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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 24, 2023 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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but that's not how the leadership of both political parties in washington described the day, as did their stenographers in the national media. within hours, virtually everyone on television was calling january 6 an insurrection orchestrated by donald trump. the president is accused of inciting the violent march on the capitol. all of washington is scared, people are trying to figure out how to keep him from causing more harm to the country than he has already done by inciting people to this uprising. violent attack on the us capitol
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was an act of rebellion. the president incited an insurrection against congress to prevent the peaceful transfer of power. a white supremacist who provoked a revolt of white supremacists. all 50 states are facing the threat of an armed uprising by trump supporters. we need to focus on upholding the rules of the constitution rather than supporting the insurrection. i announce that the house of representatives will create a special commission on insurrection.
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the answer to this question was most recently when the colorado supreme court ruled that because he staged the insurrection, donald's name trump may not appear on the ballot next fall. the four liberal justices who ruled this cited article three of the fourteenth amendment, which was passed in 1868 to bar former confederate officials from government positions. this is what their entire argument boils down to. despite the fact that donald trump has not been found guilty of insurrection by any court. and although the fourteenth
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amendment does not include the office of president, donald trump cannot be a candidate because he incited an insurrection. it seems madness, because that is madness. even 300 miles away in el salvador, no one has any doubt about what is happening. the united states has lost the ability to lecture other countries on quote-unquote democracy, wrote el salvador president naib bukeli. and yet in our country no one on the left has dared to say so instead. they saved the country from the wishes of the voters, because this is the essence of democracy. then jena griswald, the secretary of state of colorado, distinguished herself. you may not have seen her before, but you will immediately understand what category she is is. an unhappy thirty-nine-year-old liberal woman with an ivy league degree and deeply authoritarian tendencies. here.
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griswalt on msnbc explains that the traditional legal process is no longer required for the left to get its way, no trials, no evidence, no jury verdicts, a televised accusation is now enough to throw a candidate out of the presidential race if stripes and jos carbora say you're bad , americans will not be allowed to vote for you, look, i believe he incited an insurrection, were big questions about section 3...
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a very negative precedent: in a land of laws, where no man is above another, we cannot allow the president to be able to do as he pleases when there are insurrections and then... donald trump was not charged with insurrection and he was not convicted, and for some judge to actually lay that charge on him is unconstitutional, contrary to the fourteenth amendment, which says that people cannot be denied the right to due
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process, i don't think you can just pick one of the candidates and say, you know, i think you started a riot, so this is something new, but what?
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and could become president if joe biden can no longer carry out his duties, said that these demonstrations, or whatever they are called, will not stop, then the key word, she said, they should not
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stop, they will continue to go until the very presidential election, then senate minority leader chuck schumer in 2020 drew a crowd to the supreme court building. a practical rebellion is a practical call to violence, so if they want to redefine rebellion, it will boomerang back at them. another point, tucker, and you often talked about this, is a series of firsts, so to speak, precedents. we have never before had
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a president impeached twice like donald trump. for the first time, a private citizen of an ex-president was tried in the senate after he had already left office, as was the case with donald trump. we have. spent 22 months and 40 million for the first time dollars for a complete hoax, for a fabrication of russian interference to undermine a presidential administration, has never before been made to 51.
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joe biden intentionally interfered with the enforcement of federal immigration laws, he intentionally sabotaged border security, he illegally allowed border crossings. 8 million people, they are still here illegally, so it was an act of sedition
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to change demographics or gain a future electorate for their agenda, and we will not put it on the ballot, is it worth going that far? this sad, absurd situation, it's a long story, and this last chapter reminds us that this will not end well, all these legal wars are extra-legal activities to destroy a candidate, it all started stacker with hillary clinton and fusion gps in 2016 when they deliberately fabricated history with the support of the fbi, cia and the obama administration to destroy a candidate they feared could defeat them in a fair and free election. indeed, it seems that the fate of the country is at stake, i have long thought so, but these events are a clear confirmation of this, if it is allowed to prevent voters from voting for your...
