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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 30, 2023 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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hello, there is a legal program on air, the moderator is tatyana petrova. the alleged leader of the samara organized crime group, zakonovsky, vladimir izumrudov, will hear his verdict in the new year. debate began in court on his case. let me remind you that mr. izumrudov was detained by fsb soldiers. last year, it accused of organizing the illegal production of cigarettes, and later brought another charge of organizing a criminal community. there was a clear hierarchy in the community, as investigators believe, members of the first subgroup were engaged in financial activities, the second in the production of cigarettes, the third, including izumrudov’s son, in product sales. i note that the zakonovskie organized crime group was considered one of the most brutal criminal groups; they controlled markets and car parks. collected tribute from
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entrepreneurs, and were cruel to those they disliked straightened out. in severodvinsk , a high-profile criminal case has been put to rest; two former traffic police officers heard the verdict. in february last year, inspectors stopped and tried to detain a senior assistant military prosecutor, suspecting him of drunk driving. but this event brought trouble primarily to the employees themselves. a criminal case was opened against them for abuse of power. report by alexander astakhov. more than a hundred people gathered in the city court of severodvinsk, in the arkhangelsk region. this is the finale of the loud criminal case. already former traffic police officers alexander ovsyanikov and dmitry grishin risk going to prison for 10 years for trying to detain a drunk driver, and part-time assistant military prosecutor kiril bogatikov. however, from the speech of the boss, it does not follow that the motive has been proven; in general, not a word was said about the motive, because there is none. february 22 of this year ofsia. and grishin stopped a suspiciously
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swerving car, here is footage from the body-worn video recorder of one of the police officers, driving a black station wagon, kirill bogatikov, he confessed, drank, celebrated defender of the fatherland day , refused to undergo a medical examination, did not even want to leave the car, when he finally got out, the inspectors demanded to go into the patrol car, having received a refusal, they used force, but no, this is a demand, hand back, hand, it seemed if the police were detaining a drunk driver, what claims could there be against them, but there is a nuance: an employee of the prosecutor’s office has the status of a special subject, just like, for example, a judge, deputy or senator. it is assumed that this protects this category of persons from pressure and provocations. in other words, the inspectors only had the right to stop bogatikov, after which they should have called his colleagues from the prosecutor’s office. the police claim that...
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he did it for 5 years, but for murder they get the same amount of time. the grishny family is raising three children, and the ovsyanikov couple had a baby this year. she recently turned 4 months old. i was in a position, but we survived everything. we now have a little daughter, who, for her sake, we endured all this and did not show tears. supported ex-policemen are not only relatives, but also strangers. when the court retired to pronounce the verdict , a line lined up to greet the defendants, everyone wanted to hug and shake. hand,
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you can only look up to him, and not judge him, that’s our opinion, the judge found the former police officers guilty and imposed a suspended sentence of 4 years. they listened with tears in their eyes, prepared for the worst, the former police officers said that the main thing for them was that they would stay with their family, but they say they still didn’t feel guilty. by the way, after fired, the accused got jobs as fire and ambulance drivers; they simply cannot help but help people. alexander ostakhov, daria tamilova, roman korolyuk and alexander ovsyanikov. news, duty department. i will add that the verdict, now by a former traffic police inspector in the arkhangelsk region, attracted the attention of the investigative chairman. after we aired this story for the first time, the head of the department instructed his subordinates to present him with a report on the investigation into this controversial criminal case. in the investigative department for the samara region told the details of a high-profile murder in
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chepaevsk. let me remind you that the victim was a young lawyer from the regional board, dmitry kolenichenko. who was the killer and why did the human rights activist die? report from the scene by artyom morin. it couldn’t have been any other way, says lyudmila dobina, the wife of the probable killer, with genuine confidence, her husband had been saying for a long time, having lost the trial with his brother , i’ll kill him, i thought he was joking, then, i open the door, he’s covered in blood, he says, you what did i do, i them i sealed both of them, i say, what have you done, let me pack my things, they’ll come for me now, i put the knife down, and he’s covered in blood, i say, court in the city of chepaevsk in the samara region. the man attacked mikhail’s brother with a knife, and at the same time dealt with his lawyer, but he blames everyone around him for the crime, and then himself. these are the names of the judges who conducted the civil case, brothers in dobiny, and divided the property. alexander was dissatisfied with the court's decision and came
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home to his brother with a bladed weapon. according to eyewitnesses, the conflict between the brothers got started on the street, the victim of a living wound tried to get home, but it didn’t work out, he lost consciousness right here on the staircase...
