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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 21, 2023 10:00pm-10:24pm MSK

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his family owns land, apartments and houses in russia, italy and the uk. as minister for open government, she was responsible for finding new forms of interaction between society and government authorities. the obyzov has been in place since 2012 . this government position was abolished in 2000. open government was integrated into the program for the development of the digital environment and innovation, and a year later obyzov was detained. mikhail obyzov was arrested for 20 80 million rubles. the owners of obyzov received from 5 to 12 years colony, but two former top managers of sibek, yana balan and oksana rozhenkova, were released from custody. they can enjoy freedom, but for obyzov this is now a great luxury. his dizzying career without fame.
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the dock ended. alexander mostovay, dmitry frolov, kirill kryuchko, khalemet kuchmezova and maxim shevchenko. news: the court on duty in oklahoma finally admitted that a mistake had occurred. associated press reports this. now the man is a kind of record holder, because this is the longest term conclusions that have been officially recognized as unfair throughout us history. but this doesn’t make things any easier for simons himself. he went to jail at 23, and now he is already 71 years old. now the pensioner is forced to live and treat his illnesses on a donation. the state promises. very modest compensation, and only when a budget is allocated for it. all operational. this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. the kiev regime intends to call
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to the front ukrainians who have left the cordon, a resonant interview with defense minister umerov german media, but why do his own children live in the usa? the united states is now looking all over the world for missiles for patriots in order to supply ukraine with more air defense, washington is taking off the shoes of other satellites, how many additional salvos. will be able to give the american grain loaded with explosives, ivleeva’s private party , which everyone found out about, including social activists who ask to check the bag for propaganda of sodomy and drugs, nastya is in danger, there is an endless snow-covered field ahead, the enemy is holed up somewhere there, his own people are behind, which it is necessary to cover, protect and somewhere between the whole... the scene is a special operation zone,
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a mobile phone camera recorded the most crucial minutes for each military man, counted moments before it is necessary to go on a combat mission, and, of course, the sound deserves special attention row, through the howl of the piercing wind it is difficult to hear, but you can still distinguish the monotonous voice of the priest who reads a special prayer from the ancient rite, about soldiers going to battle, similar to... parting words from the orthodox priests in combat zones are now not uncommon, however, perhaps for the first time, the general public saw in detail how russian soldiers pray before an attack, and who they are fighting against, anton potkovenko will remind. bronzing shots, unity, incredible calm, when you can immediately see whose side is right, this is a prayer before battle, a tradition from the depths of russian history, luminaries, and maybe snipers in characteristic mask robes, here... i placed the weapon
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butt on the frozen ground the ground, the soldiers cross themselves, stand up, they are about to go into battle, blessing the lord will be upon all of you , smile, and let your heart be strong, trust in the lord, amen, the video was sent by father victor lenok, he and other priests, we are together with the guys, with the whole squad, after they confessed, they communed the saints... they prayed the verbal mysteries before their next departure on a combat mission, unexpectedly for me everyone knelt down, and this video was filmed by our driver, this tradition has been inherent in the russian army since time immemorial, alexander nevsky, dmitry donskoy, alexander vasilyevich suvorov , fedor mikhailovich ushakov, holy righteous fyodor ushakov, there’s no other way to say it, that’s what kiev, the west, what are they trying to oppose to such an army?
