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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 26, 2023 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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viruses in the world, then they will simply sell vaccines and medicines for these diseases, which they themselves brought here. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. russia is the largest economy in europe, and these are our global countries.
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china remains the leading global economy, india is in third place, the countries of the global north, the usa, japan, and the eu are gradually losing their importance. the prosperity of the european union was based on two prerequisites: access to our energy resources and the use of cheap production in china. loss of item data leads to long-term stagnation. the energy shock that europe experienced really made things worse. european, now
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prices for europe have increased because costs have changed technologically, europe has switched to importing lng, mainly american from the middle east, europeans are again forced to buy resources, or russian ones, but more expensive, now they have oil products from india, and the same gas the most are america, the middle east, in part. under the conditions of sanctions , the fundamental margin of safety of gdp was already higher than before the introduction of restrictions. at the end of the year the indicator can add at least 3.5%. vladimir putin recently stated this. it is important to focus on growing markets in the country; this will give more opportunities to our companies. at the same time, the key task is to remain the most efficient manufacturers and reduce production costs. including in the energy sector. then the changes that are happening in... the global commodity market will
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affect us to a lesser extent. in principle, there were a lot of factors that should have pulled the economy up, but the first one was after all, import substitution, after all. the second is a fiscal stimulus, including a defense order. third, all sorts of things related to new territories, where you need to invest, develop, build, all of this will also be indirectly invested in gdp. there is a positive result, of course. yes, these are good economic growth rates, and especially in the manufacturing industry. there is a lot of talk about the chinese auto industry taking over the russian market. the numbers are really growing. lada definitely remains in first place in sales, but further the big three companies from china are cherry, haweil and geely. from january to november , more than 280 thousand cars of these brands were sold in total. china has become the number one exporter of automobiles in the world. according to maxim oreshkin, in 10
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years, companies such as mercedes and bmw may become history; as brands they will probably remain, but they will repeat the fate of volvo, which was sold to china. today , about 35 chinese companies have entered the russian market, and the model range may include several dozen cars. they came out with varying degrees of success, but one way or another it is now russian. the market is the most promising for china, and both chinese state-owned companies and chinese private companies have entered the russian market, for example, a company that primarily supplies so-called smart electric vehicles, and not only the cars themselves are supplied, but a number of chinese companies they are also opening a service center, by the way, maxim oreshkin was interviewed by a magazine expert, which now... runs in a new format and
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will talk about current trends in economics, social policy and government regulation. as the general director of the publication, maxim troepolsky, said, after the format change, the expert. maintains its status as the country's leading analytical magazine, returning to the interview with maxim oreshkin himself, he stated that there are five supertrends in the world: a race of sovereignties, a change in the structure of the world economy, demographic shifts, the explosive development of technology in general and a separate data economy. thank you alena, world trends economics was told by alena logvinova. a snow cyclone covered, precipitation continued all night , snow drifts are now continuing on the roads, drivers were asked to postpone their trips. second shift classes have been canceled in chelyabinsk schools. about the situation in the region daniil antonov. there are ten-point traffic jams on the roads, on the sidewalks, people are crippled in the snowdrifts, they
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are almost knocked down by powerful gusts of wind. a severe snowstorm hit the southern urals. the chelyabinsk city hall urgently created an operational headquarters to combat snowfall. on the street. more than 200 units operate in the city special equipment and almost 200 workers. now, due to heavy rainfall , public transport has been paralyzed, intercity buses have been canceled in chelyabinsk, and four flights have been delayed at the airport. an accident with a trolleybus occurred at the intersection of the sverdlovsky tract and cherkasskaya streets. leaving the metallurgical district is difficult. trams were stopped in some parts of the city due to covered tracks. the carriages do not go towards the regional hospital. it’s not easy for motorists on the federal m5 because of the snowfall and
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food and additional supplies fuel for your car. those who stayed in the city literally had to dig out their car in the morning, and later almost float along snow-covered roads. snowfalls, blizzards, ice and winds of up to 25 m/s are predicted today in the chelyabinsk region. the weather worsened the night before and the storm warning was extended throughout the day. road workers and utility workers will continue to work until the situation is completely stabilized. i ask everyone to be understanding of temporary difficulties and restrictions. i also ask you to refrain for now. from long trips, help each other in difficult situations. due to bad weather , classes in chelyabinsk schools were canceled during the second shift. according to forecasters, the snowfall will continue until the evening. tomorrow the wind will subside and the precipitation will stop completely. but road services will need at least another day to clear
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the snow cap from the highway city. danil antonov, vlad otryvanov, news, southern urals. a program of affordable rental housing has been launched in the far east, rent good furniture. compete for access to the far eastern markets a subsidized rate is possible for 1000 rubles per month, today the country's largest developers of a two-room apartment , taking into account cities where nothing has been built for decades, the minister for the development of the far east and the arctic, alexey chikunkov, spoke about other areas in an interview with our channel. alexey olegovich, hello, good evening, russia is increasingly turning to the east.
