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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 30, 2023 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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hello, this is the senate program, my colleague vera krasova and i, vladimir nesterov, will talk about the key events of the federation council and how the work of senators affects the development of the regions of our country. learn more about everything right now. joy and new year's magic for children with a special destiny. all-russian event “wish tree”, when cherished dreams come true. dreams come true, so keep on dreaming, please. everything you dream about will definitely come true. strengthening
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economic and technological the country's sovereignty and social policy are among the unconditional priorities of the work of senators next year. 24 years ago and the issue of demographic challenges, the issue of overcoming demographic challenges was put on the legislative agenda of the council for the month of april. five-year stage of implementation of the national education project: is the experience of the regions in demand and what is the scale of the tasks? there are several tens of thousands, several dozen, in the country.
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in a miraculous time when the most cherished childhood dreams come true. thanks to the all-russian project, tree of wishes, miracles occur in the lives of children who are especially in need of support. on the eve of the holiday, valentina matvienko helped make the dreams of the children from st. petersburg come true. the chairman of the federation council spoke with the children and their parents via video call and learned about their impressions of the gifts. seven-year-old makar dreamed of a digital piano. ivanovna, hello. hello, hello, makar. well, did i deliver you to your grandfather? yes, do you already know how to play or are you just going to learn? yes i can. so santa claus found out what you want electronic piano that you will study music, and sent you such a wonderful gift. dreams come true, so keep on dreaming, please. and eight-year-old nastya dreamed of seeing. circus, the girl visited
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the large st. petersburg state circus, where she fed an elephant, met tigers, and also talked with acrobats and trainers. nastya, good afternoon, yes, i just saw you visiting the backstage of the circus, so bravely feeding the elephant, being next to the tigers, you weren’t scared, no, you weren’t, well, you liked it, yes, very much , please tell me, is everything okay , do you have everything, do you need it, how... this is additional help, don’t be shy, please, oms, our feature is that it lends itself to observation, and it can be controlled, so at the moment there are no problems, but medications, everything that is required for diabetes, you get all this without delay, of the required quality, everything is in order, my assistant will leave you her phone number there, if... you never know what - problems, i will always
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be glad and happy to be useful to help to you. senators from other regions also took part in the all-russian wish tree event. they all promised to help the children’s most cherished dreams come true. strengthening the economic and technological sovereignty of the country, its security and defense capability, the development of regions to fulfill all social obligations to citizens, are among the priorities of the senator’s work next year. valentina matvienko stated this. summing up the results of the autumn session, the focus of attention of legislators will remain issues of supporting participants special military operation, as well as the integration of disconnected entities into the legal and socio-economic space of russia. a special council on this issue has been created under the federation council, which is headed by first vice-speaker andrei yatskin. traditionally, great importance will be given to the development of interparliamentary cooperation, both in a bilateral format and within the framework of international organizations. the speaker of the upper house noted that russia continues to strengthen its position. on the world stage, this
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confirms the results of the ninth brix parliamentary forum in ur, summit of chairmen of parliaments of the group of twenty states in newdelhi. also, the 147th assembly was held with great positive impact. ipu in the republic of angola and the event of the autumn session of the ipa cis. there were a number of other important events that we will talk about with andrey yatskin. andrey vladimirovich, hello. this fall alone, you have represented our country on international platforms more than once, not to mention throughout the past 2023. how do you generally assess interparliamentary cooperation in the year that is ending? it very dense, it confirms that russia is not in a vacuum, questions. parliamentary diplomacy allows us to convey the position of russia , russian parliamentarians to our friends, to our colleagues, it finds a response, during the autumn session i made several trips, in
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particular, it was azerbaijan, and kazakhstan, and the philippines, you know, in every format and bilateral, multilateral, i hear it obvious. understanding of russia’s position in the international arena, as regards kazakhstan, our long-time partner, strategic ally, we held the twentieth meeting of our inter-senate commission, discussed issues of environmental legislation, discussed issues of supporting agriculture, and you know, these issues are identical for the russian federation and for the republic of kazakhstan. just recently i was in azerbaijan, the twentieth anniversary meeting was also held in baku, colleagues fully supported it. on the initiative of russia and on the environmental agenda, you know that azerbaijan is hosting coop-29 next year after dubai, in this regard, of course, environmental issues affect both russia and azerbaijan doubly, and also discussed issues of a trade and economic nature, cultural and humanitarian interaction, agreed
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that our inter-senate, so to speak, parliamentary meetings will be held not only in moscow or baku, but in the regions of the country, well, a very long trip, it was very important. our visit of the parliamentary delegation of the joint delegation of the federal assembly of the federation council of the state duma to the thirty-first parliamentary forum of the appf, more than twenty states represented, this time there were about twenty states at this forum in monila, in the philippines, where we, our delegation, managed to pass six resolutions out of ten, this is an excellent result, i want to say that the atmosphere at this forum, and it has changed every year, positive responses have appeared. of our friends, especially from the asian-tean region, a number of bilateral meetings took place, these are with colleagues from vietnam and with colleagues from thailand, with the leaders of both houses of the philippine parliament, and you know that the most important thing is our trips, they give a concrete result, well, a trip , let's say in
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vietnam provided direct flights, the opportunity to open direct flights to vietnam, we also met with colleagues from thailand, direct flights to thailand were opened, all this for the possibility of tourist exchange and...
