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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 1, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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repressions that in reality the soviet intelligentsia were given great preferences and the repressions concerned that part of the intelligentsia that opposed ajima, one does not get the impression, one gets the impression that the fight against the intelligentsia, as a social group as such, is communicated along with the fact that through the system about 20 million people passed glaag, the numbers in reality are significantly smaller,
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kittens, it just seems to me that very important conclusions can be drawn from this example, in principle, about how the image of our the fatherland of our people, look, this is the story of the execution of polish officers in kotyn. in 1943, the german ministry of propaganda, under the leadership of goebbels , reported that in the katyn forest of the smolensk region. a mass grave of polish officers has been found, and the ussr is to blame for this, that is, the country with which germany waged a fierce war. by the way, the germans took all the documents to germany, when the red army began to approach, they simply burned them. by the end of the forty-third year, smolensk was liberated, and the investigation began commission led by academician nikolai.
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when hiding these burials , german bullets were found, in addition, letters that were written after the arrival of the germans. the commission came to the conclusion that the dead were prisoners who did not have time to be evacuated during the retreat; they ended up in territory occupied by the germans and were shot by the nazis. the katyn massacre appears. in the indictment of the international tribunal in nuremberg. section three. war crimes are exactly what it sounds like. in september 1941 in the katyn forest, near smolensk the nazis carried out mass murders of polish captured officers. well, in principle, one could put an end to this, but then the nineties come and april 13, 1990. the president of the soviet union,
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mikhail gorbachev, hands over to the president of poland, wojciech eruzelski, who arrived in moscow , the nkvd milestone lists with captured poles from kazelsk, ostashsky and starobelsk, which do not contain any information about the execution, which did not prove anything, but this is presented as a package of documents confirming... that the polish officers were executed by soviet security officers, and the latest research has revealed over 57 signs of falsification of documents in the katyn case, including clerical errors, errors, typos, and even the paper itself, you understand what is meant, that is , the time can be determined by the quality of the paper. the place where it
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was written, by whom it was written, and where the paper was made. as a result, by a decision of the european court of human rights, ecj, on june 18, 2012, the documents presented as evidence of russia’s guilt in the katyn case were recognized as fake. and today. new evidence is still emerging in the archives, listen, one of the fsb documents that were recently published in our media has been declassified , this is the testimony of a german soldier, his name was arnaud duret, this is a long-known witness who testified during the leningrad trial, that it was he who participated in digging graves in the kotyn forest, later, when he saw this photograph in the newspapers, in which it was written that the russians had done it, he was
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surprised, indignant, and said that no, this we dug, and provided a lot of additional details. we will not discuss why mikhail gorbachev... did this, that’s not the point now, i wanted to say something else: look, today monuments to bandera are being erected, squares, streets, avenues and so on are named after him. in poland, monuments to russian soviet soldiers, the liberator, are being demolished, and it seems that it has disappeared from memory that 36,000 poles were exterminated by bandera gangs, in total the germans... more than 6 million poles were exterminated, all this is forgotten, already no one wants to remember what wilhelm keitel, chief of the wehrmacht high command, said, the polish intelligentsia, the nobility and the jews must be liquidated. agans
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frank, governor general of occupied poland, said poland should be treated as a colony, the poles will be slaves. of the great german world empire , well, as we see, this is absolutely unimportant for those who rewrite history, for those who turn history upside down, everything is done according to the same manual, then cats are butching today, listen, the word is cat comes from the polish root kat, which means executioner, to torture. killer, this is the word kat, it is in polish, in ukrainian , in belarusian, it initially gives in to the formulation of this dualism, the study of the entire catonian crime, if we move on to the analogy, then these nazi manuals, as we know, are used now in the current situation in
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ukraine, we all know well the example of the butch, why were there hundreds of settlements with a variety of names, why the butch? yes, nothing, it seems, to us, to russian ears, nothing, nothing a name that speaks volumes about who this provocation was aimed at, the english-speaking public, the word bucha, consonant with the english word bacha, butcher. in the same way, the yeltsin center rewrites the significance of the soviet army in the victory over hitler's germany, because the main emphasis is on the fact that the allies won. look, the great patriotic war. a holy war, without which it would seem unthinkable to consider russian history, but elzen sventer considers russian history without the great patriotic war. the only thing is how the great patriotic war is presented - this is a watercolor copy of a photograph of the meeting of soviet american troops on the elbe. gift
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given to boris nikolaevich yeltsen by bill clinton. it is clear that this version creates a deformed representation. modern history, leave the same call it anything else, museums in the program, leave the same concept, the same ideology, and it will still be
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a destructive institution, and here yeltsin’s personality no longer matters, because his name and his personality... very was successfully used to ensure that this museum was inviolable, and as for the agreements with nato, which is cited as the success of our policy, the sad results of this policy, unfortunately, because in 1999 poland, the czech republic and hungary joined nato, in 2004 bulgaria, estonia.
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organization and she will not be able to commit aggression, even if she really wants to, i will not enter into polemics with the lady. delman, now a citizen, i think, of portugal, i want to tell you a little about who led nato for quite a long time, and you draw your own conclusions about what kind of defensive organization this is, listen here, hans speidel from 1957 to 1963, nato commander in...
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to 1975, nato commander in central
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europe, previously, inspector of the wehrmacht high command, franz joseph schulze, from 1977 to 1979, nato commander in central europe. previously, lufwaffe officer, holder of the knight's cross. and when i connect in my consciousness. canadian government in the fight against violence against women by wearing
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pink heels to a government meeting, isn’t this a romanticization of abomination, everything is nearby, this star and this government in college, and you know what this kind of performance in the heels of government men against...
