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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 24, 2023 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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in russia, the collection of signatures has begun in support of vladimir putin in the upcoming presidential elections. the current head of state is going to the polls as a self-nominated candidate; according to the law , he needs to collect 3,000 voter signatures . anton dadykin will tell you how the process is going in the regions of the country. the procedure will probably be simple, you will go through it; the collection of signatures in support has begun in all 89 regions of our country.
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january, submit to the electoral commission at least 3,000 voter signatures, and each region of russia should have no more 7,500 signatures. due to its geographical location, the far eastern branch of the election headquarters was the first to get down to business. dozens of people expressed support for putin in blagoveshchensk. the person who was able to raise our country after the difficult nineties deserves everything.
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he devoted himself entirely to serving russia, i can observe , i can compare how it was in the nineties, the main emphasis was placed on outreach points that operate in shopping centers, in nizhny novgorod to the stand with the symbols of the presidential election headquarters immediately there is a queue lined up, i don’t see any other candidate, you can rely on this person, there are no smaller queues at the exit point in tuli, people are ready to wait to sign in support of putin, the people are all for him, just look. what is the line, how many people are coming here? this is the least i can do in support of our president, a very large number of people come today, leave their signatures, some even often get upset because they do not have a passport with them. all subscription lists will be carefully checked lawyers - reports the popular front. only those signatures that do not raise the slightest doubt will be included in the cec. volunteers received the necessary training, special specifics on the territory of the new russian regions. people who want to leave.
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there are a lot of signatures in the new regions, but accordingly, it is unsafe to gather people in a heap, and therefore we are trying to work there on the road, in lugansk one of these points worked in a cinema on saturday, residents of the people's republic actively signed in support president, during his reign he did a lot of things for donbass and for me the choice is obvious, i think many will support me, i choose a comfortable russia, he knows our country, he knows what needs to be done for it. the collection of signatures started at the central headquarters of the popular front. for many years, i must say, i supported vladimir putin. and i believe that today there is no alternative to him in the presidential elections. in simferopol , dozens of people came to the popular front branch on the first day of collecting signatures, including veterans of the special military operation. if we feel confident, we will. to stick to such
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a leader, we feel that we have a future, we have tomorrow, yeah, so we are for him, we are for vladimir vladimirovich in kazan in one of the shopping centers, volunteers collected more than thirty signatures in the first hour of work, i i became confident that my children, and now grandchildren, will live in a happy country, we will take the example of our city of kazan, the city is improving, the city’s infrastructure is growing, it has opened...
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and march 17. anton dadykin, lead. state duma deputy nikolai khritonov has been nominated as a candidate from the communist party of the russian federation in the upcoming presidential elections. this decision was made at the party congress. kharitonov's candidate was supported by the majority of delegates during a secret ballot. i go to the elections with a sense of great responsibility. i said that the election campaign will not take place under simple conditions, it is not an easy campaign for the leadership of the country, the government, my task, the task of our party, is to conduct a tactful, competent, professional election the campaign, at least our program,
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it’s called victory, should be conveyed calmly to the voters, and the voters themselves, making up their minds, means that the electoral levels will determine who to entrust with their opportunity to govern.
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the ukrainian defense forces reported that ukrainian formations lost more than 600 military personnel, and four ukrainian armed forces tanks were destroyed in the donetsk direction, including one german leopard-2 american bradley infantry fighting vehicle. the latest data on the situation in the donetsk and lugansk people's republics in the reports of our military correspondents, stanislav nazarov and artyom yundos. the streets of the most dangerous petrovsky district of donetsk are sparsely populated. drone detection devices warn that an enemy drone is over residential buildings. the reconnaissance drone beeped. a high missile threat remains throughout donetsk and its suburbs. ukrainian militants dropped ammunition from copters today, and there are wounded. among the measured
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population, seven people were injured. the militants re-dropped ammunition from the drone onto the emergency situations ministry employees. as a result, five emergency ministry employees were injured. aeroro reconnaissance detects the movement of enemy infantry and transmits coordinates to motorized rifle units. the enemy is not that far from us, but we don’t see them, again, we are being corrected.
