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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 1, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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this is the same boy who charmed everyone with his songs here! that night, ukrainian militants shelled donetsk, as the head of the republic denis pushilin said, four civilians were killed and 13 were wounded. according to information from the joint control center, the ukrainian armed forces fired at least seven missiles from rocket systems at the city. the kalinin and budenovsky districts were under fire. the investigative committee is investigating the circumstances of the ukrainian strike on the belgorod region. on december 30
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, 24 people were killed and more than 100 were injured. parents the injured children went to moscow, as the regional authorities reported, in the capital they will be helped to find housing at the medical institutions where the children are being treated. belgorod is already being restored. according to the governor, from january 2 they will begin installing windows and repairing facades. all work is planned to be completed by the 20th. there are already agreements with the builders, but as for the documents that were in place. from january 1, a number of new laws and rules will come into force, pension salaries will be indexed for some categories of citizens, and the cost of living will increase. all maria balieva has details. 2024 has been declared the year of the family. in this direction, the state
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has developed a whole strategy of action in the interests of children and parents to preserve traditional values. the maximum maternity benefit in the new year will be more than half a million rubles. this is a payment that covers a woman’s period of incapacity for 140 days, 70 before the birth and the same amount after. on january 1 , a law will come into force that will allow you to maintain child care benefits until... one and a half years in case parent's early return to work. monthly payments for the care of children with health limitations apply to guardians and parents who work part-time, including remotely. men will be able to use matkapital funds to form a funded pension. russian clinics will switch to using electronic medical records to serve patients, and citizens will also have the opportunity.
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undergo medical examination at the workplace. from 2024 the size of social tax taxes will increase deductions, payment for treatment, education, purchase of medicines and much more up to 150,000 rubles. and the refund amount for the child’s education will increase to 110,000 rubles. the indexation of salaries of public sector employees in the new year will be 9.8%. individual payments to military personnel will increase by 4.5%. this. this also applies to monthly child support benefits, and the minimum wage will be increased by 18.5%. pensions for non-workers are indexed by 7.5%. the average size in 2024 in russia will be more than 23,000 rubles. and in moscow with a city surcharge 24.500. the cost of living per capita in russia as a whole will be 15,500 rubles. for... the working-age population is about
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17,000, for pensioners a little more than 13,000, and for children 14,989 rubles. credit holidays have been made indefinite, they can be obtained for one credit loan, once in connection with a decrease in the borrower’s income and another one if he suffered as a result of an emergency, then payments at the request of the debtor will be suspended for a maximum of 6 months. an excess profit tax is being introduced - this is a one-time fee in in the amount of 10% of the excess profit received by the company over the previous 2 years. according to the new law, excess profit is considered to be an excess of the arithmetic average profit for 2021 and 2022, compared to the same indicators for 2018 and 2019. one of the key international events for russia in 2020
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is the fourth presidency of the commonwealth of independent states. next year , active work will be carried out to strengthen the cis, as well as to develop comprehensive cooperation on the principles of trust. mutual understanding and equality. next broadcast besagun tv will continue to re-release nikita mikhalkov's author's program from the golden series. about censorship in modern fairy tales and the dangerous world processes associated with it. watch it now. i greet you, dear friends, on...
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this time everything is absolutely the other way around, it ’s absolutely the other way around, it reminded me of a funny joke, how during a military parade on red square there are three people standing on the mausalia, these are mamai, charles x and napoleon , and mamai looks at the tanks and says: “eh, i wish i had tanks like these, i wouldn’t have fought the kulyakov battle.”
