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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 3, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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and shot into a peasant’s hut with her own hands, miraculously didn’t kill anyone, what ’s the difficulty, her mother is an important person at court, everything is fine with my daughter, she’s a normal girl, just like everyone else, and the girl repents, it seems, let’s go to paris, we’ll devour an oyster, one could forgive it, but... it’s a law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia, yes, i’ll cut out your tongue now , we won’t hang you, we’ll sew it up, so i’d tear you apart with horses, where are you going, drowning two, got used to watching videos online, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian
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channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, free of charge, without registration, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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baikal is one of the most popular places during the new year holidays. while the lake is not yet frozen, divers from all over the country and fans of swimming in icy water come there. alexey kolevro will tell you about what entertainment is offered to tourists. andrey bugai, an experienced freediver, holder of many records for swimming in ice. in water, most of it installed here on baikal, was so saturated with the local atmosphere that he decided to build a house here, right on the water. i would like not to leave lake baikal anywhere, but to live right here. and of course, in order to somehow live, i need to publish to tourists and share my accommodation so that they also enjoy our baikal. the area allows you to live both on your own and to accommodate tourists who are also lovers of winter water activities. it’s very warm and comfortable, and
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there’s no ice yet, so you can have a full swim. very soon baikal will be covered with a dense crust of ice, then winter swimming enthusiasts will cut a hole in it and swim in the lake, like in a pool, testing their strength at a water temperature of -40. at this time of year, the water is unusually clear, divers come in whole clubs from all over russia for the new year holidays, celebrate right under the water, and drive.
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you can see well, you can see everyone, you can see the bottom of baikal even from the shore, literally every stone is visible through the clear water, i have never seen such clean lakes, of course, it’s cool, baikal - because it’s so transparent, my father is a fisherman, i look, and you can already see the fish, damn it, so amazingly clean, he even wanted to take a fishing rod, the lokomotiv kuban basketball club is on baikal for the first time, charged with the energy of the legendary lake in front of the responsible game. there is a place in our country that needs to be visited. i wish everyone to visit here, they were lucky with the weather, the temperature is only -5, they took off their jackets, wet their feet in the lake, filled bottles with the purest water, baikal, i hope they go there let us assure you that our guz treasure , the team’s physical training coach comes from hot spain, is fascinated by the beauty of the local nature, this is only one place like this in the world , or perhaps, i don’t know how to put it correctly, very, very beautiful, but in the end the team leaves. to their native krasnodar with a victory,
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the unprecedented warmth for this time of year pleases the local residents, swim and ride on the ferris wheel, they say that baikal is especially beautiful from a bird's eye view, that... in order to fully enjoy the beauty of baikal, in the village of listvyanka there is a ferris wheel, it is loved by both tourists and locals. the view of the lake is especially fabulous. on the small sea, despite the warm weather, ice is slowly rising; the ferry to alkhon island barely makes its way through the dense cover of ice stretched from the northern side. and when the ice finally gets stronger, the traditional winter road will be opened. alexey kilevro, eduard chuzhiy, victor strotsky, conduct the irkutsk region. great britain, a sharp rise in the incidence of scabies, local media call what is happening an absolute nightmare and there are reports of drug shortages. ekaterina radaeva found out how they plan to cope with the problem. europe is a garden of eden, and
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the world around it is a disgusting jungle, so the high representative of the european union for foreign affairs. josep barel described the world to aspiring diplomats. now barel has been brought into heaven. public health needs to prepare for serious consequences, scabies is caused by microscopic mites, it can lead to the development of skin ulcers and severe complications on the heart, kidneys, and the so-called norwegian scabies can lead to death, basically this has always been a problem
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of underdeveloped countries, but as it turned out, now the british cannot cope with scabies, london has money to support the zelensky regime, for its own medical system... no, not enough doctors, no medicine, all that remains is to warn his majesty’s subjects about the new danger. be aware, frequency is very contagious, especially in the first weeks. it will take some time before you realize that you are sick. chases spreads very quickly in hospitals, schools, children's camps, especially if you share a towel or sheets. as the guardian reports, chasotka has sparked a new public health crisis. dermatologists and general practitioners don't know how.
