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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 20, 2023 8:30pm-8:49pm MSK

8:30 pm
men and women military uniform. news. the main task is to bring a decisive turning point in counter-battery warfare. this is important news from the tas source, who reported that in the special operation zone our troops have already begun to use coalition sv complexes, that is , the latest russian saos with 152 mm caliber guns, a very solid ammunition load, a rate of fire of more than 10 rounds per minute and a firing range of up to 70 km, well...
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in the zone of a special military operation, a conflict, a conflict of significantly higher intensity than anything else than how, well, nato forces clashed. the main problem in the mtr is the rupture of artillery gun barrels. the problem is actually widespread; when fired , a huge pressure is generated inside a 155mm cannon, about 400 million pascals. from this he is, well, for example, the system. cooling, but even this does not fully explain the fiasco of susans, crabs, paladins and others, according to the documents that the western military industry is waving in front of the noses of naive buyers, their guns are very, very durable, for example, the declared resource the german panzerhaubizer has 4000 rounds before replacing the barrel, cesar has the same numbers, the american one doesn’t even need to look for a solution to the phenomenon, everything has already been told... the ukrainian
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military said. just the other day, for example, vysushniki poured out their souls to the french lemon, they also talked about the notorious cesars, which are considered almost the best saury of the north atlantic alliance. so , it turns out that those same 4,500 shots can only be provided by a certain ideal cesar in ideal conditions. in general, a sterile environment, mother of western weapons, ukrainians figured it out, but how to fix it is a real problem. gentle nato ones. you can’t repair it in the field , you need clean workshops and specially trained workers with gloves, square has neither of these, we destroyed such facilities in kharkov and dnepropetrovsk, also where heavy warehouses were toned down, they hit ivanofrankovsk, including like you and me we know hypersonic missiles, they are so clean, for example, recent data on the losses of german leopards, it turns out that some of the drying equipment did not burn out in... did not
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perish in the destroyed hangars, but died by its death due to electronic failure, and like other western garbage ingloriously went straight to the landfill, and history, literally. evgenia tishkovets nato rubbish, now a short advertisement so that this global spruce will spread out from its tentacles.
8:34 pm
we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. let's look before everyone else. let's meet veronika pavlovna vosentsova, your new boss. and this is a female corpse with blunt trauma to the skull. vasnetsova. always one step ahead. subscribe, look,
8:35 pm
i solemnly surrender allegiance to my to the fatherland of the russian federation. thanks to those who are true to these words. become a warrior. service under rf contract. only at alfabank. order a free alpha debit card, spin the reel in the app and get a superkick every month. order a card in december and are guaranteed to receive an x5 club card to leave. exactly, show the card and receive up to 20% cashbacks and up to 50% service package, it’s beneficial not to forget. win when you create special moments. order at scooter, sbermarket and megamarket and win 10 million rubles. raffle of 2 billion from
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russian lotto is already close. hurry up for tickets. hysens tvs are a bright picture. with wifi technology, use mobile communications even where you are. works well to keep you well rested. ecosystem for business, outline. technologies of perfection from raventa, professional
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drying, styling care. avito, everything will go as planned. all the best, as simple as alpha business. internet banking and application for business. everything in one button, counting payments, accounting and lawyers, conduct all your business online. alfabank is the best bank for business. win when you find a reason to get together. order a megamarket and a scooter at zbermarket and win 10 million rubles. grace expressed one of the energy information dumps on the air, and it turned out that the running buffoon believes that for some reason the western military bloc is delaying the bombing of russia, they say. nato’s list of targets probably appeared after vladimir putin’s munich speech. moreover, the agent, who is a part-time mattress lover, considers it necessary to frighten russians with a list of such objects, so that if literally, they paid with blood for supporting putin. in general, patent disclosure was not
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without manipulation. yes, alexey, good evening, that’s absolutely right, manipulation of both facts and public opinion are completely familiar methods for wikipedia authors. wikipedia, at least. and no one is blocking the global octopus in russia, at least not yet, but stanislav kozlovsky, executive director of the non-profit organization wikimedia, is now putting himself forward as the main octopus. ru. what this inka is doing is correct, creating the necessary information agenda, pumping things up. they hit a person, ngo employees are crying on the pages of the novaya gazeta europe publication. in russia, it is recognized as undesirable by organizations. possible reprisals are written against kozlovsky, quotes. the terms and engagement are complete. in the spirit of wikipedia itself, which is created by such authors, adjusting the facts to the interpretations they need , so the claims against ngos are quite justified, experts say, that this is a working structure justifying fascism and many other things, the articles there are completely different, if you read carefully, everything is very strange
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becomes. here, for example, is what he writes about the tragedy in the odessa house of trade unions in may 2014, when ukrainian radicals, let me remind you, barricaded from... burned dozens of people in the building, but wikipedia calls those who opposed the coup d'etat in kiev quote separatists, here we are noted here the most intoxicating formulations, another one about causality, but where is the objectivity, the other point of view, where is the russian media, they predictably call us propaganda, which, quote, depicts the fire as an illustration of the genocide of the russian-speaking population in ukraine, as it is written here , by the way, an imaginary genocide for wikipedia , the odessa tragedy, which claimed almost half the lives...
