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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 21, 2023 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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for the russia exhibition at vdnkh, arkhangelsk prepared a concert of accordionists, a fashion show, a master class on horse-printing, and a large program for region day. how the region lives today and what are the development prospects, this is the report of our colleagues from pomurye. in the 14th century i am called. linen of the country's navy,
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today it has become the center of russian nuclear shipbuilding. the arkhangelsk region is the region with the prefix, it has the largest reserve of forest resources in the country, the northernmost cosmodrome in the world, and even a drawable railway bridge that is the northern one planet. all roads lead to the port. the region accounts for more than 20% of the total fish catches from the northern basin. pomorie is the most important point on the northern route, the infrastructure of which is being created on behalf of the president. car drivers and railway transport, this is , firstly, much more. longer, and secondly, it’s all significantly cheaper. the legendary enterprise sivmash connects the arkhangelsk region with the protection of maritime borders. over 83 years , the plant delivered 138 nuclear and 40 diesel submarines to the navy. one of the latest projects received the symbolic name arkhangelsk. everything is domestic, and domestic projects, and materials, and equipment and systems, devices, everything is domestic. another pride of the region is the plesetsk cosmodrome, the only one in the european part of russia. for 65 years from the cosmodrome launch complexes. 1,660
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orbital launches of launch vehicles have been carried out, a dynamically developing industry in the region, construction. in 10 months, 351,000 km were completed. the pace is ahead of the indicators for russia and the northwestern federal district. the development of housing construction was discussed at a recent meeting by president vladimir putin and pomorie governor alexander tsebulsky. it was noted that the demand for new housing will also be supported by the far eastern mortgage program and its actions. in the arctic zone was supported by the president; during the meeting, the program of resettlement from dilapidated emergency housing was not ignored. you can see how since 1919, if we started with one house, then in the twenty-fourth, twenty-third year it was already 33-38 houses. today we are ahead of the curve planned indicators by 20% in terms of the volume of resettled housing. where there is new housing, there is new social infrastructure. in arkhangelskaya there is now a school with 1,600 places. there are only four such projects in the country. construction was carried out within the framework of the national education project. we actually have the first school with
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a swimming pool in arkhangelsk. we have basketball, volleyball, and floorball. bandy is the sporting calling card of the arkhangelsk region. kubvodnik won the russian championship nine times and won the national cup six times. on malinovka's courses took champion heights. the ski center became the base for training the national team, as well as for holding all-russian cross-country skiing competitions. the arkhangelsk region is proud of its cultural heritage. this includes an open-air museum of wooden architecture, small karelians and the man-made beauties of the kinozersky national park, included in the list of the most beautiful villages in the world, kimzha and verkala, the birthplace of fyodor abramov. it is the portrait of the famous writer and the landscapes of the northern village that now adorn the arkhangelsk airport. the first stage of its reconstruction has been completed, the new runway is ready to accept even more flights and thereby expand the geography of flights. we have an excellent airstrip, no worse than
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the regional one in the capital, st. petersburg. new year's arkhangelsk also looks like a capital city. it must correspond. this year the region has already been visited by more than 300,000 travelers. 150 tourist routes have been developed and opened for them. artemy zavarzin, alexey kruglov, vesti pomorie. to avoid spending too much, order products the selection includes a profitable shelf. for example, pink salmon caviar with a 35% discount, for only 449 rubles. delivery is free, scooter without extra expenses. thick walls, high floor, when there is an interference signal, in order to have good mobile communications in the house, you must first turn on the cat. with wifi technology, use mobile communications even where there is signal interference. biline is on your side. the feed has everything for the new year. we have prepared for your holiday table. chain with apples and
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prunes for baking for 269 rubles from brand lentafelta highsens tvs - this is a bright picture and surround sound, this is the realism of the image. exciting imagination. highsens technologies that change lives. magic conditions - a real rate of up to 16.5% per annum on a savings account at gazprombank. your money works and you receive additional income. apply online at this is the ecology of the city. this is an investment in the health of our children. this is clean air. they talk about switching transport to methane and protecting nature, but it’s not just that. methane is cheaper savings on every kilometer. being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose eco-gas, refuel at gazprom stations, this year the russian lotto is giving away as much as 2
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billion, welcome the new year as a billionaire, buy tickets on the website in branded stores with toloto, sportmaster, only original ski equipment from good that the apartment is insured with a favorable
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protection policy for any event from sberbank, lookout, that’s right, smart trio, technocamon 20 pro kit with a communication accessory for 10,000 rubles. tatyana, participants would have to spend up to 190 billion euros on integration. for now, on to other topics. the eastern direction of russian railways is now in great demand,
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traffic volumes are growing and load is guaranteed for years to come. vladimir putin announced this on wednesday at a meeting on the development of the eastern training ground. this is a project to update the bam and... siba networks in order to increase their carrying capacity. as part of the second stage, next year it should increase to 180 million tons. vladimir putin instructed to clearly define the parameters the third stage, and also stated the need to create reserve capacity beyond the planned indicators. the state duma committee on property issues sent a proposal to stabilize the situation of russian post to the ministry of digital development. we are talking in particular about additional capitalization of companies, including funds from the national welfare fund. the first stage is 124 billion rubles. to repay debts on early borrowed loans. the company spends up to 15 billion rubles a year on interest payments on loans and leasing payments. the second stage could be allocation of 70 billion rubles. for technological
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re-equipment of the post office. construction of new modern distribution centers, modernization of post offices, including rural ones, purchase of domestically produced vehicles, digital technologies. our. the goal is to bring russian post to a competitive position with major global players in the postal services delivery market. the airport in beijing refused to accept russian airline flights. according to information , tasperevozchik turned to the ministry of transport for help to resolve the issues. the companies noted that previously received confirmation of slots and rights to operate flights from the chinese side, and also confirmed their readiness to fulfill additional requirements of the airport. despite the readiness. in vladivostok, krasnoyarsk and irkutsk. passengers were transferred to
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other aeroflot group flights without any additional charge. two enterprises associated with rus-neft have changed their place of registration. as tasd learned on december 19, the companies nigart and bradinar were numbered.