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we picked up a chick that was very small, it would grow in combat positions, we fed it with pate, this is the third mission lost since the beginning of the northern military district, it says to beat the enemy. will be invincible for now. target 106, manpower, fragmentation. gun, shot! charge! the legendary d-20 howitzer, it shoots at a range of over 17 km and is capable of firing tactical nuclear weapons. artillery fire covers the offensive actions of our assault groups on the front line. there is no invulnerable target for the 152 caliber. you only need to select the type of ammunition, objective control footage shows a direct hit on
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a polish-made self-propelled gun, the equipment was destroyed, mainly fortified enemy positions, manpower, equipment, what targets they give for those and we work, we support the offensive of our assault groups, so we work on the infantry , combat missions to hit various targets today, fpv drones are also capable of performing fpv at the front, and they are now actively used. under the onslaught
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of our fighters, the enemy once abandoned their positions, fleeing, ukrainian fighters abandoned their weapons, damaged equipment and wounded brothers-in-arms, there was no chance of a counterattack , the fighters of the vostokv unit cut off the last route along which the enemy received supplies from kramatorsk, now it is under complete fire control. artyom yundas, nikolay pyrkh, yana aleshina, vesti lugansk, nwo zone, artyomovskoe direction. vgenic. in the kherson region central the district hospital received new medical equipment, including x-ray ultrasound machines and complexes for high-tech operations. the vehicle fleet has also been updated, reporting by margarita semenyuk. new modern monitors are installed above each patient, vital signs are displayed on the screen of the central monitoring station. this makes it easier for nurses to monitor the condition of patients and respond quickly. in the neurological department over the past 30 years there has been an unprecedented
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technical takeoff; 280 units of new medical equipment have been received central regional hospital genetically according to the national project for the development of healthcare in the kherson region. it will allow us to improve the quality of medical care for a difficult group of patients - patients with vascular accidents, that is, heart attacks and strokes. doctors quickly mastered the new equipment and introduced radiographic ultrasound. roads in new cars, now transporting patients and evacuating the wounded will be much faster, two
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modern ambulances were purchased, and the keys were handed over solemnly. over 52 years of work in aleshkovskaya hospital, vladimir kharlan for the first time received an award, a medal for services to the kherson region and a letter of gratitude from the russian ministry of health from mikhail murashk. glavach works in a front-line city; alyoshek is already accustomed to constant shelling. the kherson region is being equipped on the initiative of the regional governor , vladimir sald; he personally inspects the equipment that was purchased under the socio-economic development program at the expense of the federal budget. a program to equip you with the most modern diagnostic and treatment methods. it will continue here even well, this is genetically, it’s not a very big city, but it will have its own mri, it will
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have its own state-of -the-art ultrasound equipment, which i have only seen in leading clinics in moscow. there is still a pressing issue with attracting new highly qualified and highly specialized specialists. this year the zemstvo doctor and filter program started, we have 13 and 13 people. estonia said that the authorities are ready to expel to their homeland ukrainians liable for military service who are hiding from the general mobilization announced by kiev. according to general estimates, there are such people in estonia more than 7 thousand. how the logic
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of ukraine’s allies has changed since the faith in kiev’s victory was shaken has been explored. vitaly karmazin sorted it out. defective mines, old machine guns on ancient motorcycles, ukraine’s affairs at the front are getting worse. the western publications washington post and new york times do not even acknowledge russia's successes. the recent russian offensive along davdeevka, as well as around other cities such as kupyansk, bakhmud and maryenka, is also further evidence that russia has firmly seized the initiative in most of the field battle. against this background, the ukrainian military is already promising to send them to the front.
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later he said that this was just a data reconciliation, but in ukraine they do not trust either their own or others, just as warsaw did not promise to deal with truckers, they are again blocking border exits. germany remains kiev’s biggest benefactor in europe, but scholz’s rating has already collapsed. the chancellor is the fourteenth among politicians in his own country. not everyone likes his subordinates’ calls to raise taxes to help ukrainians. many, apparently, understand that in ukraine, no matter how much you single it out, they'll still steal it. and in confirmation of this. the thesis of the ukrainian general caught the day before that he stole $40 million for the purchase of shells, and therefore the picture of the ukrainian armed forces’ equipment stuck in the mud is somehow seen differently, as a symbol of the stuck ukraine, after which the west, it seems, is not going to drown. another force. vitaly kormazin and sofia petrosyan, lead. a unique
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telescope is being assembled in the altai territory; it will be the largest in the world; it will be installed at the titov optical-laser center. the device will become... part of the front line systems for space exploration will allow scientists to determine in more detail the coordinates of celestial bodies. report by ksenia klimenny. at an altitude of almost 700 m above sea level in the foothills of altai there is an optical-laser center named after titov. surrounded by the cosmic beauty of the views, near space is studied here. there are several complexes on the territory, the main one at the top of the mountain. it will be put into operation in the near future. under a huge dome they assemble ... a telescope, the parts are large, heavy, and also very precisely manufactured, both mechanical and optical parts, so that they to mount, it was necessary to carry out geoadetic studies and measurements at each stage of installation. the base of the four-story building took almost a year to install;
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it will be one of the largest and most maneuverable optical devices in russia. this is the so-called. the telescope's rotating support device, a huge mechanism weighing about 75 tons, will rotate at an impressive speed: on the one hand there is a motor, on the other there are powerful brakes, but the most important part of the optical device, the mirror, will be installed here in the spring. reflective element with a diameter of more than 3 m, this structure, unique in scale, was manufactured by the schwab holding of the rostec state corporation at a plant in the moscow region. it took several years to cast it, and it was not so easy to deliver the mirror to scientists. the twelve-ton structure was transported for 2 weeks in a container on a special platform, along with tennis balls. as shock absorption, for safe transportation part of the road even had to be strengthened, it was necessary from barnaul to savushki, this is about 300-odd kilometers
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along a very difficult road, the road was paved directly specifically for our train, so to speak, a concave perfectly round mirror under constant control, so-called unloadings are installed inside, they support the mirror, for example, when tilted, in fact, this is our huge one. eyes with a diameter of more than 3 m, with advice we collect the same amount of times more, which provides amazing sensitivity, that is, we see very faint objects with very good resolution. the new telescope will be part of an advanced system for space exploration space, with the help of unique equipment, scientists will be able to see flying objects, determine their exact coordinates, predict further movement and even, for example, assess the condition of broken or accidented spacecraft. warn the mission control center about a possible collision with space debris; this information is sometimes priceless. ksenia klimena, sergey babichev, alexander ganov, elena goleeva. news: altai region.
