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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 29, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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throat singing is a unique phenomenon of shor culture, which can be included in the unesco list of intangible cultural heritage monuments; the national instrument, masterfully played by vlad torchakov, is called teberkomus. teber is iron , metal, komus is an instrument, but how to play it, but we put two main teeth on the soundboards, leave a space, like a hole for the reed and... vlad is an artist of the local cultural center gornyak,
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who, without exaggeration, is the center of attraction creative people. the guys are taught here acting, singing and dancing, and also a place where a miner, a rescuer, a sound engineer and a woodcarver meet. these are the soloists of the military-patriotic ensemble combat brotherhood, who would like to perform in donbass. as an independent fighting unit, our team has long ago begun to switch to performing their songs, and we are trying to reach out to young people that we...
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and andrey litvin senate program from the kemerovo region. see you in january. see you on the senate program. hello dear friends, the last one friday in december, evening, i’m alexander korievsky, so it’s time to sum up some. the results of the entire year 2023, well, all year the west continued to pump arms into ukraine, lately there have actually been some difficulties with this, what is the reason for this and what are the prospects for western military assistance to ukraine next year, we talked about this with the head of the russian delegation in vienna on issues of military security and arms control by konstantin gavrilov. hello.
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thank you for finding time for us, of course, time to sum up, the results of the year, the year was extremely interesting, although the next one promises to be very interesting too, but we’ll talk about the next one a little later, let’s talk about your work, it was extremely important, we got involved many times, discussed these details and - what is the most important thing for you in the past year? hello, alexander anatolyevich, hello, dear tv viewers, who is watching us, right?
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he demonstrated a certain, let’s say, a certain noticeable change in the mood, the mood of some participants in the meetings, for example, at at meetings they say one thing, on the sidelines they quietly shake hands, you know, and sometimes they even dare, i won’t name who, some western ambassadors shake our hands in the presence of everyone, which causes surprise among our... noisy anglo-saxons, but the mood is slowly changing , the situation on the battlefield changes, as we said, and a certain mood changes, yes, they are angry, they are very worried, they don’t show their views, they attack with their own, sometimes personal remarks, they threaten our employees, yes, yes, they send packages.
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they want us, they don’t want us, we listen to our point of view, we convey everything that needs to be said, including on various topics related to arms control, it is communicated to the public, the most important thing, and the forum is an effective tool
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for our counter-work against this lie, which is pouring out in torrents in the west, that is, this is such a real legal platform where you can report, because everything else is turned off by... the media and so on, yes, it’s absolutely true , they are forced to convey to their capitals what what are we talking about, our speeches , comments and so on, because what happened at the meeting, please report, gentlemen, what was there, what the russians said there, what the belarusians said there, so they have to talk about it , that is, the picture turns out, they are forced to report, maybe with their sketches , but they are forced to report, and we report , we report to our tv viewers, we report, konstantin, so i’m listening to you, you know, and i’m thinking whether to ask this question or not, because you are a high-level diplomat, and i wanted to ask i’ll ask the question anyway, since i already said it, in the current conditions, and diplomacy has not died at all, maybe this is a slightly provocative question, but
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nevertheless, i understand that the answer is no, you say, but uh, you understand, yes, in what sense i say, diplomacy is dead, sometimes it becomes a little silent when it says: from a gun, yeah, that’s it, but in the end, diplomacy ends with all wars, negotiations, where it is necessary not only to sign some agreements , agreements and so on, but don’t miss the chance the victory that, for example, we won, there were times when we lost it, very often .
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the president, minister lavrov, stated this that we are not against negotiations, well, let’s negotiate on real terms, and not on the basis of fictions like zelensky’s plans and so on, which are impossible, but in general, let’s fulfill the goals set by the peace
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negotiations or by military means, while we are talking about military means, when they are ripe, you yourself know, when they are ripe, then there will be negotiations, you accept our conditions, we accept. then we will fix the negotiations, do not accept, that means , until you accept all our conditions, there must be a compromise, but a reasonable one, and the management will decide this, and so the negotiations are for the sake of...
