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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 29, 2023 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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we need more, more, more, we’re always not enough, two 120s are ready, fire, there’s an arrival over there, a tnt block is lying around, why can’t i find a cleanup here, the sappers haven’t worked here yet, listen, this is not our ammunition, no no, not ours, not ours, so thirds of the ship are right there, the trophies are here, about 400-500 meters away, the assault is underway, the enemy has already retreated, we look before everyone else, four children, ex-husband, at work, endless stress, vosnetsova, why are you always nothing but problems, let’s sign up and look,
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it seems to me that this bill is very timely from the point of view of landing these people, in general, why, because the fear that appeared in the eyes of people, what nikolaevich spoke about, yes, they ran to re-register passports, yes, re-register property, transfer to their wives there, well processes are underway, even though the law has not been adopted, but...
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this is a controlled feeling, it develops into hatred, uncontrollable, this is the line between fear and hatred, it seems to me that the authorities are not able to control it, and if they in this situation i go too far, then everything may end up with the fact that they simply will not be able to control those people who will lose their sense of fear and gain a sense of hatred, and here the danger of civil war may arise in the sense in which we imagine.
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now, analyzing the 22 months of the special military operation, and we are now seeing the end of the twenty-third year, we can draw the following conclusion: the history of rearmament and , in general, the modernization of military equipment that participates on the battlefield went through a situation similar to that of the first world war, i let me remind you 110 years ago, when russia entered the first world war, a machine gun was considered a weapon of mass destruction, in fact, apart from that, military thought at that time did not seem to be planning any more serious... weapons, but it seems that after a few places gas attacks appeared, moreover, the russians were the first who adapted to repel them very effectively, including through kindling firewood in the trenches and other handicrafts, then dereships appeared, then flamethrowers appeared, then submarines developed, almost so that the surface fleet could not already working in a normal sense, combat aviation appeared, the first bomber, our heavy one, by the way, ilya muramet, made by sekorsky, more than sixty combat ones. carried out, that is, a number
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of other military-technical innovations that essentially turned the military world upside down, our country then, which by the spring of the fifteenth year experienced a terrible hunger for shells and a hunger for weapons, already by the sixteenth year managed to build up and rearm its defense-industrial complex production of heavy weapons at seven to eight times, and a number of ammunition increased by a factor of 10, this is why i give this example, a very similar story, how our... country knows how to mobilize in the face of the most difficult military-technical challenges, and the west threw exactly such a challenge, bringing the most modern ones, including business cards of its own defense industry, that is, russia , convincingly, just like 110 years ago, managed to establish a completely new form of work for its own defense-industrial complex in just a year and a half, so the president spoke literally 2 days ago together with the minister of defense for... spoke about in
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what directions and areas we have stepped far forward, in what ammunition, in what weapons we have gained truly multiple superiority, what level have we now reached, when we observe the groans of the collective west, there are not enough heavy weapons , there is not enough air defense system, there is not enough large-caliber shells, there is not enough ammunition for various systems, russia says: we have increased it seven times here, five times here, two times here. just look at the increase in red fields, look at increase in landsets, cubes , loitering ammunition, drones, comics, which are now the most effective in anti-tank nature, look at the development of pro air defense systems, here again viktor sergey viktorovich
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reminded that here rostec is engaged, and almastey is engaged in the production of the latest weapons systems, of course , our combat aviation, which now, when we read the news that russia... almost every month is delivering combat aircraft to the front ahead of the curve, so i’ll go back literally to air defense, as the minister of defense said, this year we have delivered 86 anti-aircraft missile systems, the latest to the army, 47 new radars, this is at a time when, in principle , there is enough for armament, but we are supplying new absolutely innovative means, at this time zelensky is begging for his team, just begging literally at the level of one battery, give two, give... a million shells, but it won’t happen, i think that the twenty-third year is the results of the twenty-third year, the most important thing is that russia has proven that that she is not what she really is could never lose to the collective west, but she proved that she could very quickly restore, not just parity, but
