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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 24, 2023 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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we are leaving one by one, if anything happens, we geologists are looking forward to god willing our new meeting in the new year. russia has begun collecting signatures in support of vladimir putin in the upcoming presidential elections. the current head of state is going to the elections as a self-nominated candidate; according to the law , he needs to collect 3,000 voter signatures. anton dadykin will talk about how the process is going in the regions of the country. the procedure will probably be simple, just come in. the collection of signatures in support of the candidate has begun in all 89 regions of our country.
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he devoted himself entirely to serving russia, i can observe, i can compare how it was in the nineties. the main focus is on exit points that operate in shopping centers. in nizhny novgorod , a queue immediately formed at the counter with the symbols of the presidential election headquarters. i don’t see any other candidate; you can rely on this person. there are no smaller queues at the exit point in tula. people are ready to wait to sign in support of putin. the people are all for him. look, how.
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in new regions there are a lot, but accordingly, it is unsafe to gather people in a crowd, so we are trying to work there on the go; in lugansk, one of these points worked in a cinema on saturday; residents of the people’s republic actively signed up in support of the president. during his reign, he did a lot of things for donbass, and for me the choice is obvious, i think many will support me, i choose a comfortable russia, he knows our country, he knows. what needs to be done for her. the collection of signatures started at the central headquarters of the popular front. for many years, i must say, supported vladimir putin, and i believe that today there is no alternative to him in the presidential elections. in simferopol , dozens of people came to the popular front branch on the first day of collecting signatures, including veterans of a special military operation. if we feel confident, we will.
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stick to such a leader, we feel that we have a future, we have tomorrow, yeah, so we are for him, we are for vladimir vladimirovich in kazan in one of the shopping centers volunteers in the first hour of work collected more than thirty signatures, i became confident that my children, and now grandchildren, will live in a happy country, we will take the example of our city of kazan, the city is improving, the city’s infrastructure is growing, it has opened just now... support putin svo member rassim baksikov came, in the summer his tank destroyed a column of enemy equipment, the president in august personally awarded the senior lieutenant the star of the hero of russia, he supports our armed forces by command, this means through the minister of defense, through the ministry of defense, supplies the way it should be. in tatarstan, there are
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more than a dozen signature collection points; volunteers are ready to open additional counters if necessary. in addition to signatures, people are asked to convey their wishes to vladimir vladimirovich, thanks and, of course, wishes. happy new year, in the coming new year, presidential elections will be held for the first time over 3 days, march 15, 16 and 17. anton dadykin, lead. state duma deputy nikolai khritonov has been nominated as a candidate from the communist party of the russian federation in the upcoming presidential elections, this decision was made at the party congress of kharitonov’s candidacy during a secret vote , the majority of delegates supported it. i go to the elections with a sense of great responsibility. andreevich. said that the election campaign will not take place under easy conditions, it is not an easy campaign and for the leadership of the country, the government, my task, the task of our party, is to conduct a tactful, competent, professional election campaign,
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at least our program, it is called victory, to convey calmly to voters, and voters themselves decide, which means electoral levels will determine who to trust your ability to manage.