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vladimirovich supported them, now the government has made a decision, already a government order, which will detail this work for decades forward, that is, we have laid the foundations for the work of the next decade, in each of the main cities of the far east, what, when, by whom, for
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what money will be created, this will truly create a new format of life in the far east, and we have extended this work to the arctic , that is, on behalf of the president... similar work on the supporting cities of the arctic zone, towns and villages will be implemented, we launched the far eastern quarter program, really pumped up housing construction, this is also... a certain inertia of the far eastern program mortgage, but in 5 years we have doubled the volume of housing construction commissioning, that is , a lot of good new housing has appeared in the far east and continues to appear, we launched an affordable rental housing program, yesterday the first keys were handed over to the first residents in vladivostok in onadar, these are subsidized rental apartments 10 thousand rubles per month is well furnished.
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create families, then where they develop families, give birth to children, and housing construction, the ability to maintain the conditions of the far eastern
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mortgage, in fact, we will do many more times let's go back, and people, looking back, will be amazed that in conditions when objective economic parameters require tightening monetary policy, there is no one, well, compression of mortgage programs in order to prevent inflation, to prevent overheating of the economy. but the role of the far east is so important, after all, not many people live there, these people are precious to us, these are golden people for our country, therefore, when the conditions for all mortgages, the down payment rises from 20 to 30%, when the maximum amount lowers in order to slightly slow down growth, in the far east the down payment remains 20% , the interest rate remains 2% per annum, the mortgage ceiling rises from six to...
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but after all, the task there is to redirect and a certain flow of population to the far east, you decide for yourself what you will consider the efforts you are talking about now to be a success? the fact that young people have been going there for 5 years, we have a net influx of people, that is, more have arrived than have left in the age group of 20-24 years, that is, the far east is a real deal there has always been young development in the far east, but what... throughout history, the development of the far east, the development of the north, it was the work of brave young people, now
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we see it in specific enterprises, in specific new workers who come there to do projects world-class , that is, what we are doing in the far east, in the arctic, the projects have no analogues in the world, in general , the development of the far east and the arctic is a matter that shows why russia is unique, why we are... the first launched a man into space, why are we leaders in so many things, because if the whole world can hardly somehow, for example, make stationary liquefied natural gas plants, we are making a floating liquefied natural gas plant, if very few countries in the world they know how to build a conventional land-based nuclear power plant, we build them floating and much, much more, we are now creating world-class projects, that’s what’s important : they are launching them in the far east in the arctic.
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the next stages, that is, if first this now we already see that interest is going to crop production, now enterprises are coming that make transshipment facilities, elevators, and soybean processing plants. and so on, of course, this is our fishery complex, which showed a very good year, and of course, the exchange investment quota program really works, we saw two dozen new fish processing plants... and it really connects the far east and the arctic, and in the future it will connect asia with europe with a new shorter, more efficient route, this the whole story shows that the development
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of the arctic of the far east is work that russia does, but which is important for the whole world.
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in the fourth year there is unique archival footage where soviet city planners explain that the peninsula is locked, the hills, the transsip, even then there was a problem with traffic jams on the peninsula, although it’s probably funny to even call it 40 years later, now 40 years later we are starting the implementation of a megaproject, which our fathers conceived in soviet times, we’ll make one like this, well, i think, at least competitor to gelendzhuk and... a magnet for tourists, we will make the city, uh, in general we will make vladivostok the first million-plus population in the far east, together with the satellite with artyom, we will create a real agglomeration with an international airport, with an international seaport, naturally, which will be attractive and for russians and for foreign guests. in the twenty-fourth year we launched the first international territory experiencing
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development. this is a new tool. today we submitted a corresponding bill to the state duma, i hope so. will be accepted spring session, but we have already actively negotiated with all border regions so that foreign companies from friendly states can launch their projects on even more attractive terms, we will begin work on the construction of masterplan facilities, what was planned and what people have been waiting for for decades , a cultural center will appear, as examples, there are simply hundreds of them, well, the cultural center and the baikal theater in ulanud. a public business center will appear in petropavlovsk-kamchatsky, a new art museum will appear in khabarovsk, a new cinema center in yakutsk, hundreds of other events, a total of more than a thousand events worth 4 trillion rubles, we are designing them now, we are starting to build them in 2024, so in terms of the scale of this work, this will probably be
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an unprecedented year, the beginning of a new era for of the far east, all the plans that you are talking about... and this is the rbrf, but we call it webv, there is a far eastern division, which, by the way, was previously called the far east development fund, 6 years, i had the honor of leading it, this is the structure of the web, which gives preferential supply financing at 2% per annum, all this money is not enough, but mixing this money with commercial money, arriving at approximately a rate of 10-12% per annum, we still go
