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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 3, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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we’ll tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, what a ballot is, my sister and i spent the whole day drawing a ballot , wrote down the candidates, didn’t forget mom and dad, put it on... very clever , many degrees of protection, we took colored markers, made watermarks, we’ll go vote with it, choose mom and dad, but mom said, honey, your ballot is beautiful, only digital counting, your ballot won’t pass, because in russian ballots are marked better than money, they are very carefully protected with powerful protection, your trick will not work, people choose honestly, but my dad and i are very glad that we are yours! to choose
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in the country freely, important, honestly convenient, to protect the mazhai borders, zhukov sent all the combat-ready units that he could find in moscow, among them were cadets of six moscow military schools, the cadets rush into pain, he is the podolsk cadets, it is clear that in which the situation is the soviet command, it throws officers to the front battalions, because as if throwing podolsk cadets to the front, that is, fully formed there, these officers can then staff several armies, and these are two battalions, on october 5, cadets of two podolsk schools received an order to take defensive lines near the village of ilyinskoye, most of the cadets barely turned 18 years old, on the warsaw highway on...
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from a direct hit on the pillbox, we were knocked off our feet by a blast wave, showered with concrete fragments, blood came out of our eyes and ears. i received a concussion and seven grenade fragments. not there only there were podolsk cadets, there were also cadets from other military military schools, but this was the battle of the podolyan cadets, who lost almost half of their strength there. nevertheless, it became
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a very important moral and psychological factor in the resilience of the soviet troops. zhukov managed to gain time in order to prepare the capital for a long siege. on the approaches to moscow, ditches and rubble made of trees appeared. highways, bridges and railways were mined. anti-tank hedgehogs are installed on the streets, numerous barricades have been erected. the luftwaffe bombed the soviet capital almost daily. in november 1941, they carried out 45 raids on moscow. 400 residential buildings were destroyed in the city. one of the bombs hit the building of a large theater, the other pierced the roof of the large kremlin palace. british correspondent alexander werth, who was in the russian capital at that time, recalled. the blast of
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anti-aircraft shells drummed through the streets like hail. dozens of spotlights illuminated the sky. in london i have neither seen nor hear nothing of the kind. to confuse german pilots, fake airfields, factories and other structures were built in the vicinity of moscow. during night raids, muscovites were forbidden to turn on the lights. sometimes more than a thousand anti-aircraft guns fired at the enemy simultaneously. oberleutnant luftwafe bötcher wrote: of all the sorties that... made in the east, the most difficult were the night flights to moscow. the anti-aircraft fire was very intense and was conducted with frightening accuracy. all moscow, if we look at photographs of moscow in 1941 year, we see that there are anti-aircraft guns everywhere. it is
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the borodino bridge; there are anti-aircraft guns on the borodino bridge. on gorky street, on gorky street there are zeniths. a colossal number of balloons have also been launched into the air. balloons. well, accordingly, this is a balloon that hangs on a long cable, bombing moscow during the day is death, the anti-aircraft cover is too strong, so the main bombing is carried out at night, the plane flies at night, especially when it flies at low level, below the level of the balloons, then in a large number of cases he catches with his wing for this cable, the plane connecting the edge for this cable generally does not fly anywhere after that, that is, these planes. no one had seen such dirt, it’s true that rain, snow, cereals,
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a bottomless swamp, black dough, mixed with thousands of thousands of boots, wheels, tracks, slowed down the movement of the german columns. in conditions of constant rain, that is, it is wet , when it is wet, food rots, but they are eaten because they need to eat something , an epidemic of gastric disorders begins, and this is not fatal, there are fatal diseases, but
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a person who has a wild stomach disorder, he is not a soldier, he is just an absolutely exhausted person who... the next one will take place only in june 1945, until the last moment the parade was kept in the utmost secrecy. until the very end, the participants in the upcoming march were preparing not for the parade, but for being sent to the front. a battalion of
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kv heavy tanks arrived on the square directly from the factory. at 8:00 in the morning joseph stalin rose to the podium of the lenin mausoleum. that day, addressing the soldiers and officers, he said: “the enemy is not as strong as he portrays, some are scared, intellectuals, not so the devil is as scary as his name, who can deny that our red army has more than once routed the vaunted german troops. comrade of the red army, commanders, partisans and partisans." the whole world is looking at you as a force capable of destroying the robber hordes of german invaders, all the peoples of europe, who temporarily fell under the german games, are looking at you as their liberators, the great
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liberation mission has fallen on yours, be worthy of this mission. on november 27, 1941, on red square, the same one, he had a huge psychological, moral and political significance, despite the fact that from there they were immediately sent to the front and many of those who marched along this red square remained there on these fields, but one way or another this was a demonstration that we will not retreat , we will fight to the end. in mid-november the first frosts hit. as soon as the roads froze, orders were sent out to the german troops to advance. one of them said: to all commanders
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of the fourth tank group, the surprise is over, we can attack again, we only have destroy the last line of defense of moscow. we must stop the beating heart of the bolshevik empire to complete our campaign this year. the frozen ground shook from the roar of thousands of guns and mortars. the germans delivered the main blow on the leningradskoye highway. on november 23 they captured klin. the next day we entered solnechnogorsk and were stopped only at kryukov station. in the north, the village of krasnaya polyana was captured. from here it was less than 30 km to the center of moscow. through their field binoculars, german officers had already seen suburbs of moscow. but the nazis never broke into the city...
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heise wrote home, i can’t even describe to you what it means, firstly, it’s terribly cold, a snowstorm, my feet are soaked through, my boots never dry, but...