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shortage of medicines. chasotka was revealed even in nine regional representatives reported on one of the world's oldest educational institutions for design, st. martin's college of art, and this despite the fact that the british and french had not yet fought off the kolopov invasion, which began in the fall and even scared the athletes who are expected in paris for the summer olympics. ekaterina radaeva, news. donald trump is challenging the decision. trump from participating in the republican primary due to alleged
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evidence of his involvement in the january 2021 capitol riots. new records in the usa. government debt. reached $34 trillion for the first time, as reported by the us treasury. the previous record of $33 trillion was set just 3 months ago, in september last year. to the new year, the country's total outstanding public debt amounted to 34 trillion 1.493 million us dollars. the comedy kholop-2 showed an even more successful start than cheburashka. for the first day of rental. attracts viewers to cinemas, this is the third result in history, which
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ivan kudrevtsev will tell you about. there is nothing better in the world, a golden ray of sunshine, oh my poor troubadour, we are robbers and other immortal hits of gennady. screen, but this time from the big screen in cinemas, a real gift for the little ones and the adults prepared by director alexey necessary, embodying characters in the movie... whom it is impossible to forget or stop loving, the new bremenskys expand the universe of the legendary twenty-minute cartoon, while remaining a film about love, friendship and, of course, about music that brings people laughter and joy. the bremen town musicians is an important film in a cultural context, because the bremen town musicians connects six generations. the distance between a twelve-year-old boy and a sixty-eight-year-old. grandma is gigantic, simply gigantic, it will grow. a the bremen town musicians are the material
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when we unite all people, of all ages, with song. new bremen gives the audience the opportunity to look into the soul of each character, to understand him, be it a troubodour or even a king. he is still such a paranoid father, because he still replaces her and her mother, accordingly, he worries about both of them, that is, for mom and dad.
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on a new scale he took up the continuation of the serf, the story of the re-education of golden youth, and now also of parents. this time, in order to get rid of lordly habits, in a stable in the century before last, the daughter of an influential official katya will have to wake up. she is played by aglaya tarasova. she is from a rich family, she grew up with a golden spoon in her mouth, that is, she has such a scale of wasting her own life, and although it may seem, at first, that this is some kind of dream of young people to live like this, in reality it is lonely and sad for the actors and the audience. i like how the film is educational, but funny without preaching. we all believe that a person can
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improve, that he can repent, repent and change. we all want human salvation, that is , we all rejoice when a person makes the right decision, we support this, and we don’t want to ruin him, ruin him. the director decided that serf 2 should exceed even the audience's high expectations. the film is five times more complex. bigger, i hope, funnier too, in connection with this, the production part required from me, well, five times more energy, this is a difficult film to stage, the audience comes out of the premiere refreshed, they were definitely waiting, emotions are overwhelming, in fact, i have no words, the main thing the purpose of this movie is to create a mood before the new year, to take a little break, so to speak, from some kind of thinking, which of course is enough in real life. i really liked the film, i’m even wiping away a few tears. bremen town musicians and kholop-2 in all
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cinemas across the country from january 1. ivan kudryavtsev, vera alyonushkina, vitaly poretsky, inna zolotareva and olesya shempel. news. the artillery of the southern military district is hitting the enemy in the zaporozhye direction. the main targets are defensive structures, control points, and militant weapons. the fire is fired from msta b with high-explosive fragmentation shells with...
