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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 26, 2023 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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new regions, russian cultural space, which olga lyubimova also spoke about in the final interview. the confrontation between autumn and winter is still sweeping the chelyabinsk kurgan region; omsk is recording record warmth. what are the forecasts for new year's eve? powerful explosions occurred this night in ukraine. messages came from several regions of the country at once. according to local information. i guess one of these places was the suburb of krivoy rog in the dnepropetrovsk region. cases of detonation are reported in nikolaev. and the night before explosions were heard in the odessa region. the air raid alert was announced several times in recent hours; in total, sirens were heard in six regions of the country. the liberation of maringa allowed russian troops to gain wider operational space. in addition, this success helped to significantly move the ukrainian armed forces’ artillery away from donetsk. now the city is better protected from shelling by militants. catherine.
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this morning can truly be called good both for the residents of our republic and for the military personnel, because the day before it came good news about the complete liberation of marinka. the settlement, which is located literally 20 km from donetsk, during 9 years of being under the occupation of ukrainian nationalists, became a real serious fortified area, from where militants fired regularly at the residents of the capital of the republic. dug in, they built underground concrete structures, dugouts, passages, literally every house, of which there are more than 300 in marinka , they turned into firing points from where they struck, that is, we can say that during the period that they were there, they did well prepared, and this allowed them to maintain their positions for a long time. the path to liberating marinka was difficult, it was long, but nevertheless our military personnel did everything possible to drive out the nazis. from russian soil and made
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every effort to do this, and in this case the militants were not helped even by the vaunted western equipment, on which they placed great bets; in many ways, of course, our servicemen were helped by the experience they received during the liberation of mariupol and artyomovsk. among the military personnel of the armed forces of ukraine there were quite a large number of mobilized ones, who, without appropriate training and without appropriate weapons, having been caught literally recently on the streets of ukraine, were sent to slaughter, they were sent by the command, and the kiev authorities died, it is clear that they could not fight for long, could not for long confront our military personnel, a special role in the liberation of marinka, i would like to note those military personnel who played, this is the fifth brigade of the first army corps, as well as military personnel of the 150th and 20th divisions, take the fortification was very difficult; the enemy had been preparing for many years for us to storm it.
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one of the heroes of taking new frontiers was battalion commander alexander troshin. by presidential decree the day before, he was awarded the alternate rank of major. the enemy clung to every house, right to every barn, to every basement, cellar, we knocked them out, stormed them, pressed every day... five assaults a day, we had to go, go, until the enemy understood what was happening, it was necessary, let's say, on his shoulders to enter his position, when at 15, 15 minutes i reported to the brigade commander via radio that marinka had come under the full control of the fifth brigade, my hands were shaking when i took the radio station, well , you can imagine, at first i was talking.
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the chief of the general staff speaks to me, then he says, at 12 o’clock the supreme commander-in-chief will speak, uh, i was very surprised, that is, well, for me, i say, it’s a great honor, it can’t be compared with anything. now, regarding the details of the night attack of the ukrainian armed forces, repelled near feadosia, the ministry of defense stated: kiev regime troops fired aircraft guided missiles. during an air battle northeast of nikolaev, our anti-aircraft systems shot down two enemy su-24 front-line bombers, which carried out the attack. the large landing ship novocherkassk, which was at... its home base, was damaged. now broadcast on our channel. the role of political parties in increasing cooperation within this growing , increasingly popular association. you all have a draft agenda. if not
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objections, then i propose to start working , first i will say a few words on this topic: the formation of a multipolar, polycentric world order. becomes, without exaggeration, the main trend of international development, and this process is proceeding more and more confidently, it involves sovereign states of their association, which rely not on just advice, from the ocean or from closer territories, but on their national interests, cultural and civilizational identity promote their own agenda, as in as far as their internal... development is concerned, so in the international arena, they themselves choose the model of political and socio-economic development they need, suitable for their peoples, for their traditions, while many of these countries have already achieved significant success in various fields,
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from economics, science, technology to the influence on global governance on the decisions of leading multilateral structures, including all of them... of course, i can’t list them, but i will mention our strategic partners, china, india, brazil, the republic of south africa, iran, saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, egypt, turkey, as well as many many other countries of the global south and east. i mentioned first of all those countries that, from january 1, join the work of the brix union, in accordance with the decision taken on...
