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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 24, 2023 1:30am-2:00am MSK

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just a drum furnace designed for waste of the first and second class, for which it rotates, this is for the uniform distribution of waste throughout the furnace for uniform combustion of products, further, further, if we look, then we have an afterburner chamber, where the final neutralization and destruction takes place flue gases, the total of the deposit, the total of the deposit, a simple example, batteries, mercury thermometers, lamps, transformers poison the earth for more than thirty. years, all this is waste of the first and second classes. experts emit more than 400 different substances that can literally and figuratively poison our lives. and they are conditionally divided into three groups: the first includes mixtures of inorganic salts, oxides, and acid hydroxides. secondly, mercury-containing lamps, thermometers and industrial waste containing mercury. and finally, the third group - wastewater from enterprises, mixed and combined...
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we have passed all the main state expertise, we have an environmental assessment, that is, waste recycling is the safest and most environmentally friendly project, that is nothing will happen to people’s health, absolutely, absolutely, millions of tons of hazardous waste have already accumulated on the territory of the country, this is a colossal problem, which the state business is now actively working on solving. one of the striking examples of eliminating accumulated environmental damage is the krasny bur landfill in the leningrad region.
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a reclamation program will start here soon, the final stage of equipment installation is now finishing, and after some time unique treatment facilities for neutralizing liquid toxic waste will be launched. specialists change the shelter on the maps, as pits with dangerous chemicals are called , and install a layered curtain. essentially, this is an underground wall that will prevent leachate and toxic contaminated water from entering the environment. it is so caustic that over time. can even destroy concrete; polymer sheets are additionally used to protect concrete. the waste site in krasny bor appeared back in the sixties, then it was decided that the blue clay deposits would not allow pollutants to pass through. for half a century , industrial wastes from all over the country were brought here, sulfuric acid, mercury, arsenic. so, just 30 km from the center of st. petersburg, a burial ground with an area of ​​more than 60 hectares appeared. and 2 million tons of toxic
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waste. the rusatom enterprise, the federal environmental operator, was entrusted with solving the problem. its specialists promptly strengthened the open storage dam, erected temporary soil storage areas, as well as infrastructure for the neutralization of liquid waste. all these measures will help stop the leakage of hazardous chemicals into the environment and ultimately remove threat to human health. based on pollutants. substances, and indeed the entire periodic table was there, one might say, without exaggeration, that is why the principle of purification was laid down as multi-stage and sequential. contaminated wastewater will be sent to the technological site for filtration, and the main threat - stored waste - will be neutralized in a neighboring workshop. now the installation of special equipment is being completed in the workshops. approximately next spring , the contents of storage cards will begin to arrive here. scope of work - 350. toxic liquid, this will take
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about 10 months, the output will be clean water and concentrate, which will then be buried. the usolsky chemical plant is a huge industrial zone where dozens of enterprises operated over the years, but not one of them was involved in processing, recycling and neutralization of waste. most often they were poured into railway tanks and simply buried in... hectares of land and began to end up in the angara. the norm was exceeded 30 times. through the efforts of rosatom employees, the most dangerous locations were reclaimed. more than 200 buildings were demolished, 136 tons of toxic waste were removed, and concentration of mercury in the air and this process continues. coming here soon.