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be irresistible this winter, everything for makeup from your favorite brands is already waiting for you at varis, watch the cska match, kgl championship fund on december 27! it’s good that the apartment is insured with a favorable
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protection policy for any eventuality from sber. new year's discounts in a magnet. smoke sausage dymoch 1499. magnet - the price is what you need. pairs scandinavian burger scandinavian burger with chicken at a bargain price, only tasty, period. we decided to get married. congratulations, when the wedding, son, the wedding still needs to be saved, saved, vtb has the best rate on the savings account - as much as 16%, it will be much faster, it’s easy to top up and withdraw, cool, it’s easier to do everything online in vtb, so save up right now, i opened a savings account with vtb, and together we’ll save up faster, and we ’ll help, of course, everything will work out. vtb, win when you create special moments. when you find a reason to get together, when you give joy to your loved ones.
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order at scooter, sbermarket and megamarket and win 10 million rubles and other incredible prizes. this year, russian lotto is giving away as much as 2 billion. celebrate the new year for billionaires. buy tickets on the website and company stores. one of mine friend has a difficult relationship with the internet here is the file. there’s no way to cancel, artyom, it ’s a megaphone, everything flies with it, only for megaphone subscribers, i demand that the banquet be continued, ryaba, fabulously delicious, i want to say, stop a moment, on the contrary , a moment, don’t stop, gazprombank premium, privileges for sports. travel privileges, the most flexible bonus program. gazprombank premium, we appreciate you,
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you appreciate the moment. win when you find a reason to get together. order at sbermarket, megamarket and scooter and win 10 million rubles. the law on citizenship of the russian federation explained as clearly as possible who can. how to become the owner of a passport with a double-headed eagle and why is citizenship deprived? we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the instructions. first, let's talk about how many citizenships you can have. citizens of the russian federation who have dual or multiple citizenship are considered by the russian federation only as its own citizens. russian federation foreign citizenship does not lead to the termination of russian citizenship. citizens are required to notify the ministry of internal affairs about their foreign
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citizenship within 60 days. a russian citizen who has received foreign citizenship, nationality or type of residence must always notify in all cases. but you need to understand that in this case we are talking about obtaining citizenship either as a resident, or as a type of residence, that is, obtaining permission to... elderly people over 70 years old and disabled people of the first group do not need to take an exam in language and history, but many may not wait 5 years, citizenship can be immediately applied for by those
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who have signed a minimum military service contract for a year, refugees and those who received a political license. as well as those who came to russia under the program of voluntary resettlement of compatriots, but all these citizens still need to pass an exam in language and history. without exams and without waiting , those who were born or lived in the rsfsr, or all citizens of the ussr who had permanent registration in the russian federation as of november 1, 2002, can apply for citizenship. also, those who have one can immediately apply for a passport. relatives in direct ascending line: father, mother, grandparents, or those whose daughter or son is already a citizen. as a general rule, a child acquires citizenship of the russian federation if at least one of his parents is a citizen of the russian federation. the same rule applies to relatives in the direct ascending line,
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even if at the time of filing the documents, the relatives have already died, and it is not necessary that your relative in the descending line was a citizen of the russian federation, it may be that he was citizen of the ussr or rsfsr. if federal or regional authorities have issued a combat veteran certificate to the foreigner and have written a petition to the ministry of internal affairs, then he, too, can receive a passport without exams and without a long wait. marriage to a russian citizen does not in itself give the right to citizenship. we also need a common child, including adopted children. you can get a passport. for good studies. a diploma from a russian university with honors, successful completion of a bachelor's or master's degree with a year of work in the specialty in russia, all this gives the right to apply to the nearest migration department with application for citizenship. the application itself is considered for 3 months. this period can be extended by the same amount if time is needed to verify all documents. if you
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are abroad, contact the consulate or embassy, ​​the application will be considered. six months, the president of russia has the right to accept a foreigner or stateless person into russian citizenship in a special manner without examination of five years of experience in the country. the president can do this for special services to the country, or if this a person is of interest to the state because of his special knowledge or talents. not all applications for citizenship are approved , for example, those who brought false documents, fought against the armed... forces of the russian federation or simply serve in foreign security forces, participated in extremist organizations or are under investigation or serving a sentence in their country will not see a passport. country for crimes that have analogues in russia. citizenship can be terminated either voluntarily upon application from the citizen, or when committing serious crimes. this is a crime against sexual