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“i never lost.” “we know nikita sergeevich well, including through various, well, let’s say, piquant situations, but i wouldn’t want to comment on this, nikita sergeevich contacted us more than once and in writing orally, but i wouldn’t want to support, it was different, it was that i received it, it was that i didn’t receive it, i want to see the original document. about which mr. gref could say that here is nikita mikhalkov’s appeal to the bank with such and such a request, and if there is no such document, how can you continue to believe everything that is said and is being done. well, 3 weeks have passed and i have not
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received any information confirming that at any time i contacted sberbank for some questions... and even more piquant ones, what does this mean? this suggests that what i said was true, to be honest, i thought that this topic had been exhausted, at least for some time, in principle, but an event occurred that does not allow us to remain on the sidelines , do you remember? for sure, what an amazing power was in our animation, in our cartoons, what an amazing the educational component, our animation, i think it was one of the best in the world,
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if you just remember the names, yuri narshtein, vyacheslav kotyonochkin, alexander tatarsky, david cherkassky, lev otamanov, harry barbin. roberts oceanians, of course, fyodor khitruk, and many, many others. our animated films have received a huge number of international awards at film festivals, not to mention... as for children, we understand that this influence on a child from one to seven years old and above, that is, this is an opportunity a little person who is very interested in looking at these moving, moving figures and...
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then the cinema fund receives annually from the state about three and a half billion rubles for the entire film production, and of course, not much of this amount went to the animated film, and i myself attended various meetings when animators absolutely and sincerely complained that there were not enough... funds, not enough money, the animation union was dying, the animation school was dying
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in our country, and there was nothing to film with, no equipment, but can you imagine when an industry, suffocating from lack of money, suddenly receives a billion rubles, a billion rubles to boost domestic animation, not only that... also equipment and technology, everything is given to the nation, the cartoon union, just what, oh my god, i i am convinced that all our great aspiring animators screamed with delight , rejoiced greatly at this, and this is wonderful, and this is wonderful, generally wonderful when someone donates to a good cause and enjoys it, but on the other hand,
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if you think about this news and analyze it, then for me personally this joy has faded a little, that’s why: a public joint-stock company, sberbank of russia and a federal state bank. tv series for preschoolers and schoolchildren, feature films for
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family audiences are also being produced, while sberbank will give the film studio its supercomputers. here is the first deputy chairman of the board of sberbank, by the way, a citizen of the united states, lev hassis, at a press conference spoke about the colossal creative potential in this sphere, we will help with our technologies and others. resources and it is quite natural that the chairman of the board of the soyuz cartoon film studio, the famous yuliana slashcheva, took this with great enthusiasm, saying that... sberbank’s cooperation with the cartoon is a business project of the future, our partner is a visionary in the field of modern technology, and we understand creativity well . the cartoon union has already begun to create a creative cluster on the basis of the film studio, well, we can only welcome this, right? here you go
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let's think about it, just in human terms, just in human terms, how is your father, grandfather, well, simply.
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the children of the future will be able to undergo such an adaptation, the creed of man is to turn our education into a factory, and what does a factory do, what does a factory produce, it produces cars, pots, and the value of a factory is that it produces high-quality items that are absolutely similar to each other without flaw, factory stamps. and the better the factory, the more reliable the strain. we're going to get people into the function. this means that soyuz-cartoon should do preparatory work so that the child gets into this factory, that is
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, from the age of one, he will receive content on... well, quite specifically, well , you must admit, how could it be otherwise, well , they will be filming animation, a mitten or a golden one antelope, no, no, this is proof of this too, please, several multi-series are already in development, some completely new, mysteries of the honey valley based on daria dontsova for teenagers, orange cow, plasticine and checkered zebra. dedicated to a sense of tolerance for younger people, i don’t know, this could be nonsense, what i’m saying ceases to be nonsense if we pay attention to this information, the central bank stated that folk tales are harmful for russian citizens, this opinion was expressed during
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first deputy chairman of the central bank of russia spoke at the meeting of the state duma committee on the financial market. mr. sergey shvetsov. works of russian folklore do not have the best influence on the development of financial literacy among the russian population. on the contrary, fairy tales about goldfish and pike, which grants wishes, encourage people to believe in the possibility of easy money, and without much effort. look, the older brother works, he is a fool, the middle brother works, he is a fool. sits on the stove, then he catches pike , everything is fine with him, from childhood this leads with age to the level of relations with financial markets, we must abandon this background, teach children freebies, this is very important, a few years ago in the kachuksky district of irkutsk region department of folk education prohibited children from reading
