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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 23, 2023 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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siberia, siberia, yes, i’ll cut out your tongue now , we won’t hang you, we’ll sew it up, so i’d tear you apart with horses, where are you going, drown yourself, hello, i’m boris akilov, and i’m oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free headquarters thoughts. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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hello, the program correspondents on duty and i, maxim movchan, will tell you about the main legal events of the day. the leader of the teenage criminal group tural was transferred to st. petersburg mamedova. article 382. on operational footage of mabedov behind bars in a special car, he was brought to the northern capital on charges of a series of attacks on st. petersburg. together with his friends , mamedov was beaten. people in public places
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provoked conflicts. they recorded all this trash content on a mobile camera and posted it on social networks. during the investigation of the criminal case, 15 young people were detained, including minors. now they are all in custody. but the leader of the group, tural mamedov, managed to escape from the country. however, he was not free for long. the security forces quickly established his whereabouts. mamedov was extradited to russia, first taken to dagestan, now to st. petersburg. i will add that mamedov and his accomplices are accused. under two articles at once: hooliganism, incitement to hatred, enmity. strict regime for wasted pension in krasnoyarsk, a former official was sentenced to a strict regime for bribes and embezzlement. the former head of the regional branch of the pension fund went to the colony. the investigation proved that he signed contracts for the purchase of non-residential premises at huge prices, so he managed to collect bribes worth 100 million. fedorseev will continue the topic. the purchases were carried out by charges. even after the verdict was passed in
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the sovetsky district court of the city of krasnoyarsk, the former head of the district pension fund denis moiboroda continues to defend his version, however, he will be able to share it for a long time only with a very limited circle of people. may beard was found guilty of committing crimes under articles of embezzlement on an especially large scale and taking bribes too on a particularly large scale. assign my beard to denis alexandrovich. the punishment is imprisonment for 12 years, 6 months. with a fine of 1,300,000 rubles. investigators proved that the former head of the regional branch of the pension fund, together with his deputy, very freely managed the organization’s budgets, bought real estate for offices at exorbitant prices, and also provided contracts to businessmen they knew for kickbacks. in the first case, material damage to the state amounted to more than 25 million rubles. in the second - 75 million rubles. for assistance in the defendant received the contracts.
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the place where the official will serve his sentence will be a maximum security colony. the verdict has not yet entered into legal force; denis mayboroda has 10 days to protest it. fyodor eliseev, lead the duty department. bananas from cocaine arrived in st. petersburg. customs officers discovered a whole hundredweight of drugs in secluded parts of containers with overseas crops. it is reported that the cargo arrived in russia from belgium. the examination has already shown that the seized briquettes contain prohibited substances. based on this fact, the customs
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authorities of nwtu initiated two criminal cases, under paragraph b, part four of article 2291 of the criminal code of the russian federation. the article provides for punishment. life imprisonment. criminal cases were transferred for further investigation to employees of the ministry of internal affairs. he barely defended himself from angry hooligans and now he himself risks ending up in a colony. the ulyanovsk court is examining a high-profile case of an attack on a police officer. he had to shoot back from the rowdies in the hookah bar. read more alina skachkova. why a policeman opened fire in a hookah bar in the very center of ulyanovsk is clearly visible on surveillance cameras. near the bar counter, some visitors are loudly swearing. one of the guests grabs a bottle and smashes the captain’s head with all his might , a fight ensues, the law enforcement officers are knocked to the floor, as it turns out later, several hardened criminals at once, the brutal three-on-one beating lasts several minutes, but the vorgash policeman kusanasyan has enough strength to get up, so
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he wipes the blood from his face and retreats to the restroom, but the brawlers catch up there too, imprisoning his victim in the corner, one takes out a knife and attacks the operative, only then does he open fire in response. after the shooting , everything calmed down, the bullets from the traumatic pistol seriously wounded the attackers, they hit one directly in the neck, they were immediately taken to the hospital from the kolyana, then it turned out that the policeman was attacked because he defended the waiter, the criminals were too unhappy that the establishment was closing and they refused to leave, the kalyanany itself does not comment on the incident, apparently they are afraid that after this they will stop visiting them altogether, we would like to know from you about yesterday's incident. the druchuns were identified by ruslan ametov for murder, behind the scenes , quickly, linam kambarov, convicted of fraud, timur mustafin for robbery, some consider them members of an active organized crime group called soplevskys, why are you immediately discrediting us, all three employees fought there, this one took out a weapon , started
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shooting for no reason, no one stopped him, the troublemakers now tell their version during interrogation, the investigators of the investigative committee detained the attackers, they are being investigated investigative actions after they are charged , the issue of choosing a preventive measure will be decided. at the time of the fight, the policeman was talking, he was drinking only tea, and the criminals were drunk and armed, three of them attacked one, but amazingly, the officer now also risks ending up in a colony, the rowdies became defendants in a criminal case of hooliganism, an employee of the ministry of internal affairs, who alone stopped and charged with causing grievous bodily harm. the man who used the traumatic weapon is an employee of the ulyanovsk linear department of the ministry of internal affairs.
