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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 30, 2023 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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international assistance, to date we have attracted more than 42 billion us dollars to the budget, this is only to cover budgetary needs. we have created a basis for the military to do their job, for retirees to not think about how they can survive, for doctors to receive their salaries. but these funds have already been spent , it seems, without any countdown. and the budget of ukraine for the next year was adopted with a gigantic deficit, expenses are almost twice as high as income, about half of all expenses are military, but when it came to a new wave of mobilization , it turned out that there were no funds for this either. money the current needs of the army are no longer enough for the current expenses; if we want to increase the personnel by 500,000, then we will need approximately plus another 580 billion of this money, unfortunately, we will not be able to find it. kiev plans to cover the hole in the state budget of more than 40 billion euros, again at someone else’s expense, but the west is no longer in a hurry to help. american congressmen went on vacation without approving the allocation of 60 billion dollars for ukraine, and the european aid package amounted to... that is, the bankruptcy
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of the state, having exhausted all internal solutions, the ukrainian government will lose the ability to pay its international obligations and they will definitely still go to budget sequestration, this will delay all flows of all social payments, somehow stopping these processes they now have serious budget conflicts, there were serious problems already at the end of november , in december massive delays in payments began, i think in january and february they will face this in any case, because the americans will definitely not deal with this issue before january 19th, there it is unlikely, of course, that what biden requested will be 61 billion; at best there will be 10-20 billion. western aid has dried up amid all the corruption scandals that are shaking kiev, so with...
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a humanitarian cessation of hostilities in gaza. big water has arrived in hungary, the level in the danube has risen to a record level in the last 10 years, and the embankments of budapest are flooded. germany continues to suffer from the consequences of christmas flooding, while in britain the damage caused by storm gerrit is being assessed. about what is happening now in new year's eve in europe, our own correspondent in london, alexander khabarov.
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storm garryd left a heavy mark on the north of england and scotland. an suv that had fallen into a river was recovered today in north yorkshire. there were three people in it, all of them died. at the same time, rescue services received signals about cars stuck in water streams. some parts of britain were hit by devastating tornadoes. in the town of stalebrech near manchester, the wind was so strong that one of the houses was left without a roof. i i was sitting on the bed and heard the noise getting louder and louder. literally 30 seconds later i pulled back the curtain and saw trash cans flying down the street. uprooted trees, damaged cars, and damage caused by the elements have yet to be assessed. tens of thousands of houses were left without electricity over the past 24 hours. the affected areas remain at high risk of flooding. snow fell in scotland, blocking some roads. the most unpleasant thing is that weather forecasters are predicting a strong one.
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train movement on some routes on north of the country had to be cancelled. several railway companies serving the northern and northwestern routes warned passengers to check information before traveling. interruptions are expected in ferry traffic in the english channel between the english dover and the french coles. the weather is not kind to the continent either. germany faced floods since christmas, and so far little has changed.
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the elbe river rose 4 m above normal, to reduce the flow near magdeburg a special barrier had to be opened, this happened for the first time in the last 10 years. i lived through the 2002 and 2013 floods. the situation was very dangerous then, and now i feel a sense of fear that the situation could repeat itself. the head of the region, stefan weil, claims that the floods that lower saxony previously faced are inferior in scale. the situation is the same everywhere, yet in some places it is scary. huge masses of water, where relatively small rivers meander through the landscape, dams reinforced with sandbags, pumps operating continuously. stefan weil
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blames these troubles on global climate change. the explanation is not original and is unlikely to console those who have to anxiously wait for the streams of water to wash away the remnants of the festive mood. alexander khabarov, ilya mordyukov, lyudmila miroshino and anastasia barkovskaya. news: great britain. the election scandal in the united states is growing. two states immediately removed donald trump's candidacy from the preliminary voting lists. this is the so -called primary, in which republicans choose their candidate for chair in the white house. elections are already in 2024, the countdown has started, will trump have time to regain his positions, our own correspondent in the usa, valentin bogdanov, found out. we started in colorado, and then the us democratic party is trying it all over america. a second front is opening in the electoral war against trump. breaking news coming from our sources right now. we just learned that the maine secretary of state has suspended
