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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 3, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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the kiev regime tried to launch a massive attack on the belgorod region, air defense forces intercepted two ukrainian armed forces (u) missiles and seven alha missiles, before that they managed to intercept 17 alha missiles, but still one person died and five were injured. about the consequences of new attacks, alexander kurubov. doctors are real heroes; thanks to their selfless work, many injured belgorod residents were saved. the tragic events of december 30 were popularly called bloody. belgorod surgeon mikhail popuashvili and his colleagues together performed a miracle, returned to lives of dozens of victims. on that terrible day of december 30, many people needed help at the same time. it was very difficult and required the doctors. incredible endurance
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and colossal efforts, the hardest thing is to, well, assess the severity of the condition immediately in seconds to figure out who needs what kind of help first, i was worried, but somewhere in the depths of my soul, polina from belgorod was simply going to the store for groceries for the new year's table, at first she felt a strong blow, then it turned out that a fragment from a shell went straight into the leg bone, a car exploded in front of me, i don’t care... and now i’m thinking, i was scared for the people who were there, that is, i’m thinking about how they can provide help, and then i felt that i was in pain, so accordingly, well because my leg began to, well, slide down the wall, so some man was driving past, well , a military man picked me up, actually took me, so he picked me up, took me to the military hospital, svetlana vasilyevna also came to her senses when the shelling began, he and his grandson were waiting at the bus stop, the child was not injured, they work well, amazing.
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the minister of health of the belgorod region andrei ikonikov and metropolitan ioan of belgorod and stary osolsk came to visit the victims. his holiness kirill, patriarch of moscow of all russia, literally a few hours later he called, asked everything and called on... all the clergy of the belgorod diocese to come to the rescue, little patients are also improving their health, psychologists are also working with the children, here are the coloring pages for you, thank you very much, so a book, just a christmas present, thank you, in belgorod hospitals now there are 45 victims, doctors assess their condition as moderate, a commission with all the doctors that was there.
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precision weapons with drones at ukrainian military enterprises, where they produce missiles and drones, and also repair equipment for the kiev army, all objects were hit, eight attacks in the ssu were repulsed, zelensky’s formation lost over 700 more soldiers, mercenary officers, seven tanks and four other armored vehicles were destroyed , as well as 25 gaubes and self-propelled guns, mostly american- made, about new strikes anna voron.
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this morning, the capital of ukraine woke up from explosions only after the air raid alarm sounded. eyewitnesses reported a fire in the warehouse; the network claims that drones were assembled there. local telegram channels write about the fire at the tesla car dealership , markiev fuel storage facility, vitaly klechko announced damage to the gas pipe. there the fire is immediately removed.
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kiev and its suburbs, as well as storage sites for missiles and aircraft ammunition supplied. news spread online about the destruction of the underground command post, in which deputy commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny was present, and the ukrainian air defense lost several anti-aircraft systems and at the same time caused damage to residential buildings. guys, this is my car, my second car, this is a house, of course. we hit the target exactly, and we have a low, yes , low volume of spent weapons, with regard to strikes on targets within kiev, using cruise missiles that do not have so much, but so
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much in terms of firepower, and in terms of explosive mass warhead, thereby achieving limited... kiev authorities, noting that it was debris that fell in residential areas. as a result of a missile attack, debris was recorded falling on the roof of a multi-storey residential building in the pechersky district. in the obolon region. fell on the territory of warehouses, also in the golosievsky district in an open area. in addition, in some areas of kiev there are power outages, as local journalists write, and there are also problems with water supply. anna voronina, valeria sapegina, news. a powerful explosion occurred in beirut.
