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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 3, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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our author's program besagon tv, i hope you remember them and enjoy them. three villages in the belgogorod region lost power after the shelling. repair work on the damaged power line has not yet begun. energy workers are waiting for approval from the ministry of defense. the head of the region, vyacheslav glodkov, announced this in his telegram channel. according to him, there were no casualties as a result of the attacks today. in the morning, let me remind you, a siren went off in the region. air defense crews destroyed 6 u missiles and six more missiles from the alha rocket system. in addition, in the private sector they found two unexploded shells. in just one day , the ukrainian armed forces fired more than fifty rounds of ammunition across belgorod and its surroundings. belgorod and its
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suburbs have been subject to massive attacks in the ssu since december 29. a meeting of the operational headquarters is scheduled for monday; one of the issues is the possible extension of school holidays in the region. a video appeared in the media in which a resident of belgorod apologizes for the fact that during the ukrainian armed forces’ attack on the city he filmed and posted a video with air defense positions online. the young man fully admitted his guilt and asked forgive him. previously, the authorities called on citizens not to publish photos and videos of the consequences of the shelling for security reasons.
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that the spiritual center of all russia will move from the lands of little russia here to great russia in the city of moscow, because southern russia, what we today call ukraine, began to be exposed to incredible threats. indeed, the city of kiev turned out to be poorly protected; its walls were not at all sufficient to protect even the fleeing nomads.
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zeckerman , an explosion occurred near the cemetery where general qasem sulaymaniyah is buried. in as a result, according to various sources, from 20 to 50 people died. today is the anniversary of the general's death and thousands of iranians came to the city today to pay tribute to his grave. according to preliminary information, unknown persons detonated two homemade explosive devices. there are also versions of a suicide bomber committing suicide. let me remind you that iranian general suleymaniy was killed exactly 4 years ago as a result of an airstrike by the american air force. vladimir putin is with you. words and
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actions essentially shape the global agenda, this is the opinion in an interview the president of kazakhstan spoke to a national newspaper. kasym jamar takaev noted the extremely important role of our country on the world stage and emphasized that not a single international issue today can be resolved without the participation of moscow. the leader of kazakhstan also spoke about the russian presidential elections, which will take place in mid-march. takaev is confident that they will be of great importance and will attract the attention of the world community. next on our broadcast is the documentary "ghost of great finland". immediately after a short advertisement, we don't we know what product will make the new year's morning sheets, but we know what bank will make the whole year profitable, ural sib bank.
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june 1942. a german film magazine reports: adolf hitler is heading to finland for a one-day visit. he wants to personally congratulate the commander-in-chief of the finnish army. marshal manerheim on his seventy-fifth birthday. hitler is accompanied on the trip by the head of the wehrmacht high command, general field marshal wilhelm keitel. there are only a few weeks left before the german troops attack stalingrad and the caucasus. the day before
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decisive battles in the east, hitler decided to demonstrate to his finnish allies that he valued their contribution to the fight against. ryti even prepared a speech that was planned to be broadcast on the radio on the day of the fall of the northern capital of russia. other
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finnish leaders were also well aware of hitler's plans to wipe leningrad off the face of the earth. manar gem knew what germany was planning to destroy. leningrad, i myself personally got acquainted with the documents in the archives of the ministry of foreign affairs of finland, and there is a report from the finnish envoy to kiev myaiki on june 23, it was clearly communicated that leningrad should be destroyed, just like moscow, by the way; naturally, it was planned not just to capture leningrad and plunder it, and there were corresponding teams that, ready-made teams that were supposed to go .
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asparagus soup, vegetable pudding and fruit salad. as a gift, hitler brought the birthday boy a large gold cross of the order of merit of the german eagle. congratulating manar geim on his birthday, hitler said that he admired the courage of the finnish soldiers and was glad that such a brave people are fighting on the side of germany.