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today's ukraine follows the course of the western, philosophical and religious, they are building a post-human civilization, where identity is denied, both sexual and... religious, and national, and today we, of course, are at war with the father of all lies, with civilization of lies, so, by the way, on the soldier’s helmet, pay attention, the st. andrew’s flag is also a tradition, this is military history, so our fighters, in the midst of a battle under the enemy’s return fire, save the wounded, pull him out, because we don’t abandon our own, this is suvorov’s commandment, we treat prisoners humanely, this is called the mercy of a prisoner and they will bandage them and feed them. and what do they do, they send their own people to the ssu to die, really to be slaughtered , with no chance of a tow truck, when the ocu sect begins to rule the kiev pechersk lavra, when mcdonald's is covered in lviv, photo, by the way, from the official website of the city council, in the pauses between battles, the sushniks are rehearsing funerals,
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naturally with an imitation of some kind of semi-pagan funeral ritual and hooting in the background. in confrontation with these sectarians, our people pray before the battle. and this is real, this is deep, what is in the subcortex, in the mentric field, are russian knights with icons in their hands. in ancient times, the russian army came out, whether it was the kuljakov field , or standing on the eel, they came out with a black banner on which the face of the salvation not made by hands was depicted, and this in itself was an icon, which, having prayed, russian soldiers began to fight, today we see moment from the side of ukraine, where some kind of coven of various semi-pagan cults is going on, runes of vira, fighting hapok, paganism and fascism, of course, neo-nazism, which is pushing modern ukraine into the abyss, they filled
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swastikas and pray to bandera, so they die, it’s immediately clear, where is the darkness and where is the light, remember how this year, during easter week in april, vladimir putin brought to the front an icon of the savior to be created by hand. our attacks, russian soldiers contrast the obscurantism of kiev with their faith in god, in themselves, in our victory. during the so-called counter-offensive, the troops of the kiev regime were unable to overcome even the tactical zone of the russian defense and paid with colossal losses for attempts to attack the positions of our armed forces. valery gerasimov made such statements today at a briefing for foreign military attaches. the chief of the general staff emphasized that he had not looked, but he will tell you what else was discussed. stanislav vasilchenko is celebrated. summing up the results of 2023, valery gerasimov recalled: the west, led by the united states, strives at any cost ensure global dominance and the ability to dictate terms to other countries, suppressing their legitimate security interests. the united states and its
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allies are systematically destroying the norms of international law, undermining the role of the organization that formed the basis of the arms control system. the escalation of the palestinian-israeli conflict, blackmail of african leaders, hypocritical policies in the transcaucasus and attempts to dominate the arctic, the presence of the west and its desire to divide and rule is felt today by everyone continents. we note the build-up of nato's power potential in the asia-pacific region. there is an escalation of the korean peninsula, an aggravation of territorial disputes in southern china... the strategic defeat of russia, the arena of the same method used in attempts to achieve confrontation has become ukraine. this
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war is being waged with the hands of those actively supported by the neo-nazi regime in kiev, which unleashed the destruction of the russian-speaking population. donetsk and lugansk people's republics. and today washington is doing everything to delay ukrainian conflict. continues to pump kiev with weapons and adheres to its main principle: war until the last ukrainian. during the special operation, the army of the kiev regime, according to the ministry of defense, lost about 160 thousand people, and there were already thousands of violations of international humanitarian law. only on the territory of the donetsk people's republic from february 2022. more than 4,700 civilians were killed , including 140 children. over 5,000 more people were injured. almost 16 thousand residential buildings were destroyed and damaged. 3,500 facilities over 200 medical
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institutions. however, the initiative is in the hands of the russian army. kiev's inability to control this process disappoints western curators, which is why their military assistance is needed. may very soon come to naught, while russia is strengthening its defense capabilities. the staff strength of the army was increased to 1,320,000 military personnel. share of modern weapons in nuclear defense. brought to 95%, the troops received the composition of the navy, four more submarines and eight ships were accepted, with in this regard, the ministry of defense continues to increase the pace of interaction with foreign military departments. particular attention was paid to strengthening reliable mutually beneficial bilateral relations within the framework of the union state, the csto, the cis, as well as with friendly states from the asia-pacific region. the ministry of defense will continue to work with the armies of foreign countries
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next year; the chief of the general staff asked military attaches to assist in this. stanislav vasilchenko, lead. despite everything, the minister is full of optimism. positive characteristic from the publication bielt the mood of the head of the ministry of defense of ukraine rustem umerov, who , against the backdrop of the complete failure of nezalezhny, is still trying to give some encouraging comments, in particular to journalists... to gather strength to realize their desires, and this news made all
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ukrainian male refugees nervous boris ivanin wondered whether the army of fugitives would return to ukraine. the kiev regime essentially announced overseas mobilization, from which even in europe, ukrainian refugees cannot escape back to the front. with this, in essence, slogan , bilt publications come out, the information of which , after publication, they rushed to extinguish in kiev itself, they say it is only about significance. military duty, although here is the exact quote: all ukrainian men of military age from 25 to 60 years abroad must appear at the military recruitment centers of the armed forces of ukraine, they will be sent an invitation, that is, summons. the leadership of ukraine is repatriating its citizens, returning them back, forcibly, using hidden mechanisms; there is already quite a shortage of, let’s call it, personnel for replenishment thinning ranks of their offensive brigades. they do this.
