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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 31, 2023 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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new data on the consequences of the ukrainian armed forces’ attack on belgorod: the number of deaths as a result of shelling of the city center by the ukrainian military has increased to 18, and up to 111 people were injured, this is information from the ministry of emergency situations. there are children on both lists. russia has already called the incident a senseless, brutal terrorist attack and a gross violation of international law, since the attack was obviously carried out only on civilian targets. 22 apartment buildings, commercial buildings, and more than 100 cars were damaged. belgorod region authorities
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now they will do everything possible to help the wounded and those who have lost loved ones. many other russian regions also offered help. a temporary accommodation center is being set up in belgorod and five information centers have been opened where you can find out everything about the situation and seek help. all festive events in the city are officially cancelled, our own correspondent, alexander korobov, reports from belgorod. belgorod continues to recover from the terrorist attack of the ukrainian armed forces. there were two missile strikes on the city here, the last one, of course, was the most severe , a large number of victims died , doctors are fighting for their lives, now it’s too early to talk about any results, shrapnel pierced the car door and wounded him in the legs, i don’t know how badly yet, but he the phone is hanging, now it’s not, he doesn’t know anything, they did an x-ray, but for an operation, they took him away for an operation, but left the fragments. it’s
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still unknown how seriously everything is damaged there, whether kostiny is still unknown, the city was very badly damaged, especially its central part, ammunition with ukrainian missiles scattered over a fairly large area, many damaged houses , broken windows, cut facades, operational services are all in place, special attention, of course, now to craters and places of arrival, sappers are working there, inspecting the territory for unexploded ammunition, because the most important thing is safety for... residents, so that they can return to their homes, and generally visit some areas, because some streets are still blocked, power engineers are working to restore street lighting, everything is in its place , law enforcement agencies are patrolling and controlling the territory, a meeting of the security council chaired by governor vyacheslav glatkov just recently ended, a meeting of the operational headquarters ended, where all heads of law enforcement agencies spoke about... the consequences of a massive
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strike about the measures that are being taken each service to enhance security. i sincerely offer my deepest condolences to all the families of the victims, realizing that there are no words that will console, this is grief. therefore, i want to say that you and i , the enemy, of course, will not be able to escape retaliation. about the decision to provide. moscow authorities have already expressed support for the restoration of the city , many other regions are also offering their help, there is a lot of work, of course, in the city as a whole, and in the region as a whole, the year was not easy, belgorod is called the white city, this day was the most black for the entire 2023. alexander korobov, lead belgorod, well, here’s more footage of our colleagues from belgorod, governor vyacheslav. consequences of the shelling in belgorod
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could have been more destructive, but most of the ammunition fired at the city was intercepted, they said. according to the department, belgorod was hit with alha missiles with cluster munitions and czech-made vampire rockets. the ministry of defense believes that kiev is trying to provoke russia into... an indiscriminate combined strike on the city of belgorod, two alha missiles in prohibited cluster ammunition, as well as rockets from a czech-made vampire multiple launch rocket system. by means air defense missile alha is a large part of the jet.
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the kiev regime, by inflicting indiscriminate attacks on areas and committing this crime, is trying to distract attention from the defeat at the front, as well as provoke us to similar actions. we emphasize that the russian armed forces work only on military targets and do not... we will continue to act this way, this crime will not go unpunished. vladimir putin was informed about the shelling of belgorod, said press secretary of the head of state dmitry peskov. by on the instructions of the president , a ministry of health team led by minister mikhail murashko, as well as a group
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from the ministry of emergency situations, has already been sent to belgorod to provide assistance to the victims. sergei sobyanin called the incident a great tragedy and promised to provide all the assistance necessary for the restoration of belgorod. he noted that he was from moscow. entered the brigade of the ministry of health, but if necessary, wounded belgorod residents will be able to be sent to the capital for treatment. protests are already taking place across the country in support of belgorod residents. in rostov nadon , a huge banner. against the background of the tricolor, the line “belgorod, we are with you” runs in large font. previously , many regional heads had already expressed their support for belgorod residents after the tragedy. there are reports online about new attacks on targets in ukraine. an air raid alert has been declared in ten regions of the country. girani work in the kiev region, broadcast by local publics. eyewitnesses share footage of what happened. targets, according to media reports, include a hotel in kharkov where foreign mercenaries are believed to be located. not far from it is armed forces hospital. the exact number of militants killed has not yet been reported. earlier, today
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it became known about arrivals in odessa. the fact that the russian army is now hitting targets in ukraine was confirmed by the governor of the belgorod region, vyacheslav glotkov. in his telegram channel, he wrote that he was in belgorod. loudly because the russian armed forces, quote, are working for the other side. in khersanes , metropolitan tikhon illuminated the new domed cross for the st. vladimir cathedral. the temple was founded in 1861 to perpetuate the adoption christianity by prince vladimir. now the building is undergoing a large-scale reconstruction, which still needs to be repaired when the cathedral opens its doors, yana shcherbata learned. in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. stainless steel covered. the new gold cross of st. vladimir's cathedral in khersanes is an exact copy of the pre-revolutionary one; it is illuminated before installation. this will be the cross of faith, victory, peace, prosperity and love. the historical cathedral was built on the spot
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where saint equal-to-the-apostles prince vladimir was baptized. we continue to slowly lower the cross on the base, we’re already lowering it, there’s still about a meter left. builders. it’s as if jewelers check everything down to the millimeter; the 175-kilogram cross must withstand stormy winds. the victory cross is very important for all of our russia. so in the new year we will hope that everything in our lives will come to the victory of our lord. jesus christ, his truth, his justice, his mercy and his love. the temple is now being restored. builders are returning the cathedral to its historical appearance. this is what the dome looked like before the great patriotic war war. after the building was destroyed, now
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the mosaic has been restored according to historical documents. the germans, retreating, blew up the building and restored it only at the beginning of 2000, but instead of mosaics they did a painting. now everything is being brought into line... the heating has been partially completed on the facade, manual cleaning is now being carried out, everything inside the building will be mosaic. the cathedral will open its doors after renovation next year, and prayers will begin to sound here again. yana shcherbata and andrey terentsev, lead
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sevastopol. russian chess player valentina gunina won the world blitz championship, which took place in samarkand. about the success of the russians at the final chess tournament of the year in the material of stas redik. russian chess players ended the year in a royal manner; at the world rapid blitz chess championship in samarkandi, the russians won four medals, two gold, and a silver and bronze. showed the strength of the domestic chess school. total dominance in women's chess.