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dear friends, i invite you to our next episode of the author's program mesagon tv. we are driving through the center of bangui. the only asphalt road in the capital tsar is the former runway. read more about the most significant events of this day in history, in a selection by ekaterina barlakova. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on january 3, 1496, in pola near florence, leonardo da vinci tested a flying machine of his design. genius
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renaissance painter, architect, scientist, engineer, believed that man could rise into the air. his papers preserved drawings of a hang glider and an ornithopter, a variant of a flywheel, but he built only this device, which is considered the prototype of a modern helicopter. it was assumed that the lifting force would be provided by a spiral-shaped linen sail with a metal edging for weighting. it was not a propeller, but a version of the archimedean screw, the kind used to supply water. it was installed on a platform and rotated several times man, but the car did not take off, its body began to rotate. exactly 100 years ago, on january 3, 1924, british
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egyptologist howard carter discovered a sarcophagus. hamon, a young pharaoh who ruled in the 14th century bc. the tomb preserved a throne, bows, bowls, statues of servants, furniture, armor, even war chariots, more than 5,000 items. carter searched for the tomb for 15 years, when he almost despaired, stone steps appeared from under the ground, this happened in 1922, but the archaeologist ordered the tomb to be filled up again, time was needed for scientific preparing for her autopsy, and he was afraid of thieves. resumed, the ancient corridors and staircases were cleared, the doors sealed with royal seals were opened. later, archaeologists opened the sarcophagus, lifted a granite slab weighing more than a ton with a winch, and inside it were two more, in which the mummy of the pharaoh and a golden funeral mask lay made of pure gold. for a long time, the mummy was exhibited in the cairo museum, but after
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restoration and preparation of the glass sarcophagus, tutankhamun was returned to where the tomb was found in the valley. he's the only one pharaoh, who rests in the same place where he was buried 3,300 years ago, the rest of the found mummies of the pharaohs in 2021 were solemnly transported from the cairo museum to the new national museum of egyptian civilization. on january 3, 1934, soviet scientists tested radar for the first time. the effect of radio wave reflections , discovered by hertz and popov, could not be practically used for a long time. the waves quickly dissipated. secret work was carried out in germany, england and france. europe was preparing for war and it was impossible to lag behind. create an idea the radar was presented in a scientific article by the young
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physicist pavel oshchepkov. people's commissar of defense kliment varoshilov read it and assigned it to oshchepkov. radar installation abbreviated as rus. the first experimental radar detected an amphibious aircraft flying away at an altitude of 150 m only at a distance of 600 m. and a group was created at the leningrad electrophysical institute for further work. by the end of 1934 , soviet radars had increased their detection distance to 70 km. during the period of repression , oshchepka spent years in camps and sharashki. and reliable serial radar stations were already created without him. rus-1, rhubarb, more advanced rus-2, redoubt. they were used in the soviet-finnish and then in the great patriotic war and defended our cities. on january 3, 1962, the premiere of the film “amphibian man” took place in moscow. this is an adaptation of the novel by alexander belyaev, and the young man ichthyandra, who had gills transplanted so that he could breathe under water. about his love for
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the girl gutierra and the villain pedro zurita. they wanted to film the story. electronic music in our cinema. critics
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were angry that the film seduces western life, but the amphibian man triumphantly walked across the screens of the soviet union abroad. this is what this day in history was like. ritual currency love, coffee traditions in italy. a sip of coffee is like a breath of air, without it it is impossible. about why making and drinking coffee in italy is a whole science, see the report by asya emelyanova. this is italy, where a sip of coffee is like a breath of air, without it it is impossible to survive. coffee is a ritual, it is a currency, it is love. preparing to drink coffee in italy is a whole science. coffee shapes an italian's day from morning to evening, from cup to cup.