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his leaf, he says to my husband, and you’re a rooster , it’s a waste of time to communicate with you, she took him off, like that he’s all over, i say, sasha, go away , he’s provoking you, go away, alexander himself looked quite calm in the courtroom, he confirmed that he went to murder consciously, but still there was no such thought that you were insulted, but are you killing with a knife, taking a person’s life, or is it all based on emotions, it’s not all the same, right away, this lasted for the third year, huh? it all lasted 3 years, it all came out of it like this. despite all the revelations of the probable killer, the court did not understand why he grabbed the knife and did not simply try to challenge the decision, which he considered unfair. if they had filed an application in the order of execution of the court decision, the court would have considered their arguments, the arguments
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of the opposing party, and would have made a ruling on changes in the order of execution of the court decision, which they would have paid funds that count. apartment or something, and mikhail dobin would not have been wounded, and lawyer klinichenko would not have been dead. alexander dobin has two minor children in custody; the court arrested him for 2 months. according to the articles he is charged with, the killer faces up to 12 years in prison. however, the defendant does not deny his guilt. artyom morin, dmitry cherkasov, mikhail sitnikov, lead. duty department. this sunday, watch the film by eduard petrov and the root underground. how modern caspian poachers operate. do not miss. they those born at sea consider it theirs along with all its gifts. modern cospiian
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poachers are people without shame, conscience and honor, there is no shame, why shouldn’t there be shame, we are not poachers, guys, who? in the meantime , a showcase of the moscow ones. as part of the all-russian wish tree campaign, the director of the russian guard , army general viktor zolotov, helped the dream of eight-year-old kolya chervyakov from bashkartastan come true. the boy's cherished dream was a tent. together with her, the little traveler received a sleeping bag , a carpet, and at the same time a box of sweets. another gift was an excursion to the ufa special forces detachment. kolya and his sister were shown armored vehicles and special forces equipment, as well as a room of military glory. throughout the country, police are conducting raids on illegal christmas tree markets these days. in
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st. petersburg alone, half a thousand illegal evergreens have already been seized. minor violators are also caught. so in the irkutsk region , residents themselves turned in their drunken neighbor. he decided to cut down a christmas tree right in the courtyard of a residential building and the tree fell on a parked car. report by galina hungureeva. following the commandments of modern classics, he did not hesitate to swing a hacksaw at the four-meter-tall spruce of the residents. there are also those who are more cunning, in the hope that they won’t get caught, they go into the forest, choose the fluffiest
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green one on a sled to go home, like these two in nizhnekamsk, they actually drove a kamaz, many of them didn’t even go to the house for logging trees need permission from the forestry department, police officers went on a raid through the arkhangelsk forests. there are two ways: electronic via partologist the second method, if it is traditional with a visit to the forestry. the city's christmas tree markets do not go unnoticed either. in st. petersburg alone, for example, more than five thousand trees were seized during inspections. are you putting up a christmas tree for yourself? no, why? i have enough of them here, i think i’ll take a sprig for myself. the peak sales of evergreen symbols of the new year are traditionally december 29 and 30. then the smell of war and the chimes will please the eye until christmas. grand prix in the green competition handsome muscovites traditionally give away the danish copy. these are danish christmas trees. 8800 went higher. the tree itself is very beautiful, it’s fluffy, it’s artificial, like
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a toy, height 1.75, like from a picture, dotchanka, it’s also a cultivated version of the caucasian fir, here in the vip segment. in order to organize a christmas tree bazaar, you need a package of documents, enter into an agreement with the city administration, obtain an agricultural supervision authority, a phytosanitary quarantine control certificate stating that the trees are not infected with dangerous diseases, and also they also sign a purchase and sale agreement with the forestry and forestry departments, from where the handsome fluffy animals are brought. violators of forest legislation will pay a fine for logging without permission. for individuals it reaches 4,000 rubles. for officials - 40,000, for legal entities - 300. therefore , no matter how strong the desire to grab a green one from the nearest forest, or as in the irkutsk region, right under the windows of a residential building, to do it is more expensive for yourself, even if it is a christmas tree or spruce, it is a family heritage. galina hungureeva, vitaly melkov, lead the duty department. criminal investigators are looking into the circumstances of the attempt on the life of the owner of the largest poultry farm in the region , gennady shiryaev. let me remind you that the day before
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the businessman’s car was fired at from a machine gun while he was driving home, but not a single bullet hit the target. it also became known that just a day before the assassination attempt, a cartel conspiracy case was opened against shiryaev’s enterprise and other egg producers in the voronezh region. alexander rivunov from the scene . at the exit from the highway near boris glebsk, voronezh region a black crossover is parked, the doors of a foreign car are wide open, criminologists are examining bullet holes on the body of the car, nearby experts are using a metal detector to search in the snow for a bullet casing that the killer fired at the car of local businessman gennady shiryaev. an unknown person fired at least two shots from an unidentified firearm into a moving vehicle. under the control of a fifty-nine-year-old entrepreneur, the man was not injured, the motives
