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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 24, 2023 2:30pm-2:56pm MSK

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interferes, no one gets under your blanket , live as you want, you can work, you can perform on stage, you earn money, you live as you want, there should be no organization, and the aggression for which we are reproached is, forgive me, the aggression is not ours, it is your aggression, and many people ask the question: why extremism, what is extremism, and very... simply, well, very simple examples, please, in 2019, a texas court prohibited a father from preventing his seven-year-old son from changing his sex. in 2021 , a canadian was sent to prison for refusing to admit twelve year old daughter is transgender. in 2023, in the same canada, a sixteen-year -old high school student was suspended from classes just because he... said that
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there are only two genders and they are determined at birth, isn’t this repression, and this is exactly what we are protecting against? your society, look, kirable now dreams of only one thing: to become himself again, but it is not yet possible to return his native and feminine appearance, all three call the decision from the mini-sex the most terrible mistake in their lives, i test, in scientific language sexual dysfunction, this is something that women go through in their 40s and 50s, and i'm only 18, it takes me about 10 minutes to empty my bladder, it happens very slowly and painfully, everything just spreads out, leaving me wet , i would never have thought that at 35 i would smell so bad, i've been to the doctor four times, everything was pretty simple, no diagnosis, wait, shocked, you
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only had three appointments with the doctor, instead of, to help, they prescribe blockers for you puberty, and this is at 16 years of age, research and data show that young children and even infants understand the difference between the sexes, and some children become aware of their gender identity quite early, and we say: oh, this is interestingly important because they realize that their sexual identity sometimes does not coincide with the gender that was recorded at birth. when a family, based on this tiny penis , claims that their child is one hundred percent identified as a man, regardless of what happens in his life, women are those who identify as women, this can mean many things to many people. here is the answer: at what age can the process of gender reassignment begin with the use of medications. medical intervention begins when the patient indicates that he is ready for it. this could be a child at the very beginning of puberty. panic that their breasts begin to swell or their penis enlarges. and he begins to worry about
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all these manifestations of male characteristics, for this there are and do not have a permanent effect. let's look at one of the drugs you use, lupron, which is actually used to chemically castrate sex offenders. you know, i don't think we should continue with the interview because it seems like it 's going in a particular direction. let's look a little deeper, a little bit. listen, in 1954 a pamphlet was published in the usa.
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stability in 1969, in his address to congress, us president richard nixon called population growth one of the most serious problems for the fate of mankind and called for urgent action and they are beginning to work on this, for example, a leading american demographer began to work on limiting: childbirth throughout the world, along with the popularization of contraceptives, abortion , sterilization, he proposed a change in sexual mores, encouragement of unnatural forms of sexual intercourse, you are aware of when this began trend, concerns that we cited quotes from wealthy influential people. bill gates is a businessman and philanthropist.
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the population is rapidly approaching 9 billion. if we are now let's do a really good job on new vaccines. health care, assistance in the field of reproductive health, perhaps we can reduce it by 10-15 percent. david of the roxane ecosystem becomes terribly obvious, you remember, yes, that 69 years ago this question was raised, what happens next, people of the rank we are talking about, they do not waste their words .
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that those people who want to drive us into a madhouse, they live absolutely normal lives, they have normal families, they are normal children, they lead the same lifestyle as those conservatives whom they oppose, that is, against us, for example, steve jobs, who founded the apple company
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, which we also talked about, steve jobs’ children did not use an ipad at all, but other gadgets. such that the allocation of funds for this occurs at a very, very high level. here 's a small diagram. for example, among the partners of the russian lgbt network are the following organizations. amnesty
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international is funded by, among other things, soros. adc memorial is recognized as an agent, recognized as an agent. civil rights defenders. swedish human rights organization, financed, among other things, by soros and the national endowment for democracy. but this is the sfera foundation, which is the operator of the entire network of russian lgbt organizations, including the aforementioned russian lgbt network. the waak foundation is featured in the sector's 2019 report. british secret rounding trust as well. diplomatic missions in great britain, switzerland, canada, they are really familiar to us everyone faces, and these are absolutely the same organizations that are engaged, so to speak, in planting democracy in the world and the organizations
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where they came, but we cannot do without the cherry on the cake, look what a cherry we have. this is the text of a post by the st. petersburg organization heterosexual and lgbt alliance for equality, listen carefully, traditional family. yes, this is not just a symbolic form, it is a necessary economic one for the hearing impaired and those who have difficulty thinking, what is a family? the traditional family is not just a symbolic form, it is a necessary the economic foundation of russian fascist capitalism. what word, i’m imagining it now. without the audience of his screen , so that he said, a word that we
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know well, and it’s really so, it ’s really so, that is, when the arguments of others are not enough, the emphasis is on eternal evil, on universal evil, the evil that everyone knows , the evil that was defeated by fascism. that is, family, after this you will say that this is a misconception and a mistake in the decision of the supreme court to ban this abomination, that is, this is absolutely unprecedented, categorical interference in the traditional foundations of life of the peoples of our country, moreover, this is an encroachment.
