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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 27, 2023 12:00am-12:30am MSK

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readiness to work at any time of the day anywhere in the country, the ability to provide first aid in an emergency under a variety of circumstances, russian rescuers, veterans and personnel of the ministry of emergency situations are celebrating their professional holiday today , vladimir congratulated. dear comrades, dear veterans, i cordially congratulate you on the holiday, rescuer’s day. we are rightfully proud of the military personnel, employees, and civilian specialists of the ministry of emergency situations. you come to the aid of those who are in trouble. regardless of the risk, you eliminate the consequences natural and man-made emergency situations. and always, in the most... difficult
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conditions, you act competently, harmoniously, without wasting a minute. the history of your service is full of examples of heroism and courage. and i have no doubt that on this holiday you will definitely remember them and pay tribute to your legendary predecessors, who more than once emerged from difficult trials with honor. and today, russian rescuers confirm their high status and authority with their deeds. departments this year you promptly eliminated the consequences of floods and natural fires in the volga region and siberia, in the far east and south of russia. our citizens were evacuated from dangerous areas, including the conflict zone in the middle east, in the shortest possible time. as before, many humanitarian operations were carried out to deliver food, medicine, and basic necessities to the affected people. and
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not only in our country, but in other regions of the world, because human grief has no nationality. thank you for your professionalism and dedication in completing the assigned tasks. dear friends, the role of the ministry of emergency situations in the comprehensive security of russia and our citizens is growing from year to year. and it is important to maintain all the positive trends achieved by the service in recent years. to respond even more effectively to emergencies at any level, one of the key tasks is to improve the work of the ministry of emergency situations units in the new constituent entities of the federation. i would like to especially thank the firefighters, rescuers, and sappers who, in difficult conditions, do a lot to ensure the safety of the residents of the donetsk and lugansk people’s republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions. we must continue without delay.
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solves all the issues that arise there, among the priorities of your work is the development of the civil defense system, including through equipping the ministry of emergency situations with modern technology and equipment, the introduction of digital technologies, and of course, the issues of prevention, prevention and extinguishing of natural fires should be in the field of your constant attention, ensuring the safety of schools, universities, hospitals, other social institutions, as well as...
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a historical record in the entire history of the russian gas industry in terms of the volume of supplies of industrial goods in december. december 8 was the coldest day this winter; the average temperature in the zone of the unified outdoor system was -17°. and in many regions, truly anomalous temperatures were observed, because -17 is understandable, this is the average temperature. i -
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congratulations on the results of your work, congratulations to all gas workers on the upcoming new year. maintaining the strengthening of close ties between the peoples of the cis countries, the development of friendship and good neighborliness. the main task of the russian presidency in the commonwealth in the new year. on tuesday afternoon, vladimir putin traditionally gathered his cis colleagues on the eve of the new year holidays. but this informal summit in st. petersburg began not from the meeting room, but from a big excursion. the meeting in a friendly atmosphere softened even the most pressing issues and allowed us to discuss everything, from the joint fight against attempts to falsify history to the subtleties of painting on imperial porcelain. anastasia efimova will talk about the main surprises of this unofficial day. on black auruses of the heads of uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan and armenia, on white - the leader of turkmenistan and only the president of kazakhstan in a mercedes. the informal summit of leaders of the cis countries starts in pavlovsky with a tour of the palace, which is conducted by the head of
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the museum of the reserve and supplemented by the russian president. for example, he tells guests about the pavlovsky music station, not so much a railway station, but. revolutionary, cultural landmark, we can say that at that time european train stations were also used, so it was not particularly original, but it was more beautiful and better, the first would be the first bucksam in general, well, yes, well, the first railway, during the excursion these shots attract attention, this is generally this. already in the evening, when the heads of state gather at the konstantinovsky palace, vladimir putin will explain that the cultural program is not only a pleasant educational leisure activity, it is also an excellent opportunity to discuss pressing issues in an informal setting, so i noticed that during even these
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historical excursions, moving from hall to hall, each of you with each other, well, i’m in we also talked in detail about current affairs. the region completely came under the control of baku, since then ilham aliyev and nikol pashinyan, as expected, could communicate in spanish granada, in belgian brussels, but they met in st. petersburg, sat next to each other in the amber room, however, in the general photo in the catherine palace everything -they kept
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the distance. but on the imperial porcelain, his leader was demonstrated already in peterhof, as it turned out, they were nearby... all peoples and states connected through century. resident guril, for your attention, a chuvash girl, and this is a kyrgyz sultana. this past year has been exceptionally active for the cis. trade turnover between the countries showed steady growth, plus 2% over 10 months. in june, they signed a free trade agreement and
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have already called it absolutely successful and very important, as noted by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, the meeting participants synchronized watches on current international and regional topics, in addition, they had the opportunity to... communicate informally situation, i will add that on the sidelines of this informal summit, vladimir putin held separate bilateral negotiations with the head of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev. they ended late in the evening, after which the russian president personally escorted mirziyoyev to the car. well, on to the news from the special military operation zone. all attention these days is focused on the donetsk direction. according to the ministry of defense, in one day the russian military repelled five attacks by the ukrainian armed forces and killed over 200 militants. after ours. units released maryenka, directions to kurakhovo, krasnogorovka and ugledar opened before us. there are already
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battles for georgievka and maksimilyanovka. our special correspondent, stanislav nazarov, is on this section of the front along with the soldiers. we enter the liberated marinka in the dark at dawn. the movement of armored vehicles or vehicles will attract the enemy's attention. walking small.
