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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 2, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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all the ballots are marked better than money, they are very carefully protected, they have the most powerful protection , your cunning will not work, people choose honestly, but my dad and i are very glad that we are your candidates, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on january 2, 1843 , the premiere of richard wagner's the flying dutchman took place at the dresdon court opera. the composer himself wrote the libretto for all his works, but he composed the dutchman’s libretto to earn money. wagner found himself in penniless in paris. he sold the text for 500 francs to the director of the grant opera, but he was not allowed to compose music; the order was given to louis pite in paris.
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wife, so he met the daughter of a norwegian sailor, they fell in love with each other, but due to an absurd accident they died in the depths of the sea. the flying dutchman is one of the first works in a new genre created by richard wagner, this is the genre of musical drama, the composer considered it the highest form of musical art. in 1901
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, the book ordinary psychopathology was published for the first time. the life of the austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis sigmund freud. he argued that any deviations from habitual behavior, slips of the tongue, slips, mistakes, forgetting speech disorders, such as stuttering, are parapraxia, that is, erroneous actions caused by the intervention of unconscious desires, uncontrolled mental processes. in addition, freud put forward the theory of repression, that is, the movement from consciousness to the area of ​​the unconscious, negative memories that are, as it were, forgotten and covered by others memories, positive or neutral. the book became popular, the author wrote it in simple language and essentially created an accessible introduction to psychoanalysis. freud believed that a person, following his ideas, can and should gain self-confidence by penetrating the depths of the subconscious.
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which made it possible to overcome the gravity of the planet and exit orbit. to do this , a third stage with an engine was installed on the vostok rocket, which was developed in voronezh, at the khimavtomatika design bureau. to obtain visual confirmation of the trajectory flight, at a distance of 120,000 km from the earth, the station released a cloud of sodium pores, an artificial comet was formed, it was observed from the ground. the station flew by. past
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the moon and became a satellite of the sun, but this was also a huge achievement at that time. its scientific instruments recorded the earth's outer radiation belt, directly measured the parameters of the solar wind, and revealed the absence of a significant magnetic field on the moon, all this for the first time. in the usa they said that the flight of luna 1 was a hoax, but astronomers in california caught its signals and became convinced that the ussr leading the space race. on this day. in 2020, the world press reported sensational news: there will no longer be a country like holland. its government decided to leave a single name - the netherlands. the two names have been used interchangeably for many years. and in dutch, which is mostly spoken here, they mean the netherlands. because a quarter of the country's territory is below sea level, but the state includes 12 provinces, and the concept of holland refers to only two. of them which
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traditionally led in the development of industry, trade, science and technology. it was here that peter ii visited, so in russia they often spoke of holland rather than the netherlands. but the rest of the provinces. offended, officially the republic of the united provinces or the dutch republic, ceased to exist at the end of the 18th century with the arrival of the french, and after the fall of the napoleonic empire it was reborn as the kingdom of the netherlands. national rebranding is intended to make the country’s image more modern. this is what this day was like stories. to create one. a piece of fabric can take a whole week of painstaking work , to marry an italian, if you knew what different meanings the italians themselves and we, russian women, put into this, daria is here, we are going to meet the youngest winemakers in russia, we are watching to know everything about
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russia, the best historical series, watch. in the application or on the website.
