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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 28, 2023 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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school is the foundation on which our entire society and state are built. it is at school that victories are built, vladimir putin said. the president held a meeting of the state council dedicated to the results of the year of the teacher -mentor, and called for more attention to be paid not only to academics, but to educational work. and to do this, do not limit yourself to school boundaries. there is already an idea to adopt a federal law on mentoring, create an all-russian association and digital platform, and also establish an award for...
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to clearly outline the responsibilities of class teachers leaders, the most important issue is to improve the remuneration system , make the remuneration mechanisms for teachers more equitable, and above all, significantly increase the incomes of teachers in those regions of the country where they are now significantly lower than the national average, the situation is obvious, incomes in the region are lower than on the side as a whole, which means the teacher’s salary lags behind this. the quality of education is being lost, as i already said, the region itself is losing personnel, professional, good professional resources. i ask governments to offer systemic solutions to the problem of remuneration for teachers. systemic solutions are needed in the issue of mentoring, they talk about it a lot, not always understanding that in essence mentoring is not limited to classrooms or school auditoriums, it is a serious matter. now we
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are reviving many traditions and here it is important to preserve the living spirit of mentoring, in no case should drive this movement into a bureaucratic framework, turn it into some kind of coercion; on the contrary, it is necessary to create such conditions so that as many people as possible strived sincerely. strived to take on this honorable mission, to pass on experience , to mentor, in the best sense of the word, to lead others, the title of mentor, it should sound proudly, for this 5 years ago we established an award for mentoring, i propose to establish an annual mentor of the year award, concrete steps must be taken to increase the prestige and status of mentors. all our
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regions, i appeal to all colleagues present here, heads of regions of the russian federation. heads of regions traditionally, a lot of work is done before the state council. the day before. gather for a kind of seminar in which they look for mutually acceptable solutions, most importantly useful for all subjects of the federation, with which they then go to a meeting of the state council and report on them to the president. such a report was made today by the governor of sevastopol, mikhail razvazhaev, who heads the direction of education within the state council, and he spoke, among other things, about the need to popularize the teaching profession and mentoring in general. tv show. the cool theme, of course, made the teaching profession fashionable, because this program directly - entire cities were rooting for our teachers, and of course, in january we will look forward to watching the finals and preparing for the next seasons; to increase the role
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of mentoring as an activity, we also consider it necessary together with colleagues from ano russia , the country has the opportunity to hold another annual mentor of the year competition and organize a discussion on the topic of mentoring.
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to the highest places, sometimes they take away all the medals. this year we completed the task you set, vladimir vladimirovich: russia has entered the top ten countries in terms of the quality of general education, one of the visible confirmations of this is the stable success of children at international olympiads. in physics,
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computer science, and astronomy, teams brought complete gold sets. in mathematics, out of six participants, five gold medals and one silver. two weeks. ago, our team returned in triumph from thailand, all six participants in the natural science olympiad took awards of the highest standard. but it’s important not only to teach, it’s also important to motivate, and this is where the role of a mentor also becomes invaluable. heroes of a special military operation, those who know first-hand about patriotism, can take on such a role. those who understand that behind lofty words there are no less serious ones. sometimes heroic deeds and those who are ready to pass on their experience. the popular front invited me in august to an event where i worked with young people, told them about my former path, about the exploits of my comrades, what
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our soldiers are ready for for the sake of our great common victory, i am an active fighter planning after in order to get involved in mentoring, i entered the second year of pedagogical college. vladimir, thank you very much for your word, mentoring is a noble mission, pedagogy, education, but there is nothing brighter, there is nothing more effective than the transfer of one’s knowledge and experience from heart to heart, there is nothing more...
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and before the state council vladimir putin telephoned eleven-year-old nikita miroshnichenko. the president removed a postcard with his dream from the wish tree at the russia forum exhibition. a fifth-grader from kostroma always wanted visit the hermitage. it all started with listening to an audiobook about the museum. the description of the throne room and gallery captivated the boy so much that he began to dream of seeing them in person. and so i came to st. petersburg with my whole family. the guides showed them the historical center of the city and, of course, the treasured hermitage. by the way, it's ringing.