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the seven armored infantry of the southern group of troops are consolidated in new positions. in this sector of the southern donetsk direction , there is less than a kilometer between our positions and enemy trenches. you see a hut in the corners. aerial reconnaissance detects the movement of enemy infantry and transmits coordinates to motorized rifle units. the enemy is not that far from us, but we don’t see them, again, we are being corrected from the bird’s eye. from a drone, that is, if the enemy becomes active, it turns out that we are completing the task. with artillery support another attempt to rotate the enemy has been stopped. a multi-layered system of fortifications has been built around donetsk ; artillery crews of the first
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slavic brigade are now entrenched in these positions. throughout the southern donetsk direction , various units work in close cooperation in this workshop, engineers of the operational-combat tactical formation. cascade, repair and modify small arms, today we will work on a kalashnikov assault rifle to install a swallow palanka tail for further modification of the weapon, here we can already load, well , what is convenient for the fighter there, a collimator, optical sights, night lights, thermal imagers, in many sectors of the front the enemy goes on the defensive , drone operators of the first donetsk army corps hit the position: ukrainian militants, not giving the enemy the opportunity to move freely in their trenches. stanislav nazarov, vitiy gedanovich, andrey rudenko, vesti, donbass. styx, get ready for work, accepted get ready for work. the precise operation of artillery pieces depends on
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correct target coordinates. the calculations are given by the division's computer, a fighter with the call sign uterya, a volunteer, like everyone else in the vostok v unit . there is always a kitten nearby named bullet. the squad's mascot lives with the soldiers in the dugouts. we found out that she’s very small and will grow up in combat positions, we feed her poshtet, this is the third mission she’s been lost since the beginning of the northern military district, she says she’ll hit the enemy... just pick up the type of ammunition, in the objective control footage there’s a direct hit on a polish-made self-propelled gun ,
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equipment destroyed, mostly fortified enemy positions, manpower, equipment , what targets are given against them and we work , we support the offensive of our assault groups, we work on the infantry, combat missions to hit various targets today at the front are also capable of being carried out by fpv drones, now they are actively used. but in the aggregate the damage inflicted is many times more effective, the damage is of course applied in large quantities to our enemies, they also began to increase in our country, but they will still never replace artillery, we are the gods of war, because without the support of artillery we are still ours assault units will not be able to advance as successfully as they are now, took over the gun, under the onslaught of our
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fighters, the enemy leaves their former positions to escape, ukrainian fighters abandon their weapons, damaged equipment and wounded brothers-in-arms, there is no chance of a counterattack, the fighters of the vostok b unit have cut off the last route, through which the enemy received supplies from kramatorsk, it is now under complete fire control. artyom yundas, nikolay pyrkh, yana aleshina, vesti lugansk, nwo zone, artyomovskoe direction. sky region the central district hospital received new medical equipment, including x-ray ultrasound machines and complexes for high-tech operations. the vehicle fleet has also been updated. report by margarita semenyuk. new modern monitors are installed above each patient, vital signs are displayed on the screen of the central monitoring station. this makes it easier for nurses to monitor the condition of patients and respond quickly. there has been an unprecedented
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technical rise in the neurology department over the past 30 years. 280 units new the central district hospital of genichesk received medical equipment under the national project for the development of healthcare in the kherson region. it will allow us to improve the quality of medical care for a difficult group of patients - patients with vascular accidents, that is, heart attacks and strokes. doctors quickly mastered the new equipment and put x-ray units into operation. white devices, endoscopic stands for high-tech operations, they are already being carried out here, the vehicle fleet is being updated; 32 medical service vehicles have been received by hospitals and clinics of the kherson region. he goes to the faps , she goes to the faps, to the regional ones in the villages we have organized faps, new ones are all there, ready-made buildings are getting cars, people will go to us, we have one village, for example, there is a factory, there are no nearby ones, these are doctors now they will drive cars that have been repaired. roads in new cars, now transporting patients and evacuating the wounded will be much faster, two
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modern ambulances were purchased, and the keys were handed out solemnly. for 52 years of work at the aleshkovskaya hospital, vladimir horland for the first time received an award, a medal for services to the kherson region and a letter of gratitude from the russian ministry of health from mikhail murashk. glavach works in a front-line city; alyoshek is already accustomed to constant shelling.
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to the region, received payments provided for by law and accordingly began to work. the program for the socio-economic development of the kherson region is designed until 2030 and will cover all the important ones. the european union is considering the possibility of sending ukraine not only weapons, but also ukrainians themselves. chapter the estonian ministry of internal affairs stated that the authorities are ready to expel to their homeland ukrainians liable for military service who are hiding from the general mobilization announced by kiev. according to general estimates, there are more than 7,000 of these in estonia. how
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the logic of ukraine’s allies has changed since the faith in kiev’s victory was shaken was analyzed.