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rule number one. for an italian, cappuccino is not coffee; he will never call it that. cappuccino. the ideal cup size is 165 mm, high-quality espresso is fresh, milk is frothed correctly. patterns, hearts, christmas trees, flowers on foam are called lats art, a technique for pouring foamed milk, a discipline that bartenders in italy learn. that’s why the waiter alesandro warns us not to add sugar or mix it. latty art is a technique that already implies that milk and coffee are mixed by the bartender behind the counter, well and so that beauty does not disappear. rule number two: italians only drink cappuccino for
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breakfast; after twelve it’s a crime. now , if i treat you to a cappuccino at 4:00 pm, what will you think of me? what are you saying, is this for tourists? and if i see you washing down your lunch with it, pasta, for example, then i’ll think you’re a foreigner or crazy. 10:30, break between breakfast and lunch. and now it’s time for coffee, at the office under the house, espresso should be within walking distance, this is not ice cream, for which an italian will go to another place. never order italian will say two espressos, doufé, cafe - it’s automatic. christian and signor opino see me every morning, but every time they warn me, don’t get burned , this is a neapolitan cafe, they have their own laws, the espresso in the cup will be smaller at the bottom, the walls
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of the cup are thicker, before drinking coffee, they advise you to take two sips of cold carbonated water, prepare, that's why the cup is heated, the temperature of the cup gives the coffee the taste, that's why there are completely different cups with thick walls, if the walls were thin, the coffee would cool faster.
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when we are at home, we have two options: capsules. capsule cars revolutionized italy. firstly, it’s cheap, the cost of one capsule - one cup of coffee - is 20-30 cents on average, it’s quick and convenient, warm up the machine, press the button, the coffee is ready. but how can this compare to moka? moka is not just a symbol of made in italy, it is a full member of any italian family. when sending their children abroad, caring mothers put them in their suitcase. a machine with a pipe through which
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soap flowed up and down under pressure. moka has the same geyser principle: water below pour coffee strictly up to the valve, fill it loosely with 10 g per cup, set the heat to medium , as soon as the coffee starts to come out, you will hear it, there will be an aroma and a characteristic grumble, tell me when it’s enough, sugar won’t hurt the moka, a quarter of a spoon will reveal the taste, boncafe, no moka. drink while running behind the counter, it requires respect and company, it needs to be sipped, not drunk in one sip, like espresso. flour is the aroma of sunday morning, this is a day when the family is in no hurry, everyone has breakfast together. moka for me is the taste of childhood, after lunch putting the machine on fire is a ritual, mother, brothers, sisters, even neighbors came, everyone gathered downstairs on the first floor around the moka to drink a cup of coffee and chat.
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italian coffee is the most delicious in europe and the cheapest, fixed from 90 cents to 1 euro 10 cents maximum at the counter, the cost of espresso has been around for a long time. this is being closely monitored by the consumer association. a euro is 2 cents for the manufacturer, 17 cents for the roasters' services, and 80 cents for
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the bar. disputes about why the glass. wines can cost two, or maybe 10 euros, depending from the quality level, and coffee, no matter what the variety, always costs 1 euro for a long time, but for italy this is a state matter, it is unlikely that anything will change in the near future. i think that a fixed price is a big mistake , it turns out that those who would like to improve the quality by offering something new cannot do this, imagine what would happen if they fixed the price of wine, they would say, a bottle of wine is 6 euros , would make sense in this. 21:00, if you think it’s too late for coffee, you’re wrong, italians drink coffee after dinner, making adjustments to its effect, cafe coratto, coffee with alcohol, or they drink espresso and then kill it, amaro with herbal liqueur, we order both options, this is the coretto cafe, and this is the cafe and amatsa cafe, that is. you
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drink coffee and then kill it? yes, i have to drink coffee to shake myself up, and then immediately amara liqueur to remove, destroy the taste of coffee. amara is a herbal liqueur, it helps digest dinner and leaves a lasting taste. personally, i don’t really like cafe caretto; i like to drink coffee separately, and then immediately amara. separately, it’s like this: first the cafe quickly in one sip, then amazza cafe, amatsa.
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in the belgorod region this night the russian air defense system was activated again, as the governor reported, several more air targets were shot down. according to information from vyacheslav glodkov, the ukrainian armed forces shelled a village in the voluy district, they are going around the territory, and they are finding out what the consequences are. according to preliminary data, there were no casualties; two private houses were damaged. missile system.


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