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anastasia bodnaruk won the fast tournament, and valentina gunina skated the speed skating rink. in the final in the seventeenth game, gunina defeated one of the strongest chess players in the world, ukrainian anna muzychuk. the match ended with unsportsmanlike behavior on the part of the ukrainian. she refused, contrary to chess etiquette, from shaking hands. after 11 years, valentina gunina is again the queen of lightning blitz. at the board. yanka demonstrated not only skill, but also outstanding fortitude, gunina is struggling with a severe autoimmune disease, i am undergoing treatment for lupus, and in general it’s quite difficult for me to play, so i can practice, but also since i have problems with concentration, that’s why, that is, for me this victory is more valuable, because this is how it turns out double efforts, i’ve never won before... i really want to and i brought myself, probably for the new year, one of these
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wishes for the next championship, but i just love playing blitz , so i would be very happy to win the world blitz championship for the second time in my life, the norwegian chess king magnus carlson is the best in samarkand in both disciplines, but the powerful play of daniil dubov and vladislav artemyev held the norwegian tense all the time distance. the unconditional leadership of the russian chess world championship is strong evidence of the school. stas ridikultsev ikaren melikyan, news. there is a concept of the deep state. the authorities change, and the deep state, the gentlemen who in reality own. us elections, ukraine is interfering with biden’s elections,
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this is a problem, it cannot last forever, and you cannot forever invest crazy money in a dubious enterprise. a powerful push for negotiations, which, as you understand, is unacceptable for ukraine. no negotiations, russians they are moving forward, in ukraine the screws are being tightened , hence the protest. result: we didn’t notice ourselves waiting. over the past year , thousands of people, doctors, builders, and teachers have come to new regions of russia. i myself came from kazan, but now my city is mariupol. what struck me most was the spirit of unbroken people. doctor, oncologist, doctor of medical sciences. i’ve been on vacation for months now, so i came here for a month. i came from nizhny novgorod, here we are...
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the urakhovsky direction for the russian army is becoming one of the most basic and promising in the svo area. the entire group that liberated marinka began to move, the enemy’s line of defense was broken here, our troops are repelling. ukrainian armed forces strongholds are moving forward , there is no shortage of shells, guns and mortars are firing new
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ammunition, the twenty-third year, here they are, mines are normal, mines are good, they fly well, they fly well, the gunpowder is normal, yes, the gunpowder is normal, everything is fine, everything, everything it flies where it needs to go, but we need more, more, more, we always don’t have enough, no, but we don’t have enough ammunition. yes, they give it out, they give it out, one, carefully, two , that’s it for now, two 120s ready, aim! 8444 07:24 ready, we are advancing slowly , the enemy is trying to attack, but we are repelling the attacks , defending ourselves, hitting the target, listen, well
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, it’s more or less closed, yes, yes, more or less closed, several floors up, you can go to the location. look at the sale of the bourgeoisie, our beds for the boys to ask to turn on, pay attention to the hand-made chandelier of the dpr, warm yourself up there , the bourgeoisie, look how beautiful it is in the corner and the stove we brought out that same smoke we keep running the firewood pipe without cutting it down , we cut up some firewood, you have the same appearance?
