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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 29, 2023 2:30am-3:01am MSK

2:30 am
americans and the next ones like that. oh, hitler gi, let’s advertise now, then andrei will continue that i didn’t let him say a word. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient, where to find out everything about the elections. the situation has become tense, grandfather cannot find the leaflet, they brought it yesterday, answer. creation, this is the work of your hands, open the laptop, i’ll tell you a secret, there are resources about elections on the internet, i opened the site immediately in the know: information about the candidates, elections, places and dates, voting results election campaigns, wow, how technological everything is, you can see for yourself on the internet by looking at the chikrf portal, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient
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, it’s the twenty-third year, here they are, normal mines, good mines, they fly well, we need more, more, more, it’s never enough for us, two 12 is ready, fire, it’s coming over there. there’s a tnt block lying around, but i can’t find it here when i’m clearing it, the sappers haven’t worked here yet, listen, this is not our ammunition, not ours, that’s why the ships are just lying there , the trophies are here, about 400-500 meters away, here coming assault, the enemy had already retreated. look
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before everyone else, four children, ex-husband, at work, endless stress, vosnitsova, why are you always nothing but problems, let’s sign up , look, over the last year you... thousands of people have come to the regions of russia, doctors, builders, teachers. i myself came from kazan, but now my city is from mariupol. what struck me most was the spirit of unbroken people. doctor, oncologist, doctor of medical sciences. i’ve been on vacation for months now, so i came here for a month. i came from nizhny novgorod and here in mariupol has a special energy, i would probably stay here. i am from moscow, and my husband is from kiev. every but.
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i think whether i will wake up at all tomorrow, well, i just sort of chose for myself that i really want to serve god, people, this is our rehabilitation center, we are now, we have 12 guys who are up and starting to walk, you don’t regret that you moved, here, now it’s more necessary,
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to be honest, well, being near moscow, probably. as if such a plan could be put forward, but for the united states this is serious, so they insist that this was held, remember, there were three, copenhagen, then saudi arabia, jida and malta, before that there were, on the fourteenth of january next year, it is already planned, no, it is already planned to be held in davos, and somewhere by the end of february there should be a summit , which should this plan be odo, that's why i'm talking to lisbon.
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is approaching a nuclear catastrophe at colossal speed, because what they say, they sincerely believe, in particular having listened to some of the guests on my program, that russia will under no circumstances use nuclear weapons, therefore, they are confident that they can drag us into confrontation without the use
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of nuclear weapons, using their advantage in manpower, well, because they have mobilization resources, but this will not work out right away, they understand this very well, because according to all the nato plans that were there 30 years ago they...
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and what under their own banner or under what? they don’t have a banner there, and a military instructor always speaks without a banner, this changes a lot, the country is not participating in the war, it is leading by participation in the war, a declaration of war, then there is no war at all, no one declared war on anyone, well, war is declared if there is an attack by strangers, ukraine did not declare war on anyone, but it did not declare war, no, it did not declare it, we also, by the way, did not declare it. in our country the conflict is considered armed, which hinders them , by the way, let me remind you, they did not declare war, even in vietnam, no, the camp , they didn’t declare war, that’s right, they didn’t declare war, the last time they declared war was on june 4, 1942 , which helped a lot, bulgaria and
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hungary, so no, it didn't help, but if, if you are talking about a direct attack by foreign troops, nato troops, for example,
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everything after the group’s activities is developed , so if we assume that this will be direct, we can have the right to strike at those bases, that’s where these will fly from.