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such books as carlson, thumbelina, kolobok, they built a great power, a huge country, they built its culture, literature, science, navigation, the army and
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so on, these people were not built by others, so i’m interested, what fairy tales were read by those who ruined the country 30 years ago, what did they read, and this trend, it is very carefully but smoothly being introduced into our lives, we... are gradually finding ourselves at the mercy of a worldview that is completely alien to us, we see this in literature , in the theater, in the cinema, it happens, and now this will happen in animation, that is, it will be introduced completely there, simply into the mother’s womb, into the holy of holies, into the consciousness of those beings who cannot yet appreciate. what 's good and what's bad, please look at how it works, say, in the united states, you don't believe me, here's the proof, here's a wonderful fairy tale, cinderella, well, we all
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know it, yes, and you know who will play the good fairy, the good fairy will be played by a dark-skinned gay actor, billy porter, he will help her find happiness, like all this subspecies and tolerance , that same tolerance, this is a continuation of this mess , when they demolish monuments to those who were, as it were , fish owners, including, by the way, vandals desecrate the monument to cervantes , who himself was in slavery, when a murderer is made a saint, when the mayor cries at kneeling near the coffin of a man there with six hots, they force us. to believe in something that was impossible to imagine 10 years ago, this is the destruction of world tradition, this is
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the destruction of the foundations on which enlightened europe lived, and this destruction is carefully being introduced into our consciousness, and now it will also be introduced into the consciousness of children under the slogan of a new reading, the 21st century, but we must keep up with the times, a new reading, why are three heroes not three lesbians in disguise, why isn’t malvina prostitute, pinocchio, not gay, maniac, why does all this, so to speak, seem to fit into what they are now trying to make for us... the norm, this is how it is done, and with the hands of animators, look.
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now look at how what you saw is being introduced into the minds of children. how
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neatly, consistently, these videos have tens of millions of views, tens of millions, these are the leading questions that are asked to children in order to strengthen in their minds the right decision, the right opinion, look a... it’s like they’re not best friends, more than that, love, basically , look at them like it's strange, so wait, that means he likes him too, so cute, heart, so cute, they're kind of in love with each other, in this story, a boy at school liked another boy at school, and what do you think about this scenario?
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something new, it can... it’s great that we have such a story, after all, many people love this cartoon because it’s about love, now many people have started to think that it’s good to show this in cartoons for children, yes , this is good for me, because i don’t know much about it, but the same children are already... shown not animation, but amateur documentary footage, to see the children’s reaction, and so, that is , he proposes to a guy, if someone... then he will propose to me, i want it it was exactly like that, wow, that’s great, right, that is, they are gay, well, that’s normal, he loves him, he’ll propose now.
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do you know what it means to be gay? no, boys like boys, girls like girls. this word comes from a word that means happy. if someone gave me a box of microscopes, would i be gay because i would be happy? what do you think about gay marriage? i don't care, it's still a new concept for me. when i first heard about this, i thought it was a little strange, now in the us only 14 states allow it. enter into same-sex marriage. this
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is mind boggling, i believe that you need to find a boy and a girl, so you can get married, but if you are gay, you cannot get married, in some places on earth you can be sent to prison if you are gay, and even worse, in some places you can sentenced to death, just because you love a person of the same sex, i will not go there, wherever it is, but please note that i... am talking about something that has not yet been produced here, but it is broadcast, it is through youtube can be watched by millions of people, this is not is blocked, it exists and reaches, if desired, any child, any person, but this is not just an aesthetic rejection, it is a violation of the constitution, it is a violation of the constitution and the amendments to this
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constitution, signed. july 4th of this year, which states that a family is mother, father, child, this is a violation of the constitution, we do not have any persecution - against people, so to speak, with a different orientation, but we prohibit information and campaigning among children, all manifestations of lgbt, moreover, if we talk about tradition and mention the word of god, i mean not only christ, no, this is not only about christianity, i’m not even talking about people who profess islam, so to speak, but how is it possible then in this case, accepting amendments to the constitution with so many votes while at the same time using the other hand outside.


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