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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 2, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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i welcome you, dear friends, to our next episode of the besagon tv author’s program. it will be called 11 friends of piggy, well , i think you will understand why it is called that. by tradition, of course, i wanted to report to thank you for... for your
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attention to our program, because our previous episode on the russia 24 channel, on the russia-1 channel, on youtube, on the telegram channel, was watched by more than 13 million people , well, you yourself understand perfectly well how many comments and letters we receive from different people, and of course there are letters and... comments to which, well, as they say, it’s a sin not to respond, for example, a letter that we received from natalia kharosheva, who lives in an advantageous area of ​​the bryansk region, back in the fourteenth year together with her husband and child, she moved from donbass to russia, got a job, but then for some family reasons, she doesn’t write about it... she had to leave this job in
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2017, she received citizenship of the russian federation, that is she is our citizen countries. further, this is what she writes: in our area there is an agricultural holding, the mirator agro-industrial holding, which is constantly looking for employees. on january 31, i called the ad and was invited for an interview. then it turned out that since january, on the instructions of the founders of the company, immigrants from the donetsk and lugansk regions.
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this is the territory of the russian federation, and not hiring a person who came, say, from lugansk, is the same as not hiring a person who came from omsk or the perm territory, because they came from these territories. moreover
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, the most interesting thing is that since 2006 we have already had a program to assist voluntary resettlement to the russian federation. they want, they dream of coming to us from central asia, from europe, and we send them, then he writes, where? instead of a law on repatriation, we give russian people a hard time in the migration system, when russians are forced to prove that they know
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the russian language, and they fail. i am currently working on an appeal from people who tried to return to russia from europe. various business lobbies, but not the state , devoured, given our attitude towards our own people, with a migration policy that is only beneficial to go back, because no one of our officials, not a single specialist will go to russia, as andrei medvedev says, he indicates that a system has developed when it artificially stimulates...
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no one in the country forces them to change their faith or their habits or their language, no, on the contrary, the state does not in any way prevent the creation of national diasporas, but you must agree that the state that is moving towards these people, also has the right to demand from these people that they learn the russian language, live in it, understand it, respect the traditions and culture and history of the country to which they came, and in other countries, this requirement of the state is fulfilled quite strictly, a very recent story that happened in indonesia, from
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where russian yuri chilikin was deported for a photo with bare buttocks against the backdrop of the sacred mount agunk, and before that... he will have to go through a ceremony of offering gifts to the gods in order pacify their anger, or the story of girls from ukraine in 2021, who staged a group photo shoot in nude style, in the united arab emirates, in dubai, and who were threatened with fines, imprisonment, and of course, deportation and a ban on entry into the country. or when tourists were fined 900 euros simply for taking rocks from a beach in italy as souvenirs. i understand perfectly well that there are not enough workers, that migrants come to do work that many do not want or cannot do, but on the other
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hand, how can one come to terms with the fact that a person passing an absolutely elementary exam on knowledge of the russian language answered the question like this, look, here is our question 13, the famous commander of the great patriotic war, who? great, this one, yes, exactly him, this is the famous commander of the great war, i’m sure, on my part, i can take the place of the employer, well , for whom, by and large, it’s not so important whether the person who carries stones or digs the earth or mixes the concrete knows, a work by pushkin or chekhov, but on the other hand, that
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the employer who hires this person must share responsibility for actions that may... be committed by him precisely because of ignorance of neither the rules, nor the laws, nor the language, nor traditions, as otherwise when people already... .. those who have committed a crime are forced to read texts from a cheat sheet , the meaning of which they also may not really understand, look, but on february 17, 13, together with my friend tajik, he participated in changing the place of a resident, including beating a girl, i am cheating for them guide, for me they are very ashamed, excuse me.
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can’t even determine in his own words what he did, but look at what kind of person commits a crime, and after that injustice arises, a person who comes to our country receives citizenship, yes, he also receives... and russian is not native , this is every seventh, teachers note that they speak
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it at a very, very weak level, such a, well, maybe crazy thought does not occur to me, why do those who apply to obtain russian citizenship first than to start working, not to undergo military service in the army, where i assure you, they will receive... all the skills, at least initial ones and knowledge of the language, in every sense of the word, and knowledge of laws , and knowledge of symbols, and some knowledge of the constitution of the country they came to, take israel, for example, where a lot of attention is paid to this side, so to speak, of the life of a young migrant who has arrived in the country. and no thought arises, why should i, but i don’t want to, and so on, no, no,
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you wanted to come, you must pass these laws, which means that if according to the law you must serve, you must serve, there is no other way, but what happens here, as an example, a person who has received russian citizenship has the right to receive permission to purchase firearms, very interesting. defend their national, cultural and religious values ​​on the territory of the russian
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federation. 40%, 40% said yes, that is , 40% of migrants from central asia are ready to rebel with weapons in their hands, defending their religious or national interests. an interesting remark by the scientific director of the russian military-historical society
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, mikhail mikhkov, about history textbooks in neighboring countries, this is what he says: russian colonialism is mentioned 292 times in the history textbook of uzbekistan. there is no term great patriotic war. there is a term for the participation of a particular republic in the second. world war. stalin is a criminal like hitler, and so on. and all these facts are confirmed by statistics. this is the chairman speaking.
