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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 21, 2023 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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we often talk about money, the sums are serious, but in russia there is a clear and clear signal. whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources. it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went. is russia ready to change ? evolution occurs in any structure. look how very safely they kept the drugs. there is no doubt that they conducted clinical trials on unsuspecting people. african swine fever is back in sumy. hallera in ukrainian nikolaev. new cases of batulism. there are biological research facilities in ukraine. people began to realize how insincere and deceitful the us government was. with the support of washington, a unique laboratory operates in tbilis.
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almost every evening we can observe the earth’s natural satellite in the sky - the moon, but have you ever thought about its age, how and how long ago it was formed? according to the classical theory, the age of the moon is 4 billion 425 million years, but modern research makes adjustments into this data. the moon turned out to be older, but first things first: the first scientific theory of the origin of the moon was put forward by the british scientist george howard darwin in 1878. in his opinion, the natural satellite of the earth was formed as a result of the separation of a magmatic clot from the earth under the influence of centrifugal forces. a new era in the study of the moon began in the 1960s with the flights of the soviet luna probes of the american apollo missions, which delivered samples of lunar soil. to
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our planet. the age of a celestial body is quite difficult to determine; its substance must be obtained. the substance of the moon was mined several times, but many years ago. the largest portions from the moon were brought by the astronauts of apollo 11-12 and so on. so those portions that the apollo 17 astronauts brought with them turned out to be the most interesting, this is not without reason. it was in this crew. was a professional geologist, he probably knew what to collect. according to the now generally accepted version, the earth acquired a satellite after a collision with a celestial body, the size of which was slightly less than half the size of our planet. 4.5 billion years ago, we believe an object the size of half of the earth, collided with the earth, tore almost a third out of the earth, threw this material into space, and from this the moon was formed. this footage shows nas astronauts in the southeast sea.
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zircon allows us to estimate the minimum possible age of the moon. scientists used a recently developed research method for this. in fact, this method is such a modern method, but it is not used for dating zircons. in this case, it was used to clarify the behavior of lead in a crystal of already dated zircon. that is, this age is very ancient, it was received yet. the article was published in
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the twenty-first year and it was obtained using such standard methods of uranium dating, but this age... turned out to be very ancient, they decided to check whether any change in the crystal had occurred. most of all, scientists were interested in lead atoms, which are formed during the decay of uranium; the rate of this process is constant, and scientists know that over 4.5 billion years, half of the uranium in the sample necessarily turns into lead. these samples were recently found to contain small circus crystals. zircon is a very dense crystal, very hard and well stores all the elements that were once included in it and those that were obtained during radioactive decay; we measure, for example, the content of different isotopes of lead, we can
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say how long it is in it in zircon uranium decayed, well, uranium 238, it has a huge half-life, billions of years, so it serves well... as a clock for measuring large time intervals, while scientists know that lead is a fairly mobile element, and it can migrate or form clusters in zircon crystal, to find out what was happening in the zircon crystal with lead, scientists used atom probe tomography, and this study of atomic tomography atom probe tomography, it was just... used to understand what was happening there in the crystal with lead, because this modern method allows you to obtain a three-dimensional image of the distribution of aa atoms, lead and, well, any
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other atoms in this mineral, specifically in that dated ancient zircon, they showed that lead does not form clusters there. and which confirms the reliability of age determination. the findings make the moon about 40 million years older than previously thought. it turns out that approximately 110 million years after the formation of the earth, the moon was formed. the presence of the moon is very important for many processes on earth, since our satellite stabilizes the tilt of the planet’s axis, which makes the change of seasons possible, and the ebb and flow of tides, which are influenced by the night star, allowed some. a living organism to emerge from the water onto land, giving rise to the development of life on our planet. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient. from
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time immemorial, law reigned in russia, the people, princes, and governors were chosen together, there was a special ritual, a bell called them together, invited people to a meeting, it was called. choose traditionally only innovatively, progress helps us improve the process, dec is truly a godsend, you vote quickly, clearly , you don’t have to go anywhere, everything is on your smartphone, mom is glad for people that without movement there is a convenient solution, call the elections home, take a portable box, there is a mobile voter in a swinging system, the predecessor votes freely anywhere so that we can comfortably make plans freely, we choose a candidate on a date convenient for us, we will appreciate the security of the ballot, watermarks are placed on special paper, be calm at the polling station,