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and the economic effect, the entire territory needs to be reclaimed, but it is not small. the plant's treatment facilities, the bobkhinsky and solzansky landfills, a total of two hundred hectares that threaten the unique nature of lake baikal. over the more than fifty-year history of the enterprise, more than 7 million
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cubic meters of hazardous waste have accumulated. to date, the environmental threat has been averted. the foundation for complex treatment facilities has already been poured; they will allow collect spills. and black liquors, sludge waters, or simply put, wastewater, will undergo several degrees of purification in accordance with the most stringent environmental standards of the unique territory of baikal. for the reclamation of precisely such areas and the processing of hazardous waste within the framework of the federal ecology project, a modern infrastructure is being created. work is going on in two directions at once: construction and accounting. the most important thing was to understand. how many such objects are needed, what volumes need to be processed, therefore one of the top priorities tasks, in addition to the fact that they began to carry out projects for the reconstruction of these plants under the task of recycling waste of the first and second class, they began to create an information platform
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vgisopvk, on ​​which a mechanism was developed for registering all those industries that generate hazardous waste, since the volume... on this at the enterprise, waste will be disposed of using physical, chemical and thermal methods. the installation of technological equipment was also completed here, everything down to the last element is
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russian. our project, production of everything this complex equipment is also ours, and from next year it will be at full capacity . the danger of waste recycling will be ensured by a closed water circulation system and a multi-stage air purification system, which will completely eliminate the entry of harmful substances into the environment, and of course, environmental control, and this is one and a half hundred indicators. today, these complexes have already been installed , thermal decontamination units are undergoing an individual testing program this year. next year we will be fully we are launching these complexes and putting them into operation so that the waste stream that the federal operator today receives in the form of applications from educators can be processed at these facilities. the capacity of each such facility is 50,000 tons per year. technologies used in eco-technoparks will be closed into a single production
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cycle. they plan to recycle 2/3 of the waste and decontaminate 1/3, which will allow up to 70% of what was before to be returned to industrial circulation. went to the dump. hazardous waste is not burden, raw materials that can be processed to produce new products. our country has already set a course towards green chemistry. this means that in the coming years , toxic points in every sense will disappear from the map of russia. this is the essence of the circular economy: maximum benefit with minimal environmental impact for our own sake and our future generations. russia is a country of which we are proud, we are proud to bring light and warmth throughout the world, we look forward with pride,
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paving new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity, we are proud our successes, but we never stop achieving. discover the achievements of our country, come to the russia forum exhibition. december 25, 1991 of the ussr, the powers of the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the ussr
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, the exercise of the defense council under the president of the ussr. that same evening he performed live on central television. dear compatriots, fellow citizens. the current situation with the formation of the commonwealth of independent states, i cease my activities as president of the ussr, i make this decision for reasons of principle. at 19:35 moscow time , the flag began to be slowly lowered from the dome of the former senate building.
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then, accordingly, the meetings that took place here directly on the territory
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of our state, the events of august, the events of october, the events of december, they cascade one after another, the structures were clearly falling apart, and these structures were falling apart for a reason, they were falling apart according to certain orders , well , there is no reason to say that there is no work here western intelligence services, because the work of western intelligence services within the framework,
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let me remind you that it was hungary, yes, it became neutral, in fact in 1987-88, when the collapse of the soviet union. no one even thought about it when the severity of interethnic conflicts in the soviet union was still incomprehensible to anyone, so the united states initially planned to take advantage of the crisis of the soviet system of political governance that was already obvious to them, but they certainly could not
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imagine the depth of this crisis, and therefore such strange behavior of the same george. the elder, who in every possible way actually restrained the collapse of the processes of collapse and emancipation of the union, or rather republican elites from the soviet union. in general, at first the united states, you could probably say , was scared, yes, as many memoirs say, they did not expect that the processes would go so quickly, like an avalanche, in general, at first. tried to prevent the collapse of the soviet union. the main thing that worried them was the fate of nuclear weapons. when ukraine refused to transfer nuclear weapons under kuchma, the united states provided support and put pressure on ukraine so that they would still transfer their nuclear arsenal to russia, as the legal successor of the soviet union. in general, there is a very
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interesting story about how this arsenal was transferred, some part of the torment subtype was taken out. territory of the russian federation, and negotiations went on for a long time, but as a result, the russian federation still remained the only legal successor of the soviet union in this area. the fact remains a fact for the western world in the conditions the formation of bipolarity and the actively developing cold war, the soviet union was a threat. it is a fact. the two systems were opposed to each other. naturally, if there is a confrontation between two systems, in any case there will be a struggle between the two systems. therefore, say. that - no one fought against the soviet union, it collapsed on its own, physically impossible, because there were purposeful forces - in the intelligence of the united states of america, the central intelligence department, which allocated funds, trained agents, trained intelligence officers, and, accordingly, they were preparing quite serious potential for introducing into the soviet union into its government
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structures, those people who could, in one form or another, support and promote those ideas that were important for the united states of america. therefore, in any case, there is a fact: the two systems were at enmity, both systems worked against each other. the united states of america invested very heavily in the development of an agent system that worked on the territory of the soviet union, was here sent and worked very well here. moreover, a huge number of statements and presidents of the united states of america, who subsequently spoke about how much money was invested in the collapse.