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priority over the weapons of the west, it only took us less than 2 years, and the twenty-fourth year will certainly be difficult for our group , there will be very difficult combat operations. but, as the minister of defense correctly said, we will complete all the goals of the special military operation in 2004, in any case, the ministry of defense will strive for this. i'm always confused by comparisons with the first world war, considering what it was like ended. let me remind you that in 1916 we had fantastic military successes, and we lost to the loser, not because of the military, but because of political turmoil, so it is very important, yes, so it is very important not to repeat the mistakes of the russian one. empire and nip the fifth column in the bud, no matter how cute or naked it may be. please, i want to wish us all in the next new year, on december 28 or 29, to broadcast the evening program with
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vladimir solovyov in the glorious russian city of kiev, and after that come to me welcome home calmly. new year is already with my family. secondly, i would like for sure, in ukraine, that other ukraine, of course, such a glorious city as uzhgorod would remain, in the territories of that new other ukraine, and not in some other territories. these are the two wishes i have for myself personally, for all of us, and in my wishes, you know, there’s something else hidden. there was such a unification of wishes, because many citizens of ukraine or simply immigrants from ukraine who live in russia today, they want to come home exactly the same as the ukrainians who are now temporarily residing on the territory of the countries
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of the european union, because they, too , cannot now return to ukraine, to this ukraine, to zelensky’s ukraine, they cannot return, because well, we see the queues that are standing yes in... industrial losses in ukraine, which are given by the leaders of the russian federation, somewhere in the foreign press, i read, today for the first time a deputy of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, with all the critical attitude towards her, said the following figure: every 5 minutes
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one ukrainian is killed or injured, she said the following phrase: if you translate it, it’s obviously underestimated, if you translate it into numbers, i agree, more than 100,000 people, 105 thousand 120 people, yes, but for what, why did these people die or were injured, for what purpose, for what, you showed and often show yesterday, at least, there is a cemetery in kharkov and so on, and we focus attention on why, why these young people died or not young, why these people were wounded , or today those you say correctly in... kiev there are protests of women, this is not the first protest that give us back our men, give us back our sons,
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give us back our children, and what the ukrainian authorities are doing now, when you say that it’s you you have a good attitude towards this law, i understand what you are saying, because this is an explosion in society, people began to understand, people, at least i believe that they thought about what all this massacre was really for, fans, who called everyone... military registration and enlistment offices, fans and the current ukrainian government, which distributed weapons, what has she achieved, what are we talking about, let’s imagine that this whole idea of ​​theirs at the moment is to put 500,000 people under arms, to create a new ukrainian army, for what, for what purposes, what does this mean, that next year this is the regime, and these are the numbers. next year it will increase exactly two, three or four times and then who will be responsible for all this? i’m just
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leading to what, i want, i understand, yes, it means that what bezugly is doing is called crisis pr, because what she brought up is not simply underestimated figures, ridiculously underestimated, because the official data that we did not give for the whole year, exclusively for the first operations, is significantly higher, this is not it at all. during the liberation of artyomovsk there was such a meat grinder that the numbers there are simply terrible and the realities are completely different, i want to remind you that they are terrible plus now add a counter-offensive, then you can easily reach the figures of just half a million killed and wounded, so this is not 100,000, the second one.
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that the eastern slavs have everything left in the world less, this is the only task that the west solves, as we said yesterday , this must be understood, for the west it does not play any role, because for them we are all russians, yes, that russians, that ukrainians, that belarusians, that any people living in this territory, so the west is wiping its hands and will continue to add gasoline. that's all, happy new year, happy new year. our cause is just, victory will be ours. see you in the new year.
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a global increase in military production and the same large-scale modernization of enterprises, the head of the state corporation rostec, sergei chemizov , reported to vladimir putin on the implementation of the defense order. the production of ammunition for small arms and multiple launch rocket systems, for example, increased 50 times, tanks seven times. and this is in just 2 years, however, the statistics on civil projects are no less impressive, and these are the latest domestic aircraft, unmanned vehicles and electric cars, which companies are the leaders here and which of ours are included.