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its website in russia was blocked precisely for the unreliability of data about a military special operation, and from the press in russian only a jellyfish and that doesn’t exist entire farms that specialize. exclusively on wikipedia, because wikipedia is a special technology, people there have special ranks, there are all sorts of sheriffs, there are patrol officers, these are all well-coordinated teams that have been working for many years on foreign grants in the russian-language segment of wikipedia, they spend a lot of money on this at the beginning of the svo for such work per day, and even the british daily mail confirms this, i call the resource, the ifipedi quote means unreliable 60%.
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it is necessary to check and double-check, there is such a concept as fact-checking, this is what wikipedia is frankly lacking, but this is understandable, because the goal of the global octopus is to fetter the thinking of the audience, and not at all to open the path to the truth. boris ivanin, and not free encyclopedias of troops who successfully conduct active defense and calculate, calculate, excuse me, any enemy steps forward. about the situation on the contact line, our special correspondent mikhail andronikov. at first glance, it is a lifeless desert, but not for the bars-16 volunteer battalion of the southern
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group of troops. carefully following the collapsed quadcopter operator finds a camouflaged enemy electronic warfare station. in a matter of minutes , our drone kamisa flies to the target. fully lives up to its name. this territory changed hands several times. now the controversial one is temporarily under the control of the ukrainian armed forces. u they presumably have some interest in making a breakthrough in our sector, since on... other sectors of the front they failed, they are now strengthening here, additional forces are being brought up, as if our reconnaissance should. the troops of the southern military district in this direction are, as they themselves say , in active defense, which is the military formulation: any advance is impossible without a preliminary engineering survey of the territory, if sappers do not have time to work on the path of our troops, they will take over clear combat vehicles. the crew of this one, which is in service with the group of troops center, repeatedly had to go ahead
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of the motorized rifles to remove minefields, directly with the fuse, it was under our roller, something wrong happened, but as such we didn’t even have a concussion effect, a retreating enemy , as a rule, blows up all the bridges behind him, but this will not delay our troops for long, well, we have now built a bridge, a mechanized bridge for the passage of our forces towards the enemy, if the entire crew, the entire team is coordinated, 12 minutes, you can break the record up to 11:50, 11:30, in just 2 seconds, they were sent every day to the front so that they would build dugouts there and so on and so forth, so that shelters could afford to be made, this is only a small part of the arsenal engineering troops groups are brave, the enemy can’t boast of anything like that, but it’s from...
8:44 pm
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8:47 pm
the patch has unicorns in yellow tones and a chevron with the extremist inscription “ lgbt military”. demonstration window at the christmas market. fairs in kiev, where some activists collected money for the sadamid troops in the ssu. the report posted on social networks is filled with pride, saying that thanks to the sale of specific merch, it was possible to earn money so that with the support of military perverts from ordinary ukrainians. but this is quite enough to report to western sponsors on how the independents are implementing non-traditional european values ​​in practice. according to media reports, several tens of thousands of gays, lesbians, and lesbians are fighting in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine... but, however, it is likely that there will be more of them, since it turned out that this particular category of military personnel is entitled to special treatment, facts will be provided by anastasia, they help, strangers come and force us to be gay, or at least to be glad that you may be involved in an lgbt organization recognized in russia as an extremist organization. they handed over a whole package of humanitarian aid to the dry man,
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who in the clean room should thank him. the donor himself, however, let it slip before recording the video who...
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is being financed, if we look, he sipes in polish and french.


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