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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 24, 2023 11:30am-11:58am MSK

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his arrival. it should be noted that this is not the first time for denis gumaritov to be in prison. he has been prosecuted three times in the past, including for negligent homicide. the criminal record has now been expunged. the famous lawyer anatoly kucherena carefully studied this complicated case, in his opinion, it should be looked into more thoroughly. the weapon he fired from was not found. no traces of a crime were found on his clothes, bruises of questions that.
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and send the case for a new investigation, it is obvious that the mysterious murder deserves attention from supervisory authorities; there are too many questions in this story. andrey romanov, maria bukata, anton dubnov, lead the duty department. investigators in ulyanovsk have canceled the criminal case against a policeman who they previously wanted to accuse of shooting with a traumatic pistol in a bar. participants in the fight allegedly threatened with violence. as a result, three aggressors attacked the operative and began to beat him. the policeman had to.
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use a traumatic pistol, later, the aggressive guests were detained; they turned out to be previously convicted members of the local criminal group soplevskie. now they are involved in a criminal case of hooliganism. about other legal events and incidents of the week in the review of denis novozhilov. on monday, in the samara region, the head of the regional headquarters of the ministry of emergency situations, oleg bayko, was detained and accused of accepting bribes worth 25 million rubles. according to investigators, the money allegedly went to the general mayor’s card. he provided patronage to the owners of companies that dealt with fire safety. bayko he was taken to moscow, where he was arrested by the basmanny district court. the company executives who allegedly gave bribes, yan gushchin and elena tyutyunik, will also go to pre-trial detention. on tuesday, in the kemerovo region, employees of the investigative committee opened a criminal case after beating a resident of one of the private nursing homes. the woman has numerous hematomas on her arms and legs. according to.
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the injured boarding house worker attacked her and knocked her down. our program has already talked more than once about possible bullying elderly people, namely the remeli network of nursing homes, but its owners manage to remain unpunished. on wednesday in moscow, fsb officers seized almost 700 kg of cocaine, worth more than 2.5 billion rubles. bags filled with illegal substances literally fell out of the trunk of the minivan. a huge party. on thursday, the preobrazhensky court of the capital sent the former minister for open government, mikhail obyzov, to prison for 12 years. he was found guilty of creating a criminal community of illegal entrepreneurship and money laundering. how investigators were able to prove that members of the organized crime group stole 4 billion rubles from energy companies in siberia over several years. the accomplices also sent a search.
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separated mothers from their children due to the mistakes of their youth, prisoners who have long passed the time behind barbed wire, see babies only in the first years, then either relatives or a foster family take them, is there always not... five in mozhaisk near moscow are serving punishment of several hundred prisoners, these women are behind bars for the first time, rehabilitating themselves with the help of painstaking labor. in the morning, they sit down at their sewing machines and make uniforms for law enforcement officers and private companies. in their free time they read books
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, watch tv, then lights out again, all in a circle. the furnishings in the detachment's sleeping quarters are modest, but most importantly clean. there are bunk beds, wooden bedside tables for personal belongings, in general. everything you need to pass the night. in the women's colony there are no bars on the windows ; armed guards and dogs do not walk around the territory. all conditions for a comfortable keeping prisoners, but still almost every convict yearns for female happiness. the territory of the children's home at the mazhaisky women's colony, here is a children's playground. having dressed warmly, alena chastyakova goes for a walk with her son every day after work. timofey has been here for over a year now. the girl is constantly convicted of drug distribution. herself for the mistakes of her youth, for the fact that two more children are growing up in freedom without her. it really hurts me when my children suffer, that i am here in these imprisonment walls, it’s very hard for me to experience all this, out of 6 years, she still has a little less than four left to serve, when timofey turns 3 years old,
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she will have to say goodbye to her son, he will be handed over to relatives or to a foster family, such rules, you yourself don’t feel sorry for, it’s a pity, of course, we also get used to them 3 years, it's like... your children are already becoming. at the moment , 43 children are being raised in the orphanage at the colony. children are under constant supervision of nannies and doctors. but no one, even the most experienced and sensitive teacher, can replace communication with the mother. she got into colony while pregnant. the former accountant used to strive for the wealth of power, but she was caught in fraud when she was withdrawing the assets of one of the large consulting companies. after david was born, her world completely turned upside down. i have. there has been a very deep revaluation of the general principles of all life, that is, if earlier i was chasing some material benefits, now , of course, i will invest more in myself, in my children, in self-development. all the heroines in our report have a different fate, but together with experts we discussed the issue of humanization of justice. women
