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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 2, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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and i think that if we move at this pace to increase our presence and god grant that we have all the things that we have now for this, then i think that within 5-10 years we will have good results, by that time we will already be in almost all countries, our presence confirmed by law, we will get it everywhere.
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to review the news, let's start with the black sea fleet at tokyo airport during landing, where today a coast guard military transport plane and a passenger airliner collided, the latter were then engulfed in flames, with which fire crews could not cope with. in 2 hours the plane burned out completely. we know about the fate of those on board from the chief of the east asian news bureau, sergei mengazhev. he is now working at the tokyo airport and has again come into direct contact with the studio. sergey, hello, did you manage to evacuate everyone and what is happening in the air harbor now? yes, yuri. hello,
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well, as you can see, now all the planes are standing - lined up, after the emergency occurred, when the fire extinguishing ended, there was it was announced that all flights that were scheduled for today are cancelled, that is , hanedo airport can actually be said to be closed, what will happen tomorrow, until a decision is made, and i remind you that the emergency situation happened a few hours ago, when a jal airline plane, which was operating a flight from sentitosa airport, this... not far from the city of sappora on the island of hakaido, was landing exactly at the very moment when the landing gear came into contact with the runway, a collision occurred with a military transport aircraft, which, on the contrary, was taxiing for takeoff, they apparently hit their wings, a fire immediately started, the cabin was filled with smoke, among the passengers there were people who were filming. aviation
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, the 90-second rule worked, that is, after the plane stopped, all passengers were evacuated through inflatable slides within a minute and a half. as for the military transport plane, it also burned down, it just did not fall into the field of vision of the surveillance cameras, and there were no casualties to be avoided , there were six people on board, it is reported that five of them died, one sixth - the crew commander - is in serious condition. he was taxiing onto - the runway in order to go - into the destruction zone after yesterday's earthquake on the notu peninsula on the opposite side of honshu, what caused the island of honshu, what caused this collision, nothing is officially reported, versions are expressed,
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but i suggest listening one of them. the plane was affected by this blow, which was not a collision, and most likely there may have been some openings there. destruction, well, not so serious, but in any case, the fact that it was followed by a plume of kerosene and various liquids that are refilled on planes is unambiguous, so this is all that burned on these planes, all participants in the flight, so to speak, we will so, the whole team, they are very careful, and training is carried out step by step, and further, so to speak, well, we will have exams for all this, so they are ready for this situation. well, but no one, i repeat once again, from the passengers and crew members the passenger liner was not injured, it is unknown whether there were russian citizens on board, at least according to our embassy, ​​no one contacted our representative office,
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the airport, i repeat, is closed, apparently an investigation will be carried out to find out what caused this emergency. yuri, yes, sergey, thank you, i will remind you that on direct communication from japan, there was the chief of the east asian. regarding our compatriots, as a result of the incident at takiya airport, none of the russian no citizens were injured, we were informed about this at the embassy of our country. we would like to inform you that there has been no information about russians who might be on board the jal airline plane. at the same time, we inform you that russian citizens did not contact our embassy in connection with this emergency. let's keep it. this situation is under control. the russian military attacked enterprises of the ukrainian military-industrial complex in kiev and its suburbs. according to the ministry of defense, the group strike was carried out with long-range launch weapons and drones. enterprises that produced missiles and
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drones, as well as repaired weapons and military equipment, were also hit. among the targets were places where missiles and aircraft ammunition were stored, which were supplied to the kiev regime by westerners. literally half an hour ago , an air raid alert was announced again in several regions of ukraine; sirens are operating in the dnepropetrovsk, poltava, sumy and kharkov regions, as well as in the kiev-controlled areas of the dpr and zaporozhye region. previously, ukrainian media reported powerful explosions in several areas of the country. according to kharkov authorities, after one of the strikes a fire broke out in the city. data on other consequences are not provided. a series of explosions were recorded in kyiv. residents of the ukrainian capital complain about problems with the supply of electricity and water. the mayor's office confirmed that some areas were without power. in addition, they write about secondary detonations and the use of russian dagger missiles in the vicinity of kiev. and at the same time, public pages are closed immediately after such information appears. underground was destroyed in kyiv a bunker in which the deputy commander-
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in-chief of the ovsu valery zaluzhny could be located. the general's name is not mentioned. this was reported by a russian newspaper with reference to the military affairs telegram channel. there has been no official confirmation of this information yet. this is our usual ivanovo morning, i want there to be more of us, these are my best evenings, pokrovsky evenings, and i want there to be more of them, because there is nothing greater than happiness, the national demography project. and how do you like it, like in paradise, now i will show you real paradise, already in the cinema, in january we are playing houses, cars, prizes of a million and a jackpot of 800 million, rather for
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tickets, what men are silent about, that life has gotten out of control, fears of ceasing to be a man, these are symptoms. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis, the recommended course for packaging lamgitase against prostatitis. for one , the legendary alfabank credit card,
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free forever, has become even more profitable. receive a supercake every month for free , withdraw cash from any atms throughout country. not just profitable, alpha profitable. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount. buy toys for children with discounts of up to 70%. pairs scandinavian burger scandinavian chicken burger at a great price only delicious, period.
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i saw a sign in the sky, in the harsh winter, after the great festivals, something will appear that has never happened. "the stars of the worlds will converge, it will happen where east and west meet. the line between the real world and the world of dreams will melt , a great competition will begin, great and small ones, people and robots, deft eyes and precise hands, but whoever takes the heavenly trophies will rule in both worlds, real and digital, no one knows. watch the games of the future, kazan, february 21, legend. begins,
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now economic news: the russian financial system has proven its stability, vladimir putin announced this at a meeting with the military at the vishnevsky hospital. russia's gdp grew by 3.5% at the end of last year. the unemployment rate is the lowest in history - 2.9.
