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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 25, 2023 3:30pm-4:00pm MSK

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in the kherson region, russian marines repelled a new attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to gain a foothold on the left. dnepr, as reported by the ministry of defense,
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russian troops have built a layered defense and are actively using various types of drones. after reconnaissance from the air , artillery and mortar fire is opened on the enemy. it is not uncommon for marines to engage in gun battles. details from igor pikhanov. these are the groups we start, we storm, the marine corps, our valiant fighters, the heroic marines, all the heroes are all smart. the task is completed. no one goes back, division marines of the black sea fleet are moving to the front line in the kherson region, the task is to destroy ukrainian militants who were discovered by scouts, saboteurs of the ukrainian armed forces are trying to break through to the left bank of the dnieper, a battle begins in a dense forest. with the support of artillery , the russian military neutralizes enemy positions, the enemy regularly. sends
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assault groups, on this section of the front they will land to gain a foothold on the shore, the militants are not given any space by the marines, every attack for the ukrainian armed forces ends in failure with heavy losses. in in our zone of responsibility , the situation is improving every day, the enemy’s offensive potential is being eliminated , that is, this has already become noticeable, as for the shooting battle, the enemy is losing to us , ours are better prepared than the soldiers, in order to secretly move to the left bank of the dnieper, the militants use silent boats with electric power. engine, but this does not help them, reconnaissance monitors the situation around the clock, artillerymen destroy motorboats even as they approach the shore. we have a uav working, it detects them in a thermal imager, it simply detects them visual contact, already transmits coordinates to us, we make corrections and fire. the enemy is using cluster munitions prohibited by international convention against the russian military and civilian population in front-line villages. shells.
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the germs of which passed into the 20th century, now we, 80 years later, are fighting so bravely because our ancestors stand behind us, our heroic chronicle of the russian marines. for courage and professionalism, almost all fighters of the unit were awarded departmental and state awards. officers say this is the result of regular training exercises; even during a rotation , work at the training grounds does not stop. igor pikhanov, konstantin peunov, news! zaporozhye region, it’s good that the apartment on
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new year’s eve a kind wizard conjured miracles for every resident of the city, and my dad built a real castle without any magic, all miracles.
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he doesn’t tell anything about himself, they are not interested in how i live, if you ask, they will be offended, for sure, they will be offended, i always miss you very much, it’s so difficult to leave you, warm me up loved ones with warm words, winter combo, delicious and period, it gets better and better,
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market and scooter and win 10 million rubles. due to exports this year, the russian budget system received 4 trillion 250 billion rubles. non-resource exports are becoming a powerful source of foreign exchange earnings . serious growth is observed in the field of agriculture, mechanical and technical products and more. about it. veronika nikishina, general director of the russian export center, spoke in an interview with our channel. veronica olegovna, good afternoon. good afternoon. at the end of last year, russia was among the top five largest economies in the world. if you look at the numbers, merchandise exports
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are $592 billion. what about exports this year? well, first of all i want to remind you, why does the country need exports at all, that is , these are not figures. speech, this is not an end in itself, export is a serious driver of the economy of any state, including russia, not raw energy exports, which we will talk about today, it accounts for about 9% of gdp, for companies export is an opportunity to increase profits, because you can enter new markets and scale up your production, this is an opportunity to increase the number of jobs, this is employment, this...
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we not only did not find ourselves in isolation, but we also on such a sustainable growth trajectory, that is
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, next year we already expect to reach quite successfully, we have formed serious groundwork for reorientation to new export markets from those markets that, for various reasons, they tried to close for us, but by the way, i want to. to say that even the complete closure of the markets of unfriendly countries, despite all the attempts of the leadership of these countries to do this, also did not work, our consumers in the so-called unfriendly countries continue to buy russian products, either it is supplied directly, or it gets there in a roundabout way, repainted from russian to non-russian, but the demand for our products even in the markets of unfriendly countries is quite high. kolegovna, at a meeting with the new composition of the public chamber in november, president vladimir putin said that russia is ceasing
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to be a gas station, is there any evidence of this now? in the early nineties, when russia had just begun to enter the world market, we were really most actively implementing our most the main export asset is energy, but russia began to think seriously about diversifying its exports at the beginning of this. export assets, over the last 10 years, the share
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of non-resource, non-energy exports in the overall structure of our exports has steadily occupied from 35 to 40%, that is, we have not been a gas station for a long time, and non-resource, non-energy exports themselves are becoming very, very powerful, very diversified source for admission. foreign exchange earnings from various sectors of the economy, this includes the agro-industrial complex segment, which, especially last year and this year , showed simply fantastic champion indicators for growth in quantity, including new export positions that began to enter the markets, in absolute numbers, and of course, the industrial line, which, in addition to the usual already familiar we have export champions, who were our metallurgists and chemists. is beginning to expand and we have steadily begun to be perceived as exporters of mechanical and technical products; our
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railway equipment and automobile equipment have long become competitive, good, competitive advantages of our machine-technical industry, and, of course, last year and this year sanctions had a greater negative impact on the segment of the machine-technical industry. this was due, among other things, to the fact that there was a fairly serious dependence on the component base, it was the rupture of production chains, the dependence on the components within which influenced, that allowed the sanctions to have a certain effect on this industry, this is indeed probably the most dramatic effect with from the point of view of our export assets, which were felt by our industries, a serious negative impact was also had on the timber industry complex. which, traditionally located in the north-west of our country
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, had europe as its main export markets, the closure of europe to the timber industry complex was indeed of such a very serious, sensitive, negative nature, but serious measures for the rapid reorientation of assistance in reorientation in the market of new countries, starting with a logistics subsidy for the northwest, which was implemented very quickly. in life, and 2.5 billion rubles, which were allocated to compensate for logistics costs in connection with the reorientation to more...