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for the crime are being clarified: based on objects and items seized during the inspection of the site incident, a set of necessary forensic examinations was appointed. investigators have opened a criminal case of attempted murder; the attacker is now looking for a businessman who came under the gun of a killer, residents of the region call him nothing more than the egg king. gennady shiryaev owns the largest poultry farm in the voronezh region and runs a business. together with his son, a deputy of the regional parliament. by the way, on the eve of the failed assassination attempt, voronezh antimonopoly officials suspected the owner of the tretyakov factory of cartel conspiracy. we are talking about cutting eggs, but all this fuss at the work of the enterprise did not affect the slogan our strength is in eggs, the factory operates as usual. in addition to the poultry farm of gennady shiryaev, according to employees of the antimonopoly service of the voronezh region, representatives of three more regional enterprises with a similar line of activity could have participated in the cartel conspiracy. if, based on the results of our
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case, we confirm these facts, then an order will be issued to them to change prices, that is, to reduce them. true, check everyone who could be outraged a businessman is unlikely to come out, with such a rise in egg prices in recent months, the list would be too long. alexander ivanov, andrey romanov, conduct the duty unit of the voronezh region. well, watch the new details of this case on saturday at 18:15 in the final episode of our program, don’t miss it. business on
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driven horses, the capital's horse rental industry. a large-scale inspection is awaiting. almost 20 horses, one of them a foal, burned alive in the fire under the rubble. who monitors the animals and how, and why are there more and more reports of their deaths? here she has metal hoof. if electricity gets in, the circle will close. is it dangerous. how to carry a heavy horse load and who is responsible for the safety of tourists on such horseback rides. do you have any documents with you? you can say? about horse sharing without rules maria bucato was burned by fire victims the head of the city of kurgan was suspected of negligence, the case is connected with large-scale fires, in the spring more than 20 people died in the fire, hundreds were left homeless, i had transfers across the street, why are the injured people still not got
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housing and are forced to celebrate the new year in garages, tents, sheds, the house was standing. was completely burning, now we live in the time. how did kurgan become a record holder for violating fire safety rules and what awaits its mayor now? let's tell you the details of the scandalous story. black caviar, red caviar, fake caviar, dangerous. granular poison has flooded the counters of russian stores; every third jar of caviar contains e. coli. where do you even get caviar from? somebody? in pursuit of profit, greedy businessmen use forbidden things. asian techniques and they turn a national brand into a surrogate, what threat does the new year's delicacy pose, hormones are used, a special kind of food is used to accelerate growth and increase the yield of caviar. why caviar is now more expensive than life, we found out under what conditions toxic counterfeits are made and what production should actually look like.
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the baby is kept in this pool for several more years, she will begin to spawn, and there will be the first spawning. pop eggs, not pills, maxim movchan found out. where a car won’t pass, and a person simply won’t get there, a snowmobile enters. in winter, this transport becomes an indispensable assistant for intelligence officers. it is used with pleasure by police patrols, game wardens and rescuers. the correspondent of our program proved the effectiveness of the snowmobile. trying out who it is to get lost in the forest, how people are searched for, vlada egorova will tell you about the specifics of working in snowy winter conditions. the snowmobile is started, the sled is attached, what will happen next, what will happen next will be the rescue of the victim, first we will look for a search for him, what is possible put, if we have victims, that’s two, and if you sit down more or less, then three or four
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people will fit, that is, in this way, well, yes, there are about three more comrades with me. let me tell you, the sled can withstand up to 500 kg, the snowmobile itself, two-person rescue equipment, its main advantage is speed, it accelerates to 100 km/h in a matter of seconds, such transport is used not only in remote regions, but in megalopolises, right now we are in one of the capital's industrial zones, where, by the way, you can easily get lost, just as in forested areas, of which there are plenty in moscow, fire and rescue equipment simply cannot get here, a snowmobile has no problem, shift the gearbox to the left. yeah, we slowly press the throttle, yeah, this snowmobile is not for fun, it’s a constant participant in rescue operations. by the way, managing it is not that difficult, almost. like a scooter, speed, brake, gearbox, even a sled does not make the ride particularly heavy, but the main thing is to watch them when turning so as not to accidentally lose