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tried to inflict stab wounds by pulling out a knife, i personally see here an attempted murder, the officer defended himself, there is no doubt, investigators will now meticulously find out to what extent the policeman’s actions were justified, because sanosyan faces not only dismissal from service, but also a real sentence of up to 8 years , here are the repeat offenders who attacked him, for comparison, there are only five. alena skaskova, oleg ivanov, lead the duty department. the evidence has been presented, the examination has been made public. the trial in the case is ending in st. petersburg.
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victim experts. in addition, the results of numerous forensic, explosive, and molecular genetic handwriting examinations were announced in court. during one of the meetings , trepova’s correspondence with friends was read out. so, she called march 25th day x, and a few days later she expressed her concerns. i'm really worried that i'll die or they'll put me in prison. better yet, let them go to jail. when will the meeting be? on sunday. trepova was recruited by the ukrainian secret services who were targeting her. started planned to be eliminated in case failure to complete the task, as it turned out, in addition to explosives , a car gps tracker was built into the figurine to track its location and listen to the surrounding environment. on the day of the terrorist attack, she removed a special magnet from the figurine, which activated the explosive device. the detonation
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was carried out remotely via an estonian sim card. it is possible that if at some point trepova had refused to carry out the task, she would simply have been blown up, that is, the accused was a real suicide bomber. one of the victims' witnesses eduard amelchenko suggests that trepova knew the approximate radius of destruction of the explosive device. apparently, specialists worked with her, that is, she knew the affected area. she refused, she went beyond 90°, where they didn’t go, trepova’s mobile phone helped the investigators to establish all the details of the crime, it contained all the important information, correspondence from the curators. in one of the chats , an entry with the address of cryptocurrencies was found. the date of the first operation was december 15 of last year, the last one was march 26. translated into rubles,
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trepov received 191 rubles from his curators for current expenses. it is not yet known what reward the foreign curators promised her after completing the task. daria trepova, accused of terrorism, will hear her verdict next year. the court hearings have now been adjourned. the next meeting is scheduled for january 15. the defense will begin to present its evidence. olga zhurenkova, mikhail shirin, vitaly kormazin, dmitry manushev, conductor, duty department. more than 220 sentences have already been passed by the representative ukrainian armed forces for crimes against civilians by russian military personnel. such data were presented at an operational meeting in mariupol, which was chaired by the head of the investigative committee. alexander bastrykin gave instructions to strengthen the work on the criminal prosecution of mercenaries from foreign countries, and here the flow of mercenaries is very active, so we must have time not to let them go.
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citizens of britain, usa, approximately equally 70, canada, from these individuals we collected evidence and made a decision quality of the accused in relation to 523 l. the main legal topics of the past week in the final episode of our program, today 18:15.