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identity leads to, i believe that people determine
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gender identity for themselves, here is a template, but from a gender perspective , look how gently, carefully the concept of parent is introduced into our everyday life, for example, in the sverdlovsk region, look, when enrolling a child in school, the following options are offered when choosing the type of relationship answer: trustee, adoptive parent, mother, parent, father, guardian, other, can you explain to me what this is, i just want to understand what it is?
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this did not stop her from publishing a book with her translation in 2023, this is a small world history of the british historian ernst gombrich, here are the words from this book: one russian tsar, who reigned around 1580, was called ivan the terrible, and for good reason, even nero is next to him would seem good-natured. "the russians were not too worried about europe, european affairs, they constantly fought among themselves and killed each other friend. i will not retell or read to you all the abomination that is written there about our country, something else is important and something else is interesting, you look, this book is published in
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russia in russian, for russian children, and it is translated to an agent, in the book itself it is written: translator tamara edelman is included in the list of individuals performing the function of a foreign agent. listen, i can understand when they didn’t write anything because they missed it, they didn’t know, they made a mistake and didn’t read the newspapers, but this is being written, this is history for small children, where it is written that the translation was made. a foreign agent who, in general, in his presence or activity is undesirable in the country, what is this, what is it called, how should the state treat it, or not? well, after all , it must relate somehow if we want to preserve our identity? i don’t want
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to remind anyone else of the name of the first president, but i don’t know which ones? more evidence is needed, what other arguments should there be to understand that this institution is a real, powerful mechanism and an agency, and a very expensive one at that, listen to what the president of the russian entrepreneur foundation, sergei, says. i took as an example the report for the seventeenth year, it exists in the public domain, the following things are written there: this means that the income of this object this year in the seventeenth was 3 billion rubles, of which 100 million were own income, well, apparently rent for the rental of premises, and 2.9 billion are some
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voluntary contributions, so the expenditure was 6.4 billion, the deficit was 3 billion rubles, this deficit was covered by the budget of the russian federation, that’s it, as for voluntary donations in the amount of 3 billion, there seems to be a big question here; it turns out that 50% of the budget of this facility is covered, so to speak, by certain people who, in fact, generally determine policy and personnel. ideological , cultural work of this object, in principle we know approximately who these people are, these are just the so-called oligarchs from the nineties, but the yeltsin center is in plain sight, so you can russophobe with the wrong hands,
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remaining in the shadows, look, there is such a russian, russian company yanda. let's say, if on average the yeltsin center is visited by 30-35 thousand people a month, the audience of yandex itself is 90 million people a month, on the yandex music music platform, until recently you could hear this song by the rapper scrooge, bavovna, where just it directly says that russia must burn, listen. soon will be, the earth will be dormant, the ruin will burn, babuun, ba babuun. this is a collection of songs called after russia, where just foreign agents sing, coin, cramped leg and others,
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or here is the unofficial anthem of the ukrainian neo-nazis, chelin, in yandex taxi drivers with the letters z on them... and this is freely promoted to the masses on the russian platform, let’s make money for those
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who propose and want to kill russians, who will explain to me how this is possible, now look here this, this is yandex services marketing director andrey sebrant, here is a variation after the first one. but he has a question. the first question i would like to ask is about the yandex company. why are there such a huge number of people who just, well, don’t seem to like russia? this is the impression that is created. you know, i don’t have such a feeling anywhere near. sorry, if we're going to write a political report, no, we're not, we can remove this question then. no, no, no, we don't write political. guys, we agreed from the very beginning. i got it, sorry, we'll cut it out, no problem, yeah. guys, you started writing something, i don’t play anymore, sorry, it’s not done that way, there is public opinion, this is called a fig in the pocket, as soon as
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a direct question is asked, there is no answer to it, or rather, there is one, but to answer this question as it really is, it’s scary, so it’s better to play the offended one, and today we stand... on the threshold of the last, perhaps, battle for our lives, for our future, for ourselves, but if we honestly face the truth , do not be afraid to speak this truth, understand it, if we believe in our destiny and defend it, if... we do not look for other solutions, more convenient, soft, compromise, but we understand that
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today our fate is being decided, we will win this battle, and it seems to me that an excellent summation of what i just said, maybe this is a wonderful, little ukrainian girl... with a ukrainian flag , who stands in defense of her orthodox faith, defends the kiev-pechersk lavra, without fear, without a doubt, and it seems to me that she is much stronger, wiser and deeper than everyone else together taken ukrainian politicians, and not only ukrainian ones, because faith lives in her. hope and love, look, christ the resurrection from the dead, death, death of the gates,
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granted to those who ran away, christ the resurrection from death, death is death, he is right, and to those who exist in the grave. god of gifts, christ is risen from the dead, covering death with death, giving life to those who are in the tomb, christ is risen from the dead, covering death by death, and giving life to
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those who are in the tomb, and considering that you can be christed until trinity, in the torah of this girl, i want to tell everyone , christ is risen, that’s probably all i wanted with you today.
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si, we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, how to vote on a smartphone, early on sunday morning during an absolute parade a kid cried out, people, wake up, let's all vote, mom said sleepily, let's choose remotely, dad supported with a yawn, let's choose electronically, grandma said to grandpa, i'll go with you, but my generation loves paper ballots. well, the young shift is electronically modern. i am progress, not an opponent. hold the alarm clock, grandson. this is all quite reasonable, and it can be done remotely. we will go with you, mother, to choose the old fashioned way, using our usual methods, to the polling stations, as usual, to choose in the country freely, important, honestly convenient.
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we will take on this matter, it will be honest detective.
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author's program nikita sergeevich mikhalkov besagon tv. in the re-release , the author proposes to talk about the problems of interaction between the society of power in russia. i welcome you, dear friends, to our
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next edition of the author's. bisagon programs


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