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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 29, 2023 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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a global increase in military production and the same large-scale modernization of enterprises. the head of the state corporation rostec, sergei chemizov , reported to vladimir putin on the implementation of the defense order. the production of ammunition for small arms and multiple launch rocket systems, for example, has increased 50 times, tanks - seven times, and this in just 2 years. however, the statistics on civilian projects are no less impressive, and these are the latest domestic aircraft, unmanned vehicles and electric cars. what companies are here?
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the increase is so global, but nevertheless, despite the mtr, we still do not forget about the production of urban products, if we had not carried out a global modernization of our enterprises before the twenty-second year, i think that there would be a manifold increase in the production of products that occurred last year this year, it is unlikely that we would probably be able to accomplish this. the main task, according to sergei chemizov, is to ensure the technological sovereignty of the country. revival of citizens. aircraft industry, especially after the introduction of sanctions against russian airlines in priority, here is a dry superjet new with a pd-8 engine. this is a modification of the superjet 100 aircraft with maximum import substitution of components. the project was launched just after the introduction of sanctions. in total, according to the program approved by the president, more than 500 aircraft of various types should leave the assembly line by 2030. 270 liners. s21,
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142 superjet 100 aircraft, 115 tu-214 aircraft. next year aeroflot will receive six ms-21 aircraft. we must increase the volume and by 29 we must reach 72 aircraft per year. all, test benches have been completed, tests on a flying laboratory have been completed, and that means.
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we will replace all the imported components 800 km to 800 km with an additional tank, this is an ansat engine, a good economical one, and the speed, their speed is, well, somewhere around 250-280, that’s how it cruises, while the helicopters have foreign engines, the certification of the russian one will be completed in in the twenty-fourth year, only five countries in the world produce aircraft engines, the usa, france, great britain, canada and russia, while, sergei chemizov recalled, american. the manufacturer created the engine for the airbus 320 for 15 years, the pd-8 was completed in six years from the start of design, this is a record time. a new design and production complex has been built in st. petersburg, where serial production of engines for the mi-17, mi-8, mi-171, k-62 and k-52 helicopters begins. and for servicing offshore platforms commissioned by rosneft. a completely new helicopter is being built
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that will be able to land on water. this year it was shown at an exhibition in the emirates, where it aroused commercial interest and a number of countries decided to purchase it. by automotive industry, well, our enterprises are actively involved in the production of electric vehicles and unmanned aerial vehicles, drones have already overtaken everyone, and kamaz already has six vehicles, it runs along the moscow-st. petersburg highway, in the twenty-fourth we will already launch 18, such in 2024, we will launch a quarry- type drone - that is, a huge dump truck. but he has no cab, no everything, he will independently transport rock, rock mass, and so on, for import substitution, i’m also talking about kamaz i want to say that as soon as we left, we managed to replace 2,300 components in a year,
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which we learned to make ourselves, and today the car that was made by the germans , k5, has already been localized. thousands of tons of cargo, next year it is planned to launch the same unmanned truck, but of a quarry type, kamaz also produces urban transport, more than a thousand electric buses run around moscow, go to volgograd, kursk and lipetsk, and the head of rostec mentioned another new product, a russian electric car atom, next year website. electric stations, we already have about more than 200 technologies working on the production of charging stations, we’ve already installed these charging stations, we need to do gas ones, and we also
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do gas ones, yes, of course, here’s the same one on the same site on kamaz and gas engines we do charging, charging and gas ones too it is also possible to produce liquefied gas. this concern produced ventilators when they were urgently needed during the covid period, here is a respiratory support device for infants, the latest development, which has already...
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in a day, according to the military department six attacks were repelled in the kupinsky direction and three more in the krasnolimansky direction. meanwhile, the front began to move. our troops are occupying more advantageous positions in all directions. next, watch the reports from the front line of the fgtrk special reporters leonid muravyov and eduard punegov. we always have mines ready, because in any case the command to fire can come at any time. must shoot back immediately. the white bags on the shank of each mine are additional charges. with them, the projectile flies faster, and most importantly - further. from here to the right bank of the dnieper is less than 4 km, which means that this mortar has even the distant positions of the ukrainian armed forces in its sights. sight 760, protractor
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3875. report readiness. as soon as the enemy reveals himself, combat work begins. the camouflage network is quickly rolled up, and the crew is aimed at the target. mortar 120. immediately after combat work, the mortar is again covered with a camouflage net, accuracy and secrecy are the main rules of the artilleryman’s work, the crew leaves the firing position as unnoticed as it appeared, through the net tunnels, the position of this mortar battery