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i’ve already been here, listening to a children’s audiobook, where the speaker’s soaring voice took him along the endless halls and galleries of one of the most beautiful museums in the world, the tree of wishes really helped him find himself in armitage and vladimir putin, who picked nikita's balloon on december 4. i dreamed of visiting the throne room, the royal chambers, where they were, the throne room, but was i already in the throne room? yes, i was. great, yes, beautiful, beautiful, yes, very smart, he
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is only 11 all his life nikita has been fighting with a serious diagnosis, duchenne muscular dystrophy, he fights successfully, like other children he goes to school, he is already in the fifth grade, he loves listening to audio books, and nikita is also seriously passionate about music, plays the clornet and recorder and even won international festivals in st. petersburg from his native kostroma, came with the whole family. have you ever been to st. petersburg or is it your first time? from st. isaac 's cathedral to the university embankment , you can't cover all of st. petersburg in one day, but nikita, it seems, managed to see almost all the iconic places of the city, the spit of vasilyevsky island of the sphinxes, the peter and paul fortress, saved on blood, the palace square, and of course, the treasured hermitage, so here's this gallery of the history of ancient painting tells us that these ancient artists once existed, they created... beautiful masterpieces, but they have not survived to this day. from hall to hall, as if taking an excursion through
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historical eras within the walls, which have already met the fourth century since its foundation. antique sculptures, paintings by titian, rembront, da vinci, legendary galleries, each of which is a work of art in itself, and dozens of other traditions carefully passed down from century to century. russian blue cats served in armitage, starting with elizaveta petrovna, well. our very first cat, his name was vasily, peter i brought him, since then cats have always been here with us, you see, there are even images of them, and the most important impression is that the unique peacock watch, created back in 1772, still winds every friday at 7:00 pm, but for nikita they made an exception and wound up the ancient mechanism on wednesday. the boy is the first to share these emotions with the president, sincere gratitude, congratulations
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on the upcoming new year, good luck to you in the new year, happy new year, happy new year to you too, nikita, all the best to you, may you be in a good mood and wish you success in everything your endeavors, thank you, and i i wish you victories, thanks to the organizers of the wish tree, i really liked it. and nine-year-old zakhar from astrakhan really enjoyed the russia exhibition at vdnkh. his wish was fulfilled by deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko. let's introduce ourselves, i'm dmitry. can you speak? yes. speak. the name of? zakhar. hello, zakhar. the first point on this route, which runs along the map of the country's largest exhibition, is the stand of the games of the future in the pavilion of the ministry of sports. it is impossible to resist playing a football simulator. not from shooting basketball ring, and of course, what boy wouldn’t dare to score a goal into an empty goal? i understand, you
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can do this, from here, great, zahara to his whole family, the deputy chairman of the government gave tickets to the games of the future, a unique competition at the intersection of sports, science and technology, this ticket is just for you to attend all the games, all... i visited zakhar and the atom pavilion, 2500 m2, which is both a museum and a scientific center that houses a lictorium. the entire history of the development of the country's nuclear energy, it is for the sake of these emotions that the wish tree has been held for the fifth year in a row, for him it is not just a dream come true, it’s an impetus , you know, to something new, that’s why a huge thank you to you, to your entire team, wishes made to come true, the tree of wishes, like a magic bridge, continues to connect children’s innermost dreams with those who
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can achieve them bring it to life. varvara nevskaya, news! he received letters from schoolchildren from the lugansk people's republic. sergei dreams, longing for a gift, a surprise, they don’t indicate anything specifically. i'll think about what might be a surprise for him. can i have one more? lugansk people's republic, ours twin cities. dreams of an electric guitar, well , this particular guy, 16 years old, we will definitely fulfill all his wishes, cooperation in energy, trade and the situation in ukraine were discussed today by vladimir putin and the minister of foreign affairs of india, he is on a working visit to moscow almost all this week, the president also recalled , that he had already discussed the conflict in ukraine more than once with indian prime minister
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narendra modi and asked him to convey that he would be glad to see him come to russia in the new year. and we know very well the position of prime minister mode and have repeatedly spoken about this position, concerning his relationship to complex processes, including hot spots, the situation in ukraine, i have repeatedly informed him about the situation around this conflict, i know. and his desire to do everything to resolve this problem, and of course, we will be glad to see our friend, mr. prime minister modi in russia, let me convey personal greetings, wishes on behalf of prime minister modi, he also conveyed
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a written message to you through me, and i have the honor to convey this letter to you, of course, mr. president... as for the situation in the gas sector, according to the latest data from the local ministry of health, the number of casualties among the civilian
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population of the enclave has already exceeded 21 people. in addition, news of death came. independence and statehood, and the disgusting daily killings are only signs of their failure, today the whole world considers israel a criminal state that kills for the sake of killing. is now in ruins, and those who rushed to support it at the very beginning are now ashamed. social projects, new tourist destinations and vibrant cultural program at the exhibition russia, today is moscow region day. how it goes, report by maria valieva. the computer game, strategy stand of the moscow region is very popular not only among children, but also among
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adults. here they offer to complete a number of tasks, for example, mowing the hogweed, removing garbage in... dobrodel. the interactive map shows the sights of the region. the arkhangelsk estate, which was built in the 18th century. it houses the largest art collection including paintings rembront and titian. the memorial to the panfilov hero is also visible. it is dedicated to 28 soldiers of the red army, part of the 316th division.