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accused of minor charges are kept in pre-trial detention centers for 5 years, or even longer, then the courts, like a carbon copy, assign impressive terms of imprisonment in colonies, although the punishment could well have been... in places of deprivation of liberty, and there were even statistics on the number women mothers, this is 62%. you can imagine the number of children who grow up without mothers, what is the need here. in early december, this topic was discussed at a meeting of the rights council. person under the president of russia, journalist and human rights activist eva merkacheva spoke about the difficult fate of convicted women. next year is the year of the family, the scientist says a lot, then she is returned from the hospital to the pre-trial detention center after 2 hours, we had such precedents, just recently it happened in moscow, a woman gave birth, after 2 hours she was sent to the pre-trial detention center, she
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could not recover , the child was left in the hospital, she didn’t see him for many, many days, in general, what happens is that the little man, he doesn’t communicate with his mother at all, the first important one, not only... once again, let’s turn to the state duma, government to the public, all together, well, the supreme court, the prosecutor’s office, we’ll all think about it, the amnesty that journalists are so actively talking about. lawyers and social activists must first of all touch those who stumbled for the first time, and this decisive step on the part of the state will not go unnoticed and supported. women are very grateful people, they appreciate any attention from society and the state to them, and i am sure that they will not let you down, and if we help them, god willing,
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they will raise children who can maybe they will become great scientists, why not, just good people. during the filming of this report about the mozhaisk colony, we... life is good, well, in the family, children are nearby, everything will be fine with you, this once again gives us hope that after liberation women will take the path of truth, marina nikhaeva is waiting for a joyful events, recently a young mother lost her life, but not everyone is so lucky. sultan zeganov, oleg ivanov, konstantin berzov, sergey mukhlaev, news, duty department. yes, there is only a week left of the new year holidays, and it’s time to think about gifts for loved ones, what could be more convenient than... ordering them without leaving the couch via the internet, just a few clicks, the treasured box with a bow will be delivered to your home by the courier,
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but what if the gift arrives, it even contains a surprise for the customer, for example, instead apple brand smartphone for 150,000 rubles , apple-scented soap. more than sixty clients of a large marketplace encountered such deception. instead of expensive gadgets , they got everything they wanted, but not phones. i opened the parcel in front of the courier and... "oh my god, my surprise, there were three pieces of laundry soap, well, to say that i was in shock is to say nothing, here are the unpacking shots: first a thick layer of tape, then bubble wrap, finally cardboard, like this a gift for a matryoshka doll from a hardware store for a six -figure sum, this is like dozens of similar videos, a wave of phone thefts swept through different cities, my husband gave the package to me, i hide it, and instead of a phone i see a spike of five pieces of soap, to say that we were in
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shock , then nothing to say, shocked buyers immediately began to cut off the phone numbers of the marketplace support service to try to contact the sellers, the latter , surprisingly, also stated that they had been deceived, so where did the phones go, we are filming the complete assembly of the phones, moreover, the handover of the courier, we are filming all this , we store all these videos for a long time, because if then the phone is somewhere... even lost, we are asked to send a video that we sent it at all. according to businessmen, they carefully studied the route of the parcel and its condition. she left the seller in one piece, the marketplace warehouse arrived opened and re -sealed. it turns out that large aggregators have intermediate, so -called consolidating warehouses. couriers bring goods there, where they are collected in large packages and sent via the marketplace. the weakest points are yes, there are cameras, but they often don’t work. aa, on the packing tables the cameras often don’t work either, it’s not clear what is being packed there, and
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the couriers, when they pick up goods from the sellers, they don’t have cameras in their cars, so what they took and what they delivered to no one knows the buyer. the new year's rush plays into the hands of various criminals, when the number of orders increases several times, neither the bosses nor the security guards manage to carefully manage 6 million rubles. now the police are looking for phones and those who stole them, but...
