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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 1, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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valuable, full-fledged owners of the country, they will vote, they can come to power, what kind of country will it be, a government brought up by this subculture, and what kind of power will it be, in which there will be both voters and those who are elected, brought up by this subculture, au, prisoner-urkagan unity. 2 years
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ago, it took 2 years to ban this this year, this prison-based criminal unity, when already 9 million visitors to these sites appeared in children, children, but what are we waiting for all the time? here listen to the point of view of political scientist karaganov at this round table. well, stop flinching, let’s attack and let’s develop for ourselves an idea that goes into the future, we don’t have, as a people and as an elite, we don’t yet put forward such ideas, although they lie on the surface, they exist, but we are shy still put forward a victorious ideology, well
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, that’s probably something that should be done, and this needs to be done... i know very well how many wonderful guys win the olympics, what wonderful volunteers, i see all this, i know, i understand, but however, we still do not have the ability to protect teachers, we also talked about this, remember what?
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but imagine that this unfortunate teacher in her hearts slaps this boor on the head with a magazine, what will happen to her? i quit work, well, look , we’ve been talking about the yeltsin center for 3 years, 4 years, listen, i have nothing against the yeltsin center, it’s a wonderful building, good people, but they show a cartoon about which it ’s impossible to say without shuddering, history. in 7 minutes, where everything
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is abomination, blood, betrayal, disgusting and disgust, everything, except for boris nikolayevich yeltsin, when a person comes there, so to speak, with his crown still not overgrown, and he watches it, that’s what he takes away from it, look at the little report that the famous prankster lexus shot in yekaterinburg, i really liked it. history, i learned about the history of the ussr, it was told that before there were presidents and they did not think about the people, they decided for themselves because of their power, and elson decided to listen to the people, and so russia became new and free, he gave life to people free, people have become more free, in
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their clothes, in their words, in their hair color, in their general appearance and in what they say or write? before that there was no freedom at all, but it was bad, yes. freedom , what kind of freedom, what kind of freedom are we talking about, these guys know this freedom, here it is, destroyed plants, factories, stopped industry, destroyed military-industrial complex, sold ships, homelessness, drugs, glue, this is the freedom that our little citizens are talking about , they saw her, no, they didn’t...
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will there even be these hands? look at me i think i want to move to some other country - personally to study, because at least i’m not saying anything about the country, i ’m talking about studying in the country, when i grow up, i’ll probably go to live in america, well, i ’d like to go to america, because in america it’s normal, well, it’s corny the usa, maybe another country in germany, somewhere like that, the standard of living is better there. what's the use? you understand that these are the results of the reform. we have educated consumers. why? am i so convinced of this? because if they were creators, they would understand what awaits them.
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they want to consume. they are convinced that the idea of ​​happiness that is imposed on them is the very one that will come to them. i'm talking about looking a little ahead, about experience, about understanding, about hearing, about the fact that it is impossible to imagine that that bright wrapper that they show you, behind it you will get the chocolate bar you want, there won't be this chocolate bar , the wrapper will remain a wrapper, yes, we can blame ourselves for not doing something, but we can to reproach us for doing something, and sometimes we do something that raises a huge question:
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moscow, any other person who is under a written undertaking not to leave, having left his place of residence, returns back to the pre-trial detention center , directly, according to law, what happened next. the rntv television channel compiled a chronology and
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route of the blogger’s movements in the last days before hospitalization. listen here. on august 14, mr. navalny from the company. comes to novosibirs with the team, there is a party there, for the party there was a restaurant was selected in the parkinby redison hotel, novosibirs. on august 15, the business trip coincided with the birthday of one of the fbk employees, to celebrate it, the gentlemen went to a local bar, well, nothing special, well, people walk and walk, thank god, august 16 is the next day of the company. returned to radisson again, this party put an end to the novosibirsk tour of navalny and his employees. on august 17, they headed to tomsk by car and checked into the zander hotel. they preferred to sing right in the hotel. august 18 navalny with company
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rested in the zander hotel restaurant. they were so noisy that the hotel staff had to reprimand them. then they continued the party. already in the rooms. on august 19 in tomsk , navalny, in the company of esquires yarmysh, ilya pokhomov, representatives of the tomsk headquarters ksenia fodeeva and andrey fatiev. anywhere and with anything, mind you, this
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is a person who has no right to be there at all, listen, i don’t care at all whether people drink or don’t drink, people walk, they are afraid in the bathhouse, i don’t look into the keychain well, not into someone else’s pocket , i’m not interested in this, i am, this is simply necessary in order to try to figure it out, for example, what a person says... i know alexey personally very well, i had some experience joint work with this person, i can roughly tell you, but i won’t go on air, how he lived, what kind of life this person lived, the conclusion is simple, there is every reason to believe that that week spent stormily in siberia could have directly affected natural causes of relapse alexei navalny is in a coma, and now what happened next is bad. 8:40 the plane
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urgently lands in omsk, at 9:10 the ambulance doctors began resuscitation measures. at 10:05, navalny was hospitalized in the omsk hospital. later , specialists from moscow arrive in omsk. on the evening of august 20, my husband arrives at the hospital. lives in the world who fought with the country
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where he is sent for treatment, although he is under investigation for insulting the very veteran who fought with the country where he is sent for treatment, it’s normal, what happens next, then a tsunami begins in okhanali, poisoners, a bloody regime, putin personally... can you imagine how inflated the self-esteem of these gentlemen is, how big it is? well, in general, if we talk seriously, given the whole situation, here is the economic situation, coronavirus, syria, belarus, it’s huge for the president of the country to deal with the treatment of the oppositionist, well, even this is funny. to figure out what 's going on, how he's being greeted, 15 cars, a police escort, listen, personal, personal
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guest of the german chancellor, a special plane with a special patient landed at the military part of the berlin airport, military transport was already waiting, they were accompanied by the police, who cleared the way to the hospital, fire trucks protected from the rear, human... life is valuable, and the lives of some are more valuable than others. formally, navalny is even merkel’s guest, but this is not a political signal at all, it is just a trick of the bureaucracy so that navalny can be protected by the german criminal police, all for his better protection. on the same day, on the same day it is announced that this is a real poisoning, and
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then there is also an assumption, now we know this for sure, and navalny was poisoned, before it was only this that was practically proven, and russia again rejects all this, but at the same time leaves unambiguous fingerprints, because russia’s goal is not just to get rid of him , and warn everyone else. what do you mean about warning, who warns whom? russian state. listen, damn it, turn on your brains, just turn on your brains.
