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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 31, 2023 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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so of course, how can the weapons prevail there , but this is to put it mildly, everything is very exaggerated, yes , they do not occupy, are not the main danger for the black sea fleet there or objects in the crimea, here this victory is more likely due to the fact that they are at least something they were able to organize the assembly of at least something, because in terms of the military-industrial complex they have, let’s say, very little success. now to an interesting example of ukrainian enthusiasm for everything western: the american company, as it became known, plans to build a new reactor at the khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant, here are the emotions of the fake-throwers began to go off scale, fantasizing either about energy independence or about the transition of the independent energy system to a fundamentally new level, moreover, they brag without hesitation that there is nothing comparable to this project, even in europe, but in fact they are hiding behind pretentious headlines complete problems.
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construction of a new station, it is worth noting that in the usa itself, as far as i know, this construction has not happened for a long time, their own nuclear energy industry is in a rather deplorable and worn-out state state, in general, even if ukraine would like to somehow get rid of the terrible dependence on russia there and acquire something alternative, then still... the choice in favor of the americans should have been made last, but this is probably the choice is not economic, not technical, it is a choice, as it were, imposed on ukraine, because they are very dependent on them. by the way, this particular ip 1000 reactor is usually mentioned in the context of various emergencies and technical malfunctions. one of its weak points is the material of the hermetic shell, it is susceptible to corrosion and, as a result , hypothetical radioactive gases may escape into the environment, but there is.
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many other shortcomings. during testing in 2009 , the main circulation pump of the ap-100 failed within a month, which were manufactured with a guarantee of 60 years of continuous operation. later, in the eleventh, it also began to overheat, in the thirteenth , fragments of the impeller fell off the pump. after 2 years, the americans announced that the damage had been repaired, but soon cracks were discovered in the turbine blades. eventually such a reactor was only completed at the vogl nuclear power plant in georgia. by the twenty-third year, although the work was planned to be completed 6 years ago, and the final estimate amounted to 34 billion dollars, estimated at 14 billion. and yet, the director of the ukrainian energy atom , peter kotin, has the conscience to advertise ap thousand as the safest technology in the world. the west is very jealous that russian nuclear technologies are actively developing, that we are moving around the world, and that we are finding new partners in different regions, on different continents.
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and so they, of course, want to put their spokes in this wheel, yes, that is, they want to say that we too, look, we in america also have our own technologies, in this case the ukrainian media act as a kind of mouthpiece, that is, this is ordinary competition, an ordinary attempt to discredit a competitor, present him in a black light, and his technologies, and describe them as the most advanced and modern, finally , an interesting example of western russophobia, the german tabloid bilt published a text claiming to be a sensational investigation into how russia is allegedly flooding the european union with migrants; specifically for this purpose, moscow registered a fake attention airline in turkey, so that planes would pick up large groups of middle eastern and north african refugees, then deliver them from istanbul to belarus , from where illegal immigrants will enter poland. an amazing conspiracy theory, but fans of conspiracy theories will be disappointed. where did it all come from? the turkish airline was
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launched, it is engaged in transferring people to turkish resorts, this is an absolute tourist beach destination, and the germans, well, bilt, picked up this story in order to twist it on a topic that is beneficial to them, that is, to introduce a sore subject for the burgers themselves, illegal migrants, to play off russian card, in the end the turks did not tolerate it. suing bilt. unfortunately, not every wave of disinformation can be stopped by legal action, since laws on libel and the spread of false information the data for some people abroad, apparently , is not written at all, but at least they are not able to ban common sense, no matter how many ridiculous fakes are produced, which we will definitely continue to expose in the stop fake program on the russia-24 tv channel.
