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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 24, 2023 12:00pm-12:28pm MSK

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in the application or on the website.
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on sofronov, this is what is happening now behind bars, you know, yes, safronov betrayed not only his country, he betrayed his profession, i said, van, this is the topic, you can write about it, you are like an expert, he says, yes, of course, i ’ve already written about this more than once, remember what... you sold your homeland, he says, i say, of course, for beer, hello, old man, here’s a topic for you for august, railway troops, capacity, base, number of cars, hugs and see you soon, i'm afraid if i say that i was in london, i’m still in the middle of it, it turns out that he worked, he received an excellent education and was a talented correspondent, worked in leading russian publications, newspapers kommersant and vedomosti. made
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a dizzying career, at the age of 30 he was appointed to the post of adviser to the head of the roscosmos corporation, but this is in the past, now he is a prisoner serving a twenty-two-year sentence for high treason, all this is about ivan safronov, a young man, unexpectedly for relatives, friends, and it seems himself found himself embroiled in a detective spy case story, with an unpleasant ending in this... ivan safronov and what foamy secrets he passed on to western intelligence officers in beer bars. we took over this case and conducted our own investigation.
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without exaggeration, these images spread all over the world. on july 7, 2020, ivan safronov, then still advisor-director of roscosmos, was detained as he left his house on nizhegorodskaya street in moscow. an employee of a state corporation was getting ready for work; a company mercedes with a personal driver was waiting for him. coming out of the entrance, safronov was blocked by officers of the federal security service russia. the officers took him by the arms and escorted him to a gray minivan. then
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there was an arrest, then a trial, it lasted for more than a year, behind closed doors, it was known that the former correspondent and... official safronov was accused of high treason, this whole story remained the subject of speculation , mysterious theories, because the details of the investigation were kept under seal. our program tried to find out the details for a long time, sent dozens of requests, and finally received an answer. krechino, in our studio for the head of the first department of the investigative department of the fsb of russia, alexander chiban, as when you
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had a criminal case against ivan safronov in progress, the investigative team included the best investigators from the first. department, here, as well as the military counterintelligence department of the fsb of russia. the criminal case was investigated for 19 months. sofronov not only betrayed his country, he betrayed his profession, since he actually used the work of a journalist to commit a crime.
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according to the investigation, the publication's special correspondent businessman ivan safronov worked for two intelligence services at once, the czech one in the person of martin larysh and... taking this kind of information was not difficult for ivan safronov. it’s not for nothing that experts called him one of the most famous and quoted journalists in russia. main topics - army space. but
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they hardly knew that the correspondent was working for western intelligence agencies. safronov’s first acquaintance with a representative of the czech intelligence took place in the twelfth year. it was a harmless meeting then. seems like two colleagues, he didn’t have any tasks then was worked out, it was a period of, so to speak, recruitment, building relationships, closer to the thirteenth year the first proposals, the first assignments for safronov came, according to the investigation, the prague boss, and at the same time the recruiter of the capital journalist was a citizen of the czech republic, martin laris, martin laris - this is the curator. the directorate of communications and information is an analogue of the foreign intelligence service; from the moment the czech republic joined nato, in 1999,
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respectively, the intelligence services of all nato countries began to carry out not only reconnaissance missions in the interests of their own country, but in the interests of the nato bloc. at first glance, demuri voronin and martin larysh did not arouse suspicion. the first is a political scientist, the head of a consulting agency, the second is a journalist. both are company people, with a well-spoken tongue and a never-ending sense of humor. you will never think anything bad about them, but what kind of special agents should actually be in order to understand the history, the treason of ivanav. ivan sofronov was born in moscow, graduated from the faculty journalism, higher school of economics, in
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2010 he got a job in a businessman, here the young man was well known, his father ivan, worked as a military observer in this publication. activities of the military-industrial complex, the space industry, and also wrote about russian military-technical cooperation. on march 2, 2007, sofronov, the eldest, was found dead near his home in moscow, on taganka. according to investigators, he fell out of the window. ivan safronov, the youngest, followed in his father’s footsteps, as sources, often used his old friends. he felt like a fish in water, as they say , he felt great, he found his niche , the main thing he had was the source of information that his father passed on to him by inheritance, his father’s environment.
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and here’s another article: the author talks in detail about india’s possible purchase of two dozen domestic mig-29s. the amount of the upcoming contract is given. here safronov compares the cost of a domestic aircraft with a similar french fighter. obviously, without special preparation and consultations in the relevant structures cannot understand such issues.