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very different from those produced, for example, in the twenty-second year. release military production, according to sergei chemizov, has increased manifold. ammunition for small arms rszzo, we have increased production 50 times. and barrel artillery too. and the barrel, yes, of barrel artillery, and that means the control center of armored vehicles was increased by 5 and a half times, of tanks by seven times, that is, this increase is so global. well, nevertheless, despite the mtr, we still do not forget about the production of civilian products, if we had not carried out a global modernization of our enterprises before the twenty-second year, i i think that the manifold increase in their production, which occurred last year, this year, it is unlikely that we would probably be able to accomplish this. the main task, according to sergei chemizov, is to ensure
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the technological sovereignty of the country. the revival of the civil aircraft industry, especially after. sanctions against russian airlines are a priority. here is a dry superjet new with a pd8 engine. this is a modification of the superjet-100 aircraft with maximum import substitution of components. the project was launched just after the introduction sanctions. in total, according to the program approved by the president, more than 500 aircraft of various types should leave the assembly line by 2030. 270 ms-21 airliners, 142 aircraft. super jet 100 115 tu-214 aircraft. next year aeroflot will receive six ms-21 aircraft. we must increase volumes and by 29 we must reach 72 aircraft per year. all bench tests
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have been completed, and tests on the flying laboratory have been completed. and certification flights will begin. finally as part of the plane, here are 20 cars we need in twenty in the fourth year, it will be handed over to the airlines; we will be producing 20 aircraft of this type every year. the newest russian aircraft engine vk650v will displace western analogues; it will be installed on ansad helicopters. with the new engine, the car will be able to cover record distances. we will replace all imported ones. components 800 km, up to 800 km with an additional tank, this is ansat, the engine is good, economical, and the speed, their speed is, well, somewhere around 250-280, that’s how it’s cruiser, while the helicopters have foreign engines, certification of the russian one will be completed in in the twenty-fourth year, only five countries in the world produce aircraft engines, the usa,
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france, great britain, canada and russia, while, sergei chemizov recalled, the american manufacturer created the engine for... from the start of the design it was made in six, this is a record time. a new design and production complex has been built in st. petersburg, where serial production of engines for the mi-17, mi-8, mi-171, k-62 and k-52 helicopters begins. and for servicing offshore platforms , a completely new one is being produced at the request of rosneft. helicopter. which can land on water. this year it was shown at an exhibition in the emirates, where it aroused commercial interest and a number of countries decided to purchase it. in the automotive industry, well , our enterprises are actively involved in the production of electric vehicles and drones. and drones. he already
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has six kamaz vehicles on the moscow-st. petersburg highway. we will launch already 18, in the twenty-fourth year we will launch the same drone of a quarry type, that is, a huge dump truck, but it without a cabin, without everything, it will be on its own to transport rock, rock mass, and so on , for import substitution, i also want to say about kamaz, as soon as we left the situation, we replaced 2,300 components in a year, which we learned to make ourselves, and today we already have that car, which was done with the germans, k5, it is already localized somewhere around 75-80%.
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our concern of radio-electronic technologies works on the production of electric charging stations, we have already installed about more than 200 of these charging stations, gas ones need to be done and you also have gas ones, do it yes of course, here is the same one on the same kamaz and gas engines, we do charging , gas charging, there is also liquefied gas , and the metal equipment can also produce, yes...
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including our enterprises, and shvaby, and ruselectronics and the concern of radio-electronic technologies. this concern launched ventilators when they were urgently needed during the covid period, here is a respiratory support device for infants, the latest development, which has already been registered. everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, honest convenient, how to vote on a smartphone? on sunday early in the morning, during the absolute parade , the kids shouted: people, get up, let's all vote, mom said sleepily, we'll choose remotely, dad supported, yawning, we'll choose electronically, grandma and grandpa said. i’m a father, i’ll go with you, but our generation loves papers and ballots, but the young generation is electronically modern, i’m not an opponent of progress, hold your granddaughter’s alarm clock, this is all
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quite reasonable, you can do it remotely, we ’ll go with you to choose your mother the old fashioned way , by our usual method, on the site, like usually, choosing in a country is free, important, and honestly convenient. one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, asked for the sake of peace to steal a cannon from the regiment and with her own hands shot into a peasant hut, miraculously did not kill anyone, what is the difficulty, mother...
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over the past year , thousands of people, doctors, have come to new regions of russia , builders, teachers. i myself came from kazan, but now my city is mariupol, what struck me most was the spirit of unbroken people, a doctor, an oncologist, a doctor of medical sciences. i'm on vacation
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i've been here for months now, so... i came here for a month, i came from nizhny novgorod, there is a special energy here in mariupol, i probably would have stayed here, i’m from moscow, and my husband is from kiev, every night i think like this, will i wake up at all tomorrow, well, i i just sort of chose for myself that i really want to serve god, people, this is our rehabilitation center, we are now in the mro, we have 12 guys, i started walking, you don’t regret moving here, here now. more importantly, your monetary potential surrounds us in our quantum field every second, look, how interesting, i’ll tell you about the science that i created, when i arrived in moscow, my consultation cost 50 dollars, that was 20 years ago, now it’s 500 per hour, now our launches cost 50-100 million. i i say,
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well, i see swans. this forecast is worth billions, the university of witchcraft magic, what is this, a candle, impenetrable protection, are you kidding or is this in all seriousness, in all seriousness, it works at the level of faith, at the level of connection at the level of what draws me to this , would you like to see this fairy tale, come with me. the flag of the dpr and russia is flying over the city of mariupol, but i wasn’t in the frame, i wasn’t included, when we went out onto the upper street, two soldiers are running, they run up, who’s the eldest, i say, i’m the eldest, they look at the girl, well, they were surprised, they shoot, yes, yes, women in their zone serve directly on the front line, now the area will be open, we must quickly let it go as much as possible, in fact it is very strong.
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motivates when a girl is next to you in the trench, good luck, great, hi, hi, brother, i had to point to that i can not only do girly things,
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