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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 21, 2023 11:30pm-11:59pm MSK

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illegal migration is like a persistent headache for london; only in the last 2 years have more people reached the english coast across the english channel in inflatable boats.
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illegal immigrants who come to britain need to be kept and fed somewhere. processing asylum cases lasts for months, more than 160,000 of them have already accumulated, so all this costs a lot of money. the british government claims that the cost of maintaining migrants is 6 million pounds sterling per day, so they decided to rent this barge, bibi stockholm, to at least partially reduce the load. although from the very beginning this project caused a storm of discontent from the outside. used as a shelter for homeless refugees. journalists who visited there wrote that people were treated like prisoners. the uk refugee council has published information that the company that owns the barge, bb lain, has historical ties to the slave trade. the british government ignored any reproaches, proving that...
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it is difficult to stand alone, in my opinion, this is a place of detention. for entertainment, there is a relaxation room, a small gym and two open areas for outdoor games. migrants have to. as she was moored in portland. the first batch of migrants consisted of only 39 people, but even they had to be hastily evacuated. in the ship's plumbing system discovered a bacterium, legionnaires' disease. the fire department had questions regarding the safety of the barge. and finally,
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not everyone in portland was happy about such a neighborhood, although bibey stockholm is hidden in a closed area that is well guarded. take these bags to the assistance center. per day, for a total of approximately 300 refugees, each costing £205 per
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day, more than the estimated £140 per night hotel stay. the news of the death of a man who sought political asylum in britain came exactly at the day when... illegal migrants to rwanda. the idea of ​​sending those seeking asylum in the uk to africa dates back to the time when the government was led by boris johnson. the first deportation was due to take place in june 2022. the plane, rented for half a million pounds sterling , stood pointlessly at the airport for several days. not a single migrant could be brought on board. after the european court of human rights banned the sending of iraqi refugees to rwanda, others others have had successful appeals. in britain, the government changed, and the new minister of the interior, suela broverman, personally inspected the hostel built in rwanda for those who
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were going to be deported from england this spring. these houses are simply beautiful, high quality, everything is very attractive, i must say that i like the way they worked... at that time , the project had already cost london 140 million pounds sterling, although none of the migrants flew to africa. in november of this year he spoke out against such deportation supreme court of great britain. the judges found rwanda to be an unsafe country. in addition, there is a high probability that migrants could be sent back to the countries from which they fled. sunak's government decided to get around this ban by passing a law through parliament.
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in march of this year, the british parliament passed a law according to which illegal migrants are not eligible for asylum and are subject to deportation. according to the uk home office, of the more than 100 thousand illegal immigrants who arrived
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over the past 3 years, a little more than a thousand people have been deported here, this is only 1%. 17 thousand migrants have completely disappeared from the sight of british authorities. if a person does not come to us for an interview twice or does not respond to our requests to fill out questionnaires twice, then we cancel such requests, but where? we have always said that this money goes not only to fight migration, but to
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develop economic cooperation. but how much money is there if not a single plane has taken off yet? let's look at this in context: we spend £8 million a day on migrants. but there are hundreds of millions of pounds we could spend on nurses, for example. maybe for other needs too, but don't forget that we spend 8 million pounds a day on asylum seekers, that's too much. and if we don’t do anything, then...
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they obviously don’t work. the opposition calls them cruelty and a waste of money. on the other hand, those who are not happy with the flow of migrants demand to stop it at any cost. obviously, there is no solution to this problem that would suit everyone. that's why the current migration crisis, and the topic has been promoted so much that there is no other way to call it, threatening trouble not only for prime minister sunuk and his government, but also for those who may come to replace them.