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the fighting is already going on outside the city, our attack aircraft are taking the enemy trenches, the distance to the enemy is less than 2 m, the fire is almost point-blank, there is, there, shot, more, tell the soldier, if there is, let them throw more, let them shoot, ours shoot, get up, rewind, wounded, they have a 200th lying around when we were filming this report in the marina with colleagues of battalion commander troshin, from the fifth motorized rifle brigade. who could not accurately name the date of the complete liberation of the city
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, we met with the tank battalion commander alexander troshin, who personally reported to the russian president about the capture of the city, immediately after leaving the line of combat contact. the last house is right at the end of the maringa itself, that is, the exit to the dam, and from the penultimate house to the outermost 150 m of clear space, that is, people are like in tire. had. choose the moment and make a breakthrough in order to gain a foothold in this house, thanks to the infliction, infliction of fire damage, aviation, artillery, and we, under this all, began to move for the assault, set up smoke , ran under the smoke, the enemy, that is, he caught the enemy in i was taken aback, they were sitting in the basement, but we see that it was hit, now there’s just smoke there, now it will clear, we’ll see later.
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leads to the following results: there are a lot of foreign trophies that have been damaged;
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in these footage, taken a few days ago, a french armored personnel carrier is on fire. the first one can be seen that it looks like an infantry fighting vehicle, which also accompanies two wheeled vehicles, apparently of some kind of foreign manufacture, now you saw a hit on the vehicle, here it is, smoke, they found french equipment, or when they found it, it doesn’t matter whose? and it doesn’t matter if something comes from the enemy’s side, it is immediately ready for absolute destruction, during the capture the last house in marinka , there is a tense situation in the forward command post.
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vostok 100 when ready, one fire. now , after taking the city, our units are pushing the enemy out of the forest belts. marinka was under ukrainian occupation for 9 years; the city is closely adjacent to the western outskirts of donetsk. it was from here that militants often attacked the center of the dpr capital. the end of the assault on the city was marked by the soldiers of the fifth brigade of the first donetsk army corps, the eighth combined arms army, and the southern group of troops. stanislav nazarovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, news, city of marenko, donetsk people's republic. over the past 24 hours, according to defense data, the military repelled three attacks by the ukrainian armed forces in the kupinsky direction and another in the krasnolimansky direction. in these unsuccessful offensive attempts, the enemy is losing hundreds of militants killed every day. in turn, the russian armed forces as a whole are successfully advancing in
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all directions. sergei shaigu stated this during the final conference call of the defense department and i will emphasize. that our army has fulfilled the main goal for 2023. the main efforts in the past year were focused on achieving the goals of the special military operation. the main one is to disrupt the loudly declared counter-offensive of the ukrainian armed forces by ukraine and its nato allies. this task has been successfully completed. several determining factors contributed to this. creation of an effective system of defensive lines. high combat effectiveness of all units, reliability and effectiveness of russian military equipment, and above all, skillful and decisive actions of the defenders of the fatherland, who selflessly ensure the security of the country and its citizens, we remember every comrade in arms who gave their lives in fulfilling the tasks assigned by their homeland. your
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professional holiday, military air defense day. our anti-aircraft gunners spent the day before on combat duty, protecting the sky from enemy drones, missiles and bombs. their work in the south of the dpr was observed by eduard punigov. these shots were taken in the southern donetsk direction. denitschiki of the vostok group repelled the next attacks of the ukrainian armed forces. shot down two guided aerial bombs, which presumably flew towards the city of mariupol, in which at that moment about... the tor anti-aircraft missile system covers the sky over donbass around the clock. dents and holes all over the body indicate that this vehicle is a combat vehicle; the crew repeatedly came under fire. the armor protects the equipment, so we continue to work accordingly. this crew has hit 86 targets: missiles,
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rocket launchers, kamikaze drones and drones. all the equipment is very nato, one might say. burns well in the fields, gets stuck, and we we move calmly. together with the crew, we go to the starting position. monitoring of air targets is carried out constantly, day and night, the crew understands perfectly well that this installation is one of the most desirable targets for the ukrainian armed forces, so the crew constantly changes its location and never stays long in one place. the enemy radar recognition system automatically locks on air targets within a radius. there are no objects, if birds are flying, we observe the mark, take its accompaniment, and these mobile crews are working on the line of combat contact, man-portable anti-aircraft missiles we see that the sky is clear, there are no flying igla complexes, they cover assault units, shoot down low-flying helicopters and planes. since we are working