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school in moscow is awarded an annual prize, a big book, one of the largest literary awards in our country, and the winner of this prize in the category of choice of a generation is a certain oksana vasyakina with the novel rose. what do we know about the author? this is an lgbt activist, a feminist who stated that lesbians are the pride of russia. well, okay, let's not quibble. by the way, this novel, which received an award, is the final part of the trilogy, which
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is called the wound, the steppe and the rose, which tells about the complex history of the life of a lesbian in our country. here is a short quote from the novel rana, one of the books in this trilogy. lisa was the first woman, and there was a monstrous feeling of guilt. i was 20 years old. i wanted to forget about how the bald blond head was wielding its tongue between my legs, my whole body was cramping from orgasms. by the way, in 2021 this novel, early, a quote from which you had the pleasure of listening to, was also nominated for an award a big book, but then he didn’t receive a prize, but in the twenty-second year he received the nose literary prize. and having received this
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award, the writer publicly thanked her sorry wife from the stage. thank you to everyone, everyone, and i wanted to thank first of all my wife, alina bakhmudskaya, who here, in fact, it is up to any person to lead his personal private life, as he pleases, we are talking about personal private life. but we are not talking about this personal private life becoming a reason for discussion, i will remind you that this nomination is called the choice of a generation, it was established in 2022, for what purpose , in order to popularize modern prose in stated, i am pleased to know that we act as a navigator for young people in the world of literature, that’s exactly where you say that a person has the right there, and his personality, yes, yes, that’s right, but look at why
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this prize was created with the aim of popularizing modern prose among young people, that is , the fact that i’m in this prize for relationships among young people, doesn’t this fit under the very law that was adopted by the supreme court, but... wait, you came across a book, you took it, opened it, read it, ah-ah-ah, oh-oh-oh, or like it, don’t like it, put it aside, this is a competition, this is a competition, this prize, this prize.
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it’s hard for me to imagine, knowing seryozha, on his pages, his books, something that i read to you is maya kucherskaya, but also bankers, for example, pyotr avin, mikhail fredman, but what surprised me most was that he presented this prize a wonderful person whom i can consider my friend is sergei vladimovich stepashin, he was prime minister and... was minister of internal affairs, and was the chairman of the imperial orthodox palestinian society, the chairman of the accounts chamber , he is a bookworm with an incredible library, it is very difficult for me, it is impossible for me to imagine sergei vadimovich, stepashin, sitting in a chair and reading this literature
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that we were just talking about, they read that literature from me. for which they gave a prize, if so, then it will surprise me very much, and if they haven’t read it, then it means they trust those who suggested they give these prizes to these books, thus, hiding behind their names, in order to better imagine who offered our respected rector the georgy urush prize, listen carefully, there are two times... russia is pro-western, progressive and conservative, incapable of generating new ideas, the inhabitants of the second russia are not the first they let us in, but they themselves didn’t know how to get there, well, by the way, mr. urushadze left his post in april 22, you can mentally imagine
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the image that appears in mr. uruzh when he talks about the second russia, about us and you, that... well, that’s all, well, everything is clear, honestly - it ’s when this is how they do it, honestly, when they put literature in the hands of people who should evaluate it and people who trust those who give it to them as a result, like you did it, why, that’s how independent this prize is, a big book,
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the writer yuri told us very interestingly. poles, listen, they were selected for this new olympus based on the candidate’s anti-sovietism, or even better, russophobia, at worst they were content with social apathy, style, directions had no weight, you can be postmodern barmatuns, kuand realists, it doesn’t matter, the main worldview is skeptical of russian civilization, the books are filled with faith in the fatherland, a healthy attitude towards the world, they are eliminated as indecent, that’s the whole answer to all questions, and , that the prize is in itself, it is truly a big book prize, in different years daniil granin received this prize, zakhar prilepin received this prize, this year the main prize was received by
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evgeniy vodolaskin, that is, these are big writers, but... why do we receive all the information only when everything has already been done, why, why do we do it all the time, to my amazement. and in my opinion, he gave a very accurate answer to this question and will not be remembered by night, but our one of
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the rather frequent heroes, the writer chkhartishvili, aka boris akunya, by the way, we are grateful for this revelation, we must be wonderful guys vavan and lexus, who they managed to do this, and jokingly playing, listen, in russia, as with your books, i...
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promised to help ukraine in every possible way in the fight against their homeland, and money for these books they receive, they have the opportunity to earn money from a russian reader, whose relatives, or he himself is fighting at the front, against those who care about both, perspicacious people, absolutely understand that even if they hand over their fee ...
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reap, headlong with envy and fear of telling the truth, listen to the truth, in this regard, i want to say a few words about the series of terrible criticism, analysis, cries that it corrupts youth, it kills everything holy and pure in children, and so on and so forth, it's a lie, it's not true, it's this... the very thing i was talking about is an honest picture that you need to be able to listen to and see as the truth, because zhora speaks the truth about that
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very time, the desire to again break up the streets , sectors to clash heads with newly formed gangs is not true, this is a story about the time when it was , and this should be a reason for this not to happen, and not fear that it will happen, if parents are afraid to show this picture and are afraid that their children will become like this, then these parents are shit, they are sure that they managed instill in your children disgust for what zhora is talking about kryzhovnikov, this is real cinema, this is honest cinema, and this is the cinema that we really need, i have already repeated this phrase.
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