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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 23, 2023 8:00pm-8:20pm MSK

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neither at the moscow city court, nor at the moscow city court, the young man will have to spend many years behind bars for high treason, now his days are monotonous and subject to a strict prison routine, it turns out that he has deprived himself of his future, of state affairs... espionage, well, in general they and audiences watching tv, to be honest, and secondly, well , you’re thinking about whether it’s worth it, whether it’s worth it once again, maybe, to pay attention to and trust such media, it’s very difficult conquer trust in the source of information and it is very easy to lose it, in the case of... his son, well
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, bearing in mind that perhaps he is the same, well, most likely he is the same decent person as his father, instead sofronov began with this information trade, and not just trade, not just use it for some commercial purposes. in this program, we provided the opportunity to express their position to all participants in this case.
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this is what we saw in the spy story of former journalist ivan safronov. this was our investigation from moscow and the krasnoyarsk territory. this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. so, today in... in the election headquarters of vladimir putin , the collection of signatures in his support began, the current president is running in the upcoming elections as a self-nominated candidate and, by law, he needs to collect 300,000 signatures. volunteers of the popular front are also involved in this; in moscow, the collection of signatures is organized at the central headquarters in gostiny dvor, as well as in shopping centers. there is a lot to be done about how the process is going in russian regions. for our country, well, at this time, now it is necessary, therefore.
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has changed for the better, everything from everyday life to work there and the like , so even the situation is different , now you walk down the street, people’s faces have somehow changed, life has become more fun to look at, 2016 president of the russian federation vladimirovich putin supports our movement, for my part i decided to support him too, since 2018 the rules for collecting signatures have changed a little, now the voter is obliged to do so. by hand indicate your last name, first name and patronymic on the signature sheet. volunteers are carefully explained their tasks, because all documents will be submitted to the central election commission for verification; signatures are collected at the place of residence within the region, otherwise his signature will be invalid. the procedure itself does not last long, only a few minutes. in the vladimir region, the first day of collecting signatures is a rush. i am a patriot of my country and i am also very inspired by our president, how purposeful he is.
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state duma deputy nikolai kharitonov nominated candidate from the communist party of the russian federation in the presidential elections in russia, the decision was made at the pre-election congress of the communist party. anton potkovenko will tell you more about the candidate and what else was discussed at the congress. the secret voting on the candidate for the post of president of the russian federation from the communist party of the russian federation has ended, and nikolai khariton will enter the election race. not for long, this is an experienced politician. at one time he was a deputy of the rsfsr and was elected to the state duma of all eight convocations. an experienced business executive, as his colleagues say about him, in an interview with us nikolai khritonov said that it is necessary to reorient the russian economy to the pacific region,
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to the east, mentioned china, mentioned vietnam and also said that it would be a driving force for the economy of our country, this of course will not be an easy task, given the serious pressure from the west
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, he also admits in his article, ukraine's action is unlikely to end in victory, the publication reports that the quote "mood" in kiev is more gloomy than defeatist, and also writes about a colossal level. alexander yurievich, good afternoon, good afternoon, tell us about your impressions from the exhibition, and what does the stand of the leningrad region represent? well , you know, there is a russian saying, it’s better to see once than to hear 100 times, russia is big and look at...
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because it so happened that some foreign companies had very serious production, for example nokia and tires, 2/ vselov produced 3 of its tires in the leningrad region. they left, but we immediately agreed that there would be a civilized divorce, today the company operates under the brand icon tires, and produces tires, but the tires are already completely russian, and the components are partially russian , we still partially retain foreign technologies, today we connected scientific rural institutes, we have very serious investors, this is tatneft, which also connected its resources, we are working, henkel left in the same way, this is the glue of everything the rest , you know, of these technologies, we also parted ways in a civilized manner, today we continue to talk about... products, the finns left, the valeo company, but today the viola brand appeared, by the way, i
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remember it, this is the brand of my childhood, when these the most delicious melted erasers were viola, finnish, today they gave us this brand, we disagree in a civilized manner, we produce dairy products, which are very popular, the company termex, which worked very much on western technologies, today works with india, works with china, and , by the way, cooperates with south korea, continues to produce the same volume of products, even more than... it produced, so we are not adapting, this is not a good word, i don’t like it, that we are adapting to today’s difficult working conditions in sanctions, no, we find the best options for work, and some options turn out to be better than we even expected. a simple example, they said that the ports of the leningrad region, well, the same service, the largest port in the baltic will fall in volume, because the main cargo went to europe, and turnover is growing by 11%, cargo has been reoriented, it is leaving...