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integrity, counterfeiting money and securities, illegal drug trafficking and weapons. espionage, treason, evasion of military service and desertion, this is not the whole list, the main thing is that the crime committed or preparation for it poses a threat to the national security of the country. the federal security service issues a conclusion on what actions create a threat. a citizen of the russian federation has the right to voluntarily renounce citizenship, regardless of the conditions for acquiring citizenship. by birth, or, accordingly, recognized or accepted citizenship, but forced termination of citizenship is possible only in relation to a foreign citizen who has been recognized as a citizen of the russian federation or accepted as a citizen of the russian federation, that is, not in relation to one who received citizenship by birth. so,
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to summarize: the new citizenship law gives more people the right to obtain simplified citizenship. ok, no waiting while five years of living experience in russia has accumulated, some will still have to pass exams on knowledge of language, history and the basics of laws, and some, for example, the elderly , can do without this; citizenship can be terminated if it was not obtained by birth, but only for actions that threaten national security. do you want to learn more about migration rules or how to prepare for exams in the russian language, history, basics...
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next, about the most significant events of this day in history, in a selection by ekaterina burlakova. how i remember this day in history, we’ll tell you right now. hello. on december 21 , 1868, the battle of prilomas valentinas began, a key event in the paraguayan war that was ongoing. about 5 years in the sixties of the 19th century. paraguay was an economically developed country, but did not have access to the sea; trade had to be done through neighboring uruguay, and
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brazil invaded there with the support of argentina, so they had to fight with them all. the paraguayan army was stronger than the troops of the triple alliance and initially won, but britain began to help the opponents. in the battle of the turning point with valentinos, the paraguayan army was destroyed almost all and... radium, a product of the decay of uranium 238. radium polonium, which, by the way, was also discovered by the curies, receiving the nobel
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prize for this, the most radioactive chemical elements in the world, although at that time the discovery was theoretically, in order to obtain the element in practice, and in tiny quantities, it took years to isolate just 1 g; for the sake of it, several wagons of uranium ore, 100 wagons of coal and a lot of water were required. at first. xx century radi became the most expensive metal in the world, a gram of radium cost as much as 200 kg of gold, but at the time of curie, the dangers of radioactivity were not known, on the contrary, radium was considered useful, it was added to chocolate , bread, toothpaste, cream and medicines; marie curie herself died precisely due to chronic radio poisoning. on december 21 , 1940 , the ppsh, a pistol , and a machine gun were adopted into service with the working peasant red army
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. it appears in all soviet foreign films about the war, is depicted in numerous... and memorials, from the arsenal of the soviet army, it was removed back in in the sixties of the last century, when it was replaced by the kalashnikov assault rifle, ppsh can still be found in the departments of the ministry of internal affairs of a number of cis countries. on december 21, 1966 , the ussr successfully launched the automatic interplanetary station luna 13 and 3 days later. she landed softly on the lunar surface near the western edge of the ocean of storms. over the next 3 days, the station transmitted scientific data, lunar panoramas taken at different heights of the sun
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above the horizon, and the physical and mechanical properties of the lunar soil, determined for the first time. it turned out that the density of the soil in the landing site is noticeably less dense than the average density of the earth's rocks and the average density of the moon itself. new soil data helped improve the operation of the following stations. the designers have changed.
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former union, except lithuania, latvia, estonia and georgia. immediately after the almaty meeting, the heads of the republics notified ussr president mikhail gorbachev that his post was ceasing to exist, and he began to prepare a letter of resignation. in the following days until the new year, most of the remaining issues related to the collapse of the ussr were resolved. russia declared herself his successor. the soviet union's cold war opponents still consider its collapse beyond doubt. great state with its victory, and in the opinion of many modern politicians, the collapse of the ussr became the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century. this is what this day in history was like. traveling
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musicians? move the bright leader, the legendary musical quartet and the irresistible troubadour, this is my group, hello my fans, here, where have you been before, why have i never seen you, i fell in love with the princess, but the king is in the way our love, you can’t do without deception, i’m with you, the palaces are silent vaults , they will never replace freedom, it’s gone, call the strongman, accepted, grab them, the fairy tale that the donkey was waiting for, that the dog, the cat, the cockerel, they called themselves temporary musicians, i actually sing too, temporary musicians.
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chaos in the red sea, large corporations are already expecting shortages of goods and rising prices due to the military threat to shipping, what statements are being made in washington and brussels? the strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces are destroyed one by one by our mortar operators, combat footage from our war correspondents.


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