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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 21, 2023 1:30pm-1:58pm MSK

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having formed a new engineering core, the core is something that, well, without which a specialist cannot succeed, the same fundamentality, they increased the amount of practical training, well, that’s what it showed, in fact, nothing at all has passed, and you know that the experiment has started or the pilot project started right before the admissions company, so there was increased demand or interest from applicants. in all universities for these programs, the number of applications has increased significantly, therefore, confidence in such programs is greater, and employers are very actively interested, we have included them everywhere, essentially in the revision of the programs themselves, we have added something, removed something, and now we are doing a lot of work to ensure that not only the terms of study and the content of the programs, but also the formats and methods of education have also changed, because the modern world allows us
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to intensify the educational process using the most advanced developments. after all, in the 20th century we live in an information world, unlike, say, the 19th or 20th century, and here it is important to very wisely combine advanced technology and good old university education. thank you. thank you, valery nikolaevich.
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hello, he's coming back, oh , i missed you, sklefosovsky, the city falls asleep, wakes up , eight new episodes, all seasons at once, an amazing person, he's just tala, the new year is now, sklifosovsky, watch it before anyone else, in the app or on the website.
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and now a briefing by the chief of the general staff of the russian armed forces for foreign military personnel, otash. our traditional meeting today ends with the official international event of the ministry of defense of the russian federation this year. in
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my speech i will dwell on the situation in a number of regions of the world and how the armed forces are addressing the main tasks. currently , staff changes are taking place, a new multipolar world is being formed, the hegemony of the united states and its allies is becoming a thing of the past. washington strives to maintain a western-centric structure at any cost. building a world order, ensuring global dominance and the ability to dictate terms to other security countries. united the states and their allies are systematically destroying the norms of international law, undermining the role of the united nations as a key institution harmonizing international, interstate relations.
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washington's deliberate actions destroyed all the basic agreements that constituted the defeat of russia and the implementation of peace of trust in the european sphere. the european continent has become an arena of political and economic confrontation between the west and the russian federation. accelerated integration of sweden and finland into the alliance, the increase in the military presence of nato troops in eastern europe, the baltic and black sea regions, as well as in the arctic has
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a negative impact on the situation in europe with the prospect of increased confrontation. the intensity of activities remains high. operational and combat training conducted by nato joint forces. every year, about forty major exercises are held near the western borders of russia, the scenario of which is based on armed confrontation with our country. increasingly , states that are not members of the alliance. at the same time, the west seeks to create new ones.
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the usa is preventing the normalization of peaceful life. russian security forces. illegal mining continues in the northeast of the country, under the auspices of the united states. it should be noted that the irresponsible policy of the united states has led to another round of escalation of the situation in the middle east. thus
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, the long-term palestinian-israeli confrontation resulted in open armed confrontation with numerous casualties among them. the situation in africa remains difficult, the main negative impact on it is development is influenced by political instability and long-standing internal conflicts in the countries of north africa and the sahara-sahel zone. sanctions policy.
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the states and their european allies are blackmailing african leaders to achieve their neocolonial goals. in the transcaucasus , the situation remains tense, but has a steady tendency to stabilize. in september of this year, thanks to the mediation efforts of russian peacekeepers , a ceasefire was achieved within 24 hours. during the course of combat. actions russian peacekeeping of thousands of civilians in their places of deployment, subsequent safe exit to the territory of armenia of almost the entire population of karabakh, air transport of peacekeepers delivered almost 300 wounded to hospitals, while our military contingent continues
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to carry out tasks as a guarantor of the possibility of building a peaceful life for the return of residents to the region . the russian federation is leading the way on the political track. caucasus to the conclusion of a peace treaty between baku and yerevan, as well as the settlement of the most acute armenian-azerbaijani contradictions. the asia-pacific region has seen a sharp increase in the potential for conflict. its main reason is the actions of western countries aimed at undermining the asean-centric security architecture. thus, the creation in the asia-pacific region of military blocs similar to nato, such as aucus. the alliance of the united states, japan, the republic of korea, and other military-oriented quasi-alliances
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are bringing threat challenges to the region similar to those faced by europe today. interaction within the framework of aokus allows participating countries not only to modernize their armed forces in terms of conventional weapons, but also to develop their nuclear component, which is detrimental to the global non-proliferation regime. there is a rise in tension according to a scenario orchestrated by washington around myanmar, taiwan, the korean peninsula, an aggravation of territorial disputes in the south china sea, as well as the west’s use of conflict disputes.