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for the holiday table, advice: carefully choose each product, even if it is well, for those who have already started purchasing canned food with a long shelf life, for example, saury it says so, but there could easily be no saury inside, but cheap substitutes, it would seem that this is not screen, are they really trying to deceive here, experts say, every second can could be counterfeit, due to the migration of fish, there is a shortage of raw materials, but this is not stopping. in the vladimir region, our film crew at a cannery in the city of lakinsk was greeted with strong hugs by one of the directors and two security guards, don’t touch me with your hands, don’t touch me with your hands, don’t touch me with your hands, are you there, so what? you ’d be better off making fish the way you tell me, a little later we’ll tell you how
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the conflict ended, but for now we’ll explain that brought us here, recently experts have increasingly begun to find fake canned saury on the shelves of russian stores, the security forces became interested in the situation, fsb and police officers checked several warehouses and enterprises in the moscow and vladimir regions and discovered clandestine production at a completely legal factory. to reduce costs increase profits tin cans. labeled saury were filled with cheap and often low-quality food raw materials. information about the original composition products were not intentionally applied to the packaging. police seized more than 12 thousand cans from one of the enterprises, which attracted the attention of law enforcement officers. as part of a journalistic experiment, under the guise of businessmen, we came to a meeting with the management of the plant and tried to negotiate a wholesale purchase, but for some reason there was no saery listed in the catalog for buyers. we would like tuna, mackerel, pink salmon, salmon, saury, such
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a standard set, well, there is no sary now, there simply is no such thing in russia. the director admitted that that production is waste-free and even. that they made a social shelf like an auction one, where on this social shelf , accordingly, there will be a little bit of jammed banks with a discount, which don’t seem to go on the main network there, when the director realized that he was talking to journalists, he immediately pointed to the door, i i told you, take the camera, this is not for you, you understand, it’s not for you to film about this, the conversation continued on the street. why did you take me away? i 'll take a photo of him, get acquainted with him, i 'm getting to know him, this is not a passport, where do you have your so-called sai are being made , which is not saury, it turns out that we have saury, saury, the ruler saidin from mackerel rushed to attack as soon as we decided to inspect the workshops where canned food is made, it’s there with you, yes, this is
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all happening, why are you touching me, why are you touching me, stop touching me. there, behind the checkpoint , the main production is located , the persistent fishy smell in the area reminds of this, colser shops are visible, but there is no way to find out what is happening there, the secrets of this enterprise are reliably protected by security guards, residents of the surrounding houses have already eaten their fill of local saury, i once bought up this saury, it was at our plant, it was sweet, joyful, yes, yes, rosselkhoznadzor specialists confirmed that roskachestvo specialists were at this enterprise, the results were disappointing, there was a lot of falsification there, more than 70% , at the same time, this year we will again return to the study of these products
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to see what the current situation is. according to experts, saury began to be counterfeited en masse a couple of years ago, when this fish began to leave the sea. russia, catch decreased, and the price of foreign catch increased, then many, it would seem, even conscientious producers resorted to a trick and began to replace the more expensive saury with cheap types of fish, herring sardines. together with popular front experts, we decided to inspect the moscow counters. in many retail outlets, the price of scarce saury in banks turned out to be suspiciously low. what's here, even at the price tag, right? what could be inside the product? we do not claim that this is the passificat or any other. costs the same as saury, and this is already strange, because we know for sure that sardine and sai differ in price. seeing the journalists, market employees began to fuss; some sellers immediately began to curtain their counters. and here on the counter of saira, which is produced precisely in the city of lakinsk, vladimirovsk region, most likely at the plant where the violations were found. for large-scale production and sales of fake canned saury, you need a lot of people and you cannot
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do it without patrons. we have a number of acceptances and checks, yes, including number of different ones. authorities and, as a rule , some persons are at least involved there or are aware of criminal activities, well, for some kind of selfish component, so i will say, so i think that, well, really, if it’s not one, two, three canned food, and there are whole batches , then this is some kind of organized group, one person cannot organize this, but while the choice of saira for the buyer is a lottery, you never know exactly what will be inside the can, but you can’t always count on the conscience of the producers . daniil sukharuchko, maria bukata, alexander dvornikov, oleg ivanov, sergey zabarov, dmitry frolov, andrey netreba, conductor, duty department.
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the first violin of the thief played. were sent to a colony for robbing banks and a jewelry store for an amount greater than the sixth criminal, alina skachkova will tell. the gray everyday life of jacob saturday of the famous thief of the northern capital is denigrated by another verdict. the skilled robber is accused of three raids on a jewelry store, banks, and also of creating an entire gang called.