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to involve our material resources in secondary circulation, which can be involved, this isovoloslag materials, these are issues of polyethylene, which we often use in everyday life, and the main thing is changing the mentality of people, to involve it all in secondary circulation, these are issues of using renewable energy sources, a number regions of the country are already using this, in particular my rostov region, wind generation takes up a significant percentage of the electric power industry, the sakhalin region is dealing with climate units and many, many other issues, and also... we cannot ignore the country’s big event, where important government tasks and meetings are being solved council of legislators, dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the federal assembly of the russian federation, what was the main work of the presidium of the council of legislators focused on and how will
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the work be structured in the coming 2024? of course, the agenda of the council of legislators of the presidium of the council of legislators is always very significant. why? because it unifies the agenda. and regional parliamentarians, and the federal legislator, and not only the federation council, but also the state duma together, we are developing common approaches, common views on the development of legislation for the next period, developing key, topical topics that should be on the agenda, as for the recent council of legislators and the presidium of the council of legislators, the agenda included issues of course, the health of children , the main issue, of course, we must pay special attention to the health of schoolchildren, children of primary school age, one of the topics is the formation of a unified system of medical examinations and occupational examinations, we have about 40,000 schools in the country, but only a third are provided with medical workers, medical offices, and this of course is not... no good, that is, we do not know about the current health of children, so this control and monitoring must be organized, this is
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one of the decisions of our presidential council legislators, of course, of course, this is the anti-drug agenda, prevention, to prevent it, and i seriously argue that there is an absolutely drug attack on our young generation, and here we must defend ourselves, we must be able to defend ourselves, this is also an issue on the agenda, another topic , we in the federation council regularly raise it, balanced health insurance is mandatory. and chairman of the federation council valentina i just want to simply reflect ivanovna matvienko and the federation council supported and is ready to discuss such
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approaches, i think that in the coming year we will discuss these issues with the ministry of health. there really is a lot of work ahead. it is extensive, i just want to continue that the twenty-fourth year is the year of the federation council, when it will direct the activities of the council of legislators, and this work plan was also approved by the presidium, please note that one of the key issues that we are putting on the agenda of the council of legislators . federation council for the autumn session of the adoption of the federal budget for the next three years. senators introduced a large number of amendments,
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many of which have high social significance. in particular , additional funds are provided for the recreation and health of children, vocational training of citizens, expansion of drug provision, and the creation of a system of long-term care for elderly citizens and the disabled. all social guarantees are retained in the federal budget. there are a number of indexations for basic benefit payments, including pensions. just like... it won’t change next year, marina pavlova knows. she will also talk about the formation of independent long-term savings. currently , more than 42 million pensioners are registered in the russian social fund. about 10 trillion rubles are planned for pension payments in 2024. most of it comes from insurance premiums paid by employers. the social fund reminds that pensions and payments under russian law have become available to residents of new regions. and now it works. there will be a transition period when citizens can apply for a russian pension. the application is accepted at the branches
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of the social fund and the mfc. also contact for appointments can be made through the state services portal. from april 1, 2024, social pensions will increase at the rate of the pensioner’s subsistence level, by 7.5%. insurance pensions will be indexed by the same percentage taking into account inflation, but from january 1. namely, the average size of the old-age insurance pension will increase by... 1,627 rubles. and after recalculation it will be 23.404 rubles. let me remind you that insurance pensions are received by citizens who have reached retirement age and have sufficient work experience. social pensions are received by disabled citizens, who, according to various for reasons they do not have work experience or it is not enough to receive an insurance pension. however, the change in insurance pensions does not apply to those who, despite retirement age, continue to work. when... he decides to end his career, he will receive benefits taking into account indexation. also, the social fund of russia informs about
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changes in payments to several categories of citizens from january 1. the declarative assignment of a pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, a breadwinner for children until they reach the age of eighteen, and also without a declaration will be there will be a number of recalculations, this recalculation is associated with the establishment of an increase in the fixed payment. for work in the regions of the far north and from january 1 , 1926, a recalculation of the fixed payment for work in agriculture and another will be carried out . the changes will also affect additional payments; veterans will receive them on the eightieth anniversary of the lifting of the siege of leningrad. by presidential decree, until the end of january 2024, 50 thousand rubles will be paid to citizens awarded a medal
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for the defense of leningrad or a resident badge besieged leningrad. 50 thousand people. another presidential decree provides for payments in the amount of 10,000 rubles. parents caring for a minor child with a disability or disabled people of the first group since childhood. currently, only non-working parents receive this support; from january 1 , part- time workers, including those working at home, will also receive this support. it is also worth noting that in addition to government payments, some russians want to create their own pension plan long before they retire. for this experts advise choosing less risky , understandable options, for example, bank deposits: firstly, of course, the money is insured, now it’s 1,400 rubles. secondly, the interest rate is known, and just recently it has increased significantly, some banks offer up to 14% per annum. the second instrument is the stock market.