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passenger, snowmobiles are mainly used to search for victims when lost in the forest, to rescue people, for example, you can also drive up to rescue people from the water. vladimir has been working in the fifty-first specialized fire and rescue unit for 10 years, he got here by accident, he says it’s a quick job. i waited, i learned everything , as they say, in practice, now i simply can’t imagine another life, that is, your main mission in life now is to save people, yes, i say, i don’t see another today profession, somewhere there to work 5:2 in a bank , somewhere else, this is not my idea, we need to save, often we have to save people who not only cannot find the way themselves, but are simply no longer able to move, then rescuers provide first aid on the spot to prevent this from happening, when going into the forest or mountains, take a navigator and power bank with you, if you get lost, then at least you will have contacts, and they will find you faster, these are now ubiquitous snowmobiles, you won’t surprise anyone, but the history of such technology is not even a century old
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counts, the pioneer in this topic was the canadian inventor joseph armand bombardier, from a young age he was engaged in mechanics, at the age of 19 he had his own garage, where the young man repaired cars, dreaming of his own model, the promising one considered the car to be driven in winter, for canada this especially relevant, in 1936 such a unit appeared, in canada snowmobiles were first produced for ambulances or post offices, they even served as school buses, now the model range amazes with its technical characteristics and capabilities, and of course, the scope of application has become wider, in russia, where snowy winters are no less relevant than in canada, the snowmobile is already a faithful assistant to most intelligence services, but let’s return to our rescue operation, i’m waiting for rescuers right now, because according to legend i was lost, wandering in the forest . got lost, went to an industrial zone, i don’t know the area in general , in such cases, as a rule, it’s better to call the rescue service and at least
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some approximate landmarks indicate where you might be, and only then using geolocation, through cell phones operators, rescuers calculate location and come to the rescue, how are you feeling, well, we didn’t end up here very well, i was waiting for you, but thank god it was fast. both victims are conscious , and taking measures to deliver them to a medical facility, taking into account that the rescuers are working in a coordinated manner, i know for sure that they will take you to the place, warm you up, provide first aid, by the way, you can already start warming up right in the sleigh, there must be here’s a blanket, so the trip will be warm and comfortable, snowmobiles are part of the aerobic group, they join service in the winter, and in the summer they are replaced by atvs. at the base of the unit there are several more units of fire and rescue equipment. the group is mainly involved in complex rescue operations, when literally every minute
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counts and someone’s life depends on the precise work of rescuers. there were three combat missions; in 1920 we went to ryazan to set fire to ammunition depots of a military unit. in the first year we went to the city of sorov - this is the nizhny novgorod region, we extinguished the mordovian nature reserve. according to official data, this in 2018, about 300 emergencies occurred in the country, and the ministry of emergency situations rescued more than 5,500 people. vlada egorova, vitaly melkov, lead: duty department. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is run by an honest detective on duty, follow along with us. and that’s all for us, tatyana petrova was with you. in the new year on the russia-24 tv channel.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe, in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went. is russia ready to change, is evolution taking place in any structure?
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the flag of the dpr and russia is flying over the city of mariupol, but i wasn’t in the frame, i wasn’t included, when we went out onto the upper street, two soldiers are running, they run up, who’s the eldest, i say, i’m the eldest, they look... girl, well, they were surprised , they're shooting, yes, yes, women are in the zone svo serve directly on the front line , now a section of the terrain will be open , you have to be fast, in fact it is very motivating when a girl is next to you in the trench, i wish you good health, great, hello, hello, brother, i had to show in practice that not only can i study.
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affairs, a new project, one day with the general, with the head of the main department for ensuring road safety of the ministry of internal affairs of russia, mikhail chernikov. today we are driving along the route moscow, tula, orel-kursk. i try to drive myself, it helps work. 3, the sixes flew in and overtook us. we need to go and configure this multimedia system here later. dasha has music, we drove with you to the city of tolu, we see a train, they don’t expect who we are, why and how? we’re surprised that the head of the main department has arrived, that’s right, i’m so surprised, it’s just a device that annoys all drivers when it’s parked illegally, yes, it ’s actually a real feeling when you ’re driving a patrol car before you’ve
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driven anywhere and. .. we haven’t done the detb, we are on the territory of our beloved dpr, the russian national guard performs a number of specific tasks, we carry out reconnaissance and search activities, your first sapper is coming, so exactly how to clear mines in such weather conditions? a pile of rubbish was found here , perhaps armored, at the reception, look at these destroyed premises, let's get to work.
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the authors of the investigative program presenter eduard petrov went on a trip with the country's chief traffic inspector. what does lieutenant general mikhail chernikov have to do with being the driver of the route from moscow to kursk, which we managed to discuss this along the way, about this in a special project one day with the general, watch right after the advertisement. it gets better and better, up to 16%.


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