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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 23, 2023 6:30am-7:00am MSK

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it turned out that among the clients of this office there were influential local businessmen and officials who for some reason believed the scammer. according to investigators, the office of the illegal samara counterintelligence was opened by retired fapsi colonel pyotr antonov. he and his faithful accomplices ended up in the dock. the office also ceased its work. another group of security forces was neutralized by the capital’s fsb and ministry of internal affairs operatives. oleg beregovoy and alexey bessonov created a public organization called the committee to combat orc crime and also they printed a bunch of beautiful ids. the representatives of the committee were ordinary fixers, that is, they helped businessmen close their doors for money. affairs. during the next
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negotiations, the swindlers were caught red-handed. in their office, operatives found an impressive stack of ids, indistinguishable in appearance from those of law enforcement agencies, as well as profiles of members of the virtual committee for the fight against organized crime. as it turned out, the detained attackers managed to print and sell about 5,000 certificates. some owners of these xivs were caught during raids workers. traffic police and fsb of russia. public organizations with big names from various law enforcement agencies, as a rule, sell entire sets of magic candy wrappers. for 10 thousand rubles you can buy a pathetic certificate, an insert and a pass. surprisingly, there are people willing to buy.
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there are quite a lot of such dubious documents, our film crew was convinced of this. let me remind you that using the data of the killed terrorist, we ordered a special services certificate via the internet and received the goods by mail. here it is, attached to this cardboard instructions for its use, i quote the eighth paragraph. if a traffic police officer asks you to hand over the document to him, politely refuse. explaining to the employee that the document was issued to you by the head of the organization and you have the right to present it only from your own hands. end of quote. we decided to order the second document from the public organization fap, the federal law enforcement agency. under the guise of ordinary clients, we entered the lair of this office. there are always a lot of people here who want to get a life-saving crust. we waited in turn.
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law enforcement expert. it turned out that the laboratories of the ministry of internal affairs and the fsb have long been littered with similar crusts of fap. during raids, we have repeatedly come across certificates from the federal law enforcement agency, the so-called anti-terrorist center, which is apparently perceived as a government body engaged in serious work, performing serious tasks. in reality, this given public organization has no relation to government bodies or other law enforcement agencies does not have. the representative of the same fap organization , alexander samylov, was watched by security officers for a very long time. during the sale of the next certificate. the distributor of the left-wing xiv
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was detained knees hands you guys told you what?
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confusingly similar to the id of current employees of the fsb of russia. these data use symbols that are similar in appearance, which is also prohibited by federal law. id, the person who purchased it, photographed in the uniform of an employee of the federal service security, which is also prohibited by federal law. the main office of fapa of the federal law enforcement agency was located in the very center of moscow, on petrovka street. the founders of the public organization felt completely safe for more than 15 years, only clients with money and their high-ranking patrons came to the mansion, but in the fall of 2011 everything changed, the headquarters of the fap was surrounded by moscow
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special forces soldiers, fsb officers and operatives of the capital ubep. during the search, investigators found a secret a printing house where documents were printed for everyone . the workshop was located in a small basement, on the table there was a computer, a printer, and high-quality copying equipment. there were dozens of blanks in the desk drawers; in one of the envelopes they found holographic security elements that were glued to the id and pass forms. producers of left-wing sifs placed the main emphasis on state symbols, as well as on the use
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of words such as federal, secret, and especially important. for greater persuasiveness, the client could be dressed in a colonel’s uniform with the help of special computer. programs. the organizer of this money business was a former employee of the ussr ministry of internal affairs, vyacheslav polyansky. as it turned out, the office of the experienced operative was not located in the mansion itself, but was hidden in a small guardhouse behind two doors. the head of the fap was found by special forces. vyacheslav polyansky was not ready for the visit of the operational investigation team. are you hiding like a criminal? so, polyansky.
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for the fight against organized crime, your third certificate, paratroopers union russia, the paratroopers would have known, they would probably have killed you. fourth certificate: federal agency for order, fifth fifth, yes, why a certificate? association of veterans of the presidential security service, sixth id, where are you, how do you carry them in a box, is it an id, the international committee for the fight against organized crime, all of you? in one person, and this is that we have an international police association of the russian section, but you head it, or what? i am a member advisor there adviser, yes, it’s clear, and this is whose uniform, mine, your uniform, this is your uniform, yes, yes, it
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has stood, now, well, what do you have to do with the fsk, fsk, the federal service fsk how? federal union of cossacks, for whom have you prepared the forms, please tell me these forms, for whom will you prepare the forms, for whom how do people come who want, how much does such a certificate cost? joining an organization, yes 9. 9. great, why are you selling ids, your federal law enforcement agency, no one sells them, you are selling ids, and you are selling them a particularly dangerous criminal, we conducted an experiment, let me remind you that here they produced a certificate for us in the name of a terrorist who had already been eliminated by the security forces, apparently, the federal law enforcement agency worked according to... we don’t care who you are, pay the money and get a certificate. according to
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fap director vyacheslav polyansky, there is nothing wrong with wanting to get such a crust. at the time of his arrest, he himself had nine candy wrappers, one more beautiful than the other, everywhere polyansky was in photographs in a general’s uniform. fap employees admitted to us that they the organization has existed for 15 years, all this time they have felt completely safe. polyansky assured them that the agency had a serious roof, with which he shared profits. according to investigators, fapa employees managed to sell more than one thousand such certificates. couriers from other regions of the country came to the office every day and purchased packages of paper from the federal law enforcement agency. a fapa special vehicle was found in the courtyard of the mansion, plastered with signs similar to the symbols of the special services. after.