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manner game fully shared hitler's views on the future of russia. it was supposed to disappear as a single independent state under the blows of a united europe. the liberated lands were supposed to be populated by the germans and
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peoples friendly to them. already in 1941, monerheim himself gave the order to create the ussr in the finnish-occupied territories. concentration camps for the russian population. here are rare newsreels. they were removed. in karelia shortly after her release from the finnish occupiers. this is one of the many concentration camps created by the finns on soviet territory. on july 8, 1941 , manerheim gave his troops an order that stated: the russian population should be taken into custody and transported to concentration camps. in fact
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, after the seizure of soviet territory, finland , primarily in karelia, pursued a pronounced policy of genocide. the fact is that greater finland did not assume the presence of the slavic population here, people were simply sent to concentration camps with very severe living conditions that ultimately led. because in the occupied territory of karelia a large number of civilians died. in this footage, members of the emergency state commission to investigate the atrocities of the nazi invaders and their accomplices interrogate one of the concentration camp guards. during the investigation , the names of most of the finnish war criminals responsible for the destruction of thousands of soviet prisoners of war were established. and civilians of karelia. the commission interviewed hundreds survivors of finnish concentration camps. their
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evidence shocked even experienced investigators. from the testimony of former prisoners of finnish concentration camps in petrozavodsk. the blood in my veins freezes at the memory of the famous finnish sadistic doctor, veika kolyhmainen. this geek with a medical background. invented a special method of killing the sick. he injected fast-acting poison into the abscesses of the sick. and the latter died in mortal convulsions. from the hunger with which the finns starved us, from severe beatings, floggings, through wet and rags soaked in salt, these usual methods of finnish jailers, in each camp 20-25 people died per day, prisoners. from a report from the counterintelligence department smerzh of the seventh army about the finns’ abuse
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of prisoners of concentration camp number 8. people were beaten for the slightest trifle, beaten with rubber whips, tourniquets, hoses and rifle butts. particularly atrocious were the squad commanders, lieutenants and kariko, assistant corporal, who. they always walked around with whips, beating everyone who got in their way, often for no reason. ten year old girl, mukhina natalya was beaten by a security guard because she pulled out the tops for soup in the garden. the corpses of those shot , cut up with knives with broken fingers on their hands, in order to intimidate the camp population, were placed in an open shed of the camp, for... professor
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of the department of national history of petrozavodsk state university, doctor of historical sciences, sergei gennadievich verigin, has been studying the topic of finnish history for 40 years concentration camps in karelia. having studied thousands of documents in russian and finnish archives, he came to a clear conclusion. i believe that the policy of the finnish authorities towards the russian civilian population and prisoners of war can be fully assessed as genocide. in this small territory, for the 86 thousand population who found themselves in the zone of finnish occupation, and these were all women, old people, children, over 100 places of forced detention were created, 14 prison camps for the civilian population, 34 labor camps, 42 prisoner-of-war camps. nine prisons and a colony in april 1942, of this total population, a third was in
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concentration camps, this is a very high process from the point of view of international law. the mortality rate in finnish camps in 1942 was higher than in german fascist camps - 13.75%. in german about 10%. the exact number of soviet citizens exterminated by the finnish occupiers in karelia... is still unknown, according to the state commission, only in six concentration camps in petrozavodsk were more exterminated. 7 thousand people. in finland they really don’t like to remember the monstrous crimes committed by the finnish army in the occupied soviet territories during the second world war. one of the main myths of finnish historiography
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says that the union with hitler was needed only to return the lands lost during the winter war. but... historical facts and documents indicate the opposite. finland was a full-fledged and devoted ally of nazi germany, which pursued several goals in this war. among them are the destruction of leningrad, the liquidation and dismemberment of russia and the seizure of ancestral russian lands in the north for their inclusion in greater finland. finland received independence from the hands of lenin. in december 1917, before that, for many centuries, it was a province of sweden and then of the russian empire. its borders were repeatedly changed by the swedes, novgorodians, and russian tsars. the finnish elite thanked the russian bolsheviks for their generous gift in a unique way. the revolutionary
