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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 3, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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mines, as a result of this, what happened , what happened with tigers, what with panthers, mine explosions are not an irretrievable loss, the result of damage to the chassis, but the tank does not go further, does not participate in battle, this is a conveyor belt when germans are prohibited from working sappers, machine gun and artillery fire forces the tanks to break through the minefields, they are blown up, and after, again, someone broke through, they tried to shoot at the side. having suffered heavy losses in the first hours of the battle, the germans decided to attack the most vulnerable areas of the soviet defense. all available reserves, the model was sent to the area of ​​the village of alkhavatka and the ponyri station. under alkhovatka , the german column was met by soviet tanks hidden in trenches. the german advance was stopped.
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the main support in the north was artillery, a typical tactic based, among other things, on the active use of radio communications, this is such a fringing of the head of the advancing german tank group on both sides, so to take it into the pincers of artillery from the flanks, that is, there were so-called flirting guns that fired from afar, they called fire on themselves, turn the enemy, move towards them , as they say, get close, shoot, put pressure at
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this moment, other guns fired from the flanks and from about 300-400 m, soviet guns, especially since in the summer of forty-three they sent massive amounts of sub-caliber, accumulative shells, but it was possible hit the tigers on the side, and here, under the destruction on the northern front, where arkasovsky commanded, they knocked out this striking power in just a few days, 200 tanks remained up to the mountain, there on the northern front, the newest tanks. and the germans began to go on the defensive, one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, begged them to steal a cannon from the regiment for the sake of peace, and with my own hands shot at a peasant’s hut, oh!
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miracle, miraculously, she didn’t kill anyone to death, what’s the difficulty, her mother is an important person at court, everything is fine with my daughter, she’s a normal girl, just like everyone else, and a girl, she repents, it’s like, let’s go to paris, we’ll eat an oyster , one could forgive, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia, yes, i’ll cut out your tongue now, we won’t hang you, we’ll sew it up, so i’d ride you with horses tore it up, where are you, drowning, got used to watching videos on the network, stopped working , install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs, and
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documentaries, watch for free without registration , watch in the application or on the website.
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simultaneously with the attack in the north , army group south under the command of manstein and hoth began an offensive from the south from belgorod. she was opposed by votutin's voronezh front. overcoming minefields, the tanks came under heavy fire from soviet artillery, which made mine clearance difficult. the nazis tried to repair the exploded tigers, but this took a lot of time. the movements of enemy armored vehicles were hampered by hundreds of kilometers of anti-tank ditches. this battle was completely different from the summer one.
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artillery and tanks to ambush and fire from tigers and panthers, it was decided to hide our shelters. bringing german vehicles within a distance of 300-400 m, the t-34s destroyed them with targeted fire. this tactic paid
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off. the german columns were cut, but they could not be defeated. striking in different places. the voronezh front, it offered such tough resistance that it was like a breakwater, that is, it cut through these two attacking groups, they went in different directions. on july 10, manstein launched a new attack in the southern part of the kursk bulge. here, near the village
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of prokhorovka, there was a huge field where german tanks received more room for maneuver. the germans pulled all their reserves here. about 400 combat vehicles from selected ss tank divisions. to meet this armada, vatutin sent the fifth tank army of rotmestrov and part of the reserve armies, which included about 800 tanks, most of which were t-34s. it was assumed that in open areas the maneuverability of soviet vehicles would give them a great advantage. here the task that was assigned to rotnistro was to meet the enemy and hit him armor to armor, that is, from a long distance, we understandably could not destroy the german tigers, but from close range, when we could go to the rear , hit them from the side, yes, this that's a completely different
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matter. however, it soon became clear that approach the german armada will not be so easy. rotmistrov's army had to advance in a narrow corridor between the river. did not cancel, on the morning of july 12, soviet tanks moved forward, the fifth guards tank army had to, in view of these intersecting fields, pass through
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several narrow corridors that interfered with the action of a large mass, so they entered the field at the same time and attacked the german defense in approximately 50-70 soviet tanks and... for this reason the battle took place as if it were not a squaw, the first 50-70 came out, another one, someone everything is breaking through along the coast, someone is breaking through the forest belt, so the battle is...
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the plane could take on board about 200 of these bombs in one flight and hit dozens of enemy
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vehicles. german fighters tried to interfere with our bombers, but they were continuously attacked by soviet aircraft. it was here near kursk that one of the most successful pilots of world war ii, ivan kazheduk, shot down his first plane. the tank battle on the prokhorovsky field lasted all day. in total , more than a thousand took part in the battle at the same time. tanks. history has never known such a battle. from the memoirs of a participant in the battle of prokhorovka, lieutenant grigory paneshka. there was such a roar that it pressed on the eardrums and blood flowed from the ears. continuous roar of engines. the clanging of metal, the roar, the explosions of shells, the wild rattle of torn iron.
