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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 3, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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no, on the yandex-zen site agents continue to make money, this is how yandex management answers an awkward question, remember, the first question i would like to ask is about the yandex company, why is there such a huge number of people there who are just, well, as if they don’t like russia, one gets the impression, you know, i don’t have that feeling anywhere near, excuse me, if we are going to write a political report.
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with a request to at least postpone the screening of this film until better times, we were supported, with the head of the presidential administration spoke to me, asked what i thought, i said what i thought, not only that, i said that if the picture comes out, i will have to talk about it in the besogon, because it cannot be missed, today, at least at least, but the picture came out. why? they told me: there will be a scandal, what kind of scandal? scandal with whom? with the audience, with the speech, with whom is the scandal? with yandex? probably, but if we put on the scales the fear of a scandal, that the picture did not come out... with that bewilderment, to put it mildly,
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which may arise among people who are now at the front, their relatives , which outweighs the interests of yandex, and then i have a question, why do we need a ministry of education, a ministry of culture, if they are not responsible, if others, probably those, decide for them.
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and this again fits precisely into those links of the chain that we talked about, both trinity and st. petersburg, i’m not comparing anyone with anyone, but when we talk about the disunity of society, when we want to unite it, when by order of the president are created in all regions of society, a defender of the fatherland, in the cinema you can watch a picture and the hero is an american, who with the same pleasure, from the same plane, will shoot russians. that all this can lead to the consolidation of society, i don’t think, you ’ll forgive me, and this may also be nonsense, well , they watched the film, it’s not nonsense, it’s, it’s not nonsense if they turn to us, the union of cinematographers, with the question of what we think about this, and we answer what we think, why ask us if...
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what would happen next, if even with our after victory already in 1945, churchel proposed a terrible plan to arm. no, connected, connected, because the same winston churchel said that if you choose shame between war and shame, then you get war, shame. pole dancing at an industrial exhibition is a disgrace,
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mockery of a fallen comrade is a disgrace, showing a film during the war about american heroes, paying money for a ticket. which are received from this ticket, missiles will be supplied to ukraine to bomb belgorod, it is a shame if we choose this, then we get the shame of a war, but the disgraced one cannot win the war, the father of the snakes is old, he never passed on the secret, the poper never passed it on to the grave. he dragged away the torn vein, you see how it turned out, well, okay , what are you, we’ll go together, and ring bells, write yacons, let’s go to trinity, let’s
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go together, what a holiday for people, what joy you’ve created, you’re still crying, well, nothing . well, that’s it, well, it will be, i reminded you of the footage from torkovsky’s great film, andrei rublev, i had a question, what if tarkovsky knew that no one would ever see his film, if he would take it off, well, that’s all for today. the door has already been fastened, our midshipman krivoruchka appeared, and as he always said, we are leaving one by one, if anything happens, we, that’s right, geologists are looking forward to seeing you at our, god willing, new meeting.
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new job in 10 minutes, many vacancies new every day, avito job, you will find not just a job, but your place, start the year. there will be a discount on bargain purchases at the megamarket: 1.0 items with cashback up to 50%. legendary alfabank credit card. free forever has become even more profitable. receive a supercake every month. as a result of complex negotiations, 248 russian military personnel were returned to russia from territory controlled by the kiev regime. some have already been delivered to moscow. all those liberated are provided with the necessary medical psychological assistance at the airport. this is such a good pre-christmas event
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, we are now at one of the military airfields in the moscow region, the first plane landed here, this is an il-76, which delivered 75 of our soldiers who were captured in kiev-controlled territory, in total there will be 248 people, it was the result of very difficult negotiations, including the participation of the arab emirates in these negotiations, despite such a cold weather.
