for this, so 57 million is a very real figure, by the way, this year primorsk is also 44.
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nikolai petrovich, your company is one of the first in russia to fall under sanctions, but at the same time you are not just modernizing the system, that’s what you just talked about at the beginning of the conversation, but you are building something new, due to which it turns out that you are not dependent on foreign supplies, well , in my opinion, somehow we already touched on this topic once, time passed, we decided to implement all this for ourselves long before the introduction of all these restrictions. our import substitution program has now been completed 100%. and 97% of equipment, technological and material and technical resources, which we use domestic production, we have 11 of our own enterprises that produce for transneft, and now we
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are entering the foreign market, the domestic market, now the external market, we produce, well, the most critical ones. what would be extremely important for us to produce at home, it worked out, and i believe that the 3% that remained, well, it doesn’t make sense to try to produce everything at home, while we can make do with what we have at our disposal, material , i mean, well , what we don’t have, we buy, we buy in any way, there is production not only so to speak, in those countries that refused to supply us, other manufacturers are no worse , we know them, they work with us, in principle that’s all for now, we get by, we get what we need, so... here we don’t see any major problems like this in the near future, i think the enterprise will operate stably, reliably, as it should, that is, this 3%
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can be bought from friendly countries, well, this is mainly some kind of electronics, some components, there is a connection or something, well, in general that's what we can buy. nikolai petrovich, this year is transneft’s 30th anniversary, you and i were preparing a big film, so if we talk in the interview... the key point is what has changed, how the company has changed for these main oil pipelines, this is the entire direction of eastern siberia - the pacific ocean, this is kuyuba taishet, these are two lines to the baltic, the purpesamatlor polar region, then the south project, the north project, well, these are serious volumes in general, because to build in the conditions of eastern siberia, well , there is no need to explain what it is, we built exemplary oil pipelines , replaced oil pipelines, that is , the technical life of the pipe was exhausted, it had to be changed , and approximately every year we
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implement this work, these are huge tank farms, this is modern software, this is a system for controlling the quantity and quality of oil and total automation , today we have 2,500 it specialists in the company alone, of course.
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the implementation of the khirstanets-tavrichesky project is worthy, we are most seriously involved in this work, our specialists take part in all meetings, on-site, on site, here in moscow, by the summer the project will be implemented, the facility should already be put into operation, a major, serious, big problem, and of course we have a lot of work to do about...
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it will be completed the first stage of this project is solemn at the end of june next year - this is the day of the baptism of russia, the entire project should
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be completed already presented, well, for visiting tourists, residents and everyone who is interested in the history of russia, well , this is how it looks in terms of timing, we will wait for the opening nikolai petrovich, thank you very much for taking the time for the interview, thank you very much, thank you. try the real russian cold ice cream, great, incredible taste, we carry it, mega discounts, cashback, apartment. here you will get such a benefit, a federal car for only 32,999, i want to say, stop for a moment, on the contrary, for a moment, don’t
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