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the problem this year has worsened with the passage of ships through the panama canal, if before
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the low water season 36 ships passed every day, now there are 25, in february there will be 18, and large-capacity ships no longer pass through the panama canal, they bypass south america, that’s all for 14 days on average lengthens logistics, this leads to prices, higher prices, everything. is replenished, if we take the caucasus, then here
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we see all the attempts to squeeze russia out of this region and all the attempts to blame our peacekeepers for the tragedy of karabakh, i really hope that after the last cis summit, vladimir vladimirovich took certain measures, let's see how it will be develop, but in any case we know who, what... and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll make it all public. the next point is that the position of some of our allies in countries is surprising cis, in this, of course , the palestinian-israeli conflict, i mean, i’m talking about azerbaijan, so here, too, our azerbaijani colleagues need to think, the country is muslim and with its actions, it is now only inciting passions in the muslim world, of course. israel helped azerbaijan in the war in
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karabakh, there were huge supplies of weapons, now azerbaijan is providing the same assistance, as if in return, that is, supplying weapons to israel, well, there are not only weapons, there are other humanitarian things, but this is very is perceived negatively, but where, that is , what kind of weapons, turkish, no, they don’t supply weapons, they supply them. yes, but in any case it is perceived negatively. now, regarding the palestinian-israeli conflict, more than 80 days have passed. to date, more than 22 thousand have been killed and 55 wounded. it is obvious that there is genocide, but so far no one has managed to bring israel to justice. everything revolves around the united states, and if it weren’t for the support of the united states, it would be possible to talk to israel completely differently. israel itself bears large ones.
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there is also the main thing - this is a gas field, for which there is a mad rush , and it is gigantic, it still needs to be explored, but it must be obtained, and for this, the issue with the palestinians must be resolved, of course, that’s what they are talking about.
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apart from verbal escalations, moreover, from the turkish side, which led to the recall of the ambassador of israel and turkey, nothing, and even the flow of goods from turkey did not drop much, so what should azerbaijan have to show? for the first time on your program, on june 4, i said that there was a real genocide going on on the western bank of the river jordan, and that this gap cannot be compressed further, there will be a trefada, the only mistake i made
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was that nefada, a real war, now it’s the same, the arab world is suffering, it’s suffering, but i’ll do it again .
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and egypt and ethiopia become just members, so russia has a problem that needs to be solved, one of the problems that has also arisen is the increase in the exchange of cyber strikes, a clear example between. israel and iran. yes. in december, one of the israeli ones. the companies hit gas stations. 70% of gas stations in iran were out of order. last year the same company struck steel mills. and how did iran respond? iran responded. he also uses cyber weapons. for example, he hit israel’s wastewater treatment plants. and how
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and how, well, there were problems with cleaning everything else. but that's the point. the fact is that if this, this is the example they have now set for all arab states, even the monarchy of the persian gulf began to create cyber warfare units, and now look, last year and this year, how many cases of cyber strikes were there on sea vessels in the soviet channel, because of which engines stopped after all, someone is working on this at a certain moment in order to stop shipping there, this is a serious question, in 2024 it will happen, it will arise again, so one way or another, we need to talk about it, but i think we will see the first the use of nuclear weapons in this region , unfortunately, you think that the first battle there will be in korean, i think that the americans will strike iran, israel can also strike this blow, israel has not less than 90 small heroes, well there are carriers for this, and there are madmen who are for this
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madmen, unfortunately there are many of them, to the us command, because it will be profitable for them, to force israel to... this year, i hope that next year close cooperation will continue with you, so what? awaits us in 24, of course, the sino-american confrontation will only intensify. as already shown by what is happening after the visit of san francisco, sidingpin, the americans and the chinese did not agree on anything, but it will most likely intensify not
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along the line of direct conflict, but along the line of technical states and territories where elections will be held, they will be held in dozens of states, the first signs are already miley, argentina is serbia, we see that, by the way, either a pro-american or a pro-chinese candidate wins, well, like a pro-chinese one, who not about... not necessarily direct, which means there will be confrontation, perhaps a blockade, perhaps some kind of anti-constitutional provocations, which means they are connected with the democratic progressive party in taiwan, on february 14 in indonesia, we