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the state operates, representing different religions, distinguishing different regions of the world without involving civilization, our joint work covers almost all key areas, these are politics and security issues, economics, humanitarian contacts in all their manifestations. brix, in brix we are actually talking about a kind of cooperative network, if you like, thrown over it. above the traditional north-south, west-east lines, with the inclusion of new members in the brig, including, as i already said, saudi arabia, egypt, the emirates, iran,
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ethiopia, of course, and argentina has now taken a time out to think, but there is interest in latin america there is very strong support for our unification. but with the entry of new members, of course, the work will become more multifaceted, achieving agreements will take more time, but when work is done with countries that sometimes profess not quite the same approaches and a consensus is reached, this kind of consensus is very worth it, it is stronger, more durable, more reliable than the decisions that are in some... western associations are adopted by decree of the hegemon, it is natural that in conditions when brix works on truly democratic principles, mutually respectful principles, very many people strive to get closer to it, in addition to those
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countries that have already joined the ranks of our members association, today to establish connections, partnerships with brix. want about three dozen states, we will continue to work to ensure that brix strengthens its position as one of the pillars of a multipolar world. a multipolar world will be formed through the strengthening of regional principles, primarily in the countries of the world majority, mentioned asean, mentioned the league of arab states, the cooperation council of arab states, the gulf, the african union and numerous subregional structures in this continent, a community of latin american and caribbean countries that unites everything.
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this process of the formation of a multipolar polycentric world lies precisely in the fact that this is
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the natural course of things, the natural course of things that countries gravitate to after they got rid of colonial oppression; quite recently there was an epiphany regarding what goals the americans were achieving, their allies, promoting their model of globalization, the meaning was the same colonial.
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there will be a meeting of the chairmen of the committees on international affairs of the parliaments of the member countries, of course, i have no doubt that legislators will also, in their own way, contribute to the integration of new recruits into our association, especially paying attention to such increasingly important issues as improving the legal framework for cooperation in brix, which is what we are in in line with this... work, we are considering the proposal of the united russia party to organize
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a forum of political parties of the brix countries in july next year in vladivostok, a very useful platform that has already has established itself as a very, very necessary format for promoting the strengthening of dialogue between political parties and public organizations. there is no doubt that the inter-party forum will fully reflect the diversity of the state's original political practices. unification and will serve mutual understanding; this is very, very in demand in the current international situation, and through our ministry we continue to promote implementation. and another initiative of united russia to hold an international party forum in moscow for freedom of nations, a forum for supporters of the fight against modern practices of neo-colonialism, some of which i mentioned just above, and i note with great satisfaction that a number of political formations
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of the brix states are actively participating in the preparation of this event. i think it's actually useful to use. much more, dear colleagues, i’m speaking the other day at a meeting of the council of legislators dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the federal assembly, president putin especially noted the merits of parliamentary diplomacy: russia in parliamentary diplomacy, which strengthens in russia, helps our country’s authority on
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the world stage and promotes our country’s sovereign course towards building a more just world. for my part, i would like to thank all members of the commission for our joint work. let me remind you that this is our third meeting this year, so the rhythm is quite good. at the previous two , we discussed topics such as strengthening cooperation with the countries of asia, africa, and latin america in the fight against modern practices of neocolonialism, as well as the implementation of the main provisions of the new concept of foreign policy of the russian federation. well , naturally today we are moving on to discussing topics that specify the key directions, concepts of our foreign policy and specify the areas of cooperation with the countries of developing continents, with the countries of the world majority. i have no doubt that in
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the coming year we will interact effectively; we really value, i want to emphasize this again, cooperation. with political parties represented in the russian parliament, all this helps to implement our foreign policy approved by president putin. thank you very much, i give the floor to andrey arkadich. thank you very much, serge vitovich. this was a broadcast from a meeting of the united russia general council commission on international cooperation and support of compatriots abroad. and now the latest news: the number of victims of the ovsu attack. increased to four, one person was killed, let me remind you, during an air battle northeast of nikolaev, our anti-aircraft systems shot down two front-line enemy su-24 bombers, which carried out the attack. the large landing ship novocherkassk, which was located at its base, was damaged. let's take a break for a short commercial and then continue. he becomes. for