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video control is in place, in addition to the cameras at the site, like heroes from a fairy tale, observers stand, monitor the legality, in general, everything is technologically advanced, you can make sure... you can personally at the site by looking at the cycle on the website, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, fell, the soldiers surrendered, one after another, largely because on the line of combat contact today those whom the tsashniks, employees of the ukrainian military registration and enlistment offices, forcibly grabbed on the streets, beat and dragged into the trenches, now the ukrainian soldiers, even their commanders , are breaking down they say that on... highly mobilized dry land, there is no war. we are at once bachimos, everything that is shy in us. we see what is happening on the streets of stk. i am not for such harsh methods. i don’t need a warrior who was dragged by force, he’s not a warrior. that is it turns out that the ukrainian army has run out of ideological fighters. and those who
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were forced by the tskashniks are ready to raise their hands up. those mobilized in ukraine have a terrible fear from meeting our artillery and tanks. here they come out clean. volga, published. captured, we were stormed and a tank drove through our regiment through the blending, i was simply pressed against the edge of the blending - so that it wouldn’t be so scary not being fired at in positions under fire, that’s how he got to the
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front line, they sent a summons, i froze, didn’t go, then he started calling and scaring that they will put me in jail, they will open a case against me, and there they will mock me, beat me and maybe kill me, they will make everyone think that i am a russian spy, a prisoner, the talkers came for his thirty-year-old neighbor, but he was caught, they were deceiving. from the very beginning , we weren’t even drafted yet, we didn’t even have a military man yet, we already had jackets for pea coats, they had already given us jackets instead of a pea coat, when i already arrived at the location of the thirty-eighth brigade, the foreman says, they gave you one, they are recruiting people into the ranks the armed forces of ukraine, even by force, is becoming more and more difficult, the ukrainian tsypso is already and new methods are in full swing uses, distributes in ukrainian chats and public pages these videos, where young ukrainian girls in overalls say, i... howl, but you don’t, this is an obvious staging, but not only ukrainians are being deceived into the square,
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so many vacancies have appeared in transcarpathia , we need mechanics, managers, cooks, including representatives of ethnic minorities. here is an information portal for hungarians living in ukraine, they promise big salaries and invite you to find out more details at the employment center, where applicants will be issued with conscript registration cards. kyiv regime. is experiencing an acute shortage of personnel and manpower to staff its troops. according to their official statements, at least half a million more people are needed, now they are trying to get it from all sorts of sources, they are starting to lure foreigners, because they no longer have enough mercenaries who deliberately come to participate in the war. but here is footage of our military actually rescuing the wounded vsushnik and providing him with first aid. despite the fact that there is a battle going on around, what are you... a pole or something like a pole, a russian soldier
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, no matter where he fought, he always saved people and even enemies when they were wounded, this is normal for us, we are humane, probably this is what distinguishes a russian person from everyone else, that’s why russia has always won, and humanity is strength, because this is the great truth of our soul, even without it, and it is very important that ukrainian soldiers see this, they understand that...
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russia is a country of which we are proud, we are proud of that we bring light and warmth throughout the world, we look forward with pride, paving new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity, we are proud of our successes, but we never stop there. discover the achievements of our country, come to the russia forum exhibition. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on december 21
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, 1868, the battle of relomas valentinas began, a key event in the paraguayan war, which lasted about 5 years in the sixties of the 19th century. paraguay was an economically developed country, but landlocked. trade came through neighboring uruguay, and brazil invaded there with the support of argentina. and now to fight. with them all. the paraguayan army was stronger than the troops of the triple alliance and initially won, but britain began to help the opponents. in the battle we are paraguayan. almost the entire army was destroyed and then women and children began to be conscripted. however, this did not help. the fighting on both sides was particularly brutal. of the country's population of 1,300,000 people , a little more than 200,000 remained alive. it took decades, but even now paraguay remains
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one of the poorest countries in latin america. december 21, 1898. french scientists marie and pierre curie discovered a new chemical element, radium, a decay product of uranium 238. radium and polonium, which, by the way, were also discovered by the curies, receiving the nobel prize for this, are the most radioactive chemical elements in the world, although at that time the discovery was theoretically, to obtain the element in practice, and in tiny quantities, it took years to isolate only 1 g of radium was required several wagons of uranium ore, wagons of coal and a lot of water. at the beginning of the 20th century, radi became the most expensive metal in the world. a gram of radium was worth the same as 200 kg of gold. but in curie's time the dangers of radioactivity were not known. on the contrary, they considered it useful. it was added to chocolate, bread, toothpaste, creams and medicines. marie curie herself died precisely because of chronic radium poisoning.
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december 21, 1940 into service with the working peasant red. the army adopted the ppsh. pistol, machine gun, shpagina. the legendary weapon of victory and our most popular machine gun times of the great patriotic war. the main advantages of the ppsh were its high firing range for this type of weapon, bursts of more than 200 m, high rate of fire and incredible reliability. among the disadvantages, it is large, heavy, and could shoot itself when falling. popsha became a symbol of the soviet wartime soldier. he appears in all soviet foreign films.