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60% of the world economy and 90% of investment capital, could do little against russia in the most important world market. the knockout attempt failed, but russia did a good job. after all, oil makes up more than 20% of the economy, and its exports are a major source of government revenue. more importantly, we managed to preserve a powerful industry that employs millions of russians. thailand is more than ready to begin negotiations with the eac. under a free trade agreement. the ambassador of the kingdom to russia told rionovosti about this. he recalled that from january to september
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last year, trade turnover between the two countries exceeded a billion dollars. one way to help promote trade is through a free trade agreement with the eac. we have been discussing for several years with the eurasian economic commission the possibility of launching negotiations on an agreement. i can only confirm that thailand is more than willing to begin negotiations with the eac. as soon as the union is ready for this, passenger traffic at sheremetyevo airport at the end of last year exceeded 36.5 million people. most popular foreign destinations. antalya, istanbul and yerevan, however, according to airport estimates , passenger preference was given to domestic flights. they were chosen by 27 million people. europe could lose more than $2 billion by february due to expired coronavirus drugs. the financial times writes about this. countries such as the uk, spain, italy and france have already lost over a billion
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on the fizer vaccine, which has expired. and past newspapers are experts. traders are associated with rumors that the us securities commission in the next 2 weeks may approve bitcoin etf, these are contracts that will allow you to buy cryptocurrency as futures or shares, that is, through regular brokerage accounts. in this case, the demand for bitcoin will increase sharply. january 10th is the deadline everyone is looking at. from the point of view of whether
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the securities commission will officially approve or postpone it, this is not yet a resolved issue, but market experts agree that that’s it. this is kind of brewing, especially considering the level of technical scrutiny with which the sec is working with issuers. due to the blocking of the border by western countries, ukraine lost more than $210 million in december. verkhovna rada deputy yaroslav zheleznyak announced this in his telegram channel. we are talking about protests that were started by polish truck drivers. in november, they blocked checkpoints and demanded the abolition of eu benefits for their eastern colleagues. first of all, return compulsory licensing of trucks, which after february 22 do not affect ukrainian transport. such assistance to ukraine has brought businesses in the countries closest to it to the brink of survival. truckers from hungary and slovakia periodically joined the polish protests. and at the end of the issue, i will remind you that the exchange rate for today is the dollar 89 rubles 68 kopecks. euro 99.19.
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i think my grandfather is hiding something. vanity, fireworks, turning on the new year's light, lighting the lights, magic staff, grandfather. do we have anything tasty at home? shall we conjure something? no, cast a spell. snowman courier. it has been proven that my grandfather is santa claus. can work wonders on new year's eve
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every. for those who are nearby, happy new year, wizards, than to look 100 times, it is better to twirl, rotate, twist once, only after confirming payment, before february 4 , order savita with delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and after confirm payment, who are you? musicians , temporary musicians, let's have something fun, guys, it's already in the cinema, under the silver foil, a delicious chocolate layer, inside there is a beautiful, perfect plambier, airy, natural, a happy sound in the heat of july brings silver bullet, with age, changes in vision
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can change familiar things, the phone is designed for nutrition and restoration. and maintaining youthful eyes, it is recommended to use daily for 3 months, three courses a year, tuufon is now in new packaging, designed specifically for course use, a pair of scandinavian burger scandinavian burger with chicken at a bargain price, only tasty, period, one of my friends has complex relationship with the internet, great blow, i’ll post it now, damn it, it’s the wrong file, how can i cancel it? it's a megaphone, that's it flies, go to megaphone, the number one mobile operator in terms of speed coverage.
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authorities in the republic of korea are investigating an assassination attempt on the leader of the largest opposition party that occurred this morning. the politician
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was stabbed in the neck, and the attacker was taken into custody by the police. anton dadykin will tell you what is known about this attack. the criminal stabbed the leader of the south korean position while talking to journalists.
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the criminal case is being investigated under the article of attempted premeditated murder, a specially formed investigative group of 69.
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such violence must be tolerated under no circumstances, law enforcement agencies have been instructed to promptly investigate this case to ensure safety during treatment in the hospital? violence against
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politicians, who are so outraged by the current president, has been recorded before, fueled by mutual accusations of corruption and voter fraud. for example, lidomyeon’s predecessor as head of the democratic party, songil, received a hammer on the head from pensioners in traditional korean in 2022. korea has already promised strengthen the protection of key political figures in the country. anton dadykin, news!
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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winemaker, to this day we are friends, to this day we work as winemakers, we have not been disappointed for a second in this profession.
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this is not the first time we are going south with alexey senelnikov, our travel companion, journalist, author of the telegram channel wine and people, around whom an active community of passionate people has gathered, a popularizer of domestic winemaking. yes, this is not the first time that we, as a young winemaker, have gone to the crimea. and now i want tell another story about... young winemakers, but they cannot be called inexperienced, because each of them heads such a nice winery, the main winemakers, three friends, three classmates, graduates of the same faculty, three musketeers, they are all 34 years old.
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we are located in the production workshop of the roevskoye estate, tourists have only recently begun to be allowed here, the cost of the excursion is higher than to other wineries in the krasnodar region and not only because the wine is premium, the main exhibit is the winemaker himself alexey sidorenko, an expert, names and main visitors can ask him absolutely any questions. and the most basic question is probably not a question, but an emotion, when they see me, and they are very surprised that a young winemaker can be just young, and also the chief winemaker, usually they expect that the chief winemaker is gray-haired, bearded guy, and in russia today we actually have very, very many young winemakers, i’m among them, that is , it turns out that russia is a country of opportunity.


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