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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 4, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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in russia. as a result of complex negotiations with the territory controlled by the kiev regime , 248 russian military personnel were returned, some have already reached moscow, all those released are provided with the necessary medical psychological assistance, they were met at the airport by zinaet kurbatova. this is such a good pre-christmas event, we are now at one of the military airfields in the moscow region, the first plane landed here - this is an il-76, which delivered 75 of our
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soldiers who were captured in territory controlled by kiev, all this there will be 248 people, this was the result of very difficult negotiations, including the arab emirates participating in these negotiations , despite such cold weather, of course all our fighters have very good emotions, a very such a mood, well, one might say, festive, although of course they it was very difficult, it’s all behind the scenes, these are real heroes, let’s listen to what they say, all of them, of course... home, yes, i believed that they would help us out, the power of russian weapons is unshakable, we will win, we served 8 months, in captivity, thank you again thank everyone who participates in the release of prisoners of war, as well as all the people who help the soldiers of the northern military district, thank you, low bow, mother, i will hug my little one a little later with pleasure, for the hug, i had no doubt in our country, which naturally consists of those people. who
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were also waiting for us here and supported us all the time we were on the territory of ukraine, these are volunteers, special thanks to you, and i would, of course, like to express my gratitude to vladimirovich, everything is in more or less good condition, but of course all of them will undergo rehabilitation, all of them will receive the necessary psychological assistance in hospitals in institutions.
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the russian army repulsed all attacks, among other things , the 115th brigade of the ukrainian armed forces was not allowed to break through in the kupinsky direction, zelensky’s formation lost over 600 more soldiers and mercenary officers, tanks and nine other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as eight guns, air defense systems and self-propelled guns, including american and polish, in addition, struck a hangar with aircraft ammunition, as well as the point: deployment of foreign mercenaries, national formation kharkov region. 8 raket.u, two s-200 missiles, as well as 34 projectiles from the hymers, vampire and alha systems were intercepted. about the situation on the front line, alexey baralev. that's it, take a long drag, it works. to the front line of the defense line of the ukrainian military in one of the areas of serebryansky forestry, assault groups of the central military district. i manage
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to approach noon, sasha, the first rpg crew, i take up a position together with the machine gunner. the main task is to hold this strong point until the main forces arrive. units of the armed forces of ukraine meanwhile, they are not abandoning attempts to regain lost positions. there are mercenaries from different countries, there are american, british, from the french region, polish mercenaries, most of them are fairly good weapons of nato models.
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equipped with a universal berezhok combat module, the attack on enemy armored vehicles is carried out by the carnet anti-tank missile system included in its composition. the equipment is weak, the leopard is the same, it is also blown up, they do not hold shells, they will also block, everything is the same, just more electronics, if the infantry fighting vehicle passes by at speed, they do not have time, infantry combat vehicles equipped with the anti-tank missile system carnet today continue their successful confrontation with enemy armored vehicles, which the armed forces of ukraine at the tor bulge are transferring to the front line in preparation for possible breakthrough attempts. alexey boranov, alexander malyshev, khalit tankiev. news: line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, krasnolimansk direction, kremensky forest. vladimir putin expressed condolences to the leadership of iran in connection with the terrorist attack in
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kermania. the president emphasized the killing of civilians who visited the cemetery is shocking with cruelty and cynicism. moscow strongly condemns terrorism in all its forms. and manifestations and confirmed its commitment to the fight against this evil. the terrorist attack in irani killed more than 100 people and injured at least 200. the explosion occurred near the place where general qassem soleimani is buried. he died 4 years ago as a result of an american drone strike. and when thousands of iranians came to pay tribute to the memory, it worked explosive devices, they were activated remotely. in iran, thursday is declared grass day. argentina called on britain to return the falkland islands. new president javier miley said buenecires intends to achieve this. the countries have a two-century dispute over the sovereignty of the islands. in the eighty-second year, the war for them lasted several weeks and ended with the defeat
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of argentina. well, in london they said that they do not plan to return anything. for the long-term development of national culture and art. fruitful creative activities vladimir putin by his decree awarded the people's artist of russia nikolai tsyskaridze with the order of merit for the fatherland, fourth degree. on december 31 , tseskariz turned 50 years old. the ballet dancer has performed on the stages of the world's leading theaters. since the thirteenth year he has headed the vaganova academy of russian ballet in st. petersburg.
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in october 1941, adolf hitler addressed the germans with another pathetic speech. he stated that a new german offensive in the east would lead to complete and final destruction russia. the day before, german troops received orders to encircle moscow. the fuhrer ordered the upcoming victory to be immortalized in cap. a train of red granite and white marble was sent from germany to the moscow region. for the triumphal action , ceremonial uniforms were ordered for the wehrmacht processions along red square, but the germans failed to take moscow. the soviet command took completely unprecedented measures to counter
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the germans; indeed , there was rarely such resistance as in the moscow direction. the battle of moscow lasted 203 days, combat front with a length of 800 km.