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directly with infantry, they made a slight rustle somewhere, the response flies by, we fired somewhere. the manpads platoon commander igla came here from blagoveshchensk, signed a contract for a year and a half on the front line, was seriously wounded, but still returned to the front. all the guys here are mine, so i won’t abandon them, and since i became a platoon commander, now, as they say, they are behind me, even on their professional holiday, all air defense crews are on combat duty, ready to repel any attack. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. meanwhile, in ukraine they are preparing. sending disabled people of the third group to meat assaults, that is, people, for example, without one eye, kidney or lung, this is just another point in the odious mobilization bill. the document turned out to be so scandalous that the leaders the kiev regime has already publicly quarreled among themselves, trying to shift responsibility onto each other. anna voronina will tell you who else will be taken into the armed forces of ukraine. without
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one eye, arm or shin, the ukrainian army will still accept you into its ranks, although they would rather drag you into them by force. the method of forced mobilization has already been worked out. now, according to the new law introduced to the verkhovna rada, disabled people can be conscripted in ukraine. fitness for military service is decisive. not a person’s disability, but a military medical commission that determines whether a person is fit for military service or unfit. we want the army to be filled with people who, based on their physical characteristics, can fight. i need people, ammunition and weapons to continue fighting. in other words, it will be possible to recruit into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine people without a single kidney or lung, with paralysis of the hands, missing fingers, without one eye or without a lower leg. here even fellow party members of the head of the kiev regime are perplexed. exemption from service only for disabled people of the first group, i continue to insist on the right to a deferment for people with disability from the first to third groups. in addition, the new document lowered
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the draft age limit from 27 to 25 years, fixed the distribution of electronic summonses, and established a new type of military id; without it , ukrainians of military age cannot count on the help of a doctor, as well as on getting a job. they will block access to banking operations without a ticket and... opens them with posts for mobilization, if you want to pass, get a summons, if you don’t take the summons, you’ll get hit with the butt of a machine gun, you refuse to go through the municipal commission, wait until three to 5 years, according to the new law, and a fine
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of about $5.00. here is an attempt to violate all possible articles of the constitution and give a clear signal to everyone who traveled abroad so that they simply do not return. people will quit and withdraw money from their accounts. the networks are already comparing it to slavery. bill. we still need to study it, but i think that such definitions can be applied to it, there is no court, there is no rule of law, nothing related to the challenges that our country faces. it is not surprising that after the news about the introduction bill in the rada, the price tag for a deferment has jumped up and now starts at $15.00; soon, it seems, it could grow significantly, because the kiev regime intends to mobilize about 500,000 people in order to demonstrate at least something to western sponsors. one way or another, there will be demand from them , from zelensky’s team, i mean, yes, from the administration of the kiev regime, one way or another there will be demand in the sense that they promised a lot, took a lot of resources, money, weapons, people ,
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intelligence information, but nothing did, before all his gangs tell zelensky that you were ineffective when we gave you everything, so they want to drive as many people as possible to show, no, we are effective, we, from our point of view, also did everything that could, look how many people we have driven, voting on the new... bill , which has already been dubbed a bloody mobilization , could take place on january 10, if it is approved in all readings and receives the president’s signature, then the new rules will come into force by the spring. anna voronina, irina zaborskaya, lead. 12,000 eu citizens and 3,000 cars in just 5 days. statistics from kaliningrad customs, which record an unprecedented rush at the checkpoint on the border with poland. with records broken over the last four years, motorists are ready. stand in long lines just to get into russia on the eve of the new year. marina naumova got acquainted with the motivation of determined european tourists. hundreds of cars with