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said that laws in europe in the united states do not exist at all, the poles began to do this, simply without advertising it already six months ago, catching citizens of ukraine and simply physically, taking them across the border, to the border with ukraine, that is, in fact , europe, then his the children live abroad, so ukrainian reporters found the minister’s declaration, and there are passport details for both the son and the daughter, the documents, as it is written, were issued in the usa. and below is the line in connection with which they were issued citizenship, in total umerov has three small children, but all other information
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is classified, the ukrainian name defense is now repelling the attacks of indignant citizens, the children - quote, are exclusively citizens of ukraine, they were simply given documents in the states where the family died, they will still catch only ordinary ukrainians , they are indignant in the comments, he saves his own skin, and the rest turns out to be cannon fodder, people write, what is the point then in defending a state where the authorities have no plans. own children, but how effective is the defense of ukraine with such here is the minister, if at the slightest danger he himself is ready to flee overseas, from the very beginning of the special military operation, all the leading politicians of ukraine carry out military operations against the russian federation, they continue to deceive their people, continue to steal money and send this money to the children felt comfortable abroad, again let him return all three of them. since last february
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, more than 22,000 ukrainians of military age have entered germany , most of them, almost 190 thousand, are now there put under the gun. vladimir zelensky recently announced these plans. moreover, the verkhovna rada of ukraine is preparing a new law on mobilization, which will significantly tighten the conditions for conscription. the conscription age will be reduced to 25 years, and judging by umerov’s interview, this is exactly what appears. the figure is already a decision, but the most terrible thing in ukraine is the registration of women in the military, well, then the minister died at the time to return his native woman to ukraine, what a fool, so why not now... she doesn’t get behind the wheel, for example, bradley. pay attention to the situation around israel. without commenting on the actions themselves, almost all the children of the entire israeli leadership are on the line of combat contact. as far as i remember, some of them had already died. and the situation in the ukrainian colony, where the first thing
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the leaders who come to power do is try as quickly as possible. the elite, if , of course, they can be called that, they won’t climb a bar. this business. within 24 hours , the russian military eliminated over seventy militants in the ssu in the zaporozhye direction, in the neighboring yuzhno-donetsk in the area where the vostok group of our troops operates, enemy losses amounted to up to 65 personnel. in addition, according to the ministry of defense, several artillery pieces and a tank were disabled there. about the situation on the contact line, report by eduard punigov. our anti-tank fighters in the vicinity of the village of novodonetskaya. the goal is a stronghold of the opponents. strip, the actions of the partners have been brought to automaticity, okay, let's go, let's leave, the crew leaves the battlefield as quickly as possible, at any second it can a response projectile arrives, it goes, it goes, this is how the crews of the mitis anti-tank missile systems and the vostok group work in the southern donetsk direction. these mobile
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missile strikes against tanks, armored vehicles and concentrations of enemy personnel. the missile is capable of accurately hitting the target. behind the shell and i turn left, my assistant helps me , says right or left left right everything up down everything she signed the contract some are afraid sitting at home on the sofa, well let them sit then we will defend we will stand to the end anti-tank crews are working the very cutting edge. therefore, they never stay in one place, they are on duty along the entire front line, helping the assault infantry to open the defenses of the ukrainian armed forces. shot. the same nomadic tactics are used by the name-markers; this is a neighboring section of the front in the same direction. the soldiers of the thirty-sixth army are firing. the fighter with the call sign phoenix is ​​also a contract soldier, he has been at the front for almost a year and a half,
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his wife is waiting, yes, she responded well, she understands what needs to be won in this. in a war, if we don’t win here, then the war will move to us there, so we must win here. towards evening , intelligence data arrived. a mortar crew today destroyed another ukrainian armed forces stronghold and helped our infantry advance even further. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. now there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast. an army of ukrainian drones made of plywood. they didn’t bother with the design of new plas, and ukrainian beavers are falling in sevastopol, overloaded with explosives, vascular disorders, blood clots, valicosis, the cause of these health problems can be poor blood vessels, medicinal
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things about whether such a quantity of leaky air defense over kiev, and other cities of the square, will save the western press, naturally
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