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everything is in more or less good condition, but of course they will all pass rehabilitation, they will all receive the necessary psychological assistance in hospitals in institutions of the ministry of defense, after which they will go to their homes. zenaida kurbatova, pavel meir, stanislav yalovsky. news. according to sources, they are referred to by the media, including arti’s editor-in-chief margarita simonyan. the exchange was completed 173 for 173, but an additional
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75 russian servicemen also returned to their homeland. and this became possible thanks to the persistent work of the russian competent authorities, after in violation of all agreements from turkey brought five fighters from the banned azov battalion to ukraine. the russian army repelled all attacks. among other things , the 115th brigade was not allowed to break through in the kupinsky direction. zelensky’s formation lost over 600 more soldiers and mercenary officers, tanks and nine other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as eight guns, air defense systems and self-propelled guns, including american and polish. in addition, a strike was made on a hangar with aircraft ammunition, as well as on the location of foreign mercenaries of the national formation of the kharkov region. eight missiles were intercepted. we have two s-200 missiles, as well as 34 projectiles of the hymers, vampire and alha systems.
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there are mercenaries from different countries, there are american, english, from the french region, polish mercenaries, most of them are armed with fairly good nato and soviet models, anything can happen. to provide fire support for assault groups , motorized rifle units are immediately deployed to the line of combat contact in the kremensky forest. moving through the forest, the bmp-2 tries to move at full speed, because the leaves
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have fallen; all movements on the ground are clearly visible ukrainian reconnaissance drones. these bmp-2s from the central military district are equipped with the berezhok universal combat module. the carnet anti-tank missile system, which is part of it, strikes enemy armored vehicles. the technology is weak, the leopard is the same, it’s also blown up, it doesn’t hold shells, it’s also blocked, everything is the same, just more electronics, if a bmp passes by at speed, they don’t have time. infantry combat vehicles equipped with the carnet anti-tank missile system today continue successful confrontation with enemy armored vehicles, which the ukrainian armed forces at the tor ledge are transferring to the front line in preparation for possible breakthrough attempts. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, khaled tankiev. news:
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line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, krasnolimansk direction. kremensky forest. vladimir putin expressed condolences to the leadership of iran in connection with the terrorist attack in kermania. the president emphasized that the murder of civilians who visited the cemetery is shocking with cruelty and cynicism. moscow strongly condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and confirmed its commitment to the fight against this evil. as a result of the terrorist attack, more than 100 people were killed and at least 200 were injured. an explosion occurred near the site.
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a two-century dispute over the sovereignty of the islands. in 1982, the war for them lasted several weeks and ended with the defeat of argentina, but in london they said that they did not plan to return anything. for the development of national culture and art, many years of fruitful creative activity, vladimir putin by his decree awarded people's artist of russia nikolayadze the order for services to the fatherland, fourth degree. december tsiskariz turned 50 years old, the ballet dancer has performed on the stages of the world's leading theaters, and since the thirteenth year he has headed the vaganova academy of russian ballet in st. petersburg. more than 100 new standards in the field of artificial intelligence have been approved in russia, and state regulations are being prepared in the field of online commerce and machine tool construction.
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the head of russtandart, anton shalaev, told mikhail mishusin about this. i followed the progress of the meeting konstantin churin. gost is the key to growth. the development of advanced trends in industry and services is impossible without a domestic system of standards. this was discussed at a meeting between prime minister mikhail mishustin and the head of rosstandart anton shalaev. our own standards are necessary for our country to achieve technological sovereignty in all directions and in all sectors , our president has spoken about the importance of this more than once. especially in the development of advanced areas, so that enterprises can, in the current conditions sanctions restrictions, build technological chains, work with subcontractors. most of the meeting was devoted to the implementation of standards in innovative areas. the head of rosstandart spoke about the first gosts for cars powered by hydrogen fuel cells, about uniform requirements for
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solar power plants, rosstandart is actively working on gosts in the field of smart manufacturing and the internet of things. and digital twins in those areas whose names may not yet be quite familiar to the ears, but are already becoming a part of our lives. in part digitalization is a very important issue - the development of artificial intelligence technologies; in 2022 and 23, rosstandart approved more than 100 new state standards promoting the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare, transport, and in a number of other areas. moreover, we want to make these thickets public and we have opened them. these guests are for all interested parties; any enterprise can familiarize themselves with them. this year we started funding the development of standards in the machine tool industry. this is an important area without which it is impossible to imagine a technically independent country. according to anton shalaev, when developing such standards, the department analyzed more than 1,500, even 1,700 standards that were in force in