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who can buy your products, how to find them, how to get to know them, how to deliver products, what temporary storage warehouses, which logistics operators can deliver exactly to this country, so first of all, probably, the recognition of russian products, which in our new markets is still, well, sometimes close to zero, sometimes
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has such a rather skewed character, we are traditionally considered, again, to be mono-exporters. products and don’t know about our entire diversified line, so finding out the rules of presence on the market are probably the most frequently asked questions that we answered as actively as possible this year, and then directly technical questions related to the usual export activities, but these are all things that can be solved absolutely even in the markets of european countries that are now traditional for us. at which we believed that we were already there quite confidently we are present, russian exporters have been entering for decades, this also did not happen overnight, so of course entering new markets, reorienting to new markets is not a quick question, but it goes much faster, simply because exporters already have enormous experience. you spoke about
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the difficulties, and what support measures are there, these are the key ones in order to overcome these difficulties and, what is important, how much? they really work, what is the evidence? well, i already said that they are effective in the current situation, that is, that in many ways, the effect, the negative effect of the sanctions, was overcome with much fewer problems than expected, due to the fact that for several years now an export support system has been created and exists quite stably, precisely as a system, it is a set of elements, probably consisting of three legs. these are the tools, this is the set of tools that make up the national project, international cooperation , export, these are the resources with which these tools are provided, because without resources, without constant increase and guaranteeing resources in order for measures to be applied, it is impossible to consistently predict one’s export activities, and infrastructure is institutions that
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systematically support exports on a regular basis, so the entire world within the framework of the national... project was concentrated around the exporter, based on understanding all the elements of his export path, from the inception of the idea to start exporting, that is, from the potential exporter’s request for the set of measures that he needs, for example, knowledge, i want export, but i don’t know how, i don’t have a specialist in the field of foreign economic activity, and we have a line of educational program tools. export school, which also, depending on the needs from online courses to individual acceleration support, helps a potential exporter start exporting, a large set of information and consulting support measures related to understanding the profile, export profile
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of the search exporter for him potentially himself attractive export market , that is... in order to decide where to export, a certain navigation is also needed here, these country navigators with such step-by-step support, this is a huge help for many exporters, and the demand for this set of support measures is in the pool of those exporters who are so-called beginners, as soon as exporters are already moving on to more...
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logistics consultations are also very popular support measures that help the exporter get closer to solving their export problems directly, for example, we do not have, we are not a multimodal logistics operator, we do not have our own cars or ships, but we have a pool of more than 90 logisticians, from large multimodal logistics operators to small local forwarders. and we are a marketplace that helps a russian exporter structure his delivery, allowing him to choose from this large
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pool of various professional logistics operators the most correct, most commercial and technologically convenient floor of tools for him, and of course financial instruments, this is a very popular resource that allows reducing the cost of production allowing... the path of an export contract is a very popular element of support that has allowed a large number of exporters to maintain their competitiveness, despite on a large number of costs that have increased, and insurance...
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one button in the mobile application in sberbank with prime is more profitable. vladimir putin instructed the government and the public chamber to submit a proposal to improve traffic rules. the document was published on the kremlin website. the task must be completed by april 1 of the following year. the president also instructed the government and the public chamber. prepare ideas for development of a demographic security strategy, this must be done before february 15. in addition, the president instructed to create a creative cluster in donetsk, which would include a center for the development of creative industries, a film studio, a school and a college. prime minister mikhail mishustin, head of the donetsk people's republic denis pushilin and secretary of the public chamber of russia lidiya mikheva were appointed responsible for this issue. they must submit a report by
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february 15. next year. russian authorities believe that there are attempts by third parties in serbia persons to provoke unrest, stated presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. he noted that observers did not record any violations in the last elections. at the same time, dmitry peskov emphasized that what is happening in serbia is its internal matter, and russia never interferes in such matters. at the same time, he noted that moscow has no doubt that the serbian leadership will be able to provide. there is domestic legislation, there are electoral bodies, there are also observers who did not record any violations, which are capable of calling into question the legitimacy of the elections that took place, there is a process and attempts by third forces, including from abroad, to provoke such unrest, everything that happens is exclusively an internal matter of serbia, in
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serbia there is a legal, legitimate... leadership, which, in our opinion, is capable of taking all necessary measures, we have never interfered and are not going to interfere in any internal affairs, especially in the internal affairs of our allied and partner serbia, we are united by a common historical and cultural heritage. we treat our relationship very carefully and value it very much. for the first time , representatives are celebrating christmas together with catholics. orthodox church in ukraine, by decision of vladimir zelensky , the holiday this year was postponed from january 1 to december 25, but believers did not come to the churches for the christmas service, footage of the empty assumption cathedral of the kiev pechersk lavra appeared online. a year ago , ukrainian authorities took away the building from the canonical orthodox church. representatives of the ocu at christmas vespers the service was held practically without parishioners. then, as before, before the capture, it was
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impossible to go inside because... a huge number of believers. there is a similar picture with empty orthodox churches throughout ukraine today. the russian orthodox church condemns the decision of the kiev authorities to celebrate christmas in december and calls it politically motivated. in order to accordingly influence this canonical church, in order to sow discord in ukrainian society. this decision was completely politically motivated and was accepted by the ukrainian authorities. of course, the vast majority of ukrainian citizens, believers, orthodox, are celebrating.


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