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movement of the finnish proletariat was brutally suppressed. he had 11 russian military awards, including the order of st. george, fourth degree. after 1917, he led the finnish white movement and became an ardent opponent of the soviet russia. having won the civil war, manerheim brought down the most severe terror on the heads of his opponents, the victims of which were
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27 thousand people. among the victims. there were also many russian residents of finland; most of the russians were killed in vyborg. at the same time, the finns, taking advantage of the collapse of russia , tried to seize part of soviet karelia. it’s an amazing thing, but the soviet union has fought three wars with no one, just like with finland. and in any case, during the era of the civil war, the task was to connect to its own territories, those lands that... when finland didn't have. after hitler came to power, manarheim established close contacts with the leaders of the third reich. he developed a particularly trusting relationship with the rijksmar, hermann gerring. this footage was taken in 1942 during their meeting in germany. by
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order of gerring, looted valuables from... all over europe were brought here to his estate. having given manerheim a box of the best french champagne, the hospitable owner boasted that another 3,500 bottles were stored in the cellars of his estate. that's why he's bored won't be for the rest of my life. before the war, manarheim came to gerring in 1934 and '37 . together they hunted and discussed issues. in just 6 years from 1933 to 1939 , 136 finnish military delegations visited hitler’s germany. in august 1937
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. submarines, which at that time made up half of the entire german submarine fleet. the head of the intelligence department of the red army, semyon uritsky, reported in a secret report. there are indications that finland will be used as a base for deployment of the german air fleet against. the ussr. at the same time , the idea of ​​creating a greater finland began to be actively promoted in finnish society. the idea of ​​a great finland was not new.
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kareli, pskov region, estonia and several regions of sweden and norway. after the start of the war, maps appeared showing great finland. the entire russian north, right up to the op river beyond the urals. one of the myths of finnish historiography says that
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these are the indigenous lands of the fenaugrians, that karella is only a land for the fenaugrians, and the russians there are migrants here, people have come and so on, absolutely wrong. russians appeared in karelia since the 19th-13th centuries; they were then part of the novgorod republic; by the way, the novgorodians baptized the karelia. slovakia. these seizures did not in any way affect the friendly rapprochement between berlin and helsinki. in june 1939,
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the head of german military intelligence, admiral canaris, secretly visited finland. the result of the visit was the signing of an agreement on the opening of the advera intelligence center on finnish territory. follow him. the boss came to finland general staff of the german ground forces, colonel general halder. he inspected military installations along the soviet border, where demonstration artillery firing was held especially for him. at this time , the finnish border was only 32 km from the center of leningrad. understanding the threat this poses in the event of an impending war, stalin invited the finnish leadership to discuss a possible exchange of territories, here it must be borne in mind that when the negotiations were underway, because stalin and molotov
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wanted to resolve it peacefully, no one wanted to fight, they proposed, move the border to vyborg, vyborg would remain finnish and half of ladoga would be finnish, moreover, for this small territory we transferred territory twice as large in area in northern corelia and in response to finnish remarks stalin said. 1939, then the red army was unable to immediately break through the powerful fortifications of the mannerheim line. this was achieved only after
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more than three months of bloody battles. as a result of the war, the border was moved back, but without any compensation from the soviet side. the change in border was very important for the future. and as for this border itself, stalin drew it where peter i had drawn it in his time. following the results of the northern war, the ponistat peace treaty of 1921, the border went exactly where stalin later drew the border with finland, at the end of the winter war. stalin's decision to move the border away from leningrad turned out to be very timely. in september 1940, manar. agreed to the deployment of german troops in finland. the german command sent them to lopland for
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preparing the strike. in murmonsk. finnish ports, railways and airfields were provided to the germans to deliver ammunition and equipment to the soviet border. on march 1 , 1941, the head of the ss main directorate, gottleb bergen, officially invited the finnish authorities to begin forming national ss military units. this idea was warmly supported by manergei’s entire leadership of soomi. including the president and prime minister. thus, finland became the only state in the world that not only voluntarily admitted german troops came to her, but of her own free will she began to form ss military units. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business? no one will
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