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we’ll tell you everything about the elections in russia , we’ll tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, why watch the elections, a proud grandfather came home, i’m one of the party ’s appointed observers, i’ll keep an eye on the elections so that the people and the election commissions will do everything they acted according to the law, like in spy films, i immediately dressed up my grandfather as a secret agent. and i got him binoculars, i have such vision that i can see any violation like an eagle, besides , i went through special training, according to russian law, a smartphone is enough for me, now my grandson knows which icon to press, i’m trained in the procedure, i bought a cooler camera, i won’t be lost, my friend, i won’t let society down, choosing aside is free, important, honestly convenient. you choose what you need
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and submit an application, and after the auction, literally 10 days later, the federal property management agency can conclude an agreement and you can work, create something new, you will have to do financial model, if it is a delicious cake, of course. that is, films were made here before, no, there used to be a project for a vegetable base in which props were stored, an example of proper cooperation with private business, as a result, the state received studios, that is, the capitalization is phenomenal, we need, of course , to work more effectively on to sell property that could be useful for... the development of regions for high-quality territorial planning and social projects. launched in october 2022
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federal property service online, here is the result: sales of real estate state property have tripled, and 65% of all applications for the purchase or lease of land come online. we went to find out from the entrepreneurs themselves what advantages this solution has. sometimes it happens that... the lift gets confused, for example, a person's eyes widen, fear, panic and he has to evacuate down the snowmobile, well, once a season it happens, i think, once a week, especially. on weekends. borovskoy kurgan is a historical place. it was discovered in the late forties young skier and future general designer of the zvezda plant, guy severin. the company develops life support systems for astronauts, and the pilots underwent training and rehabilitation on this slope. you should definitely try it on, it fits into the spacesuit itself, and indeed this glove was used
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in outer space in the nineties of the 20th century. did the astronauts help this place too? create yes-yes-yes with the support of georgy beregovoy cosmonaut twice hero of the soviet union, they fought together for a long time so that the zvezda plant received this area. the business is continued by the grandson of the legendary designer ilya severin. now there are already four tracks here and a fifth is being prepared for opening, and this slope has been abandoned for years. it turned out to be much easier online to keep watch until the land returns to the treasury and it can be rented. it turns out that they are astronauts. in just over two months you can get a plot or property for rent, but before, when the astronaut was given acceleration, how much was it? according to the documents that exist, 3 years and 3 months, there is a difference, i signed it,
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so that notifications would arrive, and as soon as they appeared, they immediately turned it on. the process is quite simple, again everything is online. on the new route the terrain is more difficult for those who have been involved in winter sports for a long time, but for beginners like me there are easier slopes, mom, and mom, mom, mom, class, you can find the marketplace on the website of the federal property management agency, , here. you can put a rent or purchase filter, designate your region and select an asset, from a land plot to the wood remaining after construction, submitting an application will take no more than 5 minutes. a convenient service for business, an opportunity for the state to give new life to objects that stand idle and ultimately increase contributions to the treasury. i
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have a bag of money and i came to buy or rent some state asset, so i think that’s enough, well... there’s probably 5 million here , you can rent something, i think some kind of premises for doing small business, you can recommend trying yourself in business, real, real, that is, becoming a fan, i love it, especially dessert, i think trading will suit you well, how to buy something or how to rent it, i’ll tell you a foreign word , a marketplace where you can see what ’s for sale, what’s for rent, starts with... it took 3 months to rent a room for business development, maybe to buy a plot to open an agricultural production, all this is
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now contained on the website of the federal property management agency and for this you just need to register and open your personal account. about 50,000 such personal accounts already exist and the number of participants increases every year increases increases, because after all, the state is a major owner, the state probably has the best conditions for the sale of property, you can take advantage of various benefits that the state provides, all this is here, it turns out that what is the advantage for a businessman, for an entrepreneur, in -firstly, speed, now it’s possible in 20 days. arrange everything, open a personal account, this is from twenty to twenty, yes, and the main thing is that you can see what will be put up for auction, it’s not a pig in a poke, uh, everything is in advance, it’s published here, the territory the central moscow hippodrome, where a legendary riding school was founded in the mid-20th century, but in the nineties it
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ceased to exist. the tradition was continued by the equestrian club, which reconstructed the manet building in the early 2000s. how was the issue of renting land resolved? the story is that in the twenty-first year we applied for property and received a lease of two plots of land on which our club is actually located. is it more profitable if you rent from the state? since we have a sports facility and we directly carry out activities in the field of equestrian sports, develop equestrian sports, and preferential benefits are provided for us. the legendary shwe in the ussr was the only riding school of this magnitude for both professional athletes and amateurs. now there are more than 70 horses. i need any support, why is it important that you are not renting at full price? heldon will not let you lie, our task is to make sure that horses
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are always in the best conditions, you cannot treat a horse as if it were some kind of business equipment, this is a living creature, this is our friend, so he bows to you and says that he is the most important here in the equestrian club. in 2022 , the club was one of the first to register. the treasury property tenant's account on the website of the federal property management agency, in order to save not only money at a preferential rate, but also time , document flow has become much faster, you can track status, applications or letters on absolutely any topic online, a number of requests received a response in less than a day, that is, galloped , galloped, got everything, didn’t have time unsaddle the horse, the paper has already arrived, in general... everything is very good with the speed and, of course, it’s convenient to use. you are entrepreneurs and want to find a state asset at a preferential rate, through the rosimushchestvo marketplace, go to the gis bidding portal.