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failed, the attackers sensed an ambush lay low, but soon made themselves known again from the state historical library of moscow, someone brazenly stole 296 rare folios, including the first book of apostle ivan fedorov printed in russia and a handwritten gospel of the 15th century; it turned out to be involved in a daring robbery janitor yasha grigoriev, he was detained while trying to sell prices and ended up behind bars. i needed to send, as they say, a little thing, a little thing to my accomplice at that moment, this little thing was intercepted by
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the operational department. but after leaving the colony the repeat offender did not stop, the gang of so -called ninja turtles that he put together while in the colony became even larger, the crimes were even harsher, the methods were even more dangerous. in 2012, the group found an alcoholic on the street; he lived just above a jewelry store, methodically getting the poor guy drunk. the pilots quietly, day after day, cut a hole in its floor for jewelry; in this operation , everything was thought out to the smallest detail, while one distracted attention by setting fire to a car on the opposite side of the street, others knocked out part of the ceiling along fire hoses and descended into salon, immediately a ladder appeared from a hole, two bags flew down behind it, it took people in masks 10 minutes to clean everything out, people in camouflage fell on us from the ceiling, they were saying something somehow, this is how they lie with you all. they put us on the floor, in fact , we just lay there, we didn’t beat, we didn’t mutilate, thank god, saturday began to prepare a new robbery , this time of a bank, to find out the location
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of the safe, the criminal used wiretaps, on the fateful day the turtles entered the branch through the basement, without screaming and the noise was shackled the employees were handcuffed and silently carried away the money, as before, no one was hurt, but soon greed took its toll and the gang dramatically changed its principle. st. petersburg resident svetlana egorova recalls in 2012. she worked as the head of a commercial bank, the raiders tracked her down and broke into her apartment. svetlana’s entire family was taken hostage, torturing and threatening the pregnant woman; people in masks demanded to know the password to the vault. my husband lay there all beaten up, i felt sick, very, very badly. at that time i was in a very short period of time, i threw it off. when svetlana named the combination, the gang members split up. behind the loot, others remained on guard , he made a mistake with every move, he ate a peach from the table and left the stone, later it was from it, or rather from the traces of dna in droplets of saliva, that the criminologists
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found the leader of the gang. in total, the attackers stole money and property amounting to more than 65 million rubles. when committing crimes, they used, in addition to weapons, burglary tools, masks, gloves, and other means that obscured their identification. jacob's mother an intelligent partner who sewed outfits. lyuyasha dreamed of becoming a clothing designer, but he took a wrong turn . this is how we lived happily all our lives. i love him madly, he couldn’t do anything else, i couldn’t do anything. well, i shouted for the way, why, why? well, it didn’t help, anyway . only years later, in pre-trial detention , saturday admitted to our colleagues that he committed all his crimes to get even. it was the unrequited love for the casino that drove the repeat offender to the very bottom of the debt hole, to a place from which he himself could not get out. for in order... yes, to cover part of the debt, my mother was forced to sell her apartment on kutuzovsky prospekt, my relatives, including my brother, suffered as a result of my, in
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quotes, exploits. do you currently have any debt? now, now there are no people to whom i owed money. the melody of the first violin is played, for three robbers, a skilled thief will lead them to a special regime penal colony. with the verdict, saturday silently agreed to the changes of fortune, he is no stranger to it, now the main thing is that after a dozen years, when he is free, he does not decide again get even. alina skachkova, eduard petrov, lead the duty department. and soon after us on the russia 24 tv channel, a new investigation of eduard petrov, the safronov case. how did the well-known kommersant newspaper special correspondent collect secret information from high-ranking officials of russian defense and strategic enterprises and how much money did he receive? the big premiere is in a few minutes. spy or journalist, the veil of secrecy in the case of ivan safronov has been lifted. only ours
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was classified until recently. materials of the criminal case and interviews with investigator of the federal security service of russia. safronov used the work of a journalist to make the respondent a dizzying career. he is now a prisoner serving a twenty-two year sentence for treason. he felt somehow in the water, as they say, he had found his niche. the main thing he had was the source of information that his father gave him about the inheritance. the investigation believed that i would take with me at least 2000. how much money did ivan safronov receive from the czech intelligence services? ivan, you didn’t sell your homeland? we took over this case and conducted our own investigation. so, the investigation of dord petrov will continue to be broadcast legally on the russia-24 tv channel. even more news in the telegram channels vesti dezhurnaya part and honest detective.
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subscribe. available on the platform let's watch, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective. that's all for us, maxim movchan was in the studio. see you.
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hello, he's coming back.
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