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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 25, 2023 12:00am-12:25am MSK

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order a card in december and you are guaranteed to receive 30% cashback on equipment, not just profitable. on monday, vladimir putin visited the central election commission, where he submitted documents to participate in the presidential elections on march 17, 2024. about how it was about other details of the presidential week in pavel zarubin’s telegram channel, a fragment right now, the meeting room of the central election commission , the presidential elections in russia are getting closer, vladimir putin has become the first to submit documents for nomination to as a candidate for the post of president of russia, now together with you we will consider this procedure in detail, it is clear that...
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in this case, the identity is obvious, but the law is the law, it is the same for everyone, so here thank you, thank you, the employee knows him, yes, but nevertheless, the accuracy of all procedures is one of the guarantees of the legitimacy of the elections, we can start accepting documents, please, we need to fix the start time of the reception, today is december 18, 2023, 16:36 it was just now, 16:36. putin recorded another fact: the name, patronymic, i wrote it down, but i didn’t have enough space there, i had to wrap it up like that , probably, well, it’s okay, we ’ll sort it out, probably the shots from afar showed everything, but our program sees more than others and took a closer look at the presidential documents , to the passport to serous copies. so, you have submitted a statement of consent to run for the position of president of the russian federation. a certified copy of yours. information about
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sources of income, keep up, information about property, information about expenses, part documents were transferred electronically on a flash drive, everything opened, yes, after checking and processing the documents, the initiative group receives the right to collect signatures for the candidate, how many nominations are there now, did you do it in person?
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insert 3000 signatures from 89 russian regions into the cycle. volunteers of putin’s election headquarters, which opened on thursday at the moscow gostiny dvor, are already doing this. the co-chairs of the headquarters were the actor and director vladimir mashkov, the speaker of the dpr parliament, colonel artyom zhogo and the head physician of the moscow city hospital, tirelessly, they announced the work schedule from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., seven days a week, no holidays. this is one of the most important days for our great russia, the very will of the people, of everyone who comes to collect signatures, i am sure there will be much more of them than required. as for the main work of the co-chairs, maryana lysenko answered this way: my patients will not be given attention, this is absolutely certain, it certainly worries me. voting will last 3 days, from march 15 to 17. for the first time there are elections in 29 regions of the country. will be held using
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online voting, with their candidates the leading political parties of russia have been determined; putin’s nomination at this saturday ’s congress was also supported by the parliamentary party “a just russia for truth.” vladimir putin is fighting not only for the russian world, for our country to become a gliary world for a new world order. and in this regard, we consider it necessary and necessary to support our president. on tuesday at the congress. the dpr decided to nominate leonid slutsky as a presidential candidate, when the country, the entire russian world , is experiencing a moment of truth, probably the main one in our modern history, it is really necessary to work for the people, for the sake of the people, and to reach every person and every family, as velikiynovsky bequeathed to us. nikolai kharitonov will go to the polls from the communists. this is what the communist party congress decided on saturday. people directly say: well, we played at capitalism, that’s enough. after all, people should
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live more confidently, more decently. why didn't you go to the polls yourself? this is not the point, i went to the elections, i head the headquarters, i sat in the program management, i will coordinate all the work. and today. january in the arctic, news reports, citing a statement from the us state department. the continental shelf is a continuation of the country's land territory under water. the united states has the right under international law to protect and manage resources and critical
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habitats. the so-called extended continental shelf occupies an area primarily in the arctic and bering sea in an area of ​​increasing strategic importance. america will have to settle its borders with canada, the bahamas and japan, the state department said. commenting on what happened , bloomberg writes that washington wants at the expense of shelf expansion to gain access to minerals for the production of electric vehicle batteries. in addition, there are large oil and gas fields on the shelf. meanwhile, the presidential race is heating up in the united states and there is already a lot of dirt and uncleanness at the start. joe biden got an unexpected surprise. the most unpopular of the seven previous us presidents, it turns out, has one popular fan. the singer of the hit, all i need for christmas is you,
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meraya kerry, dropped into the white house with her daughter munro and son morokin, release for company from the inner chambers of the defendant, a heavyweight, all sorts of miracles happen, under the new one. president and vice president, that is, two out of three americans do not approve of them; what also amazes americans who approve of their actions are the indicators of disapproval of the president within his own party. remember, when donald trump was president, his approval rating among republicans was always above 90%. and here the
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approval rating is among less than a month, so colorado justice comes into play. america is faced with something outrageous.