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in the fall of 2011, management of its own fsb security, together with colleagues from
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the ministry of internal affairs and the fso, carried out a large-scale operation to check cars with special signals and so-called criminal license plates. the operational groups were located in different parts of moscow, on the busiest roads, where cars with flashing lights most often drive into the oncoming lane. drivers of vip cars with big. that means the code, here is the code of the id that was issued, i don’t know, but
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it can be registered at the state level, there is a number, there is a kifr, there is a personal id number, please put the bag on place, there is reason to believe. and
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lieutenant general of the ministry of internal affairs sergei artamonov was driving around moscow in this mercedes, and this is how he introduced himself to the traffic police officers. during the check, a special signal, a baton, a general’s uniform, and a weapon were found in his car. artamonov refused to submit to the demands of traffic police inspectors and fsb operatives. well, why are you attacking the general, that you have nothing else to do now.
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what are you doing? special services officers are checking on what basis citizen artamonov drove around
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moscow with a blue beacon of weapons. and in general does this citizen have anything to do with it? to the structure of the ministry of internal affairs. after each such large-scale operation, russian intelligence officers put packs of fake ids, passes, inserts, and so -called all-terrain vehicles into large boxes. those who used fake ids of law enforcement agencies are subject to criminal prosecution, but those who like to brag. with the red coats of mythical structures such as the federal law enforcement agency, the committee for combating corruption and organized crime , forever ends up on the black list of the real ones law enforcement. this is how we saw the shadow market for fake ids and passes. this was an honest detective story, only you can draw your own conclusions. meeting of russian president
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dmitry medvedev with heads of law enforcement agencies, investigators.
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corpus delicti. the topic, as it turns out, interests everyone. the head of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, clarified that previously there was indeed criminal liability for the use of such certificates, but now this norm does not exist. probably then you can think about returning to the restoration of this crime, because some of these citizens really don’t just occasionally get something out there somewhere and solve their problems, but simply put it on stream or... try to penetrate large structures, in institutions , counterfeiting is criminally punishable, but in those cases when you didn’t counterfeit, i didn’t counterfeit, i bought it, i’m just presenting it, i ’m presenting it, i found it, yes, but before this would have been punishable, well, yes, counterfeiting , that's right, fake, it's still there naturally forms a composition, but it needs to be proven that he drew it himself, he will say that he did not draw it, that he
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simply bought it there for 3 rubles, they are just acting very cunningly now, they basically call themselves those structures, this terrible. they create, in principle, no relation to government structures; they do not have a security academy, as i understand it; and on june 13 , 2013 , an organization of scammers called tagansky was finally liquidated in russia. moscow, at the request of the prosecutor's office , decided to ban the russian bureau of this pseudo-international organization. crusts with the symbols of law enforcement agencies are usually used by swindlers to... deceive gullible businessmen, now ika krim and its head of lies, general anatoly remizov, will have to close the main office and branches. we are fighters, we
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are servants, soldiers. a colossal apparatus. we are paper, important people. we are people. we were, and are, we and will be, we will be, we do not plow, we do not sow, we do not build, we are proud of our common, united formation.
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lisagon tv. it will be called as long as we mistake crows for falcons. i hope, you will understand why we named our program that way, and i look forward to seeing you. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people , we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear, clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give a recipe
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in general, that’s how to achieve what you have achieved? it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off and went, is russia ready to change, in any structure, a revolution is happening. look how very safely they stored the drugs. there is no doubt that they conducted clinical trials on unsuspecting people. african swine fever is back in sumy. hallera in ukrainian nikolaev. new cases of batulism.
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and medicines for these diseases, which they themselves brought here. we'll take on this matter. this will be an honest detective.
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the crews of the shtarmov su-25 of the space forces destroyed strongholds and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces in the krasnolimansk direction. the blows were delivered unguided s-8 missiles. all targets were destroyed. immediately after , the attack aircraft shot off heat traps to avoid a retaliatory attack and returned to their home airfield. today we performed a flight as a pair, a combat sortie in.


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