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i asked for fun to steal a cannon from the regiment and with my own hands i shot at a peasant’s hut, bang, miraculously i didn’t kill anyone, what’s the difficulty, my mother is an important person at her court, everything is fine with my daughter, she’s a normal girl, just like everyone else , and the girl repents, it seems... let's go to paris, we’ll devour an oyster, we could forgive it, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia, yes, i’ll cut out your tongue now , we won’t hang you, we’ll burn it, so i’d tear you
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apart with horses, where are you going, drown yourself , holob 2, used to watching videos online, stopped working? we install, open, watch, russian channels, all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, free of charge, without registration, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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january 1st is celebrated in cuba as a national holiday, day of liberation. on this day in 1959, the victory of the cuban revolution took place. the rebel army led by
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fidel castro entered santiago de cuba in triumph, greeted by jubilant crowds of people, and a detachment of rebels under the command of chagiwara occupied govan. the brutal dictator fulgencio batisto, whose regime had been supported by washington for many years, was overthrown; the americans, many of whom lived and vacationed in cuba, because this was a real latin american las vegas, had to hastily flee. it was a paradise for americans in the years prohibition, there were casinos that were banned in the states for some time, in general, all sins that could not be legally sold within the united states
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were exported to cuba, and there the law was unwritten for the american elite, most of the population , i’m not talking about the elite here, i didn’t receive any profit from this... but profit, and in general, all the money was taken out of the country, infrastructure, schools, hospitals were not built, the cuban dictator batista, we usually remember him in connections with the cuban revolution in connection with the names of fidel there castro, camilla sinfuegosa, chaguivars. why was this revolution, in general, a success, since the cuban people already had batista in their livers, he was not the only one of his kind, such dictators in latin america. there were quite a few, but batiste, of course, was distinguished by his unprincipledness, and his cruelty , and his servility, if we mean, so to speak, admiration for the united states of america, thanks to which he, in general, remained in the saddle, in
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fact, could not to do anything special, the main thing was that he was required to american capital, american businessmen, corporations, there was no healthcare, no education, no social infrastructure of any kind, that is , in fact, the country and its population served the interests of the elite of the united states of america, including the criminal elite, that is, it is the mafia , and all the income was again washed back to the united states of america, numerous american employees. and their families felt quite comfortable in cuba, this is an absolutely
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reliable fact. after the revolution, after how the armed landing of cuban emigrants was carried out, which , in case of victory, was supposed to end with the landing of american naval infantry in cuba. these plans are already known. naturally, all american enterprises were nationalized. martial law was introduced throughout the country and general mobilization was announced. fidel castro made a radio address to the citizens of the country with an appeal to repel the invading forces. people's militia units, as well as an army infantry battalion, were sent to the landing area, about 900 people. una palmera en la noche
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disappearance of people, the lack of any social guarantees, backwardness, poverty, illiteracy, political repression... the fact that batista actually built a police state as long as cuba pursued a pro-american foreign policy, and especially in during the cold war, this was important, did not join the socialist bloc. everything else did not bother the united states of america in any way. as a result of the insurgency movement, which was led by fedel castro, at first it was not entirely successful, yes, he... there was an attack on the mankada barracks, after this unsuccessful attack, well, many of
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the participants were arrested, someone was executed, custer himself was pardoned, fled to mexico, well, batista, of course he made a very big mistake, he didn’t understand how serious it was, well, castro is some young guy, there are guys there, they are not properly prepared, not trained, but there...
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another one, besides geopolitically important a component of american policy in the region is the interests of big business. accordingly, while the cuban state and batista allowed large american businesses to develop natural resources, they did not create any.