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ivan safronov came to the attention of the russian special services back in 2012 after the publication in the kommersant-vlast magazine of an article about a scorched boat in it near yekaterinburg in the murmansk region . a person close to the highest officials could have such information, then...
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ivan sofronov worked less in space two months, in this position the young man had truly gigantic opportunities for shadow activities. now he communicated every day with holders of state secrets and could easily have passed them on to his western curators, the investigation believes. military counterintelligence officers could not allow this to happen. and on the morning of july 7, 2020, ivan safronov. was detained , we showed this footage at the beginning of our program, the footage flew around the whole world, that
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’s right, a minibus, people in masks are standing, and ivan is confused in a handcuff, that’s right, and how he reacted to hello, hello, fsb, you’re detained .
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thank you, best regards, martin, good afternoon, you can meet, yes, it’s better in the morning on tuesday or wednesday, great, you can kakiski. the young people agreed on a rendezvous, the secret services controlled all meetings. safronov’s first meetings with larysh , however, did not take place in an ordinary cafe restaurant, in... on the territory of a certain czech house owned by the czech embassy, ​​with a closed entrance, a czech pub, czech, you can, you can call it that, well, in fact it is there was a meeting place for agents, these meetings were recorded inside this place, well, i think where there are special services, everything is necessarily recorded there, yeah, it was impossible
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for an ordinary citizen to enter there, and it was impossible for an fsb officer to enter there, only... exclusively a representative of the czech embassy could enter there, a citizen of the european union could enter there, what exactly was the conversation about a mug of beer, but the truth is unknown, gatherings over a mug of foamy drink soon became a regular occurrence and each time the czech asked ivan to continue, for example, to learn about certain aspects of activities in the space industry. it was important for sofronov understand.
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according to the fsb, martin larysh understood that safronov was a very good source, and he was on his hook, but constant meetings could well arouse suspicion, and cech chose to leave russia, now, according to operational data, he supervised the journalist remotely, and...
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com is not ready yet, as
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it seemed, ivan was crushed, it seems his combination to the journalist, from the materials of the criminal case. hello, old man, here is a topic for you for august, can you please send supplies of s-300 s-1 shells to syria by august 20th. delivery details: will be delivered directly to the syrian army, in what time frame, how many complexes, where they will be located. i’m thinking it would be nice to go around the island and from a logistical point of view it would be better to fly to palermo on the seventeenth, take your swimming trunks with you, we’ll finally go swimming at sea. hold on, dear, i’m looking forward to meeting you when we drink beer or wine, hugs. we continue to study the case materials. here comes a new request. hello dear, how are you, spring has already arrived, finally, i’m still thinking about where we should see each other, end of may, beginning of june, ok, think, tell
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me, look, here i propose again three topics for you, look and confirm if everything is ok for you, in which countries will the military brotherhood 2019 exercises take place, military bases in central asia, russia allegedly plans to build another one base in the south of kyrgyzstan, can you? approve, if this is real, railway troops, capacities, bases, number of cars, hugs and see you soon, then, old man, dear, i am inela, we congratulate you on your birthday, we wish you success, love, health, may your dreams your plans go astray, they come true, remember that abroad misses you, so celebrate well, and see you soon, when we... i also hope to celebrate your birthday, so we hug and kiss, how much did representatives of western intelligence services pay ivan safronov,
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we determined the minimum amount of about 80 thousand euros, how the german spy demury voronin contacted a famous journalist, i found him because i read in the merchant there were articles and only we, a former adviser to the head of roscosmos, was convicted. ivan safronov for the first time comments on his criminal case. the first episode is built on many years of stitches. watch the continuation of the exciting investigation of eduard petrov immediately after a short advertisement on the russia-24 tv channel. the best contribution. interest in sberbank is a simple way: one button, savings grow with the maximum rate, one button, and you
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home, taking a portable box, the commission comes to them, carries out the procedure, arranges for them to vote in advance on the road, which means the elections are equal, citizens of my country, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient.
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czech intelligence services, what information do you have? we determined the minimum amount, about 80 thousand euros, which safronov received during the period of cooperation with larysh. the amount is impressive, and, according to the fsb, sofronov received cash during numerous visits to european union countries. suddenly, suddenly, he began to travel abroad very often, mainly to the czech republic, and these trips were tourist trips, as
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was stated. for 1-2 days, and did he get a visa at the embassy? exactly, one or two days, about once every two, every 3 months, but in reality, even for a lover of czech beer, this enough...
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