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december 24. day of military glory of russia. december 24, 1790, capture of the izmail fortress. russian troops of suvorov took the impregnable turkish fortress of izmail. having begun the assault before dawn, suvorov took the formidable stronghold on... the danube in a few hours, only one person from the entire garrison was able to escape, 400 turkish banners became russian trophies. one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars and begged them to steal it for fun. a cannon from a shelf and with her own hands shot into a peasant hut, miraculously she didn’t kill anyone, what’s
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the difficulty, her mother is an important person at her court, everything is fine with my daughter, she a normal girl, just like everyone else, and a girl, she repents, like, let’s go to paris, we’ll eat oysters, we can... i’ll cut out her tongue , we won’t hang her, we’ll sew her up, i’d tear you apart with horses, where are you going, drown yourself, hello, i'm boris akimov, and i'm oleg stepanov and we... are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40
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years. see you in the future.
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in boxing, a glove is sold at retail, but for professional fights, it’s easy to clench a fist and knock a person out, in gloves for the olympics, or as they also say:
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the roof of a hotel in dubai, a panoramic view of the city and the sea coast, fashionable music, sumptuously dressed guests, this picture is more common in formula 1 racing, a royal atmosphere, the world of big sports, big money is now in boxing, shows begins with the traditional procedure, weighing and battle of views. international association. in the ring are the best of the best , olympic medal winners and world champions. perenya 2
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immediately put it in it. yes yes yes. slowly move your feet, here, here, good, there, hall crowded with celebrities, star fighters and star fans, the night of champions is a bright event in the world of martial arts, a place in the front row was taken by the outrageous ufc fighter, conor mcgregor. they pit the strongest, interesting fights happen, and i think that soon aba champions will meet with world titles and fight for unified titles, so in any case there should be success, because it pits the best, there is very high competition here. the main fight of the evening is batyrgaziev-alvarez. 2 years ago they with each other for olympic medals in three rounds, and now in ten for the right to be at
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the top. professional olympus, a beautiful duel between great masters and rivals who deserve each other, no one is ready to give in, they fight until exhaustion, by unanimous decision of the judges, victory for the russian fighter, this is very cool, thanks to our president. that he has created such conditions that we can progress, despite political situations, it is very pleasing that sport is not politics, everything that we do, we will do together with national federations, we will hear. countries, everything
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that the international association earns, this money should belong to the athletes, coaches and assistance to national federations. the night of champions is preceded by the historic day of the congress of the international boxing association, at which a revolutionary decision was made; the oldest association of amateur boxing will now develop professional boxing. an example of how world sport can grow without the interference of politicians. at the congress they also adopted iba provides a simple explanation of how the child went to kindergarten, to school, to college , well, there was no place for them to work, now the iba provides but champions, this is a professional platform where boxers perform, show their beauty and also earn money to provide for themselves, their future and of course their family. it has been the long-standing policy of the iba, the international boxing association, that
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transitions were introduced first. professional from olympic boxing, well, now a separate league is being created, all this is very appropriate and competent and correct, this is really continuation of boxing life. all this against the backdrop of an unprecedented political confrontation between the international olympic committee and the iba. in june, mock stripped the association of recognition. for the first time in history, a sports federation was not accepted and expelled from the olympic movement. the main reason is the independent position of the international boxing association, which refused to deprive.
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exit. this is what i say.


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