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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 28, 2023 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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led to serious problems in other regions, traffic on the georgian military road was closed, moreover, a large traffic jam formed at the upper lars checkpoint on the side of north ossetia , traffic on some highways in the orenburg region and bashkiria was limited or stopped. sandwiched between the anticyclone over europe and the high pressure center over central asia is a small active cyclone. the caspian regions of the lower volga now find themselves in the rear part of the vortex in the cold front zone, in addition, in a zone of significant pressure gradients. the more the pressure difference, the stronger the wind. the zone of strong winds is rapidly shifting to the east. by evening, strong winds will persist only on the caspian coast. at night only in the south of the orenburg region in the south of western siberia. and tomorrow afternoon the wind will increase over a vast area from northern europe to western siberia. gusts of more than 15 m/s may be recorded in the kaliningrad region. in the east up to 15-20 m/s. the wind may accelerate at the border with. kazakhstan from orenburg to
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altai. at the same time, in the north-west of russia on in the south of siberia, quite heavy precipitation will begin to occur. in some places in the pskov region, as well as in some areas of the tomsk and omsk regions, their intensity may exceed 10 mm per day. weather disasters continue, will continue on new year's eve, but already in terms of frost, in almost half of the european territory of russia, the northern line of st. petersburg, kazan, perm, the thermometers can drop to minus. and below, it will be extremely cold in the north of the central federal district, in the northeast the temperature, according to model estimates could drop to -30. in moscow, by the evening it will freeze to -4° , tomorrow by morning it will warm up to -1, it will snow, during the day the temperature will rise to +1°, there will be sleet , on saturday it will warm up to +2°, precipitation will continue in the form of sleet and rain. on the morning of december 31, according to preliminary forecasts,
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in moscow it will be about 0° during the day it will get colder to -6. further, according to model estimates, the temperature drop will continue ; the morning of the new year will greet the capital with twelve degrees below zero.
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twenty-third year, here they are, normal mines, mines are good, they fly well, we need more, more, more, we’re always not enough, two 120s are ready, fire, there’s an arrival there, there’s a tnt block lying around, yes , i can’t find anything here just during the clearing, the sappers haven’t worked here yet , listen, this is not our ammunition, no, no, not ours, not ours, that’s why it’s theirs, you see the ship was just lying there. here
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they are, maybe 400-500 meters, the assault is underway, the enemy has already retreated, we look before everyone else, four children, ex-husband, endless stress at work, vosnetsova, why from you always. problems, sign up and take a look.
4:35 pm
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it’s good that the advantageous policy includes protection for any eventuality, including injury insurance. pay less, peas corn global village 6790. pyaterochka helps out. i think my grandfather is hiding something. bustle. fireworks, turning on the new year's light. lights the lights. a magic staff, grandpa, and we have something tasty at home, we can conjure something, he can do magic, the snowman is a courier, it’s proven that
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my grandpa is santa claus. on new year's eve , everyone can create miracles, from the bottom of their hearts, for those around them. happy new year, wizards. there are all kinds of dragons. tough, cute, bully. and everyone is good, but still their own everything is dearer to us. appreciates its customers and gives 100 gb in the year of the dragon, happy new year. belaine is on your side. win when you find a reason to get together. order
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from sbermarket, megamarket and scooter and win 10 million rubles. december 27 is a parade of planets, get ready for an expedition to the arctic. 27 i have legs. and on the twenty-sixth, and on the twenty -sixth, cappuccino, delicious calendar at a delicious point, every day, a new favorite product at a super price, only in the app it’s delicious period, it gets better and better, up to 16% per annum on the best deposit interest in savings savings, deposit with a favorable rate, place it literally with one button in the mobile application in savings savings with prime is more profitable. the capabilities of neural networks will increase tens of thousands of times over the decades, so it is important that these systems are trusted and do not have software vulnerabilities
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that could be exploited by cybercriminals. about this about the work of scientific institutes. the president of the russian academy of sciences, gennady krasnikov, spoke in an interview with our tv channel. one of the main tasks is also academic, because that no matter how we talk about the fact that we are engaged in fundamental, exploratory research, of course, we understand that any fundamental science is applied, but the question always arises of how much
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time should pass, sometimes we see that sometimes quite short periods of time pass when fundamental science transforms: so that our indicator of the effectiveness of scientists’ work is not only publication activity, but the demand for scientific results, and we perceive demand not only when some product has already become successful in our country in the sense that some model, say, a mathematical model, a model of some process, it could be used by others and...