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shots at point-blank range caused the turret to collapse, the guns to twist, armor to burst, and tanks to explode. we lost the sense of time; we felt neither thirst, nor heat, nor even blows in the cramped cabin of the tank. one thought, one desire, while i'm alive. anyway, we stopped the german attack, that is, the germans did not go any further;
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after the prokhorovka, the germans retreated to their original positions and did not launch any attacks until the end of the battle. according to the soviet command, in just one day, july 12 , german troops lost about 300 tanks at prokhorovka. these losses meant... the final collapse of operation citadel. there was simply nothing for the germans to advance further . this is a selection for the german part, right? this is the second ss panzer corps, hauser. this is the head of the division, dosrai. greater germany is the ss elite of the division, which we stopped. and we lost, yes, a huge number of tanks. it is a fact. 500. but are those 400 germans? 300, that is, they lost 75% of their striking power, we 60, we had
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reserves that we could use, in this regard, this, of course, was an unconditional victory for the reds, the prokurovsky field, along with the battle of ponyry, these were the culminations of the battles on the kurdish arc of the entire kurdish battle, when a turning point occurred, and the germans realized at that moment that everything, yes, they would not go further, a counteroffensive near kursk, we tried to start as quickly as possible... as quickly as possible, to prepare those troops that were on the defensive to attack before the germans repaired the tanks that were blown up in the citadel, and they coped with this... task. on the day of the prokhorov battle, july 12, in the northern sections of the kursk bulge, the red army went on the offensive. thus began operation kutuzov. the main goal of the attack was to completely crush model's armies advancing on kursk. the blow was delivered to the rear
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of the german troops. soviet guns. covered enemy with heavy artillery fire. the badly battered german divisions did not expect such pressure. model gave the order to go on the defensive. but the wehrmacht could no longer hold the front line. the threat of encirclement forced model to retreat. on august 5, the red army liberated oryol. they managed to knock the germans out of their established positions, which they had been strengthening for many months, to crush the german defenses and force them to retreat. in addition, the germans suffered quite heavy losses, i would say so, the level of losses was such that they forced them to in most directions, retreat
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only to occupy advantageous defensive positions, without thinking about retaking the initiative there. the soviet offensive in the south of the kursk bulge began 3 weeks later. on august 3 , votutin's voronezh front launched operation rumyantsev, advancing on belgorod and kharkov. the soviet tank armies, replenished with reserves, pushed the germans south and liberated belgorod on the third day of the offensive. leftovers.
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and other equipment that could not be evacuated, they were simply thrown or blown up, eventually capturing a whole cemetery equipment, those vehicles that could be restored, they collected this mass of scrap metal and deprived the south army group of mobile reserves, mobile reserves, just like tank divisions ceased to be tank divisions in the sense
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that they had literally dozens of battle-ready vehicles left, this is a landslide the drop in the number of tanks in service led to the fact that...
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in august 1943, it became finally clear that the germans had lost their strategic offensive initiative, it no longer existed, and germany was still far from being a defeated country, but already it was clear that they were going on the defensive, and the way out of the war was to leave with dignity, without losing face, but the germans simply could not think about any offensives here due to the fact that their resources were exhausted, yes... august 5 in 1943, in honor of the liberation of orel and belgorod, an artillery display of 124 guns was given in moscow. installed in different areas of the capital, fired 1,200 blank shells, the entire supply that was available at that time in moscow. this was the first
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artillery salute during the entire great patriotic war. tens of thousands of muscovites took to the streets of the capital to celebrate the new great victory of the red army. the order for the first fireworks was given by a person.
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the commanders, as they say, from the lieutenant to the front commander, were already firmly convinced that we would win, we would win, the question was how long it would take, nevertheless it was clear that everything, the war had been won, the question was exactly when it would end on what frontiers, on what conditions, the victory of the red army at kursk finally changed the course of the second world war. during the days of the fighting on the kursk bulge, the anglo-american landing landed. in sicily and began the liberation of italy. this marked the beginning of the collapse of the bloc of asian countries. japan finally
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abandoned the idea of ​​attacking the soviet union. in german-occupied european countries , the underground struggle of the resistance movement intensified. the whole world followed the successes of the red army on the eastern front. soon after the battle of kursk. us president franklin roosevelt said: “if things continue to progress in russia as they are now, then perhaps next spring there will be no need for a second front.” and, most importantly, there is concern here already with the allied chiefs of staff. just during the battle of kursk on august 20, 1943 , the quebec conference was held, at which roosevelt, churchel, and... and the military were present, and it’s interesting to look at what the military discussed, there is a document, it was secret for some time, yes , in the united states of america, in britain
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, it has now been declassified, and there are very interesting things written there about how marshall, the chief of staff of the american army, posed the following question: the russians, they won the battle of kursk there, but shouldn’t we think over, said marshal, about using forces. germany has not yet been defeated in order to stop throwing the russians out of europe. nevertheless, sensible politicians, including ruzal, of course, understood that it was better to negotiate with the soviet union. in november 1943 , a conference was held in tehran with the participation of the leaders of the three allied powers, great britain, the usa and the ussr. at this meeting the union. promised stalin to open a second front in europe no later than the spring of 1944 . the opening of a second front was ensured
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victory on the kursk bulge. and another very important factor. tigeran-43, the famous conference, it was also held as a result of the kurdish battle, when it became clear to everyone that the decisive role in the defeat of the future of germany belonged to the soviet union, and the soviet union. must have appropriate priorities - now in the post-war world order, based on the fact that he makes a decisive contribution to the defeat of the germans. in august 1943, shortly after the victory at kursk, the red army began the liberation of left-bank ukraine. the offensive on a front more than 700 km long lasted 4 months. for winter. soviet troops liberated thousands of settlements in over 100 cities, including kiev. the liberation of ukraine was of enormous strategic
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importance. and it opened the way to an attack on romania and poland. now nothing could stop the victorious march of the red army. the final defeat of the third reich became a matter of time.
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this is italy, where a sip of coffee is like a breath of air, it is impossible to survive without it, coffee is a ritual, it is currency, it is love, we don’t know how to make a movie, we just make it. the battle for moscow continued 203 days, the fighting took place on a front stretching 800 km. promise me that you
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will sing. to the heart, i promise, bremen songs, tin! musicians, this is my group, this is the same boy who charmed everyone i welcome you, dear friends, to our new release of the author's program besagon tv, it will not be called all that glitters is gold, i think you will understand why we called it that our program, but as usual, first i would like to report to you about how the audience watched our previous program,
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