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russia, and before that in the soviet union. this work has been closely followed abroad over the past 2 years. 10 summary standards have received international status and relate to such high-tech areas as aircraft manufacturing and space. recently , a huge number of standards have been developed; it is important that they do not exist on their own themselves, were in demand, because practice sets the standard, all changes to this, feedback are very important, and this applies to everything, well, probably the most significant things are the weight in the products, the packaging should contain exactly as much as... according to the state standard, people care about this, this is exactly what worries people and requires a standard, more state standards are already being created on the initiative of business and social activists than on the initiative of the state, he said. perhaps about the most socially significant developments in recent times time, in particular for the marketplace , specific examples when the state regulations were developed precisely in response to feedback from society,
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and for 2023 you can cite quite a lot, well, for example, electric scooters, we did not have any state regulations that regulated these issues, now the distribution of plant-based food products has appeared and is developing, because the population is increasingly interested in this type of product. the future development of russia, the result that the country will receive tomorrow depends on what standard is set today. so that you with
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the program. with the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the peculiarities of its present day, find typical features and recognizable signs of the past, that’s what we’ll talk about today. the battlefield is information, the battle for minds. how is the information space of novorossiya being formed? conversation with program expert. travel from st. petersburg to crimea, the truth about the potemkin villages. today we will talk about how the information space is structured in the new russian regions. it goes without saying
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that. since 2014, in the context of the civil conflict between ukraine and the donbass republics, it has been filled with a struggle for the minds of people and proving that they are right on both sides. the battle for minds is not only an image, but also real actions to limit ukrainian propaganda. back in 2014, the authorities of the republics began to create their own information resources. in the lpr it is the lugan media holding. the lugansk-24 channel, four radio stations, the lugansk information center agency, several newspapers, in the dpr, the oplod tv channel and radio station, the donetsk news agency, and other local media. to deprive kiev of the opportunity to broadcast to the donbass, in 1414 the militias destroyed a two-hundred-meter tower on mount karachun, which was controlled by ukraine, from which the television and radio signal covered a significant
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part of the donbass. the kiev authorities spent a lot of effort on restoring that tower. in addition, in 2017, they built another one in the then ukrainian village of changar, kherson region, for broadcasting to crimea, but all these efforts did not produce much effect, and the technical signal was weak, and ukrainian propaganda no longer reached the consciousness of the residents of crimea and donbass finished off. even the russian-language channel dom, which was specially launched under zelensky, which was supposed to tell about the wonderful life in ukraine, the horrors of life in crimea and donbass, was not watched there. information was obtained from local news, releases of federal channels, reports for which done by local journalists or special correspondents. the federal media did not have their own representations in the unrecognized republics at that time. in, and then by the inclusion of these
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republics and two regions into the russian federation, the situation in the information space began to change. this summer , the regional administration announced the launch of the kherson news agency. its task is to become a source of objective information about events and actions of the regional authorities. the zaporozhye news agency began work, opened its regional representative office in donbass vgt. in the republic of kazakhstan, local news will now be produced according to high federal standards. federal radio stations, vesti fm, radio satellite and others received licenses to broadcast in the new constituent entities. about how the russian information space is being formed in novorusiya, how our colleagues work in difficult conditions of martial law, and what tasks they solve. in
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the report by anna efimova. the last gathering of equipment, phones, cameras, gopro, the vesti lugansk film crew is sent on its next mission. you will have something like this armor? today, journalists from state television and radio broadcasting company lugansk are filming the trench assault practice. soldiers just returned from the front line at one of the training grounds in the lpr. they are honing their skills after recently capturing enemy positions on foot. went! the attack aircraft are carrying ammunition, the weight of which starts at 70 kg in an hour, there is a pothole under their feet, ice water and mud, the camera is flooded with rain. correspondent for lugansk, tatyana dubovaya has been in service since 2014, she went through all the hot spots: rubezhnaya, lisichansk, severodonetsk, solidar, like all our girls, military correspondents do not forget about their appearance, nor about what the hero of her plot should look like.


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