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in the mornings the germans made fires under their tanks and planes, but the frozen engines did not start, weapons began to fail, communications did not work, bread was brought frozen, it had to be chopped or sawed with a hacksaw, the soldiers wrapped themselves in rags and took away all the warm clothes from the peasants. in in some parts of the wehrmacht, the number of frostbitten people began to exceed the number of those wounded in battle. in
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germany, a special medal was minted for the battle of moscow, for the winter campaign, which was awarded, albeit later, but which in the army environment received a completely indelible designation: frozen meat. and this frozen meat, it best characterizes the state in which the germans were. in fact , the general’s brilliant idea.
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understand that the japanese, seeing that the close krieg had failed, made a strategic decision, if you attack the soviet union, then do it no earlier than the spring of forty-two, this information made it possible to transfer several divisions from the far east from these covering troops, which cannot be said to have played a directly key role, but they were very important, because while in the echelons, they headed straight from the railway tracks to the most dangerous sectors, including the section of this northwestern offensive in the dubasekov area. wedge, these are these, these are the directions. december 5, 1941 our troops went on the offensive. the next day , fierce fighting broke out along the entire front line. zhukov ordered soviet units to bypass enemy strongholds and advance to the german rear as quickly as possible. now
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hitler’s armies near moscow were threatened with complete encirclement. december 8th. wehrmakt received the fuhrer's order to go on the defensive along the entire soviet-german front, but the germans could no longer stop the red army. private wehrmacht voltheimer wrote to his wife: it’s hell here, the russians don’t want to leave moscow, they have begun to attack, they bring terrible news for us. i beg you, stop writing to me about silk and rubber boots, which... for his participation in the battle of moscow, general rokosovsky was awarded the order of lenin.
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the blow, it must be said, our counter-offensive blow, the counter-offensive near moscow, was delivered, firstly, in a timely manner, and secondly, where it was needed, and it had a very high effect. it should be noted that the german generals, they went into complete panic, just as they were used to fighting before with only searches, then they went into overdrive, and
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the german generals began to insist on a categorically urgent withdrawal... to lead russia out of the war failed at the very last minute. now it was important for germany's political leaders to understand that the days of the blitz krieg were over.
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churchill, and held negotiations with the soviet union. the negotiations were very important from the point of view of the formation of a future coalition, that is, it was clear that the british probably already understood then that not immediately, not suddenly, not now, but the battle near moscow meant that the final result of the war would be a loss for germany and a victory for the allies . 1942 in 2010, a film directed by leonid varlamov and ilya kapalin, the defeat of german troops near moscow, was released on the screens of soviet cinemas.
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soon in the united states, this film was awarded an academy award for best documentary film. thus, the work of varlamov and kopalin became the first soviet film to receive the highest award from the american film academy, celebrating the heroic struggle of the soviet people against nazism. winston churchill said that when the war is won, which i am sure of, we expect that soviet russia, great britain and the united states will meet for table of the victory conference, as the three main participants and as those whose actions will destroy nazism.
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maybe a sandwich, new year's appetite, dad can , dad can, only dad will steal , dad can, dad can, new year's appetite, only dad will steal, new year's appetite, only dad will steal, the spa holiday will help, it seems to me that my grandfather. hides something, vanity, fireworks, the new year's light turns on, lights the lights,
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a magic staff, grandfather, and we have something tasty at home, let's conjure something, no, conjure, snowman courier: proven, my grandfather is santa claus, on new year's eve everyone can create miracles, from the bottom of their hearts, for those around them. happy new year, wizards. it's better to watch it once than watch it 100 times. rotate, twist only after confirming payment. before february 4, order
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savita with delivery from 1 rub. check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. in the sportsmaster, prices are half. licensed and sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. this have not happened before. russian cold. 150 g of unprecedented, rich taste in one. ok, try it, it's real ice cream, russian cold, great, incredible taste, with russian lotto the holidays continue, in january we are raffling off houses, cars, and also prizes of a million and a jackpot of 800 million, just some kind of holiday, buy tickets in branded stores on the website lotto , what's your mood today? light airy, romantic and sensual, relaxed sublime. find
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the vernelle scent to suit your mood. happy new year to those who grab polka dots along the way, keep up with another suit, find the entrance, no matter what, yandex maps, appendix to new year's city, petelinka, clean products without harmful additives, to a delicious spot in scandinavia, scandinavian. with cheese cutlet, cheese rings, warming punch, scandinavian style, delicious period, start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, have time to buy a smartphone for 1% of the cost, apply bonuses, thank you, get a discount of up to 99%, new year's discounts in the magnet rice krasnodar uvelka 119.99 magnet - the price is right.
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attention to all personnel, attention, let's start moving, let's start moving, yours the task is to deliver a wedge-piercing contact, equipment, personnel, it depends that there is any ground there, here, oh, immediately the sight appeared, the guys who are the crew, this is anti-terrorist, it turns out that they...
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here the task is completed, then they go to bam, with bamo, accordingly, again the rotation is constant, they walk in a circle, the machine gunner, because he is the healthiest, well, it happened from the very first day, suspicious activity, artech give a tip on the use of artillery, upon arrival at the scene of destruction, report the results. in the belgorod region, 6 rocket.u and the same number of alha rocket-propellant systems were destroyed in the morning. on monday, at a meeting of the operational headquarters , the issue of extending school holidays in the region will be decided. siberian frosts in central russia in the yaroslavl, tver and kostroma regions are -35. in the capital.
12:00 pm
usa. new year at the russia exhibition. let’s ask our correspondent at vdnkh what surprises visitors during the january holidays; we’re waiting for the live broadcast. in belgorod , unexploded shells were found in the private sector; the area was cordoned off; explosive technicians are working. in just one day, the ukrainian armed forces fired more than fifty rounds of ammunition across the russian region. six settlements were under fire. the day before, one civilian was killed and more than a dozen were injured. and
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this morning in the sky over the belgorod region.


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