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donald trump from voting. the secretary of state of maine, like her fellow party members, colorado did not invent bike. shanna belleus rode the same amendment. 155 years ago, democrats see in it a historic chance to leave one of their own, that is, biden, in the white house, blocking the path there for a stranger, that is, trump, to return. for the event of january 6, he was declared a rebel, without trial or investigation. i believe that this is an unprecedented case, i indicated this in my decision. no secretary of state has ever denied a presidential candidate access to the election under section 3.4 of the amendment, but no candidate... the president and never took part in the rebellion and was not removed on the basis of the same law. being aware of yourself and reporting to your party are two different things, but belous did not recuse herself on the advice of the republicans because she was following the general line. you have a secretary of state who is known to be
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partisan, who is anti- trump, and he single-handedly decides that the former president cannot be on the ballot, thereby taking away. won’t stop, of course, because 2020 is chaos the blm protest helped the democrats cope with trump, but not all chaos can be controlled. why are democrats so afraid, are they really afraid of democracy , they don't want anyone on
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the ballot because they don't think they can win the election fairly, so they just scratch him off the ballot, that's how it is it is undemocratic, however, not to completely erase it yet. it turned out that in the same colorado where the epic of deleting trump began, they are already rewinding, no less liberal than in maine, secretary of state jena griswald announced that the republican... will remain on the ballot for now, his party members have appealed to the supreme court. i'm looking forward to certainty. therefore, i urge the court to act quickly. the constitution should bar donald trump from being on the ballot and serving as president again. the deadline is jan. 4, the day before state crimes' primary ballots are due at the printer. or until the appeal is completed in the us supreme court,
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whichever comes first, while the supreme court itself has never in american history made a decision on the fourteenth amendment, well, in relation to former presidents, this is generally a legal terroincognito. states don't have the power to determine the qualifications of candidates, and you know, who does, not just the voters, but congress, congress had two options to rule.
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outpacing his rivals in key swing states, he's rolling into an election year as more than just the most popular candidate republican, and as the most popular presidential candidate in america in general. valentin bogdanov and ivan utkin, usa news. in serpukhov, moscow region, the russian boxing federation together with the boxing progress center organized a charity new year tree. the event was called a christmas fairy tale. a variety of winter activities have been prepared for guests. athletes, admission
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is free for everyone. details in the report by danil makhalin. colorful new year's holidays on the banks of the aka river on the beach in serpukhov. locals even call this location the maldives, which sounds especially exotic in winter. lots of entertainment based on russian folk tales, ice slides, a huge christmas tree. history, here, if anyone tells santa claus a poem about mother russia, he will receive a super prize, santa claus has prepared it, so you go right away and you want to go. he gave me a toy, i walk with it, i walk, the girl, by the way, she made 70 of these toys with her mother, and
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brought them and gave them to santa claus, who will give them to children who will recite poems about their parents, an immense space new year's fun, like an endless area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity that cannot be covered in a few hours, from riding a reindeer sled to football, bowling with matryoshka dolls and communicating with... to childhood, i also want to win a little there, because i am a famous person, i it’s impossible, it’s possible, why, yes , it’s possible, i’m trying, that’s why i’m trying to be closer to the children, it’s like getting together and going crazy with them , in fact, fedor and i were the first to open master classes from champions, it
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was actually very exciting, we taught children to hold the blow and of course an element of protection. and in general we ’re in a great mood, we’ve already ridden reindeer, now we’re planning to go work with swords, an ice skating rink, a field kitchen, a puppet theater, trampolines, an obstacle course, a living farm , a school of heroes, all this is absolutely free for everyone who wants to attend this big christmas event fairy tale it’s a very cool event, i’m glad that there is a great opportunity for children to relax, ride on slides and attractions. cool, i support events like this and want more of them was held in our city. among other things, bloggers from russian pop stars will come here every day for the christmas tree in serpukhov from december 29 to january 9. whose program includes stage performance and interaction with guests of the holiday. in general, no one will definitely get bored here.