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lebanese authorities said israeli drones launched a rocket attack on a hamas office. six people were killed, including the deputy head of the movement's politburo and two military wing commanders. deadline, container ships will now take a detour around africa, and delivery times for cargo to europe will increase significantly. the houthis announced that due to israeli attacks in the gaza strip, they would not allow ships associated with the state to pass through the waters of the red sea. in korea
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, authorities are investigating an assassination attempt on the leader of the largest opposition party; he was stabbed in the neck. the attacker has been detained. what else known? - anton yes found out. the identity of the suspect has been established, he is 67 years old, we are ascertaining the motive for the crime ; a knife with a thirteen-centimeter blade was used as a weapon; the suspect stated that he bought it in an online store. lee jae-myung visited the area outside busan where
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an airport is planned to be built. during the live internet broadcast of this event , the attacker kim was caught on camera several times. police identified a suspect a month ago to the same paper crown. already tried to get closer to lee jamyeon on another meeting in busan, but failed that time. the criminal case is being investigated under the article of attempted premeditated murder. a specially formed investigative group of 69 specialists is also finding out whether there is a political subtext in it. there are parliamentary elections in the republic of korea in april. according to opinion polls, taburo's democratic party, led by lee, is ahead of the ruling conservative people's power party. this terrorist attack is a serious threat to democracy. this is not should have happened under any circumstances, and we will definitely propose additional measures to protect the country's leading politicians. as a result of the attack , lijamen was wounded in the jugular vein area. the politician was rushed to a hospital
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in busan, where doctors stopped the bleeding, and then lee was flown by helicopter to silhouo for surgery. following its results, doctors announced that the oppositionist’s life was out. votes, this is the smallest gap in the history of south korea. i am deeply concerned for lee jaemyeon's safety. society should not tolerate such violence under any circumstances. law enforcement agencies have been tasked with promptly investigating this case to ensure lee's safety while he is being treated in the hospital.
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korea has promised to strengthen security for key political figures in the country. anton dadykin, lead. saudi arabia has officially joined the brix, as kingdom state television reported, this significantly strengthens the country's position in the world. well , this year egypt, iran, the united arab emirates and ethiopia also began working in brix. brix group since its foundation went through two waves of expansion. the organization was founded in june 2006 as part of the st. petersburg international economic forum. russia, india and china. at the 2010 g20 summit
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, south africa expressed its desire to join brix. already in 2011 , south africa officially joined the organization. the next expansion took place in 2023. in august, the foreign minister approved a list of 23 countries that had officially submitted applications. at the same time , they were ready to join brix as full members. invited argentina, iran, saudi arabia, egypt, ethiopia and the united arab emirates. as a result, on january 1 of this year , five of these countries began full-fledged work in brix under the chairmanship of russia, except for argentina, the new president of the country refused to join the association. in the uk they don't know what to do about the sharp rise in scabies incidence. ekaterina radaeva found out where this itchy problem came from. europe is a garden of eden, and the world around it is a disgusting jungle, so the high
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representative of the european union for foreign affairs. josep barel described the world to aspiring diplomats. now in borel's paradise there are not only flaps, but mites, and scabies. the british guardian reported a terrible surge of the disease across the country. the main problem is the spread of frequency in nursing homes and university dormitories. and other public residential premises, this greatly complicates the situation; if at least one person is not completely cured, everyone around them can become infected. considering the problems in the field of social assistance, public authorities healthcare needs to prepare for serious consequences. scabies is caused by microscopic mites, it can lead to the development of skin ulcers and severe complications on the heart and kidneys, and the so-called norwegian scabies can.
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dermatologists and gps are at a loss as to how to solve the problem, which is particularly challenging in the north of england. in winter , there is an increase in illnesses because people spend more time indoors in close contact with each other. for example, if a person shares a bed with someone, talking about symptoms, this intense itching that gets worse at night, red spots on the skin. some patients
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are so desperate that they are trying to buy the necessary drugs abroad. seven out of nine regional representatives reported drug shortages, according to the british association of dermatologists. chasotka was detected even in one of the world's oldest design educational institutions, st. martin's college of art, and this despite the fact that the british and french had not yet fought off the invasion. what is donbass, why were the lands of donbass disputed territories, who changed the borders for what purpose? mariupol, march 2022, in the city there is no electricity, heat, food, and most importantly - water, to the sea, and there under the sea
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people have krenichki and wells.
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these injuries are a direct result of the use of heavy weapons supplied to ukraine by the west. deliveries were particularly active throughout the previous year. in 2021 , seven joint exercises were held in ukraine with nato forces, and offensive actions were practiced. during the maneuvers in the summer of '21, the russian the ministry of defense stated that nato is delivering the very best to ukraine.
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western military instructors or fighters from western private military companies operated unofficially in the southern odessa region. the latter, according to intelligence data, even operated on the line of contact with the lugansk and donetsk regions. in december 2021, the verkhovna rada adopted a law allowing the admission of units of the armed forces of other
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states to ukraine to participate in exercises. in the twenty-second it was planned.