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half below the market, we thus have a resource of 60-80 billion rubles in year. in order to start financing priority projects of master development plans, and then we are launching public-private partnership projects, where in the next 4-5 years we will thus build up a portfolio of 300-400 billion rubles, this is already serious money, at a preferential interest rate rates, after all, at half the market rate, we start this work, then, when the rate is already lowered, because it cannot be high all the time, like a person’s temperature, the body has overcome the disease, the immune system has worked, well, that means out of 39 38... becomes 36.6 again, god forbid, when the interest rate returns to the level of 7-8%, which is 36.6 for the body in financial terms, then we will already... from the state budget, from the federal budget, begin to pay investors using the far eastern mechanism concessions, therefore, here we have focused the funds of our preferential
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development institutions, now start this work, create it today, and tomorrow the state , in conditions of lower interest rates , will pay over the next 10-12 and even for a number of objects 15 years, so we will build now this is such a large infrastructure mortgage , if you want people to now get... for real, i specifically, so as not to single out or praise anyone here, will not name names, but the largest businessmen who used to head all kinds of ratings and so on, have now become
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truly socially oriented, which actively include in the ownership of their companies, labor collectives, which have increased by an order of magnitude what was previously considered charity, now this is a real social responsibility of businesses that build housing, that finance reconstruction , renovation of its own... which actively supports our volunteers, supports a special military operation, and we see that business does this not under pressure, but i actually have many large entrepreneurs, in general, our residents are 3,400 companies in the far east in the arctic, so we actually feel business like a nervous system, they come in dozens, the biggest ones, they say what else can we do for the social sphere, for culture, for sports, for art, by the way, in this direction. there are also a lot of interesting things waiting for us next year, i expect we will hold a contemporary art fair in vladivostok, i expect we will carry out interesting creative projects in the arctic, here’s something new
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the quality of work of business and the state is probably such an important trend of the time, i believe that we are now living in a new era of truly responsible socially oriented business. i also want to talk about international cooperation, what has changed in the twenty-third year... china, india, middle eastern countries,
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countries, of course, the cis, eurasian economic union. i’m talking about countries that are usually classified as, well, let’s say, satellites or dependent on the western bloc, they understand that russia defends the fundamental right of people, nations to sovereignty, to self-determination. that at the same time we have taken responsibility, we are making sacrifices in the literal sense of the word, and we are fighting in this sense for the future of all humanity, this assessment, this awareness has come, and not only
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to the east, but to the west, i recently had an amazing meeting with the grandson of the great french politician charles, pierre degaulle, who came here to russia, and he simply, on a human level, said how ashamed he was of how his compatriots and...
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that means the real interests of the nation and interests, which are some kind of conditionally international organizations , well, forcibly released, in this sense, we feel, well, probably , more in demand than ever, but really as leaders of the free world, forgive me for the pathos, but we feel this attitude from absolutely all our colleagues and demand and interest in our projects, demand in the largest countries of the world, in india, china, the middle east and so on, we... are also in economic demand, because a number of countries, even taking a neutral position, at the same time, they are afraid to come to russia and invest in our projects, you see these trends, what are you observing in the twenty-third year, investors have become more cautious or are they coming despite the sanctions, let
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’s be honest, there are fewer foreign investors, and there are no buyers, because that it is impossible to imagine a world without russia, a world economy without russian fertilizers, i ’ll just now list the arctic and the far east, can the world be fed without russian fertilizer grains, no, without russian seafood, no, can the global energy sector exist without the most valuable russian metals that we mine and microelectronics without nickel, platinum, palladium, titanium. no, the russian gold that we extract, energy, in general, gas, liquefied natural gas, and oil, which is not only fuel, we must not forget, oil is a raw material for chemistry, in general, for modern chemistry everything that this the list can be continued endlessly, so with these thousands of sanctions, with all the harsh geopolitical rhetoric, calmly they continue to buy what they need, and this is good, because what we previously
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expected, well, somewhere along the way to... do, now no one believes that chinese technologies are there, they are much inferior to some others, and we can certainly do everything ourselves, this is a very valuable result of the twenty-third year, we have harnessed it for a long time, but we are moving quickly, yes, absolutely, thank you for the interview, thank you.
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last year, russian troops successfully completed their main task and thwarted the counter-offensive in the ssu. sergei stated this shaigu at the conference call following the results of the year. according to the minister of defense, several factors contributed to the successful actions of the troops. this is the creation of an effective system of defensive lines, high combat effectiveness.


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