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what to do if a voice and even an image are easy to fake, and how to check who is calling or writing to you, a loved one or his digital copy? alexandra mostovaya discussed how to avoid becoming a victim of modern technology. instead of a smartphone for 1500 , apple-scented soap. dozens of clients of a large marketplace received an unpleasant surprise before the holiday. what's this? at what stage of delivery? hype, gold mine for
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scammers, how orders are stolen, where the demand comes from, avoid prepayment, that is, make payment only after verification. together with experts, we have studied the topic and will tell you where it is better to buy gifts for the holiday, canned poison, almost 40%. in russian stores it can be counterfeit, what manufacturers actually fill tin cans with, enough of me, don’t bother me with fat, in what conditions are the products prepared, where are they stored and what are the owners of the fishing business afraid of, and how did they stop illegal production at an official factory when there is already a deception going on, at least in name, then the products being replaced are some kind of spoiled products, we bought several types of popular canned fish and sent them for examination, was there an investigation into them? danilo, the verdict of the investigators
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in chelebinsk convicted two former employees of the investigative committee for a fatal fight near a nightclub. once upon a time, detectives, seeing a brawl near the establishment , decided to intervene in it in order to beat one of its participants to death. why, after the court decision, did one former investigator go to the colony about second home? andrey romanov will tell you. formerly inseparable friends. former investigators kirill zubkov and dmitry zykov chose completely different wardrobe items on the day of the verdict, the smooth zykov appeared at the central court of chelyabinsk in a jacket, and the gloomy zubkov came in... a tracksuit; a little later it turned out that both had guessed correctly with the clothes. tell me, do you regret what happened? why did you get into a fight? former employees of the chelyabinsk escort are being tried for a fight during which kopeisk resident vladimir goncharov was killed. i came from yakutia, the murdered goncharov vladimir, who was my nephew, can’t figure out how a man
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took it, who has a rank, yes, who is supposed to protect people, that’s it. took the man who was lying down and kicked him. the brawl that cost vladimir goncharov his life occurred at the end of may last year; early in the morning several guys fought at the entrance to a nightclub. the conflict, as it happens, happened out of the blue, someone spoke rudely to the lady, defenders immediately appeared and fists flashed. at this time , the then still active investigators, kirill zubkov and dmitry zykov, were driving by in a taxi. as law enforcement officers are supposed to do, they stopped the intervention in the conflict, although they didn’t break up the fight, they decided to take an active part in it, so zykov beats the now deceased vladimir goncharov, he falls and finishes off a helpless man with his foot in the face, he was lying approximately here, a man was sitting here and his friend was lying like that, straight perpendicular, roughly speaking, suddenly his legs were holding him, he was shouting like save, help,
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vladimir gancherov died before the ambulance arrived, the investigators of the tongues and teeth fled from the place incidents following a fight. they only detained a friend of the murdered guy, vladimir guzhevnikov, the namer who was communicating with me at that moment, and he initially began to say that it was most likely me who killed him, so we need to remember everything in full, how it was, they wanted to make me guilty, after wide public outcry and demonstrations in the media of a video recording in which zykov and zubkov beat the victim, they were detained and charged, later another recording appeared from the toilet of the bar where the investigators were resting, their unsteady gait hints at the fact that that they could have been drunk, judging by the clumsy fighting techniques that kirill zubkov demonstrated, and also aggressive, all this was taken into account during the investigation in court. zubkov, who kicked the deceased, was sentenced to actual imprisonment, which means he received a prison sentence of 7 years , dmitry zykov, for hitting the victim in the face, was sentenced to 10 months of restriction of freedom, and
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even those had already expired while the convict was under arrest at the beginning of the investigation, in the courtroom, serving his freedom in a fashionable jacket, zykov... he just patted his friend on the back, and he, in a warm tracksuit and under guard , went to prison. it must be said that the relatives of the murdered man were dissatisfied with the verdict. he must sit for 10 years, but according to zubkov, in general, he is the first instigator, he started everything, it all started because of him. convict kirill zubkov, in turn , considers the sentence too harsh and intends to appeal it. andrey romanov, lead the duty department. at the epicenter of a loud scandal. american detroit police were hit, it turned out that it was their fault in the city the maniac operated for more than a year, he was caught and released several times, with all the evidence in hand. students from the center for investigative journalism at the university of maryland brought the detective to light. associated press reports this. we are talking about the criminal case of serial killer dangel martin. he was also nicknamed the detroit prostitute hunter. martin drove into
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an abandoned building and killed four women. two more miraculously survived the abuse. so, it turned out that even a few years before these crimes, the police had at their disposal there was irrefutable evidence of martin’s guilt in a series of rapes, but no one conducted an investigation then. i think a lot of things happened that ultimately hindered the progress of this investigation. the police mistakes didn't end there. after the first murder in 2018, deangelo became a suspect. the officers had traces of his dna, but they forgot to put the man on the wanted list. during the year he was caught four times for petty hooliganism.