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i couldn’t imagine that an armored personnel carrier with foreigners would be driving down my street. the mercenaries sitting on board will tell me how i should live and what i should do, what i should do, what my children should do and what my grandchildren should do, i understood that this was the destruction of the foundations of statehood and this i categorically could not accept, we are liberating our lands, the lands on which the blood of our grandfathers, our great-grandfathers was shed. a nato soldier should not set foot here; it was part of that very wild field about which gumilyov wrote a lot in his time. peoples wandered here and there, there were no permanent settlements for a long time, the steppe and the steppe is all around, if you build
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some village there, a small farm town , the nomadic tatars will come, and maybe also the turks , an expeditionary force, they will take you into slavery , they will plunder and burn everything you own, no one could live there, the region is wild, a region without history , and his story began...
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recaptured from the turks, recaptured from the circassians, recaptured from the nagais, right up to the astrakhan province, to the saratov province, and so on. this is another look at the suburban region, that is, at another historical region, as part of this large novorossiya. sloboda ukraine is this the current kharkov region and sumy region of ukraine. the empress attracted people from all over the world to these territories. that's where they fled.
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channels are initially there for several hours, and then we see that in no cinema it is impossible to find a film in russian, what is now being done in ukraine, in the current
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independent ukraine, this is a repetition of everything that we went through already in the twenties, thirties years, district, provincial, then regional institutions were translated into ukrainian, newspapers into ukrainian, well, no one reads, then they resorted to a trick, the headlines of the articles were in ukrainian, but the article itself was in russian so that people could read it, the people didn’t want to, the people resisted, in general, they wrote letters, including to stalin, about what forces you to study a language that is completely, well, unnecessary , because they don’t speak, people don’t speak ukrainian language at all, and an official is forced to learn this language under pain of dismissal and even criminal punishment, then these processes were curtailed, but not stopped, so in essence until the end of the existence of the ussr... ukrainization continued, remember the first decision of this very victorious maidan verkhovna rada, but they repealed the law on languages, which gave
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some rights. in general, russian and russian-speaking residents, then they were immediately pulled back by western curators, they canceled it, did not sign it, but we see what is happening now, russian-speaking, once zelensky signed with his own hand a law closing all russian schools, for the first time in the history of this territory, in the summer in 2021, ukraine adopted a law on the indigenous peoples of the country, russians were not mentioned in it, that is it turned out that they could be deprived of cultural values, quote: evicted or forcibly moved from places of compact residence in any form, forcibly assimilated or forcibly integrated in any form. these slogans about the destruction of all people in donbass have already appeared. but people are not needed, bring people to russia, or we will simply destroy you. what is this if not genocide? 20.
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i took the call sign brest, brest fortress. on february 9, 1915, we stood on the parade ground alexander vladimirovich zakharchenko, stood in front of us and said: “and now you are going to a place where they will beat you from three sides , you can’t surrender, you can’t surrender, so whoever is afraid, step forward, i tell her, i won’t say anything, you can leave, no one took a step forward.” .
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in those moments when the ukrainian side suffered military defeats, be it in september, when the ilovaisk cauldron ended, or in february, this is precisely the debaltsevo cauldron, in the moments when ukraine suffered military defeats, it demonstrated its readiness to negotiate, they tried all methods are simple
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they delayed, demanded... some new signing of new documents, went into long discussions, took breaks, the minsk agreement, this is a compromise document, it is also painful for us, well, there were a lot of moments with which we had difficulty could come to terms with it, well, even for us the phrase sounded scary, that yes, we have a special status there, and we have some kind of autonomy, but as part of ukraine, even the thought that the ukrainian flag... would be raised over donetsk was alien to us and unacceptable, then we saw and we heard from the ukrainian leadership that everything needs to be signed, and then we will find a way not to carry it out, for the reasons that the west will crush russia, economic russia will not have time for donbass. minsk signed on the twelfth, we were killed
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on the fourteenth. something terrible just flew from the sky, that is, houses began to crumble, some craters appeared nearby, a mine flew into the urals of my commander, fede patriot, he died on the spot, seven more people died at once, these were the heaviest battles in logvinov in 1915, that’s why they signed minsk. because we closed this boiler, and i was directly involved in this. by and large, not a single point of the minsk agreements was implemented. for 8 years, instructors from the uk and the states trained the ukrainian military. in ukraine they created a strong army, imbued with nazi bandera ideas.


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