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after the story with the skripoli, by the way, how are they feel, where are they at all , alive, healthy, no, the area is unhooked , the cat that had contact with the staples is burned, he didn’t die only because the handle that was lubricated, it rained, so he wasn’t as infected as he could have been get infected in order to die, some person died, it turns out, from this newcomer, people who were in this place a kilometer away from this house were in spacesuits,
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germany? well, just think, if he is really poisoned, traces of the poisoning of this drug exist in his blood, in urine and so on, what kind of idiot should send him to germany so that they approve it there, so that they find it there, or we have complete idiot doctors who could not identify this, find to understand what it is, laboratories not from the emergency department of the name nikolai vasilievich. the research was carried out on a mastometer manufactured by land technologies usa, which contains 240,000 standard sets of substances from the corresponding electronic database of the
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us national institute of standardization. in studies of liquids, organophosphorus compounds, as well as drugs. inhibitory khorenesce were never detected, nor were any extraneous beers of unknown substances that are not included in the library of this equipment detected, and as a result, god forbid navalny recovers, scoundrels, mediocre doctors from omsk, they could not cure him, god forbid he dies, they killed, they killed, but you, listen, “ we’ll be doing this crap for a long time, we don’t understand that they’re just making fun of us, the plane, how much does a plane like this cost, it costs about 100 thousand euros, this is a special plane, who waited for a day, 100,000 euros, this is a company of veterans who can
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live out their lives normally and leave their grandchildren, yes , navalny is more important to us than not..."
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the crowns are all legal, pompeo, shmompeo, that's it, listen, we can't get enough of pavel, who was waving a vial of dental powder , what evidence, no, there is evidence of poisoning of skripols, no, white helmets, no, chemical attacks in syria, no, now it is said that maybe there was... this harmful substance, this poison on navalny’s underwear, motherfucker, merkel notices, but it would come out with cowards navalny to the podium, here is the proof. you see, cowards , well, we are children, or something, who are you treating, and that ’s all we are, and the point is not
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to refute, so to speak, they don’t want to prove anything at all, they don’t want to, they consider themselves entitled to do it, we're like... we tolerate it, and pay attention that in germany it's not just doctors who are doing this, the military is doing this, that's what our specialists say, specialists, listen, if he had poisoning in such serious cases as some fighting substances, i'm not even talking no matter what, he would no longer be alive in 10 minutes, before he could board the plane. that is , if they poison him with a military substance, well, how can you do it so unprofessionally that after that he
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lives for a long, long, long, long, long time, if he is poisoned , he is poisoned, after 10 minutes he is gone, simply not, heartfelt attack, then you can lie, whatever you want, listen, don’t thoughts arise like this, very simple ones, after all, we also fantasize, if the doctors in uma haven’t found the poison? yes, in navalny, in germany they found it? maybe he is such, what could it be, but if putin is poisoning a blogger, why don’t we imagine that merkel did the same thing, especially since our doctors did not find this poison, here is an excerpt from the sss, the famous person anatoly vaserman. a criminal under a travel ban, an unemployed blogger, an author of custom investigations, is instantly
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transported from russia to germany, surrounded by state care, creating another problem for russia. soon we will see navalny’s law in the usa according to magnitsky’s scheme. in short, the enemy of russia with the money of the enemies of russia, works. russia against russia, after which he leaves for the enemies of russia, who accept him as an enemy of russia who has done his job well, after which a new stage of anti-russian hysteria begins. all this is being done completely openly, he will soon return and continue. i would like mr. navalny to return, but before continuing, i would like to appear. trial for insulting our veteran, at the end i want to show you one video, look, oh you, i’m
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a stepper,
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what we are now watching and passively condescendingly think that it’s all somehow will resolve, we have hope that there will be such a landscape and such girls who will sing such songs, and sing like that, selflessly sincerely, with such love. but i don’t, so before it’s too late, we are...
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geologists, i’m looking forward to your next meeting, who are you, wandering musicians? we don't have
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a bright leader. a legendary musical quartet and an irresistible troubodour. this is my group. hello my honatas. lime. where were you before, why have i never seen you? i fell in love with the princess, but the king interferes with our love. you can't do without deception here. i'm with you. and palaces and tempting vaults will never replace freedom. she disappeared, call the strongman, accepted, grab them , the fairy tale they were waiting for, donkey, me, dog, cat, cockerel, they called themselves the bremen town musicians, i actually sing too, the bremen town musicians.
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let's look before everyone else, let's meet, veronika pavlovna, voztsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse with a blunt trauma to the skull, vosnetsova, always one step ahead, four, let's sign up, let's look, i'll shave your head to intimidate her, i'll put you in position not i tore it up, we need to try really hard, we ’ll burn it, let’s say i really went back in time, why the hell come here, holob 2.
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