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you can participate from anywhere in the country. an important point is that the application requires a qualified digital signature. the easiest way is to use the state key application. bidding takes place according to three scenarios: classic bets on price increases. if the lot is not sold, plan b. dutch auction, where the bids go. on demotion. the third option is without announcing the price. participants themselves voice how much they are willing to pay. a large amount of property is under the jurisdiction of federal state unitary enterprises, or even simply under the jurisdiction of our federal ministries. today they use this property, whether efficiently or ineffectively, we don’t know, because it may not be leased to specialized organizations, it may simply not be used, and often simply. no one is watching it, it is in charge, so you need to carry out such an inventory, and if this property is not properly used or is used for other purposes, such property should be included
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in our database, and we, together with the russian property management agency , are preparing appropriate proposals to the government and will consider them, when it is, we will make these proposals, i think that next year we will begin such work, massfilm is one of... the largest film studios in europe, since its creation in 1920 more than 2,500 films have been shot. 10 years ago a unique project was launched here: the developer received a plot of land for construction of a residential complex, in exchange he built two modern pavilions, a costume and prop house, and also the first cinema and concert hall on the territory of a mass film. there is a solution twenty-fourth issue camera, motor. karyn georgievich, good afternoon. this is a familiar prop for those who work. on massfilm, but now everything here is very unusual, for us this is of course such an epoch-making event, we can say that to a large extent we rebuilt massfilm,
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because it increased our capacity by 30 percent, there was nothing there, that the land that you transferred for the construction of a residential complex, there were pigeon houses there, and also, these were also artists, pigeons, or they were local residents, well, there was also, in principle, such a wasteland and there was just the building of this vegetable warehouse. in which the suit we were buried, but it had to be taken down, because it was monstrous, it was cold, completely unsuitable. we took the outskirts of massfilm for our projection, that is, we practically did not demolish anything here, except for this, this old vegetable base, yes, and accordingly, inside massfilm we also identified free, unoccupied spots, where we agreed to build the infrastructure that they needed. in the two new pavilions, work is scheduled six months in advance; it is important to save time. in the house of costumes and props, any of the hundreds of thousands of items can be found in a matter of minutes , it turns out that this vegetable base has moved here, moved here, but in fact it’s such a high-tech building, all the passages
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and levels are arranged in such a way that the director, without climbing into the steamer, can visually determine those details and those objects that he needs there for his idea, for his painting. alexey, well, who ordered a taxi to dubrovka? and this film was, but not only. beware of the car tritopol on prushchikha, quite a famous car. a unique feature of this garage is that any car can be taken for filming on any day. and before there was also a garage where all this was stored? some cars were stored on the street, some cars were stored under a canopy, and the fact that in general they have now all moved to a warm garage and completely different possibilities for maintaining technical condition - this is 100%. the infrastructure that was needed for this fleet. you can’t watch this on tv or on a computer, this is such a scale, a completely different feeling, before the appearance of this cinema and concert hall where they showed,
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there was nothing, that is, only your own viewings? well, when you make a picture, naturally you don’t look at the time, and then they just gave everything to the cinema, we never had our own like this, you said by 30%, so all this construction increased power, what does this mean, more projects, yes , this is the seventeenth pavilion, you saw how many cars there are, pavilions are in great demand, very necessary, especially of high quality, we have, frankly speaking, built a lot of pavilions in factories, you know something else, by the way, to create infrastructure. transport, engineering or social businesses can take advantage of support measures such as infrastructure bonds. one of the objectives of the national project is housing and the urban environment, creating effective conditions for partnership, business and the state. so, these bonds make it possible to attract funds from the market in securities, which are then used for infrastructure development. to date, six issues of such securities have been carried out for 90 billion rubles. 42 projects have already been approved in 22.
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even sites from the federal treasury are transferred electronically on the marketplace. one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars and asked to steal a cannon from the regiment for the sake of peace.
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the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia, yes, i’ll cut out your tongue now, we won’t hang you , we’ll sew it up, so i’d horse you tore it up, where are you going, drown yourself,
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