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in a sky blue suit and it seems with the same rosy hopes, valeria told chikalin that all debts to the state had been repaid, the couple had a court ban on using the internet due to a criminal case of tax evasion, subscribers were inspired and were waiting for the triumphant comeback of the popular couple on the social network. we were arrested by accounts of opportunity, that is, we wanted to pay it off right away, but there was no way to do it, so we found the money. borrowed from our friend. the total amount, including penalties and fines, amounted to more than 500 million rubles. and, it would seem, here it is, access to social networks, new marathons and sweepstakes and, accordingly, to big earnings at a distance.
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chikali's million army of subscribers, known under the pseudonyms lerchik and artyomchik, entrepreneurs built their empire by earning money from marathon online courses, a married couple had their own
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brand of cosmetics selling clothes, the spouses earned billions, while using a simplified taxation system, according to investigators, they deliberately split their business , when the income approached the established limit, an individual entrepreneur was created for relatives and friends. why do these schemes use propagation? the answer is tritely obvious: the first is a significant savings in money, which is sometimes measured in tens or even hundreds of millions of rubles. secondly, it is the difficulty of identifying such crimes or offenses. in the spring , a second criminal case was opened against the chekalins and the legalization of 130 million rubles. at the same time , the court banned them from using the internet, mail and mobile communications, and limited communication with possible accomplices. by the way, the last interview became the reason for verification. about violation of the ban, investigators petitioned to tighten the preventive measure until the presninsky court began to transfer valeria chikalina to house arrest, however, after the audit that
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the tax office recently initiated, a new turn in the case of popular bloggers can be expected. galina khungurieva, duty officer. new sex scandal in the usa. this time , action movie star vino diesel was accused of sexual harassment. his former assistant asta filed a lawsuit in the supreme court jonasson. traditionally. the molestation itself supposedly happened years ago, in 2010, but the girl experienced such suffering from the momentary insolence of a hollywood sex symbol that she still cannot survive this trauma. of course, there are no witnesses either, everything happened in a hotel room, vindiesel himself categorically denies all the accusations, he says he doesn’t even remember the assistant who worked for him for only 9 days, but who will stop this now, the next premiere with his participation is already in question. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels conduct the duty department honestly. detective , subscribe, also our investigations, watch daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective, our release is now complete, maxim ovchan was in the studio, see you on
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the russia-24 tv channel. when engaging in extreme sports, take precautions , look before everyone else, where is tsova, let me go, vosnetsova, i ’m in real life right now, you know, i’m not very comfortable, someone was killed again, what’s wrong with you, no sleep, no rest, subscribe look, this is ours... there is a communications band, somewhere he is running, somewhere he is in polish, somewhere he is squatting, a mobile kit, this is the main means of communication, the most important thing is that this facility must be ensured to function
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continuously, out of ten radio stations, we are repairing eight here, there is communication, there is, well done.
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what are you? traveling musicians? we don't have a bright leader. a legendary musical quartet and an irresistible trumpet tour. this is my group. hello my fans. lime, where are
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you? was before, why did i never see you did you see? i fell in love with the princess, but the king interferes with our love, we can’t do without it, i’m behind you, the tempting vaults of palaces will never be replaced by freedom, she’s gone , call your son, accepted, grab them, the fairy tale you’ve been waiting for, donkey, i, dog? cat, cockerel, they called themselves the remen musicians, i actually sing too, the bremen musicians.
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there are special operations in the kupinsky direction, where fighters are operating. our tankers are operating effectively in this direction. the crew of a t-80 bv with closed fire near the village of terny. and on one more positions they hit the enemy's fortified dugouts. the coordinates of the targets were transmitted by reconnaissance.


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