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destroyed, when we see now that we have just one moment, all this work was in belgorod, in belgorod there appears such a terrible threat as explosions, as the impossibility of ensuring full security for the population, belgorod, but belgorod is the border of the 16th century, the
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worst thing we must realize now is this is what aspiration is. the people who pushed back this border in wars and battles, these are the efforts of the people who rebuilt the infrastructure, these are the unique 27 million lives that... died during the second world war, defending these borders, and today we have belgorod under attack. in the united states, there has always been a feeling
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that a line has always been drawn, in this they are absolutely consistent, regardless of the current political situation, that the war, the second world war, was won by the americans. and try to express some alternative point of view outside of some. an american specialist will definitely remember about stalingrad, he will say that this, of course, in comparison with tarawa, some ivadima, this of course was complete nonsense, but
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nevertheless, the russians had stalingrad, there was also some unknown battle of kursk , yes, but now the battle of kursk was already very much in the fog, you remember, the war of the 12th year, when the troops of emperor alexander victoriously entered paris. so historians know that in 1813, in 1815, back in europe they knew that it was us, the victorious people, yes, how if only the empire had expelled napoleon, won, in 1840 the situation changed, the fact is that the victory began to be attributed to england, and russia was called a statistic, it was used. therefore, in 25 years it is possible to reorient several generations, they will already think completely differently, the same situation happened with
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the great patriotic war, with the second world war, if you remember, in my opinion, in 2006 there was a pace resolution, according to which hitler and stalin were named as the culprits for starting world war ii. and what means? after all, this is such a rather subtle manipulation: if you are the culprit, then you cannot be winners, i can say that we need to learn from our enemies, because they are experts at rewriting history, their main task is to destroy russia, because russia even in its strengthened format, it is a great power and... not because it is enshrined in the security council, but as a great power, not only as a result of the second world
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war, it is officially a great power, but simply by all its criteria, by parameters, this is a state of the greatest territory , with the greatest minerals, with natural... resources , this is a state of great history, this is a state of fantastic global culture, and most importantly , this is a state in which people live, it ’s even difficult to define, people of great intelligence , people capable of feats, people who love their country, who... have the opportunity to make great discoveries, that is , the intellectual level of our people inhabiting russia is, of course, great.
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the commander has already decided, it’s me, what exactly i decided the commander and other new points, the tank asked for previously unknown footage , what nato should take into account, and also showed everything, but only we saw putin’s documents up close, and also what new year’s food looks like in putin’s office, the greatest opportunity to consider it, our detailed work , yes, i brought new footage that will only be broadcast before the new year. we partisans all year showed you
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... much more than others, you have great connections, moscow, the kremlin, putin, watch on sunday at 22:00, watch to learn world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch, in the application or on the website.
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russian waxes reflected 16 so per day. su was informed about this, ukrainian formations lost more than 600 military personnel, four ukrainian armed forces tanks were destroyed in the donetsk direction, including one german leopard-2 american bradley infantry fighting vehicle. the latest data on the situation in the donetsk and lugansk people's republics in the reports of our military correspondents, stanislav nazarov and artyom yuntas.


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