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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 21, 2023 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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vladimir putin held a meeting on the development of the eastern railway range, focusing on the modernization of the baikal amur and trans-siberian railways. freight traffic has already increased, the target indicators are 180 million tons per year. the president emphasized that facilities need to be updated taking into account the power reserve. we have been consistently expanding the carrying capacity of the eastern landfill since 2013. during the first stage
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, over 5.00 km of track were laid and updated, bridges, tunnels, traction substations and locomotive facilities were built and reconstructed. as a result, in 2021 the carrying capacity of bam and transib increased to 144 million tons per year, but let me remind you that the target indicators were higher, namely 157-168.
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flamethrower systems solntsepek of the central military district. they operate in the krasnolimansk direction. after being hit by a thermobaric projectile , assault units with the support of armored groups enter the battle from the line of combat contact, report by war correspondent alexei boranov. cloudy weather for the solntsepeg heavy flamethrower system, of course, in help, low clouds make all movements of the vehicle less noticeable for reconnaissance strike drones of the armed forces of ukraine, despite this, the crew performs the march from cover to the firing line and deployment before combat work as quickly as possible. today the sun is shining in the krasnoliman direction of the utyra ledge. the heavy
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flamethrower system of the central military district strikes the most fortified stronghold of the ukrainian military in the kremen forest, often hidden several meters underground. the reconnaissance drone, with the help of which they discovered this enemy fortified area, records the accuracy of the hit with thermobaric shells, so i’m not working on your side. the next salvo hit the area where infantry and armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces were preparing for a possible breakthrough attempt. the work was carried out at night, it was an accumulation of enemy manpower, for the minimum amount of resources spent , more than 20 units of equipment were hit, the fire support noticed that a drone was flying behind us, they began to hide the vehicle, with the task done successfully, car. after strikes
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were made on enemy positions by heavy flamethrower systems , the motorized rifle units of the central military district were sent to the front line at full speed. assault units, which will have to operate on the front line inside vehicles, on armor. during the landing of assault groups on the line of combat contact, fire cover is vital. bmp-2 suppress enemy positions while infantry is fighting on the first line of defense of the ukrainian armed forces. bmp-2 delivered the assault group to the landing point, provided cover and now the vehicle is returning to its main location . on the next site.
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news: line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, krasnolimansk direction, torsky ledge. the eu country will join
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the us operation against the houthis in the red sea, the head of european diplomacy, josep barel, announced. meanwhile, the threat of the yemeni rebels makes itself felt. ikea global said product shortages are expected. due to disruption of deliveries by carriers, and shipping companies still do not express hope for the success of the american initiative, because already more than 100 container ships have redirected insurance premiums and oil prices are rising, and the chaos in the red sea is intensifying. the israeli city came under rocket fire, for the first time since the beginning of the war it was attacked after midnight, the idf forces launched retaliatory strikes, they hit the military positions of the syrian army. previously, in the dutch area. heights, the israeli military recorded four missile launches. meanwhile, in gaza, the offensive ground operation continues along all sides. tsahal declare that they do not intend to retreat until the hamas infrastructure is completely destroyed. our
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duty to dismantle the terrorist infrastructure extends beyond the present. it is to prevent the existence of such a terrorist infrastructure, eliminating the ability of terrorists to fight and plan. carries out an attack against us in the future. hamas rejected israel's offer to stop fighting for one week in exchange for dozens of hostages. the issue of exchange will not be considered until the idf stops military aggression in residential areas of the enclave. at least 11 civilians were killed after overnight attacks on a mosque hospital in rafah. many rescuers are still searching under the rubble of destroyed buildings. the ministry of health of gas reports that 2000. 10 days after the presidential elections in argentina, protests, hundreds of people dissatisfied with the economic policies of the new government
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blocked the streets in the center of buenos and unhooked the presidential palace. the authorities do not stand on ceremony with the protesters, javier miley threatens to imprison all those who disagree and also deprive them of benefits. atmosphere, anger and rage, a crowd of people marching along delgrana avenue, walking towards the main square. hundreds of mass demonstrations have gathered here. the target is the presidential palace, where javier miley, who was elected more than a week ago, now sits; the protesters do not agree with the president’s policies. he is a dictator, his repressions will be put on...