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daniil makhalinova, lavrikov, vladimir klimov, alexander talmashevsky, news, serpukhov. it gets better and better up to 16% per annum on deposits, the best interest rate in savings. deposit with a favorable rate. design literally one button in the mobile application. savings with prime is more profitable. there are all kinds of dragons. the tough ones, the cuties, the bullies, and all of them are good, but still , our own people are most precious to us. beeline values ​​its customers and gives away 100 gb per year of the dragon. beeline is on your side. only at alfabank. order a free alpha debit card, spin the reel in the app and get a superkick every month. order a card in december and are guaranteed to receive 30% cashback
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on equipment. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. how nice it is here. thick walls, high floor, signal interference, in order to have good mobile communications in the house, you must first get a cat who will teach you how to use wi-fi, with wow wi-fi technology , use mobile communications even where there is signal interference, you can leave the cat, beline on your side, the rate on the savings account is 16%, save up for your wedding faster, cool, everything will work out at vtb, yes, we have a goldfish, but we fulfilled the dream of our own home ourselves, everything wonderful that happened in the past year was done by you , so tag yourself, not the dates
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on the calendar, scooter, holiday - it's you, alfa bank has the best loyalty program for business, we pay 3,000 rubles for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. at sportmaster, prices are halved for global and sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. i think my grandfather is hiding something. vanity, fireworks, a little new year's light. lights the lights. magic staff, grandpa, and we have something tasty at home, let’s conjure something, no, cast a spell, snowman courier, it’s proven, my
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grandfather is santa claus. create on new year's eve everyone can do miracles, from the bottom of their hearts for those who are close to them, happy new year, wizards, smart, that’s right, smart trio, techno common 20 pro kit with a communication accessory for 10,000 rubles is more profitable than only a beeline smartphone on your side, all the best is just like alpha business. the ability to find out taxes on time is the opportunity to pay it on time. notifications
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from the federal tax service are now sent to government services. we will tell you how the service works in 5 minutes in this issue of instructions, and we will also remind you of the general rules and deadlines. tax notice is a document that the federal tax service sends to citizens, it contains information about taxes for the past year. which ones, transport, land, on the property of individuals on the income of individuals, if it has not already been withheld by the tax agent, notification can be received in several ways: in the taxpayer’s personal account on the website of the federal tax service or in the application by mail in paper form, from the summer 2023, it became possible to find out about accrued taxes on the government services portal; this opportunity was not available on government services before...
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all documents and this signature is given by use, it gives accessibility when signing by default when registering in a mobile application, the state key, that is, if you do not yet have the state key, you need to install it. then go to the application and sign the consent with a strengthened non-qualified electronic signature, 24 hours are given for this. if the time is up, repeat everything again. gosklyuch
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automatically sends the signed consent to the federal tax service; there is no need to return to the service. tax notifications will be connected to your personal account on government services within one business day after sending consent. to check whether the tax office has received your consent, go to your personal account in the section before. arrive no later than 30 days before the payment deadline, that is, before december 1, but from december 2, the debt is accrued if the tax is not paid, but is it possible to pay the tax
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through government services not for yourself? the tax code allows you to make payments for others, for example, you can pay land tax for your grandmother, transport tax, for your father, and so on, but the main and important point is this fill out correctly. you can pay for another person for public services under your account using the uin document index. this is a one-digit account on the receipt. but keep in mind that you will not be able to return the overpayment or offset it against another tax. only the one you paid for can do this. and one more important point: if you paid taxes for another person, this is not considered his income. but if an organization or individual entrepreneur paid for a person. you will have to pay tax on this income, if there are any taxes difficulties, you don’t understand where this or that amount in the notification came from, it’s better to check
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with the tax office, if users who have received a tax notification for an incorrect amount of debt or penalty have questions , or have any other information, they can contact them through their personal account taxpayers of the federal tax service of russia, or through... on government services, we tell you how to do this: in your personal account, look for documents and data, select income taxes, and then go to the application, check the pre-filled data and send documents for signing in the state key application, then go into it and sign the refusal. let's repeat the most important things. appeared this year. unqualified electronic
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signature, it is necessary to send consent to the tax office. notifications will be connected to your personal account within one business day. still have questions, want to understand the taxes you pay and get information about benefits? subscribe to our telegram channel, take an interest, and we will find out from the experts and be sure to tell you everything in one of the next releases of the instructions.
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we will take on this matter, it will be honest.
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well, now the broadcast outside the next meeting of the un security council on ukraine will use any excuse to attract
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the attention of the world community.
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this was the case with the transfiguration cathedral in odessa, the destruction of which they tried to attribute to russia, and this was the case this morning in kiev, odessa, lvov, kharkov, dnepropetrovsk and other cities, where information about human casualties came from. the representative of great britain peremptorily stated that there would have been more casualties if not for the work of ukrainian air defense. it's hard to imagine more. if ukrainian air defense had not worked, there would simply have been no casualties among civilians, so we would advise you to beware of british statements about supplying kiev with another 100 air defense missiles, the use of which is killing civilians all over the world. the nazi regime is ready to kill not only the residents of donbass with western weapons and the same air defense systems.


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