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is a whole underground city, from the firing point to the residential dugouts and the dining room you can walk through these underground passages, there are a lot of turns, forks, for a newbie out of habit you can even get lost, but such fortifications. reliably protect our guys from observation drones and from enemy artillery. mortar men do not go to the surface unless absolutely necessary. the battery commander with the call sign valdai, seeing us off, admitted that he had been in the zone for the past year. special military operation flew by quickly for him, there is always some work, some things to do, that is, we don’t sit still, when you are constantly working, time passes quickly, the guys also say that the year has passed quickly, well , i hope the rest will also pass quickly, so that the guys themselves hurry home, everyone returned, everything was fine. thanks to valdai and other artillerymen of the dnepr group, who are successfully conducting counter-battery combat, the shelling of peaceful cities on the left bank of the dnieper by the ukrainian armed forces has become less intense. in the front-line new kokhovka even without snow you can feel the new year's mood,
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father frost came from stavropol for the holiday, grandfather has been traveling since he was fourteen, this is the beginning of the operation - this is his forty-ninth trip. valery mitrofanenko is 67 years old, was the minister of social protection of his native land, raised three children, and became a volunteer in retirement. he came to the humanitarian center of novaya kokhovka with gifts from public organizations of the stavropol territory and the government of the ryazan region. caftan, sash, traditional suit, from helmet and body armor, despite working in the front-line zone, grandfather frost refused, if people live here, why are santa claus afraid, he comes to people, so maybe from these parishes, when grandfather frost comes and they start banging less, come on, give me some gifts, come on thank you, happy new year, we are very glad to have you here. congratulations to passers-by and the presentation of gifts
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by the children they meet are only one part of the duties; the main task of the volunteer santa claus is to congratulate those children who cannot come to children's matinees. come on, who is this? varechka? yeah, and this is my mom. for eight-year-old varya, santa claus prepared a soft toy, coloring books, and most importantly, an encyclopedia. the girl loves to read. on the eve of the holiday, humanitarian workers. with the new kokhovka, we tried to come up with a personal gift for each child. the task is difficult, because more than 500 children and teenagers live in the front-line city. people who stay here with their children, it is obvious that they believe in the near, soon bright future. gives confidence and lifts the spirits of all city residents the new year tree, although small, stands proudly in the central square. leonid muravyov, news. kherson region. these
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shots were taken in close proximity to the line of combat contact. the calculation of the multiple launch rocket system is working. hurricane of the thirty-sixth army of the vostok group. kriska sight 691, to the left 272. one purple light. hurricane crews are on duty around the clock. depending on the weather conditions, there is thick fog and low clouds over the battlefield today, but this is not a hindrance for the gunners. the crew has just reloaded ammunition and is leaving for day duty in the ugledar area, where fierce fighting is currently taking place. the soldiers' task is to provide support to the assault infantry, which is trying to dislodge the enemy from fortified positions. it's reactive. he works in the ugledar direction, he has received a crew right now. coordinates of the next target - this is a real combat mission, a strike was struck on an enemy stronghold, which
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was hidden approximately 5 km from the line of combat contact, immediately after the shot the crew immediately collapses the installation, you need to leave this position as quickly as possible, since a ukrainian artillery shell may arrive in response. in less than a minute, the car disappears into a dense forest belt, the crew returns to the shelter again, here is aerial reconnaissance footage, the target has been successfully hit, our distance is 20 km.
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meanwhile, in the kiev region, from this day on , the number of checkpoints is being increased, such measures , according to ukrainian media reports, will be in effect there until january 6, crowded places will also be subject to inspection, that is, shopping centers, supermarkets , train stations, hospitals, ukrainian authorities, of course , assure that... all this is supposedly for the sake of security during the new year holidays, but the scheme was worked out in a different scenario, before that, summonses were handed out with might and main at the kiev checkpoints, however, the new mobilization bill also applies to those citizens of the country who are now outside its borders, so in europe for the second day in a row , queues of ukrainian refugees are lining up who want to receive consular services before the application of possible sanctions. natalia has details solovyova: they sit, lie, spend the night replacing each other, women stand in line instead of their men. ukrainians are storming the visa centers of european cities in order to have time to renew their passports before the adoption of a new
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law on mobilization. they rob themselves of passports, make themselves passports. bratislava, warsaw, krakow, the same picture is everywhere, because if a law is passed in ukraine, draft dodgers will not be able to renew their documents, and those who do not appear on the summons to their homeland are offered to be deprived of all benefits, their cards will be blocked and they will be prohibited from disposing of property. however, judging by such announcements, from january 1 , you won’t even be able to see a doctor without a military id, no one will volunteer, because people watch the news, how people are being pushed by cars, i think that many people don’t want... so they want 5000, yes, they must provide them, they must give them benefits, opportunities, some kind of motivation so that they go there with pleasure, with or without pleasure, in the sense that ukrainians do not want to go to the front line at all, and therefore throughout the entire territory that they now control kiev, will be deployed mobile checkpoints of a detachment of military registration and enlistment offices, so the zelensky regime is reaching a new level
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of forced mobilization, in the cherkasy region, summonses are handed out right on the highway , we work in the village council and hand them over to deputies, they are sitting there the same as those, you tell me, tell me, how they differ from those you are catching here, in the kiev region the number of such checkpoints is going to be increased throughout the holidays, that is, until january 6, shopping centers, supermarkets and train stations are also awaiting inspection, the general staff sets the task of mobilizing as soon as possible...