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the club later stated that this was just a reconciliation of data, but in ukraine they do not trust either their own or others, just as warsaw did not promise to deal with truckers, they are again blocking border exits. the largest benefactor of kiev in europe remains germany, but scholz's rating has already collapsed. the chancellor is the fourteenth among politicians in his own country. not everyone likes his subordinates’ calls to raise taxes to help ukrainians. many people apparently understand that in ukraine, no matter how much you allocate, they will still steal. and in confirmation. of this thesis , the ukrainian general who was caught the day before stole $40 million for the purchase of shells, and therefore the picture of the ukrainian armed forces’ equipment stuck in the mud is somehow seen differently, as a symbol of the stuck ukraine, after which the west, it seems, not going to drown, they planted one bekha, another arrived, another force. vital kormazin and sofia petrosyan, lead.
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we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient. how to vote while traveling? 1 2 3 4 5 we are going to the village to rest, but our grandfather thinks: rest can wait, because he wants to vote these days, but his mother told him: vote directly in the village, be a mobile voter, dad, mom supported, i’m already by the way, this statement was written by the whole family in we are going to the village, animals, adults and children, to relax in nature, and to choose mobile , to choose in the country, freely, important, honestly convenient, one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, begged for fun to steal
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a cannon from the regiment and shot at the cross with her own hands. siberia, siberia, i’ll cut out your tongue now, we won’t hang you, we got off, i’d tear you apart with horses. where are you going? hello, i'm boris akimov, and i'm oleg stepanov. and we,
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the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought. together with experts, we discuss how we need to equip the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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nothing here gave me hope at all, it was absolute hopelessness, this was not theater.
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stanislavsky’s dream was to create a theater of experiences, so how, how to preserve this living theater that he dreamed of? do you love the theater, as i love the theater, women in chic dresses, hiding pushkin cards, evarikh and drama, what did you like more, i’m like a young belinsky, i feel like a vomkhat, don’t you dare call me a classic, the light is gone.
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today the play “the wonderful georgian” with olga buzova was supposed to take place in amkhat. it was canceled, citing low ticket sales during the pandemic. this was one of the first orders of the new general director vladimir kekhman. the main scandal of the current theater season, former artistic friend eduard boyakov, has received a new twist. i wrote a statement of my own free will, i have never seen such lawlessness as there is here anywhere, we need to save, we are intubating, and today, perhaps,
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we can do it, it’s only doronina, discharge, alone the goal is to return tatyana vasilievna to the theater, category, tatyana vasilievna, look, look, oops, and he’s gone, i love you. tatyana vasilievna is currently the president of the theater, she is absolutely such an active member of our team, we consult with her, i really hope that as soon as she feels good, she will come here. after covid she had a complication with her legs, she wants to come here with her own legs, they come here, so it’s like we’re waiting for her. do you
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love theater as much as i love it, do you love theater, since i love the theater, women of your soul, the older i get, the more i understand the scale of tatyana vasilievna’s figure, and i am happy that i had the opportunity to see tatyana vasilievna on stage more than once. i believe, i believe! "she drove up to the building, so we talked to her , we met for the first time, she came here, yes, everything is very good, we met after, everything is fine, yes, she looks brilliant, well, of course, she needs to get ready, we need to get ready, but this is the first time , today you have a premiere,
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once, once, well, that’s better, that’s it i hear, good, good, and now we are starting several meetings with the troupe to decide, for the next twenty -third or twenty-fourth year, what we will do, and you know, yes, that i generally for the last year, i will tell you the numbers, now you will be stunned, i fired 168 people, so you know, not a single person, pay attention, i did not touch anyone, this is a fundamental point, i want to introduce you to our new chief director of the theater,
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polishchuk, galina. a new play about romanovo , a hero of our time, is being staged by a director from latvia galina polishchuk. famous latvian director galina polishchuk. your galina’s performances have repeatedly won the most prestigious theater awards. golden mask, new drama. and also in germany, denmark, slovakia, and the czech republic. tickets for the premiere of the production were sold out within.
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and we pass by the poster, he says: this is where you need to work, and i’m such a post-dramatic director of international festivals and so on, i say: yes, yes, yes, but i won’t go here, he’s impressive vladimirovich, really, we can create me nothing impresses me at all, i’ve seen it all many times, so you’ve seen it all, and i say, i ’ve seen it, i’ve seen it, so what are we going to do, well, don’t you like it at all?


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