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don’t talk about this much, there are also presidential elections, there is also a race for the leader, who is building such neutral, good relations with the russian federation, with china, there are pro-american candidates, in may - this is india, and we have the same thing in march, but there will be a very interesting configuration, then how will the election results in march... it’s clear, but what will happen after the elections, or maybe we will strengthen it, which means that what is happening now, there will be certain serious personnel changes that will strengthen our line on the sovereign economy and politics and so on, we will also look at this , but also brix, absolutely true, that in the western media in the public space brix seems to be ignored, in fact this is a very serious topic that is discussed as an alternative to the western world, it is obvious that the summit in kazan, which will be in june twenty-fourth. year under the chairmanship of the russian federation with the participation of both modi and sizinpin, all the rest and the new five, perhaps six, if argentina members come, it will
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attract close attention from the americans, that is, they will try in all prix countries new and old to play out something in such a way as to disrupt this samite, what they wanted to disrupt in johannesburg by issuing a warrant for mus , which means, respectively, in relation to russia, that is, this is egypt, in which elections have just come, and sisi means again won. these are other countries of the persian gulf, this is ethiopia and so on, that is, all over these dozens of states the contour of a hybrid confrontation will be stretched, which will definitely lead to a world war in the future. now it is a cold, undeclared war, neither one nor the other. it is not profitable for another country, neither china nor the united states , to start a direct war for now, for now there are close economic ties, but they are gradually defragmenting, what is a direct war? direct direct combat in the south china sea, east china sea us allies china, russia? for example, there will be a situation in which suddenly iran, north korea, china will announce that in the event of, for example,
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the opening of hostilities against one of these countries, at any point this will be perceived as a threat to each of them, such conversations are being carried out, what if, for example, now poland is sending its troops, the czech republic, well, in general , nato countries are declaring war on russia.
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one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, asked for the sake of peace to steal a cannon from the regiment and with her own hands shot at a peasant’s hut, miraculously did not kill anyone to death, what is the difficulty, her mother is an important person at court, with my daughter. everything is fine, she’s a normal girl, just like everyone else, and the girl is repentant, like, let’s go to paris,
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we’ll eat oysters, we could forgive her.
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protest, result, did not notice themselves waiting. the flag of the dpr and russia flutters over the city of mariupol, but i was not included in the frame, when we went out onto the upper street, two soldiers were running, who was the eldest? i say, i ’m older, they look at the girl, well, they’re surprised, they’re shooting, yes, yes, women in the northern military district zone serve directly on the front line, it’s about
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to happen. terrain, get to it quickly, in fact it’s very motivating when a girl is next to you in the trench, i wish you health, great, hello, hello, brother, i had to show in practice that i not only can do girly things. we are on the territory of our beloved dpr, the russian guard is performing a number of specific tasks, we are conducting reconnaissance and search activities, your first sapper is coming, just like clearing mines in such weather conditions, a pile of garbage has been discovered here, here is a poster on the throw, perhaps armor, at the reception, we need to look at these destroyed premises,
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let’s get to work. your monetary potential surrounds us in our quantum field every second. look how interesting it is, i will tell you about the science that i created. when i came to moscow, my consultation cost 50 dollars, that was 20 years ago, now it’s 500 per hour. now our launches reach 50-100 million. i say, well, i see swans. this forecast is worth billions, the university of witchcraft magic, what is this, a candle, impenetrable protection, are you kidding or is this in all seriousness, in all seriousness, it works at the level of faith, at the level of connection at the level of what draws me to this . do you want to watch this fairy tale? come with me.
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first an idea appears, and then it appears its formalization, not the other way around, yes, first the idea of ​​political will appears , it can already be formalized using a variety of methods, yes iran raised this issue within the framework of the sco, at the beginning the first step is to conclude a non-aggression pact between all states, i think that from such a pact to some more serious, deep things, well, the distance is several years, it exists, but i would
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like to return to the thesis of comparison: possibly a third world war.


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