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thousand people, and 2 million volunteers, then he will say: oh, damn it, what should i do? what exactly should i do? russia outlined it in detail a year and a half ago, then the appeal would not have been needed. the fact that putin wanted peace at the istanbul negotiations in march-april 22 was stated by one of the members of the then ukrainian delegation, ex-deputy head of mid-ukraine, alexander chalay. it was his personal decision to accept the text of this communique, which is completely far from the original proposal. russia's ultimatum proposal to russia, which they presented ukrainian delegation in minsk. we managed to find a very real compromise. putin really wanted to reach a peaceful settlement with ukraine, this is very important to remember. for what reasons the signing did not take place, the former official decided not to specify. but after the sensational revelations of the head of the servant of the people faction, david arakhamia,
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the whole world already knows about this. ukraine was prohibited from signing the istanbul agreements by former british prime minister boris. the championship was held in samarkand, uzbekistan, and chess has already been named in the russian federation anastasia’s victory is brilliant, and the tournament is one of the most prestigious in the world. cinema box office receipts from the distribution of russian films doubled over the year and amounted to 28 billion rubles. this is approximately 2/3 of total revenue.
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the audience of domestic films has increased by the same amount in 2 years. cinema results for 2023 were summed up at a press conference in tas. the author and presenter of the film industry program, ivan kudryavtsev, knows everything about the box office leaders and the upcoming premieres. the total box office of cinemas at the end of the year is 39 billion rubles, almost comparable to the twenty-first the year our industry recovered from the blow of the pandemic. with the departure of big hollywood films, which occupied 72% of the market, domestic products became the main donor to the industry. this seems to me to be an excellent result, i am not afraid of this word, work. the teams of our consolidated team, primarily the ministry of culture, the cinema fund of our producers. 28 billion. only russian films have never been collected in their country, at most half. during the year, they sold 91 million tickets versus 40 in 21. every fifth moviegoer
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comes with family. the leaders are the family films cheburashka poschuchyu veleniya, created with the support of the russia-1 tv channel and the breakthrough project “challenge”, the world’s first film filmed in space. they ask us for such paintings, we are often asked to have more paintings, so that they can take the older generation, grandparents. come to the cinema, spend a weekend together with the whole family, the most important beautiful tool for supporting the industry, when the viewer himself votes for a movie with a budget ruble, pushkin’s card, it brought the industry 4 billion rubles or almost 3 million visits, 2,278 cinemas are now open and operating in the country, 5% more than after the pandemic, 35 of them in new territories, and fifty more will open there soon. we hope to continue to help and be useful to our new regions. re-equipping their halls, i am sure that we will continue this work until the number of cinemas in these regions corresponds to the national average
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, and then together we will increase this figure for our entire vast homeland. flagship posters film events, the highest grossing period is the new year holidays, now scheduled for 3 years in advance. a few days later the bremen town musicians and serf-2 come out, the next new year, finist, the first hero, the wizard of the emerald city. in 2025, cheburashka 2. now other significant dates are being signed, which means that russian cinema will continue to update records. ivan kudryavtsev, vitaly poretsky, inna zolotareva and olesy shempel. news. a so-called migrant caravan is approaching the us border from mexico. tens of thousands of people, residents different countries of central america, are preparing to storm a wall with barbed wire, cross the rio grande river and hide from border guards. illegal migration is now one of the worst.
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the lawsuit did not even reach consideration; the court rejected it at the appeal stage, saying that the state constitution simply does not have a provision on this matter, and although similar lawsuits for removal from the distance are in the courts of dozens of other states, trump is celebrating his victory. we got a big win today in michigan. no one can understand why they did this in colorado, probably for pr, maybe they did it for a very liberal left-wing governor, but it's just a shame for the whole world,
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i think it's very bad for colorado. the fact that it fell to trump to start the clockwork under the very structure of the united states became obvious when the amendment from the founding of the state was first used against the former president. by removing trump from primaris, the colorado court has essentially already found him guilty of organizing a flight
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from mexico to the united states. the last caravan could consist of 15,000 illegal immigrants. and where is biden? sipping pina colada on a tropical island. he had just returned from his christmas holiday and was now heading off for another week's holiday. biden is also prevented from fully enjoying his caribbean vacation by the investigation against his son. now the republicans are also demanding from the white house correspondence between administration staff and hunter, suspecting that the staff is advising his son. president before testifying, or rather, before hunter refused to appear at the impeachment hearing. they're trying to find out the fact cooperation between the white house and hunter's lawyers in order to reach joe biden in this way. that's why they need correspondence. two major victims of cancel culture discuss how the house of cards in american politics is shaking. actor kevin spacey, who played frank underwood in the acclaimed series, was acquitted of
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charges of sexual assault, in an interview. and on the eve of a decisive year for america, not all the cards in this deck are in the hands of the players. in the coming days, the us supreme court is expected to express its opinion on the legality preventing trump from participating in the election, on the basis of the fourteenth amendment. and whatever this decision is, one of the parties will definitely not like it. the justices of the us supreme court will have to give a clear answer. it may or may not be a separate state, in this case
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colorado. keep trump off the ballot, despite two contradictory decisions from local courts. the deadline is january 5, when colorado will complete its list of candidates for the republican primary. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. russia - traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great. so. i am different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia.
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kliffosovsky, we look before everyone else in the application or on the website.


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