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the moscow region is a very diverse area and in some places it is big cities, in others it is magnificent open spaces. historical settlements, as the regional governor andrei vorobyov noted during
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his speech, here is a children's multidisciplinary hospital in krasnogorsk, which has a capacity of 420 beds. schools are being actively built in the region, and attention is also paid to cultural projects, for example, a presentation took place today festival one of the speakers was sergei bezrukov, head of the moscow provincial theater, which turned 10 this year. there are performances that have been running for 10 years, we recently celebrated our anniversary, our lokosana kameni, this is the first work and the first performance that i staged on the stage of the moscow-gubber theater, there was no moscow-guber theater yet, because the moscow guber theater arose through the merger of two regional theaters, chamber and drama by ostrovsky, these are two regional theaters that i connected, i also dreamed of... an orchestra, governor's orchestra, moscow region stand , using gigachat, you can make a new year's card and send it to your loved ones,
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congratulating them on the upcoming new year. maria valieva, sergei ukhvarena, kramil batyrov, valeria borovikova and maria medvedeva - news. twenty-third year, here they are! mines are normal, mines are good, they fly well, we need more, more, more, we never have enough , 2.120 is cooking, fire, over there, there’s a tnt block lying around, yes , i can’t find anything here just during the clearing, the sappers haven’t worked here yet, listen , this is not our ammunition, no, no, not ours, not ours, that’s why these are their ships, they’re just lying there, the trophies are there, but... here are 400-500 meters, the assault is underway, the enemy has already retreated,
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what is this day in history remembered for? , we'll tell you right now. hello. on december 28, 1612 , the great italian scientist galileo galilei observed neptune for the first time. before this , people had no idea about the existence of this planet. it is not visible from the earth, but galileo himself made a telescope and mistook neptune for a fixed star next to jupiter and its satellites. then this planet more than once british and french astronomers found it in the starry sky, but then... they already thought it was a star, only 233 years later a sensational discovery was made, and blindly based on the laws of celestial mechanics. german
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astronomer egan galli, relying on the mathematical calculations of french mathematician urbain liveriere, finally discovered this eighth and outermost planet of the solar system. its mass is more than 17 times that of the earth, and its diameter is almost four times. neptune consists of methane, ammonia, and silicon salts. and iron. name after a roman god maria was given to him because of the blue color that methane gives in the atmosphere. december 28, 1895 is considered the birthday of cinema. the film show, which the brothers louis and agus lumière organized at the parisian grand café on the boulevard des capucines, is considered the first in history. before this there were only unofficial viewings. the projection apparatus was designed by louis. unlike thomas edison's kinetoscope, it showed an image. not for one person, but for many on the screen. but they took the edison film, thirty-five millimeter, its length was not then exceeded 15 m, so the films lasted less than
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a minute. by the way, the famous film of the train arriving at the lasjot station, which frightened the audience, was actually shown later in january, on that day, december 28, the first feature film was released, also the first comedy, the watered fieldman. over the course of several years, the lumières produced about 1,800 short films, and then switched to the production of film and movie cameras. on december 28, 1908, the earthquake in the missinsky strait was the most powerful in history. europe destroyed cities and towns in sicily and calabria. died thousands of people. among the first to come to the aid of the italians were russian sailors from the ships of vladimir litvinov’s detachment, which was making a training voyage. sailors, officers, gordomarinas and cabin boys dug up people, fed them, sent them to hospitals, saved more than 2.0 people, they handed over the found valuables to the authorities and fought back the looters. according to diplomat modest korf, he was then
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the chargé d'affaires. italy, when distributing provisions, the russians did not limit themselves, like the british, to distributing strictly thought-out, precisely defined rations, and they gave everything they had with great generosity and love. the main square of mesina was called the square of russian sailors; already in our time a monument was erected to them. on december 28, 1968 , israeli special forces attacked beirut airport. this raid was codenamed dar and was carried out as an act of retaliation. in response to an attack on israeli planes by palestinian militants. they were based in lebanon with the support of arab states. everything was planned extremely boldly and clearly. the special forces landed from helicopters and blew up 13 planes. in mainly lebanese airlines. the security was taken by surprise. they launched a house curtain and dropped spiked tapes on the road to prevent reinforcements from arriving. the entire operation took an hour and 10 minutes and there were no casualties. after 3
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days the advice is safe. the un unanimously condemned israel's actions. well, then there were other similar actions. the confrontation with the palestinians continued. on december 28, 2021 , the press service of the joint institute for nuclear research in dubna announced the start of assembly of the superconducting hadron collider protons and heavy ions. nika. this is a cascade consisting of two linear accelerators. particle sources of two cyclic accelerators of the booster and the nuclotron, which carry out step-by-step acceleration almost to the speed of light, and the collider itself with two detectors that detect the collision. on that day , the first superconducting magnet was installed in the tunnel of this complex , and testing of a superconducting solenoid began. the ultimate goal of the fundamental project is to study the properties of dense boron matter, as well as to recreate it in the laboratory
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conditions of a special state of matter. in which our universe resided, the first instant after the big bang - a quark of glionic plasma. the commissioning and commissioning work is currently underway and is planned to be completed next year. this is what this day in history was like.
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hello, he’s coming back, mine has passed away, sklefosovsky, the city falls asleep, wakes up, eight new episodes, discharge, all seasons at once, an amazing person, he simply has the talent to always be in the center of events, give yourself a gift for the new year now.


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