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well, why are you looking at her all the time, and why haven’t you heard? ministry of emergency situations say garland. do not leave unattended, attention to all personnel, attention to all personal composition, we begin the movement , we begin the movement, your task is to deliver to the line of contact, equipment, personnel,
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it depends that there is any ground there, you can come here, oh, the sight immediately appeared, the guys who are the crew, this is... dear friends, i am with it is my pleasure to welcome you to our new release of the author's program besagon tv. our
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short vacation is over, it’s not like we missed you, but have you missed us? i doubt it, because during this time the russia-24 channel showed replays of our programs from the golden collection, these were replays of issues from the twentieth year , the nineteenth year, the eighteenth year, and even the 14th year, and you know that i was really very, well, to be honest, i was amazed that - without youtube, without a telegram channel, only on channel russia 24 these episodes received about 32 million viewers, this is such
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an amazing figure for us, and these are reruns, these are not new programs. and, of course, this inspired us very much to start working further as soon as possible. i want to remind you, once again, not give in and don’t fall for fake accounts, of which there are a lot, here on the screen you see our real besagon tv account, that’s us, everything else is someone else. our program today will be called: if god is for us, who can be against us? i think you'll understand why we titled our release with this phrase from scripture. where would you like to start today's conversation? there is one thing that... annoying many, in our country, the liberal community, and in the world in general,
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an unusual thing, yes, even unusual for us thing, and this is that the russians began to defend the russians, the russians began to fight for the russians, unexpectedly, however, we remember how many misfortunes the collapse of the soviet union brought, how many people, russian-speaking, russian-thinking, russians, simply turned out to be outside russia, how they were and are still being subjected to persecution, so to speak, humiliation and so on, and somehow everyone knew about it, everyone understood it, but on the other hand, not just indifference, but some kind of - this kind of forgiveness was in the air, why,
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but what, it will resolve, besides, we know very well how diasporas, in our country, and generally abroad, protect, stand up for each other, do not allow themselves to be offended, and this is not a matter of betrayal or indifference, this is part of our genetic code. on february 24 of this year, the russian people said
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: no, it won’t be like this, we won’t abandon our own , a whole wave arose, a whole wave that united people, just remember an excerpt from one of our previous programs, how football fans reacted at the super cup when. .. before them after at the end of the game, team b2 was supposed to perform, come on, remember how our guys in donbass reacted to this, how did it feel for them?
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listen, what is much more dangerous in this story is that the decision to allow this, not to allow it, to accept it or not to accept it, is not made by anyone. society, not human rights organizations and not even the court, but some officials in large offices who decide these issues at their own discretion, imagine how they say, briefly into a tube, and that the people don’t care, people will make noise, make noise, yes, they will forget, and people, outraged by the appearance
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of national traitors on the air, at concert venues in russia, will never even know: their names are called the separation of power from the people. now listen to what journalist and blogger yuri podolyaka says about this. i think this is very serious. now what is happening in ukraine is simply just one of the fronts of a protracted large civil war within post-soviet society, and the front line runs over the heads of people, not only in donbass, kharkov, zaporozhye, kherson, nikolaevskaya. regions , it passes through kiev, it passes through moscow, st. petersburg, yekaterinburg, other cities of russia, and it also passes through minsk, and it also passes through almaty, and it still passes through rega, tallinn and narva , precisely because brains are the most important front line, this is precisely the specificity of war, civil war of the 21st century, it is for this
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reason that i consider, for example, valery miladze’s concert the most successful counter-offensive. ukrainian armed forces over the past month and a half, and also very a big splash, a very important counter-offensive, a successful counter-offensive of the ukrainian armed forces will be the appearance of these people, for example, in the blue light, which will appear on screens on new year's eve from 22 to 23. and any public concert, not only of these two comrades, but of other people who clearly, unequivocally expressed their position at the very beginning of the special military operation, it will also be a spit and a knife in the back of our soldiers who today... are fighting for the future of our country , for the future that is not determined in washington and london, but is determined the people of our country, more than one milaje , now mr. galkin’s wife returned to russia, well, she returned and returned, i just honestly don’t understand why she immediately deprived me of the right to be a human being, firstly,
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i didn’t say a word about her never bad, uh, and secondly...
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who was pursuing mrs. galkina? those we are talking about, no one expelled them, they expelled themselves, they left on their own and try to compare themselves with those who were published in the twenties, great minds and talents who did not agree with the authorities, compare yourself with them, it went, it’s unfair, because they were driving.
