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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 20, 2023 10:00pm-10:23pm MSK

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for 37 years, he sued the russian ministry of finance for 31 million rubles. but he believes that in his case this is not enough. back in 1959, in a small village in bashkiria, a criminal broke into one of the houses and wounded several girls. then they blamed phothula for everything. only half a century later did the real criminal confess, his conscience tormented him. so, decades later, the supreme court of russia rehabilitated iskhakov. for his suffering, he demanded compensation of almost half a billion rubles. the court assessed them more modestly.
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how long can the proceedings take? it’s still a question, but the pensioner promises that he will achieve his goal until the last, i have proven my honor and my integrity for 100 years. mikhail shirin and more urgent news that our editorial team receives directly from the agency's lente informa: in the basmanny court of moscow, a preventive measure was chosen for several defendants in a criminal case about fraud in the sale of fertilizers worth a million rubles. we are talking about two business leaders: ali kutsakova and zukhra zeiddinova. the first was sent to isolation ward, the second under house arrest. it is possible that she is cooperating with the investigation and is already giving evidence. both ladies were brought to the capital from kazan on a special flight under fsb escort. a probable organization.
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this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. they surrender to our drones. and kiev is recruiting new soldiers by deception, why do they invite hungarians to the employment center? golob is not only shell-based, the ukrainian army lacks artillery, nato self-propelled guns were not ready for a protracted conflict, most of them are already out of action, how can kiev make up for the losses? who writes for wikipedia, custom articles from western sources, this global octopus has gathered and tentacles, when... one’s own people are not treated, but crippled,
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you can pretend to be gay. the three hundredth susushniks pretend to be unicorn lovers, if only they would be helped. why such selectivity? this is only one day of work of one detachment, a comment from the military correspondent of the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company evgeniy podubny about the improbability of pilots. kamikaze drones are flying non-stop into the armed forces scrap metal, including armored vehicles.
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armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles are trying to escape, but nothing comes of it, footage of objective fire control defeats, the work of scouts of the twenty -fourth separate special forces brigade in interaction with units of the twentieth army, the inevitable fpv drones, there is leopard 2, they know where to hit, that is, for example, when there is a moment with a leopard, they know for sure that the back of the leopard’s tower is the place , where the first-stage ammunition rack is located, these are not lancets and... and negiranis are so-called self-assembled drones, the cheapest option: they catch up with armored vehicles at any speed, even yurki seem to be bmps still on fire, here it is slightly pike, increases speed , it is impossible to go there 60, 70, 80, 100 km, a pilot with an experienced operator hits any enemy equipment without a miss, for example, a burnt-out t-72 tank, a drone overtakes a ukrainian armored personnel carrier. in principle
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, it does not matter for them to destroy soviet, post-soviet equipment, ukrainian, there in the case of the btr3e, or, for example, nato quite modern models, because we see a sheathed... here it is tsv-90, one is clearly wounded, that’s it, attack disrupted, what happened, the drone hit the rear ramp or there are swing doors there, yes, he hit there , and the people there got a concussion, but he didn’t get a mechanic, he was sitting in front, maybe he didn’t get a concussion, so he was the first to get out and start pulling out his people, because the jet is accumulative, when it goes, it turns out damaged the engine compartment, and there was also an ammunition rack, of course they were afraid that the ammunition rack would blow up... it would rather explode , because it began to burn, they began to fly further, and the formidable geraniums for the deep rear of the enemy howl so that it's creepy, kiev is scared away from explosions, but what about ukrainian drones, our soldiers have learned to land them, it’s getting better, with your hand