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calling into question those events, then your
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career is over, and i saw this in my own you said or wrote at least anything, stanford university, as a result people just they were afraid to go there, so they say: this is bad, this is an abuse of the judicial system, but they do not say that this is unheard of in the united states, if we allow this to happen, it will lead to more and more exchanges of blows, for now all that, what we mentioned, russian interference, disinformation, two impeachments, a search of trump's house, fusion gps, they did all this , believing that conservatives, as you said, republicans are playing by the rules of boxing matches, that is, the left is essentially saying: "we are morally superior to you, so we have the right to use any means necessary to realize our morals." superior goals, our agenda, and you will not use the same mechanism, we
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assume you will not, so we will continue this asymmetrical attack on you, at some point someone will play the role of lee atwater, george bush's adviser in 88 will say: you know what, we won't tolerate this anymore, we will answer you in the same way, not because we want it, but we have ours patience has run out, we have no other mechanism to prevent you from undermining the rule of law and the constitution.
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people, where everything is going and that there are historical precedents in other places, in other times, when this led to one must try to explain to the american destruction of the constitutional system, if not be careful, we need to organize, i think we will have to organize and unite on the conservative side, around whoever wins the nomination, whoever it is, and i think if donald trump wins, there will be no time for internal divisions if desantis wins similarly .
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they know, therefore they abuse the judiciary . they do not have the support of the electorate, they are the system, as well as control over institutions, boards of directors, the entertainment industry, schools and universities. media, silicon valley and social networks, that's what they're trying to do do, and we must use every ounce of our courage, imagination , ability to stop them, now is not the time to remain silent, tucker, everyone must speak up in accordance with the position and say, we will not allow you to destroy the country in 2023, too many people have died in places
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like akinawa and shyla, protecting the country to allow a bunch of morally bankrupt, corrupt people to destroy it. this cannot be allowed, we must begin to really resist by all legal means. i was amazed 3 years ago and continues amaze reaction death of ashley bebit. there is nothing more immoral than killing an unarmed woman. and yet our entire political class celebrated. the man who shot her was called a hero, there was no investigation and no consequences for it. and all this glee about the murder.
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2008 or the death of george floyd, they are always looking for a crisis. and the sixth of january gave them ammunition so that they could change the political one. rethink the constitution in the right way, otherwise they would not have political support without terrifying of people. they are trying to intimidate us into taking unconstitutional measures because
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they have no popularity and are losing the will of the people. i think if we just stand our ground, stay calm and fight them as hard as we can, they will stop pushing themselves. but we have no other way. i think too many of us just kind of stepped aside. i'm kicking myself for leaving california, i'm impressed that you stayed, it's a beautiful state, there's no reason to give it up to illegals and angry white liberals, so thanks for that and for joining us today, victor motto henson, thank you, thank you, tucker. deposit-the best interest in savings is a simple way to profitably invest
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in the krasnodar territory, the consequences of the storm are being eliminated; powerful winds knocked down dozens of trees in sochi, and the roofs of ten houses were damaged. according to the operational headquarters, there is local damage to utility networks. the ministry of emergency situations said that 12,000 people were without power, some flights were redirected to other cities, sochi airport operates depending on the actual weather. the threat of snow and strong wind showers is forecast to continue into monday evening.
10:00 am
russian regions are collecting signatures in support of vladimir putin's candidacy in the elections president. the head of state submitted documents to the central committee on december 18. according to the law, a self-propelled activist needs to collect at least 3,000 signatures, that is , approximately 7,500 in each subject of the country. next, the papers will be transferred to the cycle. the voting itself will take place in march. vladimir putin congratulated azerbaijani leader ilham aliyev on his birthday. him today. turned 62 years old. the head of the russian state noted that under the leadership of aliyev, azerbaijan is making significant progress in the economic and social fields and plays an important role in regional and international affairs. storm units of the vostok group are training to capture enemy strongholds. classes take place at a training ground in the rear zone of a special operation on the territory of the donetsk people's republic. the military personnel are working.


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