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architecture, history, culture, but let’s take a sample, yes, this is the only medieval
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city in russia, let’s take tikhvin, this is the city where the tikhvin mother of god monastery is located, where the most revered icon, well, one of the most revered icons of the orthodox world, the icon of the tikinsky mother of god, take gadchina, the capital of the leningrad region, a unique palace and park ensemble, or take ivangorod, and the unique ivangorod fortress, pos karelo, i can list all the cities and large settlements and even small villages of the leningrad region, podporozhye district, we have a wooden church, which we are now finishing restoring, by year 100 years older than the kezhi, built without a single nail, and they were not built like a kizhak, they were dismantled, brought and installed, they were built where god chose a place for our ancestors, for example, there is the church of st. george in the village of gimriki, you know, and itself the church is unique. like a monument to wooden nobility, but also the place you stand next to this church on the hill, you look at the lake at the forest, your soul opens up, you
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understand that this place was not chosen by chance, so of course we attract tourists to our history and culture, but we are still an area of ​​movement, we have constant movement, we have a lot of sports facilities, and the city drive, the okhtopark, korabitsina, we have opened unique routes, we were the first in the russian federation, these are trails, ecological trails , cycling, hiking, unique trails where possible. and enjoy walking, moving, while at the same time looking at the unique natural landscape, watching unique birds, animals, observation decks, photo platforms, much more, and of course, this recovery, we are opening more and more sanatoriums, rest homes, an amazing figure , but there are 2,1000 people in the leningrad region, and we have grown in 10 years from 1,6000, fed with our guys, with our team, we lack 2,500 hotel beds only, i'm not talking anymore. about camping, about sanatoriums, about holiday homes, this is where you need to pay attention, this is where
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investors need to invest money, and it will all pay off, because i say again, the leningrad region is attractive, this year’s assessment, the leningrad region has entered the top five regions that are attractive to russians and to foreign tourists who also come to russia today. thank you very much, alexander yuryevich, for returning the road sign with bankse’s graphite. the day before, the artist installed a new art object on one. from the street, you just saw her, bensi was depicted on a road sign with the inscription stop, three drones, an hour later two unknown men and the graffiti was removed and they took her away in front of passers-by, the police... replaced the sign so as not to endanger the participants traffic, now authorities hope to return the sheep. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business? yes , you’re a girl, this is not a woman’s business, but you didn’t
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listen, because you’re doing everything wrong. continue 90 at vtb , the rate on the savings account is 16% for a wedding, buy it faster, great , everything will work out at vtb, one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, here is the file , how to cancel, there’s no way, artyom, it’s a megaphone, everything flies with it , only for megafon subscribers, this year the russian lotto is giving away as many as 2 billion meets. counting payments, accounting and lawyers, alfabank, the best bank for business. misha, it’s a shame to forget where your cart is, but the worst thing is to forget about the x5 club card at the checkout and leave your points in the store. show your card and receive up to 20% cashbacks and up to 50% service package
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the application and get a superke. every month, order a card in december and are guaranteed to receive a 30% cashback on equipment, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable, tu-22m3 missile carrier bombers serve as part of long-range aviation. our country, they are quite old, they fought at the end of the 20th century in hot spots, but are now in service, their crews celebrate their professional holiday, long-range aviation day, on december 23. it was on december 23, 1913, that the brilliant igor
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sekorsky, in the position of chief designer of the aviation department of the russian-baltic carriage plant. created a four-engine russian knight plane, but he died at an air show. sekorsky developed the next passenger biplane, ilya muromets. these were the largest aircraft in the world with four engines. the proximity of war was obvious, it was converted into a bomber. emperor nicholas ii himself boarded, but all in kiev with one intermediate landing. it became the first serial heavy bomber. in total, about 93 pieces were produced. he joined the team. bombs, their total weight reached 500 kg, were dropped over the fence by hand, then they came up with the idea
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of ​​dropping them to attack enemy troops, the clumsy bomber is not...


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