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representatives of small nations take part in a special military operation, who are sent there instead of the russians, where fake news is dying that mostly in tens, hundreds, thousands, this all works precisely for the opportunity to take up arms in order to resist the laws of the country, this seriously, guys, those who hire them should bear responsibility for this, it should be a mutual responsibility, now combine these two facts in your mind: an intelligent woman, russian, from donbass, who cannot get a job, accelerated acquisition of citizenship by a person who
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, when asked about a famous military leader, points his finger at the russian flag, why is this... it doesn’t add up, you must agree, this , thank god, doesn’t concern us as much as it does the western world, but we cannot help but think about it, remember, with our own hands we betrayed our own countries, our own culture, our own tradition, which they cover up their cowardice with the words multiculturalism.
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and now look, this is what happened to this a girl, and this happened to her only because she was returning home from a nightclub at 5:00 in the morning on a tram, and a man who correctly understands the laws of multiculturalism decided to communicate with her, he raped her, killed her, abused her.
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in the previous program, we received a lot of questions from viewers about how, how , egor krit, included in the list of negative bloggers and advertising online casinos, could become one of the participants in a conversation about important things with schoolchildren regarding digital hygiene. why did this question arise why did it so interested our viewers? because when we... asked, if you remember, this question to the ministry of education, we were told that the ministry of education had nothing to do with this, it was against it, remember, we were... we regret, we hope
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that something will be done - conclusions at the level where this decision was made. it ’s like, who can impose this on schoolchildren like this, contrary to the opinion of the ministry of education, and... in our search, we came across this, this is a meeting that was held in 2022 in the public chamber regional center for internet technologies, where the need for changes in legislation was discussed in order to protect children from destructive content on the internet, listen to this... after all, the more bans, the greater the interest in something, if we
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ban something, we remove it, something else bad will come in its place, on the other hand, squeezing out replacement with good content, this is a great story, the more content we create, good content, the content we need, the better, so my proposal is of course take lessons about the main thing in schools. which already exist today, they are held on an ongoing basis in 40 thousand schools, all schoolchildren and do lessons about the important, about digital literacy, about destructive content, without being afraid to tell children, and to attract popular people from the same tiktok, from that i don’t know, from the movies, that is , to drag even more scum into the school, yes, so that they corrupt children, why , for example, than the scumbag yegor krit, who is quite...
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look, please forgive me for interrupting, you actually equate your children to pigs who will still find dirt, in fact you simply deny the concept of hygiene, you say why wash your hands, they will still find dirt, hygiene always consists of two parts, we teach you to wash your hands, don’t pick them up from the floor , but for this, the water in the house must be filtered by the state, and the products in the store must be tested and certified and... expired products, something rotten and poisoned, should not be sold, how will they distinguish poisonous from non-poisonous? there is part of the state's responsibility for
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cleaning the space, part of it is digital hygiene, yes, but we simply release children into this toxic jungle and teach them to supposedly understand something there, but this is impossible, they will simply die there, this is the opinion of the lawyer anna schwabauer, already known to us. this approach is such that nothing can be prohibited, this is an absolutely western approach, let’s impose sex education in exactly this way, which involves the corruption of children, i ’ll tell you, that’s exactly it, they say: let ’s tell the children what types sexual violence happens, i saw these manuals in which they are supposed to describe what forms, excuse me, sexual intercourse there are, in order to explain to children that this is supposedly not necessary, they discuss what is more dangerous, what is less dangerous, what types of intercourse, you know, are not it is necessary, here you put the chips and... an apple in front of the child, but he will choose the chips, most likely, do not put the chips, despite all the critical considerations and comments of experts, in
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january 2023, a lesson with yegor creed was held, with us, as a huge quantities our viewers asked, well , how do we think that the fact is that the husband of mrs. ekaterina shugaeva is sergei gennadyevich novikov, he is an employee of the presidential administration, the head of the department for public projects, that is , an official who is actually involved in internal politics , if we compare all the facts, then in principle this assumption may have a basis, you will agree, but besides that... sergei gennadievich is involved in domestic politics, he is also a creative person, he is an opera director, absolutely
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by chance, by coincidence. some time before - we received all this information about creed, we also received letters from spectators in krasnoyarsk at besagon, where mr. novikov inserted the opera blue crow in the krasnoyarsk theater, spectators wrote to us that they were unhappy, outraged, someone left because during the staging of the stage...... there were imitations, so to speak, of erotic scenes, without in any way connecting one to the other, i informed sergei gennadievich that we received letters like this, on what he he answered me that this is not true, this is a lie, and even sent me an excerpt that they apparently meant for the audience, so that i could be convinced that there was nothing like that there. i do not take
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the liberty of confirming or denying the opinion of the people who sent us their letters, but i simply want to invite you to look at this passage for yourself and decide for yourself. why you?
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you know, they say whoever believes in chance does not believe in god, but it really was absolutely an incredible coincidence that the story with yegor creed and the performance in... mrs. shugaeva and letters from krasnoyarsk, all this taken together, came together in such a way that for me personally, in general, it ceased to be a question of who managed to influence the ministry of education in such a way that it, contrary
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to its desires and foundations. yes, some kind of crit of something, some kind of lesson , some blue beard, somewhere in krasnoyarsk for now, so what, yes, in general, it’s like nothing, it seems, in fact very much so, because this is part of what they are trying to impose on us, what we have been talking about for many
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years, but this... so, well, what if it’s like this in a sober, adult way, yes, look at what is happening, even now i’m not talking about us, so turn to the french, to the germans, to the portuguese, to the italians, to the british, to the americans, to just turn to , just to say, you guys, you yourself understand what’s happening, you yourself can see what kind of distortion it is? ideas about the world about what is good or what is bad, how distorted it is when white people are forced to kiss the shoes of black people, if they do not do this, they are beaten, when the pope, in confirmation of gratitude for the cessation of some hostilities, kisses...


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