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the institute was related, a lot, today it’s passed, well, actually big changes in tasks and the institutes themselves have become different, but the fact that the category, say, second, third, it did not even give them the right to apply for the acquisition of analytical, scientific equipment in order to continue their effective research, here we agreed with the ministry of defense the science of what's there first... new year we will cancel these processes and will introduce other, say,
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categories, not even categories, but rankings of institutions, but they will not relate to financial costs, they will be such guidelines for the leadership of the institutions where they are located and so that they strive higher and higher and raise its rating among other scientific institutions. let's put it into categories, because it really hindered financial development,
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that is, you can imagine that the institute of the second category is normal, which is for these years there for 5 years already, i think he may already be in the first category, and he understands that for research he needs such equipment, scientific, there analytical, and he cannot even submit an application for this matter. because it is in the second category, we canceled this, but in order for the institutes, both the leadership and the teams, to understand how they look among hundreds of other institutes, and sometimes from the point of view, when the topics coincide, we will introduce rankings, well, from the point of view of ensuring that they understand by category, there of course there will be publication activity.
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their real place is in accordance with this order, they have already developed for themselves the desire to move forward according to this rating, so that the real current results can be seen, yes gennady yakovich, i know that you have already said that you have a fundamentally different attitude towards international awards in in the field of science, the scientists themselves, which is calmer, is not the way we often present it in the media, but still it is impossible not to notice the scientific prize, because this is recognition of ours, our specialists, our
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scientists, this year the chemist, wounded scientist, academician irina petrovna beletskaya was awarded the international unesco prize, and the german physicist klaus mühlin became the laureate of this prize, and why did i pay attention to this, then at the presentation klaus mühlin said the following, we must keep politics out of science and try to create collaborative communication. it is noteworthy that this was said by a scientist from the european union, from a western country. from your point of view, to what extent is it really possible to maintain science now?
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each regional office including solves these problems, they are specific to each region, as for new regions, of course we created an association of such southern scientific centers, which we created in rostov-on-don, and of course we attracted the experience of crimea there when crimea passed to us, etc. .. integrated into our russian federation, it has accumulated experience, and we also take this experience into account, as with the new territories today, the dpr, kherson, zaporozhye, we have created such an association, we constantly hold joint meetings with them, meetings of all scientific and university institutions,
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in order to identify problems, there are enough of them.
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the fact that these studies sometimes may not end up being implemented, but
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coordination, coordination, these are very important components that we are deciding today with the ministry, with departments, with corporations, so that everyone has an understanding of how to use it more effectively.
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many institutions are academic, they are involved in this process and today they participate in these projects, we think that literally well like another 2-3 years and we will see how these quantities will turn into quality, and of course, at the end of this year, i cannot help but ask about artificial intelligence, because all year long there have been news related to applications in various areas of life artificial... intelligence, and you made a statement that it is necessary to legislatively regulate the use of artificial intelligence technologies, how can this be regulated, which path
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should we take here, ban or define the limits? no, well, let me explain a few points, of course, well, to be honest, i don’t like the word artificial intelligence, i still like the development of neural networks.
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the possibility of neural networks in this decade will increase not a thousand times, tens of thousands of times, and we simply won’t even have time to come to our senses as more and more they...
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use them for selfish purposes, so it is very important to legislate this way so that the systems that are being created are trusted, that is, they are checked for vulnerabilities, this is very important, because growth is being created, layering, the base there is a so-called framework, which is expanding more and more, if there are already vulnerabilities there, then
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we can bring it all down. this is one side, the second side, of course , we must look at the ethical points, that is , we must carefully look at where we can use them, the third point, it is also very important, which we even discussed today at our meeting at the academy of sciences , it is important because how we can use it today, that is, some already immediately, that is, we say,
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it’s difficult to deduce, so in this regard we must look very carefully at the legislation, human control, human control, ethics, human control, we must carry out a lot of work, where we clearly understand how the neural network works and how it generates errors. gennady yakovlevich, thank you very much for the interview, and of course we are looking forward to the next anniversary year for the russian academy of sciences. and we expect that it will be significant for our research center. thanks a lot. rostec plans to produce more than 500 civil aircraft until 2030. these will be domestic airliners, ms-21 super jet 100 and tu-214. this was discussed at the meeting.
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if we had, to be honest, if we had not carried out a global modernization of our enterprises before the twenty-second year, i think that the manifold increase in production that occurred last year , this year, it is unlikely that we would have been able to to accomplish this, i can give an example, for example, ammunition for small arms...
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weapons of the rszz, we increased production in 50 times armored vehicles.


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