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to the president, the deal with the republicans regarding assistance to ukraine did not work out, zelensky will not receive 60 billion. we do not have a magical source of funding that we could use, if congress does not pass this 2024 law in the amount of 886 billion dollars, which biden signed the day before, only 300 million are pledged to ukraine, as for pentagon supplies, then the money to help kiev is official will end. december 30th. and then everything is foggy. firstly, even if the republicans and democrats agree on
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in the senate and house of representatives, the mood is even more anti-ukrainian. secondly, another shutdown, that is, again not before ukraine. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin and denis lisitsin. news of the week from new york. there are all kinds of dragons: strong, cute, bully, happy new year, deline is on your side. the more provincial from i like to cook, you add, the brighter, um, brighter, mm and brighter the taste becomes, la, la. brighter taste, brighter mood with the brand i love to cook. polisorp is always with you against poisoning,
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allergies, hangovers, it's time to drink polysorp. walls, high floor, with signal interference, in order to have good mobile communications in the house, you must first get a cat who will teach you how to use wifi. with wow wi-fi technology, enjoy mobile communications even where there is signal interference. can i keep the cat? belaine is on your side. this year russian ladoto. dad, do you have a wish for santa claus? guessed right? i would like my dad to be with us for the new year, not in advertising. cool, i made a wish, santa claus will definitely fulfill it. do you understand what you've done? what, what? you took me from people, along with me new year's tariff, such a good offer.
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he wanted it best, right? oh, okay, be with your son during the holidays, and i’ll substitute. but i won’t play maniacs, fabulously favorable new year’s tariff from mts 30 gb, 500 minutes and 200 sms for only 390 rubles per month, have time to connect before the end of january, well, you’re not impudent either, i don’t need a flower blue of the year, i achieved it myself, you did everything wonderful that happened in the past year, so celebrate yourself. not dates on the calendar. scooter, holiday, it's you. i demand that the banquet be continued. ryaba - fabulously tasty. technologies perfection from raventa. professional drying, styling care. raventa hair dryer for only rub 3,799. vmfo and eldorado. dad, look.
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says look, no, that’s right, smart trio, three are more profitable than one in belayne, techno common 20 pro, communication accessory is 10 thousand rubles more profitable than just a smartphone, this is permission, smartphones also need permission, deline is on your side, in tuesday the european union finally approved the long-suffering twelfth package of sanctions against russia. which includes a ban on the import of russian diamonds, liquefied gas, cast iron, molten iron, copper and aluminum wire, foil of some pipes. true, regarding diamonds, the head of debirs elkuk already laughed in an interview with the financial times. even if they wanted to, the average customs agent would not
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be able to look at one diamond and another and say it was russian. that’s how i see it, in general, but if you ask how much of a problem or burden this creates for our manufacturers, it doesn’t add any joy and, of course, creates additional challenges for to determine alternative
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supply markets, but... of course, assuming the timing of the adoption of this or that package, we are trying to prepare for an alternative by this time. from europe, our correspondent, mikhail antonov. new british foreign secretary cameron stands out for the second week in a row. in the past , he encouraged europeans to
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rob russia through the confiscation of its state reserves and allegedly suffered defeat. of course, the third act turned out to be difficult on the battlefield, but the fourth act still has to be written, and we must ensure that it is written in the right way, by friends, partners and the western world. but cameron’s shakespeare is absolutely nothing, otherwise he would have an idea of ​​the laws of dramaturgy, which require a change of fate, which is exactly what is happening now, and the fourth act, regardless of whether there was a gun in the wall or not, is always the denouement. few are ready to admit this out loud. now, perhaps the prime minister of slovakia fica? we can dump all the weapons in the world on ukraine, all money, but russia will never be defeated in a military sense. now the transition is from 2023 .
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it will take russia from 5 to 8 years to reach a state of armaments that, as it seems to it, will allow it to attack a nato country, so we must, and also the unity of the allies is more likely to be declared than to actually take place, and this applies even to a key ally, biden today, trump tomorrow. this week , a line of scandinavian colleagues lined up for us secretary of state blinken to get permission stamped as a carbon copy. american military presence in denmark, sweden and finland. blinken tried to reassure allies who were together committed to allowing ukraine to stand its ground, to stand
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strong militarily, economically and democratically. this is why president biden's supplemental budget request is so important, why will we continue to work with congress to pass it? these statements do not fit well with recent statements by blinken himself that ukraine must learn to live without american money. that the united states is trying to crawl to the side before the presidential election, dumping the burden on the former commander of american troops in europe, ben hodges. ukraine will have to increase the production of weapons ammunition, something is already happening, during a war it is possible to increase production, even if your cities are being bombarded by russian missiles. remember what germany did in 1944: backlash aircraft production reached its peak in 1944. of course, it is possible to look up to hitler; they have no one else to look up to." germany from collapse. in addition, in ukraine there is no production that could be
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increased; it must be created from scratch. and this is again a matter of tens, if not hundreds of billions of dollars. at the end of the year , the issue of appropriating russian assets frozen in the west came to the fore again. this is an absolute innovation. for the first time, germany intends to withdraw money from a russian bank. we are talking about about 720 million euros, which will then flow into the state treasury, money that the german government could well use. when trying to transfer funds from the german subsidiary of the american jp morgan to the german commerzbank, the german prosecutor general's office arrested the mentioned 720 million euros belonging to the russian national clearing house.
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