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when you realize that someone, coming to power, is abolishing all your constitutional guarantees, you go out to protest. argentina's new leader is spinning nuts, the demonstrators shout, disbanding immediately. nine ministries have collapsed the pess exchange rate from 350 to 700 per dollar, meley calls his policy shock, the people of the country are chanting, they are in shock. there are people who could barely make ends meet without him, now they are simply fighting for their rights, they just want to have a job, to be paid a normal salary, so that doctors’ salaries are not delayed for several months. and when he came to power, he placed his people everywhere. harshly disperse protests of participants shares to add to the list of unreliable grievances of argentines is off the charts. but the main thing is hyperinflation, it has already reached 160%,
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residents write in panic. this is terror extermination. it's like an operation that a patient needs. the problem is that we won't survive after it. these measures. will lead us into even greater poverty, i have bread in the refrigerator, enough for a couple of days, wages are being cut, transport tariffs, on the contrary , are being raised, argentines say politics is nicer, into poverty, i can’t find a job, there is nothing on the labor market or they are paying pennies, my father and my mother are also unemployed. i’ve been surviving all my life, i worked in a mine, i did a man’s job, all for the sake of the children, they need to be fed. the protesters assure that miley should hear them, but the police are blocking the way, there are detainees, including pensioners and people with children, in order to disperse the demonstration, the security forces used tear gas, newspapers report, there was a strong crush on some demonstrators.
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economic development is below 7.5%. for now, on to other topics. the eastern direction of russian
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railways is now in great demand. transportation volumes are growing loading guaranteed for years to come. vladimir putin announced this on wednesday at a meeting on the development of the eastern training ground. this is a project to update the bama and transsib networks in order to increase their carrying capacity. as part of the second stage, next year it should increase to 180 million tons. vladimir putin. instructed to clearly define the parameters of the third stage, and also stated the need to create reserve capacities beyond the planned indicators. i would like to draw the attention of my colleagues in the government in arzhd, in this work it is important to ensure the alignment of the plans of the railway roads and cargo shippers, owners of seaports, builders of related infrastructure, including energy facilities and networks, as well as the development of border crossings. at the same time, it is necessary not only to achieve the set targets, but , as they say, to lay down capacity reserves
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so that, if necessary, in a short time and at low cost, expand the capabilities of the railways. about 50,000 personal accounts have already been created on the rossimushchestvo marketplace. the portal, in particular, allows you to buy or rent from the state real estate, the entire procedure, starting with registration, takes only about 20 days. about this in the program of maria kudryav. there is a solution - said finance minister anton silanov. all this is now contained on the website of the federal property management agency, and for this you just need to register, open your personal account, about 50 thousand such personal accounts already exist, and the number of participants is increasing every year, since after all, the state is a large owner, states probably have the best conditions for the sale of property.
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according to rosstat, prices for cucumbers and eggs rose especially sharply, by more than eight and 4.5%, respectively. the ministry of agriculture expects that after the new year the cost of chicken eggs will stabilize. prices for chicken eggs are expected to stabilize after the new year. this will be facilitated by an increase in domestic production and receipt of products. from friendly countries at zero duty, in particular , 612,000 eggs from azerbaijan were imported to russia this week, and
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deliveries from turkey are also expected within 2-3 weeks. at the end of the issue, let me remind you that exchange rates are today dollar 9.40 euro 99 rub. 4 kopecks that's all i have for now. russia, traditional, modern, technological, original. open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes. come to the international exhibition forum russia. in the krasnoliman direction , ukrainian fighters are suffering heavy losses in the area of ​​the tor ledge. our units massively use kamikaze drones. with precise strikes they hit enemy armored vehicles, destroying them along with their personnel.
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the results of the work are already being recorded reconnaissance uavs. i saw and analyzed these shots. how they are pursued, overtaken and smashed to smithereens by russian drones, it’s endless, you can look at the burnt islands of ukrainian western armored vehicles on the snow-covered fields and roads of the tor ledge. an eloquent and extremely impressive video from the krasnoliman direction. enemy armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles are trying to escape, but nothing works. footage of objective control of fire damage. the work of scouts of the twenty- fourth separate special brigade. this the latest modification, flashed like straw, firstly, they hit very accurately, secondly, they know where to hit, that is, for example, when there is a moment with a leopard, they know for sure that the rear tower of the leopard is the place where the ammunition rack is located first
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stage, these are not lancets or geraniums, these are so-called self-assembled drones, the cheapest option. they catch up with armored vehicles at any speed, even yurki, supposedly bmpp, are still on fire, so he dives slightly, increases speed, it is impossible to get away there 60, 70, 80, 100 km, the equipment will not run away, nine , ten, eleven inch propellers, these are large drones, these are self-assembled, so-called drones, a drone with an experienced operator hits any enemy equipment without a miss, for example, a burnt t-72 tank, here is a drone on ... overtakes a ukrainian armored personnel carrier. in principle, it does not matter to them whether to destroy soviet, post-soviet equipment, ukrainian, in the case of the btr3e, or, for example, nato quite modern models, because we see the tsv-90 lined with additional protection. here it is, the tsv-90, supposedly the best delivered ukraine has european infantry fighting vehicles, as it
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was advertised in the western media. and our drone apparently hit the engine compartment. an armored vehicle, it seems, at first. it’s still going, but then it stops, smoke is coming out, the crew is in a panic, they get out, they are running away from the equipment , trying to lie down in a rut on the side of the road, one is clearly wounded, that’s it, the attack is foiled, what happened, the drone hit the rear ramp or the swing doors there, yes , he hit there and people there got a concussion, but the mechanic didn’t get it, he was sitting in front, maybe he didn’t get it concussion, so he was the first to get out and began to pull out his own, because the jet is accumulative, when it goes, it turns out to damage. the engine compartment, and there is also an ammunition rack, of course, they were afraid that the ammunition rack would explode , it would most likely explode, because it began to burn, drones cost pennies by military standards, and cause colossal damage, this armored personnel carrier, for example, cannot be restored. russia has a kind of triad of drones, spot fpv for virtuosos on the front line, incomparable lancets for the front line operational rear, but they are already
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then they began to fly in, and the formidable geraniums , for the deep rear of the enemy, howl so that it takes on horror...