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carefully from below, look, it can fly away from below and forcibly turn it over , turn it over, the movement of neighboring units, that’s the military formulation. any advance is impossible without a preliminary engineering survey of the territory; if sappers do not have time to work on the path of our troops, mine clearing combat vehicles come into play. the crew of this one, which is used by a group of troops the center repeatedly had to go ahead of the motorized rifles to clear minefields. it was located directly with the fuse under our trawl roller and went off; the rest of the mines were connected without a fuse. with the detonating cord extended further and an explosion occurred for us, we were in the car with the commander of the vehicle, in principle the explosion we felt that something was wrong with us, but as such we didn’t even have a shell shock,
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the retreating enemy, like the rule undermines all bridges behind it, but for a long time it is ours the troops will not be detained, well, we have now built a bridge, a mechanized bridge for crossing. of our forces towards the enemy, if the entire crew is well coordinated, 12 minutes, you can break the record to 11.50, 11:30, the bridge, after being built, lifts a weight of up to 60 tons; units that are consolidated in the territory that has come under our control, it is necessary to build a shelter , a mobile sawmill can be deployed in any area in just 2.5 hours, they were sent to the front every day so that they wouldn’t build dugouts there, and so on and so forth, to cover. could afford to do this, this is only a small part of the arsenal of the engineering troops of the brave group; the enemy cannot boast of anything like this, but the outcome of military operations largely depends on engineering support. mikhail andronik, sergey eliseev, news of the lugansk and donetsk
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people's republics. not only military commissars can be soul catchers in ukraine. news that today unpleasantly surprised the male population of the ukrainian ground forces. stated that they were hunting for a cannon meat for the armed forces of ukraine should be handled by all representatives of government bodies, that is, employees of public utilities, village elders, village chairmen and even heads of various enterprises. in general, it is not only people in uniform who should be wary of, but also the places for issuing subpoenas are also practically unlimited, as they explain in the ukrainian army, the mobilization of men in bathhouses, restaurants, shopping centers and gyms, they say, is fully in accordance with the law, since this is a public space, well, in the case when the work of military commissars is more ... independent, which literally kidnapped on the streets, such assurances can be convincing, especially since the kiev regime is coming up with new ways to lure people to the front line, how
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military traps work, evgenia petrukhina found out. the vsushniki fell into captivity, one after another, largely because they were on the battle line. back-seat fighters, and those who were forced by the tskashniks are ready to raise their hands up, those mobilized in ukraine have a terrible fear from meeting our artillery and tanks, so they come to the clean volga and surrender to captivity, we were stormed and a little satan drove through
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our dugout, i was simply pressed to the edge of the dugout, i got out, saw yours, said that i surrender, well, that's it. drillers talk about the firing ranges, about training at the ukrainian firing ranges, they shot once a week, or even twice, there was always ammo, even during shooting exercises there was no ammo. there is savings there or something else, well , there are no western weapons at all, i haven’t even seen anything like that, and also a prisoner of the dry land says that volunteers brought them drugs directly to the front line, so that it wouldn’t be so scary not being shot at in positions under fire, that’s how he got to the front line, they sent a summons, i was frozen, didn’t go, then i started calling and scaring that they would put me in prison, they would open a case against me, and there they would be...