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many people are afraid of this instrument; i consider it high-risk, but do not forget about bonds. this is a less risky instrument, yes, the yield is lower, but it is stable, money is not on the stock market are insured, and what is also important to note is that all profits earned on the stock market will be subject to income tax, forming additional savings, it is important to carefully read the contract, study the conditions for receiving income, the investment risks for each product, only after that can you make a decision, a careful approach will allow you to get the most out of your investment...
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russia is developing over the city of mariupol, but i was not included in the frame, your monetary potential surrounds us in our quantum field every second. there is a deep concept the state, the authorities change, but the deep state, the gentlemen who actually own the land and finances, are always in place. us elections, ukraine is interfering with biden's elections, this is a problem, it cannot last forever, you cannot forever invest in dubious
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enterprises, a crazy idea, a powerful push for negotiations, what...
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is lying around, yes, what can i not find here only during a cleanup, there are sappers here they haven’t worked yet, listen, this is not our ammunition, no, no, not ours, not ours, so it’s theirs, these ships are just lying there as a trophy. here they are, here are the meters 400-500, the assault is underway, the enemy has already retreated, we are on the territory
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of our beloved dpr, the russian guard is performing a number of specific tasks, we are conducting reconnaissance and search activities. you have a sapper coming, exactly how to clear mines in such weather conditions, here is a pile of garbage found, here it is thrown on top, perhaps at the reception, these are these destroyed premises, let’s work.
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we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it’s not easy to understand them. difficult, important, honestly convenient, what is a newsletter? we my sister and i spent the whole day drawing the ballot, wrote down the candidates, didn’t forget mom and dad
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, very cleverly put in a lot of security layers, took colored markers, made watermarks, let’s go vote with it, choose mom and dad, but mom said, honey, you have the ballot beautiful, only digital counting, your ballot will not pass. in russia, ballots are marked better than money , they are very carefully protected, they have the most powerful protection, your trick will not work, people choose honestly, but my dad and i are very glad that we are your candidates, choose in the country, freely, important, honestly comfortable.
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let's look before everyone else, let's get to know each other, veronika pallovna, vasnetsova, your new boss, and this is a female trumpet with blunt trauma to the skull, vasnetsova, always one step ahead, four, let's sign up to intimidate her, the horse didn't tear you apart, you need to try very hard, i'll burn it. let’s say i really went back in time, why the hell am i here? serf2.
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the upper house has prepared a bill exempting chain stores from paying value added tax when transferring products with an expiration date, for example, for those in need. the fact is that current regulations oblige manufacturers and retail chains to pay vat when donating products to charity, and this option is often less profitable than...
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transferring the product to third-party organizations, which will in turn distribute these products according to the request that exists in one region or another, so if the government now supports our proposal, we can confidently say that next year we will see the joint use products that expire , this is approximately 2/3 or 3/4 of the expiration date, let me remind you that when the expiration date has completely expired.
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in the center of attention, a strong difference in pay . one of the most important issues was the labor of teachers in the regions. depending on the subject, teachers' salaries may differ several times. the problem is so acute that this issue was raised at a state council meeting chaired by vladimir putin this week. the president instructed the government to propose a systemic solution this problem, about this, as well as about other
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tasks that are currently facing. before the education sector, we’ll talk right now with konstantin kosachev. konstantin iosifovich, hello. hello. in december, at the site of maril, the region that you represent in the upper house, a large event was held where the development of the education system in the voluga federal district was discussed. now, if we talk about the formation of the educational process and space as a whole, what trend is emerging now? well, an event in moriel it really was pioneering, let’s say, not in the sense of the participation of pioneers in it, it was. the first of its kind, because with the opportunities that the federation council has, we have brought together the federal level of government, which is responsible for the formation of a single educational space, with those who work in this space, that is , school teachers, directors, those who teach children who is responsible for what is happening, strictly speaking, within the school walls, the most important thing from my point of view is to ensure that all this
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vertical... worked, as they say, in unison. and here, from my point of view, the federation council can really play its unique role, because we are a kind of connecting link. and it is in demand, as it turned out, we proposed to the ministry of education, minister krovtsov , with our help, to gather, for starters, in the volga federal district, then extend this experience to other federal districts, bring together representatives of federal ministries and departments and... representatives of subjects federation from the administration and representatives of regional and municipal educational institutions, the experience turned out to be very interesting, because it was a conversation in both directions, and i am sure that for those colleagues who, perhaps, saw the minister of education for the first time, it was very important first-hand receive information about what is expected of them, what the ministry plans to do within the next five.


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