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as you rightly noted , we noticed the conditions: weapons, weapons are arriving, they have been arriving
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, and as i understand it, more and more quantities will be coming to ukraine, or not, or is there some kind of turning point here, too, there is a turning point here, and we talked about it more than once our partners, we discussed with you, empty reserves, the military arsenals of nato and the united states are empty. now the patriots don’t have enough missiles , well, they don’t have enough, even the japanese, in my opinion, are going
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to supply them, yes, everyone there is already trying hard, they are running out of money, but the 155-mil shells are running out, they wanted to make a million for the european union, they gave a contract, there is money, everything is there, but they produced 3000, they can’t produce a million, but we produce, and we increase it, that’s the rear. is won by logistics, logistics and spirit, so all this is in the russian, the russian army and the russian people are present, but they don’t , of course, when they invest in long-term production, military factories, tanks and so on, they don’t have, 150 tanks for the whole of germany, half of them don’t operate, yes, they say we’ll hold out for a few hours, the russians will attack us, they sleep and see that they’ll attack, feed them, and give them gas for free, no, we don’t need that, that’s clearly explained, and well, of course,
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supplies will be provided to help ukraine to the extent possible, but how much, in what quantities it will decrease, i do not i think that they will now have some new surges in supplies, well, they promise f16 there, and, by the way, the last time we talked with you, there were a lot of comments, news. which you voiced, it made a certain impression, how they reacted in europe to your words, silently, silently, some spoke out, you remember, the vice-chairman of the slovak parliament spoke out, we don’t need a third world war, yeah, he put it very clearly, they kept silent, of course, sitsi channels have correspondence, there are reactions, there are and so on and so forth, practically nothing is discussed in public, in public, but... i know very clearly that the message has been heard, and it has been conveyed, absolutely,
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to the leadership of these countries, not even think, not even think, and yet i see messages, it is clear that they are absolutely unverified, most likely this is some kind of fake , although anything can happen, that supposedly several have almost been destroyed in the v-16 there is in ukraine, one, i’m talking about one i just heard there is. but i don't believe in it, that's it, of course can be hidden, but at those airfields that exist, the infrastructure is destroyed, firstly, the f-16 has a peculiar landing, it is low. but he can’t take off from ukrainian airfields? well, i’m not a pilot technician, but they say it’s very difficult for them to take off, there must be a special runway, and there’s so much maintenance, guidance, that’s why i think so, there was a warning that don’t use your
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airfields, this will be considered as participation on the side of ukraine in hostilities is a legitimate target for destruction.
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this is what we need to fight against and we insist on coordinating the actions of the special services to prevent this, we talk constantly, this is a very serious topic that we are following and will continue to monitor and urge, they somehow react to this, your under-partners, no, no, they are something... then they wait, this is a very bad omen, to wait.
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during our conversation, of course, i can’t help but ask what your plans are for next year, whether you also have feelings, because now there are a lot of comments that after all, such a hot phase of the nwo may happen next year end, but i’m not even talking about that anymore, can you still be there in europe, and you see changes, as you already said, in moods, can some qualitative changes in this mood still happen, and yet it will dawn on the europeans that they need to engage in real diplomacy, and not what they are doing now... i don’t understand, you know, aleksandrevich, one thing, how europe submits so blindly to its own loss, to the detriment of itself, its security, its well-being . to american teams, that’s how, i don’t understand, apparently historians will to investigate, yes, like this, how they go , remember, like a rat following a pipe into a lake,
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yeah, well, this is complete absurdity, and the future, i think, of course, now decisive actions will be taken, i think, precisely in next year, taking into account the fact that...
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those who are trained, who know, and our army, one can say without involvement, is now the best and most combat-ready army in the world with combat experience, which no one really has, there are rebels, if something is to bomb someone and so on, but here there are major military operations, new types of weapons new tactics, systems, and so on are being applied, and our soldiers are learning this with losses.
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these extremely important topics of weapons. of course, we will closely monitor the proliferation of weapons, preparing europe, europe for possible military operations, and so on, thank you. thank you, thank you, all the best in the new year. happy new year to you too. thank you. meanwhile, in ukraine this evening an air raid warning was announced again.