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even the ukrainian armed forces force is becoming more and more difficult, the ukrainian tsypso is already using new methods with might and main, distributing in ukrainian chats and public pages these videos, where young ukrainian girls in overalls say, they say, i’m fighting, but you’re not, this is an obvious staging, but they are deceiving in the square not only ukrainians, so, a lot of vacancies have appeared in transcarpathia; they need mechanics, managers, cooks, and they also invite representatives of ethnic minorities. here is an information portal for... hungarians living in ukraine are promised big salaries and are invited to find out more details at the employment center,
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where applicants will be issued conscript registration cards. the kiev regime is experiencing an acute shortage of personnel and manpower to staff its troops; according to their official statements, at least half a million more people are needed, now they are trying get from all sorts of sources, they begin. to lure foreigners, because they no longer have enough mercenaries who deliberately come to take part in the war. but here is footage of our military actually rescuing a wounded armed forces officer and providing him with first aid, despite the fact that there is a battle going on around him. what are you, a pole or something? the russian soldier, no matter where he fought, he always saved people and is different from everyone else, that’s why russia always won, and humanity is strength, because it is the great truth of our soul. even without it’s very important that ukrainian soldiers see this, they understand that here on the russian
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side they will be treated much better than their fathers, commanders, who consider them just cannon fodder. but these susushniks were captured by the soldiers of our twentieth guards army, they say that they are suicide bombers, servicemen in the ssu, videos that come from the front that, as a rule , these people are fed in ukraine, they see how their colleagues there are really treated . according to the sun, that is, naturally they have a greater desire to come out clean 149 200 call the volga or surrender in some way. but what really frightens the gunmen is the prospect of being thrown into a front-line meat grinder without support from the barriers by detachments behind them. kiev breaks them even before sending them on the attack; you can’t fight much with such fighters. now there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast. who writes custom articles for wikipedia from western
10:14 pm
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way to profitably invest money online, just one button contribution: to the future of your child already done, one button, savings grow with the maximum rate, one button, and you look forward with confidence, together, open a deposit with the best interest rate with a maximum rate of up to 16% bid in sberbank sberbank with prime. the main task is to make a decisive difference in the counter-battery. this is important news, this is the source of etas, who reported that in the special operation zone our troops have already begun using coalition ground forces complexes, that is, the latest russian sam, with 152 mm caliber guns, a very solid ammunition load, and a rate of fire of more than ten there will be no rounds per minute and a firing range of up to 70 km, so the dry shooters from the scraws, paladins and cesars
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will have to tense up, especially since the coalition is said to be well adapted to the conditions of an intense conflict, which it won’t say...
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than how , well, nato forces collided. the main problem in the ssu is the rupture of artillery gun barrels. the problem is actually common. when fired inside a 155mm cannon, askali. from such a howitzer, sooner or later, it will literally open up like a flower. and western guns are initially more susceptible to this. the barrel of such howitzers is a kind of consumable material. modern western self-propelled guns have enough. well, let's just say, powerful ballistics, they can hit a conventional projectile at a distance of up to 40 km, in order to ensure that this barrel is in the industry, waving in front of the noses of naive buyers, their guns are very, very durable. for example, the declared life of the german panzerhaubitz is 4,500 rounds before replacing the barrel. cesar has the same
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numbers. the american m-37 has 2,500, which is the same, which is also very impressive. but the trouble is who cares, in reality it will be like this. these are the same three axes, somewhere in ukraine. the gunners clearly did not expect such a development of events. you don’t even need to look for a solution to the phenomenon; the ukrainian military has already told you everything. just the other day, for example, vysushniki poured out their souls to french lemon. they also talked about the notorious cesars, which are considered almost the best saury in the north atlantic allied conditions. in general, a sterile environment in which every speck of dust is blown away from equipment, when... the battlefield looks like this, you don’t even have to try to drive the capricious french into battle. we try to use cesars to a minimum, because they are vulnerable and completely unsuited to real
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military operations. this lady cesar loves cleanliness too much. operators work with it like surgeons wearing gloves and shoe covers, even sleeping in them. okay, how to break down western workshops and specially trained workers wearing gloves. square has neither one nor the other. we destroyed. such facilities in kharkov in dnepropetrovsk, also where heavy warehouses were toned down, hit ivano-frankivsk, in including, as you and i know, a hypersonic missile, a dagger from the side of the mik-30, in this regard, today it is impossible to carry out repairs on the territory of ukraine, and there are no qualifications, but no matter what it would be thought that their only sopols did not disappear in destroyed hangars , but died a natural death due to the failure of electronics, and like other western garbage, went ingloriously: straight to the landfill and history, literally: the stone on which roman rudakov left his farewell message will become part of the monument on the territory of the military unit, such a decision
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received the mother of a soldier from bataysk, who died heroically in the northern military district zone, when roman’s group was surrounded in marinka, he left a letter asking for help, and our military correspondent alexander sladkov saw how they received the last news from their son and brother. rostov-nadon, headquarters of the 103rd motorized rifle regiment. his home at the turn of 1300 in the village of omarenka, his last wish was that we take care of you, help you, his sister
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and brother, the regiment commander said that...
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