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for 7 years, an average of 10 people every day either disappeared or were executed without trial. battista's brutal regime naturally aroused popular anger, but the help that washington provided to battista allowed him to rule quite confidently for some time in cuba. unemployment. pribatiste reached a record 40%. havana has been transformed into the las vegas of latin america. american firms controlled more than 2/3 of the economy, including 90% of the mining industry, 90% of the electrical and telephone industries, 80%
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of public utilities, 80% of fuel consumption, and half of the sugar crops. of course, all this created the basis for, on the one hand, anti-american and anti-capitalist sentiments, on the other hand, the basis for starting an armed uprising against the batista regime in cuba, poverty, technological backwardness, illiteracy, all this in such a vicious cycle as a state, a client, a vassal who served the interests of the united states of america. the political elite was satisfied with this, the population, of course , was not, all this became a natural prologue for the start of the revolution and its most prominent media representative was chegiwara, he became, in general, a professional revolutionary, very photogenic, and the political
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leadership of the country passed to fidel castro. cuban revolution. came as a shock to america, of course, this is really the first experience socialist revolution in the western hemisphere, and it, of course, caused a shock among the ruling circles of washington, despite this, we know that subsequently in venezuela the arrival of...
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patriotic forces that act, first of all, in defense of national interests , and strive to prevent foreign domination of transnational corporations and american monopolies on their land. i think that washington's policy in this area ended in failure. immediately after the victory of the cuban revolution, washington... began a full-scale economic blockade cuba, which continues to this day. american business, it had very serious interests in cuba, many different statistics are given there, including a very large share of the banking sector, export-import operations, cuba was tied to the united states of america, that is, the united states was a priority
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partner in the infrastructure industry, in exports, imports for cuba, and the more painful. what was more valid for them were the sanctions and subsequent embargo that the united states imposed against cuba after fidel castro came to power, but here it must be said that the soviet union provided support to the cubans, and we, for example, entered into agreements with them on the purchase of sugar, and this is cuba’s main export, and provided political economic assistance to cuba as a friendly state, well. chagiwara himself came to moscow, was greeted as a hero and generally enjoyed very wide fame, great popularity, like fidel castro, well, actually cuba...
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unexpectedly, completely, the soviet union extended a helping hand, economically, in militarily, and well, since then cuba
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has been called the island of freedom. the flag of the dpr and russia is flying over the city of mariupol, but i was not included in the frame. when we went out onto the upper street, two soldiers were running, who was the eldest? i say, i ’m older, they look at the girl, well, they were surprised , they’re shooting, yes, yes, women in the zone are serving directly on the front line, now a section of terrain will be open, we need to quickly avoid crossing as much as possible. in fact , it’s very motivating when a girl is next to you in the trenches, i wish you great, great, hi, hi, brother, i had to show
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in practice that i can not only take care of business.
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"investment rating, economics, through a specific story, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, a clear, clear signal is working in russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general , this is how to achieve what you have achieved, do you feel like you’re on top of the world?”
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promise me that you will sing from pure heart, i promise, temporary musicians, this is my group, this is the same boy who charmed everyone with his songs, russia is a country that we are proud of, we are proud to bring light and warmth throughout the world, we
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look with pride. forward, creating new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity. we are proud of our successes, but we never rest on our laurels. discover the achievements of our country, come to the russia forum exhibition. over the past year , thousands of people, doctors, builders, teachers. i came to say it myself. but now my city is mariupol, what struck me most is the spirit of unbroken people, an oncologist, doctor of medical sciences, i ’ve been on vacation for months now, so i came here for a month. i came from nizhny novgorod, there is a special energy here in mariupol, i would probably stay here. i am from moscow, and my husband is from kiev. every night i wonder if i will wake up tomorrow at all. well , i just sort of chose for myself that i really want to serve god and people. our
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rehabilitation center, we are now in vrosivka, at 12 of us guys got up and started walking, you don’t regret moving here, it’s more necessary now.
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new data on the consequences of the ukrainian armed forces’ attack on belgorod, the number of deaths as a result of ukrainian shelling of the city center. military personnel increased to eighteen, casualties to 111 people, this is information from the ministry of emergency situations. there are children on both lists. russia has already called the incident a senseless, brutal terrorist attack and a gross violation of international law, since the attack was obviously carried out only on civilian targets. 22 apartment buildings were damaged, commercial buildings, and more than 100 cars. the authorities of the belgorod region will now do everything possible to help the wounded.


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