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in the field of exploration and production of natural resources. to achieve this, we are fully developing
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grouping of forces in the arctic, creating and modernizing the necessary infrastructure to support its activities. additional work was carried out on ships along the northern sea route . in june of this year, changes were made to the relevant rules. swimming. the key factor in shaping the military-political situation, both at the regional and global levels, is the crisis in ukraine. taking place as a hybrid proxy war of the united states, this is a war at the hands of the ukrainian people. countries collective the west ignored russia's demand to conclude a mutual agreement. security defiantly supported the neo-nazi
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regime in kiev, which unleashed the destruction of the russian-speaking population of the donetsk and lugansk people's republics. for 8 years, the west has been actively increasing the military potential of the ukrainian armed forces, pushing kiev to forcefully resolve the conflict in the donbass and invade the crimean one. under these conditions, russia was forced to begin a special military prolongation of the ukrainian conflict. with this operation. today, washington is pursuing the goal of sending significant military and military-technical assistance to ukraine. since february 2022, more than 5,200 tanks and armored combat vehicles have been transferred to kiev.
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corridor to crimea, the enemy’s plan was to blockade melitopol by the end of the fifteenth day of the offensive, and subsequently advance with access to the coast of the sea of ​​azov, the city of mariupol and the border with crimea. to achieve this goal, by the beginning of june the enemy concentrated
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an offensive group in the zaporozhye direction numbering 50 battalions. more than 230 tanks, over a thousand armored fighting vehicles, half of which were modern foreign- made models. subsequently, this group was increased to 80 battalions with the aim of a layered system of engineering barriers and defensive positions. having begun their offensive on june 4, the armed forces of ukraine, at the cost of colossal losses , were able to make little progress in the zaporozhye direction, failing to even overcome the tactical defense zone of our troops, not changed the situation on the battlefield, additional supplies of western weapons to the kiev regime for their introduction into battle, to the ukrainian commands of strategic reserves. these
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actions only increased the number of losses in units of the ukrainian armed forces. thus, the widely publicized counter-offensive by ukraine and its nato allies failed. over six months, the enemy lost more than 300 armored fighting vehicles in all directions, including 766 tanks, as well as 121 aircraft and 23 helicopters. russian the troops are successfully conducting an active defense.
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the enemy, defense enterprises and critical military facilities , in total about one and a half precision weapons were hit, and there was a significant decrease in the production of products of the military-industrial complex of ukraine. operational-tactical and army aviation makes a great contribution to solving the tasks of a joint group of forces. it is used around the clock in simple adverse weather conditions. every day , headquarters, command posts, a warehouse with military equipment and ammunition are hit by fire, and also to the places of deployment of personnel of the armed forces of ukraine. during a special
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military operation, air defense troops operate effectively. this year they. over 6,300 aircraft, more than 100 storm shadow guided missiles, up to 90 harm anti-radiation missiles, as well as 30 missiles, operational-tactical systems, and more than 1,400 projectiles for rocket systems and integral fire were destroyed. combat operations have become of various purpose classes, with the help aerial reconnaissance is carried out using drones to the entire depth of the group formation.
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4,700 civilians, including 140 children, over 500 more people were injured, more than 16 thousand residential buildings and almost 3,500 civilian infrastructure facilities were destroyed, including about 700 educational and over 200 medical institutions. attempt on journalists and representatives of the donetsk and lugansk administrations.
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transmissions of the leningrad and kalinin nuclear power plants. in the current situation, the ministry of defense of the russian federation continues planned activities to strengthen the country's defense capability. during the year, the armed forces solved problems of increasing combat potential, improving the training of personnel, methods of command and control of troops with weapons, as well as equipment. modern models of weapons and military equipment in the strategic nuclear forces, the yars and avangard complexes, as well as the modernization of aircraft in
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long-range aviation, ensuring their use of modern high-precision long-range coral missiles. member of the naval the fleet has accepted another nuclear- powered strategic submarine cruiser of the borey a type, emperor.
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provides combat aviation, navy, ground forces, with all types of weapons, missiles and ammunition. this year, for...
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china and india, active and comprehensive cooperation has been established with the dprk. the smo-plus anti-terrorism exercise was successfully conducted with the participation of more than 600 military personnel from 12 countries. chairmanship is provided jointly with laos.
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