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and this is a team of uav operators of the 103rd regiment of the 150th division, the arsenal is used up and is immediately replenished, these are now kamikazes that are not
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prepared, we just brought them in, now we will equip them, they have more fpv now or we have more, now they have less. less, definitely less, there used to be a time when they had more fpv, they flew, nightmares, they could do around 30-40 drones in 2 days, even 30-40 drones, we could afford a dozen, roughly speaking, now with us it’s the other way around, we have stable supplies, thank god, we have both daytime drones, which we work on fortifications and infantry during the day, and we also have night drones that are equipped with a thermal imaging camera, so we destroy the enemy day and night , when you work on the goal too. it kind of evokes a little emotion, when everything works out, you help the guys, let’s say there was a case where they didn’t allow passage in the basement, and so we worked with the fat one , folded the basement and the guys were able to advance, this is the fragmentation shell we have, here four wagons in the center plastic, that i can come 82 of them, there will be work to be done in the trenches for these landings, yes, i accepted
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the go-ahead, let’s keep watch, there is a wave picture , a forward command post, battalion 103 regiment, yes there is, this is not ours, yes, not ours, not ours, this is the enemy, here they are, all their communication lines are all fortified, yes, yes , yes, yes, that is, and if you see someone, then the command chuk, fire, immediately we found who we were, and we are working, 860 i66, well, we fly on a demo, yes we fly, and 862. we challenge fate and move around during the day the very front line on the outskirts of marinka. the avenue of friendship, the cameras, does not convey the feeling of this frozen city, it was all
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a line of defense, a line of defense, a line of defense, a line of defense, for each. our infantry penetrated, valiant, ukrainian equipment , the famous cossack, well, as famous, i would not say that this is the height of military skill, our howitzers killed them, wow, we forget about everything, trophies, the legitimate booty of our infantry, listen, this it’s not our ammunition, no, no, not ours, not ours, that’s why these carbs are just lying there. trophies here they are this cossack is flying projectiles from his copter.
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the diesel player, the wires going to the speakers, bells, are regularly interrupted by shrapnel, now we will organize a lift, guys, we will raise our spirits, we will raise our morale, everything will be fine, ours and the ukrainians, have a great day, everyone in a great mood, broadcasting is not easy. now we’ll start playing, and my dear friend
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will tell the guy that her girlish love will never die, a little earlier we met one of the listeners of these broadcasts, this is a captured ukrainian paratrooper, vladimir grabol, they didn’t hear music on the position on the russian side, i smell the music, tell me, waltzes and ukrainians, come on, and when there was music, the russian anthem, and also boo, well, they were angry that i would tell you, well, you know, the music is like that music, at what distance from you were always commanders, sergeants or - you yourself were privates there all the time, but the stinks were in the rear. everything was in the air, oh, fir-trees, the southern caspian shot was, it hit, no, it has
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n’t reached yet, 40 seconds, it’s so long, 4 km, shot, do you feel that it’s all over, marin? yes, it’s already easier , it’s become very, very much easier, now we’re mainly starting to work along the forest belt, at the exit from the marina to georgievka, that is, a shot, we’ve recovered a little, just a little, so the guys are correcting it, a shot, for every sound,
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this officer 103rd regiment, altaets, went through the entire history of the liberation of marinka, shows the house that they stormed first, here in marinka, now we will reach the first beam, literally 200 meters left before it, there he received four bullet deposits, at 12 noon, at 12 o'clock in the afternoon when no one is expected, we just eight of us step over the beam, through the beam there are two groups of... four people, and immediately destroy about five or six is servicemen, and also during the battle we take four prisoners, then,
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collect machine guns, collect machine guns, come on another machine gun, who else is still there, come out, how many more, what brigade, military unit, sixty-sixth, sixty-sixth, yes, take off all your equipment. the wound quickly tore his heel, well , a polish mortar arrived, sixty silent, silent yes, near the leg during assault just, for the second time... here in
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marinka, now we will reach the first beam, literally 200 meters left before it, there we received four bullet deposits, we were shot in the leg, we were shot from this side , yes altai, yes, altai, like this, look, smile, handsome, that’s it, come on, after every serious wound, the altaian returned to duty and is now fighting. russian troops have already moved beyond marinka towards kurakhov. drones are flying above us, but they are already ours. literally, maybe meters, well, 400-500, here comes the assault, there the enemy has already retreated beyond the field, squeezed out, here is marinka.
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there is a tnt bomb lying around, yes , i can’t find it here only during the cleanup, the sappers haven’t worked here yet, of course we are making a daring sortie, there is no one, you see, no cars, no people, we just took it, we distributed it to each direction, to each unit the banner of victory, and the flags of the russian federation and
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... the twenty-third year, here they are, normal mines, good mines, they fly well, we need more, more, more, we are never enough, two 120 are ready, fire, coming over there, there's a tnt block lying around, yes, what's wrong with that? i can’t find it during the cleanup, the sappers haven’t worked here yet, listen, this is not our ammunition, no, no, not ours, not ours. 500, the assault is underway, the enemy has already retreated.
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freedom will never be replaced, it’s gone , call the pig, accepted, grab them , the fairy tale they were waiting for, donkey, i’m a dog, a cat, a cockerel, they called themselves temporary musicians, i actually sing too, bremen town musicians,
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look before everyone else, let's meet, veronika pavlovna vosemtsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse, with blunt trauma to the skull, always one step ahead, four, we sign up and look to intimidate her, i would tear you apart in half, you need to try very hard, we will burn her.


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