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all this equipment was destroyed in just a day of work of one of our detachments, so kiev will soon have no armor left at all. deposit - the best interest rate in savings - is an easy way to profitably invest money online. just one button, the investment in your child’s future has already been made. one button. and savings grow at the maximum rate, one button, and you look forward with confidence, together, open a deposit with the best interest rate with a maximum rate of up to 16%.
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the drawing of two billion from the russian lotto is already close, rather for the tickets, it seems to me that my grandfather is hiding something, vanity, fireworks, a new year's light, lights the lights, a magic staff. fairytale assistant, grandfather, and we have something
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tasty at home, let's conjure something, no, conjure, snowman courier, it is proven, my grandfather is father frost. on new year's eve , anyone can turn out to be a wizard, someone very close to you, a random passer-by or a fellow traveler, at home on the edge of the earth; it is very easy to create miracles if... do it from the bottom of your heart, happy new year , wizards, one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, there’s no way to cancel that file, artyom, it’s a megaphone,
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, enterprises in the zaporozhye region are gradually being restored, some are even increasing production volumes, for example, the hydrosila plant is soon planning to sign a new contract and expand its staff, and the reinforced concrete structures plant is already operating. under contract with the ministry of defense, what they are producing and what other tasks, margarita semenyuk will talk about this. production at full capacity, import substitution policy on the russian market. the hydrosila plant in the zaporozhye region produces lifting mechanisms for special equipment. they wanted to ruin the leading enterprise in the region, which under ukraine supplied 70% of its products to the cis countries, but it didn’t work out. the company is planning a major signing of an agreement with one of our, well, industrial... groups of industrial enterprises on the territory of greater russia, and , accordingly, this also increases the scale, increases the scale of production, which leads to
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an expansion of staff; by the end of the year, the company will have about 200 vacancies in the assortment of new parts, pumps and couplings. the state enterprise melitopol gas is the only one servicing distribution networks in the region; for safe, uninterrupted gas supply to residents of the region , 60 new machines were handed over to emergency crews. we have. we all have a job, a salary, a decent salary, logistical support, that is, we clearly fulfill our task, as if, well, with all this there are no problems, mariupol from berdyansk concrete slabs are produced at the reinforced concrete structures plant in the zaporozhye region, the company helps neighbors recover from hostilities and rebuilds residential buildings, almost 2,000 external, even more internal floor slabs, from here they are transferred to the dpr. production has started. materials
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from the reinforced concrete structures plant are used in the construction of city roads, thanks to all these efforts, from moscow to melitopol and berdyansk, we have completed repairs during this time 13 roads, five major repairs, this is complete and eight repairs, where partly the so-called maps, 8 tons of bread, more than 2 tons of buns per day are produced in berdyansk. and this is not the limit. with the beginning of the svo, the plant did not stop, but expanded supplies; products go to the donbass in the zaporozhye region; russia supported it at a difficult moment. they did to help, yes, they provided us with flour, they provided us with yeast, they provided us with sunflower oil, and they also provided the tver region with a stove that we will use. first we tried out a new oven, little guests of the bakery, showed schoolchildren the whole production process and held a master class, the children
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made cheesecakes with their own hands, buns with poppy seed jam, i think it’s heavy, work there at night too, bake bread, knead the dough there , this is hard work, well, if you work, then there must be a sufficient salary for such work. the excursion was organized by the state grain operator, surprises were prepared, and on the eve of the new year holidays, santa claus congratulated the young bakers snow maiden. you are so sad, hungry kolinka. holiday in the center of berdyansk, the main christmas tree of the resort town was installed here, creative teams entertained the children in the images of famous and beloved characters from soviet cartoons. what the hell am i talking about, special attention to children in the front-line areas of the zaporozhye region, where shelling does not stop. ninel lives here with her mother, the volunteers found out about the girl through the military and no
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doubt called her.
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now there has been a working contact between the two school leaders, despite the military situation, regular shelling of the canopies from the ukrainian armed forces, children do not pay attention to the sounds of arrivals in the school assembly hall and decorate the christmas tree for the matinee. margarita semenyuk, alexander smychek, lead zaporozhye region. "investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general , here's how to achieve what you want have reached, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went, is
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russia ready to change?"


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