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reports of explosions came from all over the country. power supply was disrupted in four regions. in the russian ministry of defense stated that over the past 7 days, 50 group attacks were carried out in one massive attack using drone weapons. day with details. alekseev. since early morning , our missiles have been targeted at the military infrastructure of ukraine. first , information appeared about arrivals in kharkov, including in the area of ​​the military air base, and later in mirgorod. after a short time, the air raid alarm sounds almost throughout the entire country. local online public pages write about three waves, the last of which occurred in the western part of nezalezhnaya. in lviv region, a blow was struck at the evorovsky training ground, mercenaries and nato instructors were based there. kiev did not stand aside , there is plenty of rear military infrastructure there, the mayor of the ukrainian capital klitschkov
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personally confirmed the fact of the destruction of one of these facilities: a hangar with fuel for armored vehicles was destroyed, and the artyom plant was also hit, where the military commander was hoping to start producing nato-caliber shells. another military-industrial complex enterprise, whose workshops were used to assemble drones, is located in dnepropetrovsk. its coordinate. were also no secret to our intelligence; in total, more than 100 missiles were fired at military targets, from land, from water, from the air, plus high-precision geraniums were actively working. in odessa, the targets were port infrastructure, terminals, warehouses, kersonia , most likely, parking lots of anti-aircraft systems. over the past week , this is not the first time our missiles have landed on the ukrainian military-industrial complex, dozens of group strikes and, as a result, dozens. pilot
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aircraft, on objects of the military-industrial complex, military airfield infrastructure, arsenal, as well as storage areas for artillery ammunition, unmanned boats, weapons , fuel for military equipment. in addition, the locations of units of the ukrainian armed forces, the formation of nationalists, and foreign mercenaries were amazed. all designated targets are hit. it seems that ukraine will never remember such a powerful, combined strike. even the official representative of the ukrainian air force, ignat, is shocked and publicly admits the helplessness of the air defense systems. so many targets on our monitor at the same time we haven't seen it yet. russia launched all missiles except calibers, namely daggers, ballistics, s-300, uav cruise missiles. about 18 strategic bombers launched the kh-101 and kh-5005. these images speak about how ukrainian air defense works. and
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these, these. all the earphones continue to place air defense systems in residential areas and continue to shift all the blame for this, for this, for this on russia, as if not noticing the unsuccessful launches of their own anti-missile missiles. denis alekseev, lead. the government issued a compulsory license for the release of an analogue of the drug ozemnik. this is a danish medicine. from diabetes, the company that owns the rights to it left our market, well, in order not to put the life and health of russians at risk, the authorities decided to produce an analogue without the owner’s permission. anastasia ivanova will tell you what name to look for on pharmacy shelves now. they disappeared from russian pharmacies without promising to return, but new domestic drugs took their place. the danish manufacturer of the vital diabetes drug azempic refused.
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compare their products, but the patients remained, so the russian government issued a compulsory license to produce an analogue, this time from a domestic manufacturer, it gives the right to sell the drug without the consent of the patent owner, a forced measure, but necessary? today there are two manufacturers who are ready to produce the formula, exactly the formula of the medicinal product that is protected by a patent, has been protected by a patent until now, so the effect will be the same, of course, there are... different ones there elements of such an impact are associated with impurities associated with the production process, but today the control is quite decent in the russian federation, one of the best in the world. one manufacturer is now in limbo, he has not received permission to sell the drug, the other has gone through all the necessary approval procedures before entering the market. this medicine, semavic, has similar effects to the original, only the price is almost 30% lower, and these are not all
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the advantages. the handles are the same as the original drug, but there is only one, and the dosage can be titrated using this pen, that is , in order to increase the dose of the drug, you do not need to buy a new package, all clinical studies have been carried out, proven that it is absolutely identical to the regional drug, since all sales channels will be absolutely official, all this will be normal, good quality, raw materials for the production of packaging, pens for injections, cartridges are brought from abroad, cooperation has been established. should have been enough until the end of this year, but a serious shortage arose due to those who wanted to lose weight, they started buying azempic
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in order... roughly speaking, to lose weight on the couch. it turns out that the drug reduces appetite and blocks the absorption of glucose into the blood. for patients with diabetes this is vitally important, but for an ordinary person without a specific diagnosis it is dangerous. may cause some discomfort primarily related to the condition of the pancreas, exacerbating pancreatitis in patients with untreated subacute pancreatitis. or an unspecified diagnosis, if the drug is overdosed, then you feel unwell, various side effects from the gastrointestinal tract occur. the compulsory licensing procedure was carried out precisely in order to provide medicine to diabetic patients, but not for those losing weight. this is not the basis when the compulsory licensing procedure can be applied, everything that is connected with some, well, let’s say.


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