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german, czech, polish, dutch license plates are trying to enter the kaliningrad region. citizens from different european countries ready to stand in line for hours to get to russia for the new year holidays. well, here’s the situation at the border, the guys are trying to somehow get through, the neutral zone there is also clogged, well, that’s it. side of russia, we stand, wait, 6.5 hours to enter the border, we were sixty- third in front of the first barrier, and we waited there for 3.5 hours so that these cars would only enter the polish border, such a rush at the momonova-2 checkpoint there has never been a zhikhodka before, russian customs processes up to 600 cars every day, one car every 2-3 minutes, we want to celebrate the new year in moscow, syager. to speed up
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the border crossing process , an additional number of customs officers from other posts have been sent to the mamonovo-2 checkpoint. at the moment, the peak load can be said to have already passed. during these 5 days , the customs post processed about 300 passenger vehicles registered in europe that entered the territory of the kaliningrad region. people from europe to russia now use two-wheeled vehicles in this way. these travelers we didn’t want to lose in the trial. 16-18 hours. after direct flights between russia and european countries were blocked by the european union, kaliningrad became the most convenient transit city to get to relatives and friends for the new year and christmas. these directions are now followed by residents of the northern part of germany, who used to cross by ferry through sweden or finland to the leningrad region. now frobrova airport plays the role of a hub for russian-speaking citizens of european countries. they
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come here in their cars. they leave them in paid parking lots; the majority of those who register are german citizens who fly from kaliningrad to moscow, st. petersburg and other russian cities. on december 20 , the holidays began in germany; ethnic germans who moved there from the former republics of the ussr, who are commonly called russians, went on a trip. so, of course, it’s convenient, in fact there’s a flight all over russia, it’s inexpensive, yes, well, for the whole family to fly away it costs 300-400,500 euros. european license plates, passenger vehicles are left on long-term parking to take advantage of domestic russian airlines, we maintain contact with russia, we are even thinking of buying something, just in case, i don’t know, an apartment or a house, we are looking, we have many friends who are also looking for real estate in russia, after the holidays are over at checkpoints in the kaliningrad region
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, queues may arise again, only at... in the other direction. marina naumova, evgeniy bekish, alexander naumov, konstantin morozov, alexandra berezkina, elena varantsova. news kaliningrad region. in chelyabinsk in the region, traffic on regional roads is closed until the morning, passenger transportation by buses, as well as the passage of trucks is prohibited. in addition, the checkpoint on the border with kazakhstan does not work. the region is under a storm warning due to a snow cyclone. today , classes were canceled at schools, flights were delayed at the airport, and residents had to not only look for their cars in the snowdrifts, but also dig out the plane. a similar situation is in yekaterinburg. the situation at this hour in the reports of our correspondents kirill bortnikova and danila rabusha. there's just knee-deep snow. we follow the well-trodden path. this morning in chelyabinsk began with a real quest, first to find, then to dig up your car, and then to try to leave
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the yard. that's just it. the gazelle goes on, although in such weather, perhaps, the best form of transport is a dog sled, the traffic police closes the roads due to bad weather, the visibility of the snowstorm is minimal, it is impossible to drive, that’s it, there is no further road, everything is swept away, dozens of cars ended up in snow ditches, emercom police come to the rescue, assistance is provided to the driver when changing wheels, visibility is zero, stuck trucks are taken in tow by suvs, and skidding trolleybuses have to be pushed out by the passengers themselves. look what is happening in this world. while the cleaning equipment is trying to clear at least the central highways, ambulances are stuck in the courtyards. passengers of the electric train along troetskoye were also locked in the carriages. the train was 4 hours late. but airline passengers had to wait even longer. the snowfall paralyzed the work of the air harbor, where our colleague from state television and radio broadcasting company yuzhny worked today. in
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chelyabinsk airport continues to delay flights due to weather conditions; currently six flights are postponed, one of them was completely canceled. eight aircraft cannot arrive to the south ural capital on time. some planes get stuck in the snow right on the runway. passengers on the moscow -chelyabinsk flight had to wait not at the airport, but right on the plane. the plane got stuck in a snowdrift and stood there for an hour and a half. the employees could not even bring the ramp to the swept-over runway. we are waiting for a tow truck, which will also tow us to pestoyanka. according to eyewitnesses, the landing was abnormal; one of the passengers became ill during the flight. they tried to rescue the plane from the snow trap for more than an hour using shovels. it's been 2 hours since we...


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