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station luna 13 and after 3 days it softly landed on the lunar surface near the western edge of the ocean of storms. for the next 3 days, the station transmitted scientific data, lunar panoramas, made at different heights of the sun above the horizon, and the physical and mechanical properties of lunar soil, determined for the first time. it turned out that the density of the soil at the landing site is significantly less than the density of the earth's rocks , the average density of the moon itself. new soil data helped improve the work. following stations, the designers changed the chassis of the research probe, the tracks were replaced with eight drive wheels. 4 years later, the automatic station luna-17 delivered the self-propelled vehicle lunakhod-1 to the satellite, which successfully coped with all assigned tasks. on december 21, 1991 , in almaat
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, the heads of eleven of the 15 former republics of the soviet union signed an agreement on the goals, principles and foundations of the new union of the union of independent states. this finally completed the collapse of the soviet union and became the logical conclusion of the meeting of the heads of the republics in belovezhskaya pushcha in belarus. the new association included all the republics of the former union, except lithuania, latvia, estonia and georgia. immediately after the almaty meeting, the heads of the republics were notified by the president of the ussr, mikhail gorbachev, that his post ceases to exist. and he began to prepare his resignation letter. in the following days until the new year, most of the remaining issues related to the collapse of the ussr were resolved. russia declared itself its legal successor. the opponents of the soviet union in the cold war still consider the collapse of this undoubtedly great state as their victory. and according to many modern politicians, the collapse of the ussr became the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century. this is
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what this day in history was like.
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buying or selling a car has become even easier and safer. now on government services you can not only sign an agreement, but also make payments using the new letter of credit function. why is it needed and how does it work? use, we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the program instructions. how to guarantee that the buyer will receive the car, and the seller will receive the money; the transaction amount will be exactly the same as in the contract. an intermediary bank can help here. the seller creates an electronic purchase and sale agreement using public services. only he can do this. how? we talked about it in one of the previous releases. there are very few requirements for those who can use this function. but. you need to be an adult, have a passport and a confirmed entry in government services, we will also need a state key application for smartphones, without it it will not be possible
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to sign electronic documents, in our case, a car purchase and sale agreement, the state key must be installed by the seller and the buyer. the main advantages of such a transaction are that both parties to the transaction have verified accounts, these are real people. belongs directly to the seller, the car is not wanted, not under encumbrance or any problems, making such a transaction on public services is as safe as possible. you can find the service we need on the portal in two clicks: on the main page, click on the “transport” tab, rights and select signing an electronic sales contract. on the next page, click start, and then select the menu item with a letter of credit. next, fill out the form. it is similar to the one used when drawing up a regular electronic contract for the purchase of a car, but when transacting with a letter of credit from the seller , the buyer has additional protection.
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the buyer transfers money to a special account in advance and the seller knows for sure that he has the funds for the purchase. the money is not transferred to the seller immediately, but after he reaches the traffic police within five days after signing, he registers the car in his name. if the buyer missed this deadline, the money will be sent to the seller automatically 5 days after signing. this service is really important, in demand, and in fact the registration the agreement takes place through a government structure, through a digital service that belongs to the state, thereby ensuring maximum security for both the service itself and financial payments. if the traffic police refused to register, then... the buyer will have a choice either to revoke the letter of credit, that is, not to transfer money to the seller and refuse the transaction, or to extend the validity of the letter of credit until
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the seller puts the car itself or the documents for it in order . the biggest advantage of electronic contracts through government services in that the system will automatically check that the car is not wanted or pledged and that the seller really is the owner of the car, so when transactions through government services the chances are... the car is checked for search, when filling out the application , an encumbrance and other restrictions are automatically applied. for both the buyer and the seller, the electronic contract service is completely free; there is also no need to pay for using a letter of credit. so far
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, only sberbank is a partner bank that has joined the letter of credit service for government services, but this temporarily, gradually, other banks will provide this service. neither the buyer nor the seller needs to come to a sber branch, the offices are not visited, and the credit is issued directly on the state services platform. the only thing participants need to do for transactions is to select a letter of credit as a payment method. let us repeat the main thing: in government services it has become possible to conduct car purchase and sale transactions through a bank letter of credit. the use of a special account protects the interests of sellers and buyers. the service is free for both parties to the transaction. so far , only sber is opening letters of credit, but the list of partner banks will expand. there are still questions you want us to tell you. about plans to expand the service of transactions through government services, write to us in telegram, do not hesitate, we will contact the necessary experts and give all the answers in the next issues,
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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promise me that you will sing from the bottom of your heart, i promise, temporary musicians, this is... a group, this is the same boy who charmed everyone with his songs.
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today is a very important day, of course, the thirtieth anniversary of the federal assembly of the russian federation, but for many present here, this is a special day in the history of our country, this is a special day, the day of the security officer.


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