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everything will be the way you want, everything will be the way you want, there will be peace on yours, they will start no more bitterly, only we have enough. everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, why are there cameras in elections,
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today i found myself in a new place with my dad, he wanted to vote for a candidate to choose, we walked in, i immediately froze, dad, why are there so many cameras here, monitoring the progress of fair elections by the people is guaranteed by the law, our rights are guarded by him, if there is a suspicion that a violation has occurred, he will record an instant of this incident, observation, choose freely in the country , important, honestly convenient. for the first time, a russian guard member was awarded a medal for courage in a fire. the award was received by special forces soldier kirill with the call sign wise. in february, he was on a walk with his family and saw a fire break out on the third floor of a residential building. thick smoke was coming from the balcony, standing there the woman called for help. the captain immediately raised it. he took a young child into the apartment on the floor below and from the balcony, and then helped his mother down. it turned out that she was pregnant. then the russian guard came to the aid of the residents of the apartment on the second floor,
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which was covered in smoke. a new surgical building was opened in the coma permyat district of the pirma region. the hospital is equipped with the most modern equipment. four operating rooms, an intensive care unit and a hospital with a capacity of 80 beds. for medical staff as well. all conditions have been created for work, there are rest rooms, showers, comfortable cabins for receiving patients, the appearance of a medical institution of this level has been awaited for almost 20 years, governor of the perm territory dmitry makhonin spoke about how medical programs and the national healthcare project are being implemented in the region. as part of the national healthcare project, part of the primary medical care modernization project, which is being implemented thanks to... units of medical equipment, we are renovating,
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building clinics, only in perm there were wine was built and three clinics were put into operation; clinics were introduced in the cherdinsky district, in palazne, the dobryansky district and a number of other territories, new facilities were received. a new standard akushirskaya was launched in the capital. gynecological care, deputy mayor of moscow for social development anastasia rakova spoke about this in an interview with our channel. a unified network of women's health centers is being formed in the city; they will replace outdated antenatal clinics. according to experts, this will increase efficiency and accessibility medical care. to date , antenatal clinics that are recognized to provide assistance to women have been formed over 30 years without any uniform standard. they were placed.
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a network of women's health centers that will be evenly distributed throughout the city and will replace outdated and physically and mentally antenatal clinics; they will be part of large multidisciplinary hospitals, which will necessarily have a maternity hospital or perenental center and a large modern gynecological department, so that provide this assistance seamlessly, so version. you watch on our channel after 16:30 moscow time. for the fifth year now , the all-russian charity event “wish tree” has been helping children’s pre-new year dreams come true. its participants are children in difficult situations, orphans, children with disabilities, as well as gifted children. new year trees decorated with balls with children's dreams are installed throughout the country. among those who joined the wish tree are deputy prime ministers and ministers
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of the federal government. wish tree, let's see, this is our desire, to fulfill the wishes of others, and oh boy, alexey, taganrok, 16 years old, dreams of a tent. oh my mother-in-law andrey, nizhny novgorod region, bolshaya yelen village, 9 years old, dreams of football boots, but i think that we are quite capable of fulfilling these desires, of course, everything will be very good, the most important thing is that these guys are happy.
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kirill, moscow, 13 years old, dreams of a tennis table, a great dream, we will be happy to fulfill it, kirill, your dream for the new year, i think it’s a good one. desire, because the desire to play sports, especially tennis, which is now very popular, is a sport that develops reaction, develops dexterity, the ability to quickly make decisions, so, well, happy new year, kirill, we will fulfill our wishes.
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“one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, begged for fun to steal a cannon from the regiment and with her own hands shot at a peasant’s hut, miraculously did not kill anyone to death, what is the difficulty, her mother is at her court, an important person, everything is fine with my daughter, she normal girl. she’s just like everyone else, and the girl repents, it’s like, let’s go to paris , we’ll eat oysters, we could forgive her, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia, but i’ll cut out your tongue now, we won’t hang her, we’re her let’s go, i’d tear you to pieces with horses, where are you going to drown yourself? hello, i am
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boris akimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.


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