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that if we don’t win this fight here within the country, we won’t win it in the donbass, and if we don’t win... this fight in the donbass we will lose russia, maybe i’m alone in what i think, but i think so,
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if you think about it, just think about it, this is resistance within the country to a special military operation, what is this, well, what is this, this is a fight for peace, this is global pacifism. this is compassion for those who are there in donbass, why don’t we have this compassion felt for 8 years when our people, our compatriots were killed there , how many times this question was asked, and how many times there was no answer, but it seems to me that this is pacifism, which is built on fear,
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i don’t know a person who doesn’t wants peace. i hope there are no such people. but just which one? not just anyone. these people that i just talked about, they are ready for any world, for any, the most humiliating, but only so as not to destroy the structure in which they lived for so many years, warmed themselves, earned money and received pleasure. moreover, this internal sabotage , it extends to the most subtle and imperceptible details, well
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, how else can you understand that an officer dressed in an officer ’s uniform is not allowed into the magadan restaurant in moscow when he came to his mother’s birthday and is asked to go through the black move, what is this? immediately after completing his official assignment, he hurried to congratulate his mother on her birthday, pavel told us over the phone that he, an officer of the russian army, was allowed to enter inside only through the back entrance, and for this he had to go through the bushes of the flowerbed, with with a proposal that they take me through some kind of back entrance or through some kind of flowerbed or through a gate, he did not specify exactly, but that i should not go into the establishment itself, that i would somehow go around the back and join...
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damn, what do you think, what feelings did this event evoke in the soul of this officer? but you know what’s so terrible is that this situation did not arise now, not in the nineties. no, i want to read you an excerpt from a document. this document is over 100 years old. this was written in 1906 by mikhail osipovich menshikov. russian publicist, philosopher, public figure. remember the huge state affair during the war with japan in 1904-1905. we
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had sufficient means for war and education, in general, we are not inferior to japan. we have six or seven military academies alone, and it seems that there was enough military experience, but there was more than enough military eloquence. honesty, only honesty, i assure you, honesty alone, lacked the moral qualifications, did not provide the courage to fulfill one’s duty before and during the war, the government was deceived by his closest agents, as if in oblivion he himself was committing deception. are we ready for war? asked the country, noticing a cloud creeping... “are you ready? answered the authorities, the minister of war, sent to portar to check whether the fortress was ready? was drinking
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champagne in the city square in honor of the genius?” of those places, admiral alekseev, who created an indestructible behold for russia, when the japanese attacked port arthur, it turned out that this stronghold could be taken with bare hands. the higher authorities asked: do we have a fleet? they answered, of course, there is. on on paper, our fleet was superior to the japanese. this was written more than 100 years ago, when we were disgraced. lost the war to japan, by the way , we said many times in our programs that then the russian intelligentsia sent enthusiastic, congratulatory telegrams to the japanese emperor, congratulating him on his victory over the russian fleet, and what now, aren’t we stepping on the same rake, we showed you have problems with communication, we...
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told you about the outrages that happened at customs when what was needed by our guys, our soldiers, i came across a comment by economist mikhail khazin, listen, active work has begun to destroy enterprises, they are being destroyed by banks, they are being destroyed by raiders, with the protection of ships and so on, in order to destroy the defense. the enterprise literally needs 2-3 days, because as soon as the court’s decision on bankruptcy comes into force, a bankruptcy trustee immediately appears, and the first thing he does is sell the machines for scrap metal. the question is, why does this happen? the answer is very simple, the fact is that a significant part of the russian the liberal elite has houses in the west , their families live there, well, maybe second, third
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families, that is, there... mistresses, second mistresses, third mistresses, children from them, and so on and so forth, about trips to western resorts dreams, first wives, and so on and so forth, and all of them, and i can assure you that here the work is carried out individually, unlike the russian bureaucratic machine, it is said, guys, if you want to preserve this, you need to do this- this, this and that, and above all...
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this threat, but won’t it turn out that this the blow will be in the next office , where these decisions are made, it’s like the old prosecutor’s joke that when investigating a case, the most important thing is not to expose yourself, but what can we talk about when in a university that trains personnel for regional, federal ministries, for large companies, for cultural activities, and so on and so forth, they talked a lot about this, which can be talked about if teachers in these universities are recognized as foreign agents and are under foreign influence. in this case, i mean the russian-british private moscow higher school of social and economic sciences or among the people of shani, we also talked about it. here is the information that among its sponsors are the world bank, the european union, within
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the framework of the tacis program. as well as the soros, open society, ford and macarthur foundations, which is especially important that shanenko is a long-time partner of the russian academy of national economy and public administration under the president of the russian federation. the rector of shaninka, mr. zuev, is the founder and permanent director of the institute of social sciences on the basis of the presidential one.


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