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on october 15, 1941, all of moscow was gripped by panic. a semi-truck, loaded to the brim with factory machines, furniture, paintings and sculptures from the capital's museums, rushed off to the kazan station. all this was hastily loaded into special trains. on this day. the state defense committee adopted a secret resolution on the evacuation of moscow.
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the day before, german troops broke through the last line of defense of the city. there were almost no troops left to defend the capital. every hour counted. to government agencies the foreign embassy received an order to immediately leave for kuibyshek. the next day, october 16, for the first and... only time in its history, the moscow metro did not open. by order of kaganovich, the metro station should have been mined and prepared for explosion. most moscow factories closed, and workers were given double wages. there were rumors that german troops had already been seen in the city. crowds of people poured onto the gorky highway and other streets leading to the east. some workers are at the party parade. they hastened to destroy their party cards. soviet writer lev larsky recalled.
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ordinary party members ran along the sidewalks, roadsides and tram tracks, dragging suitcases, bundles, and wallpaper. in the stream of refugees, everything was already mixed up: people, cars, carts, tractors, cows. at 3 o'clock there was a traffic jam on the bridge. instead of pushing the stuck...
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correspondent off the bridge, vasily grosman wrote. he starts beating them. soviet directors of many enterprises put their families on trucks and took them out of the capital. that's when it started. the population rushed rob a store. many drunken people appeared on the streets, carrying rings of sausage and rolls of fabric under their arms. things happened that were unthinkable. just 2 days ago , rumors were spreading that stalin and the government
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had fled moscow. according to the evacuation plan, joseph stalin was actually supposed to leave moscow on october 16. lavrente beria has already ordered the preparation of a special staff for the commander-in-chief. until a certain point , it was unclear whether moscow would be surrendered. the german offensive in september-october was generally threatening. were in kuibushev several dachas were prepared for stalin, offices were prepared there for stalin, so that they would be equipped, but stalin decided to stay in moscow. his train , which stood at the belmanovskaya outpost, was ready , but stalin never arrived there, that is , he is not just defending moscow, but he remains in moscow, continuing to lead not the defense of moscow, continuing to lead the entire front of the entire country. this decision, let’s say, put an end to it. on october 17 , stalin demanded that order be immediately restored
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in the city. on the same day, the first secretary of the moscow city committee, alexander shcherbakov , spoke on the radio and said that moscow would not be surrendered. on october 20 , a state of siege was declared in the capital and a curfew was introduced. police posts and nkvd troops appeared on the roads. they received the order. shoot on the spot all provocateurs, deserters and looters. factories reopened and the metro began operating. on november 6, 1941, on the eve of the next anniversary of the october revolution, stalin spoke in front of the moscow portactive at mayakovskaya station. on this day the city was attacked raid of 250 german bombers. the enemy captured most of ukraine, belarus
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, moldova, lithuania, latvia, estonia, a number of other regions, climbed into the donbass... with a black cloud over leningrad, he threatens our glorious capital in moscow, from me our task is to destroy all the germans are the same, then the only one, who made his way into the territory of our homeland as an occupier, no posad by the german occupier, death to the german invasion. the soviet command took completely unprecedented measures to counteract to the germans, there really is little resistance like we have in the moscow direction. in the battle of moscow, german troops suffered their first major defeat since the beginning of the second
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world war. the wehrmacht lost about half a million soldiers killed and wounded. this was twice as large as all german losses in the french and polish companies combined. the myth of the invincibility of the third reich was dispelled. the blitzkrieg plan in the east failed. soviet counterattacks near moscow finally destroyed all of hitler’s plans for a quick and easy victory over the soviet union. was in fact the first, fundamentally very important strategic battle, where the germans were up against a very difficult defense, and as we now know, even then in the fall of forty-one, when it became clear that it would not be possible to defeat moscow, many of hitler’s associates raised the question of what was needed urgently sign a peace treaty with the soviets, because all this will end badly.
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hitler was the main author of the plan for the blitz . against the ussr. he had no doubt about the success of his blitzkrieg, despite the objections of some german generals. plan provided for the complete destruction of the red army and the rapid capture of the largest cities and industrial centers of the ussr, including leningrad, kiev and moscow. by the fall of 1941, these tasks were partially completed. in september, troops of army group center captured smolensk. having advanced 500 km deep into the territory of the ussr. at one of the meetings with the military in july 1941, hitler said: “i always try to put myself in the position of the enemy. in fact, he has already lost the war. it’s good that we defeated the russian tank and air force in the very
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beginning. the russians will no longer be able to restore them. the main essence of the barbaros plan, and hitler insisted on this, is the destruction of the red army, that is, to surround the red army (cadre units of the red army) in border battles, destroy them, and then develop an offensive deep into the soviet union, crushing some little things along the way that stalin will have time to catch up. and the offensive in the central direction was important, but again the initial task was not a breakthrough to moscow, cauldrons along the border, which was done. it was believed that in 10-12 weeks, well, that is, we believe, in 3 months, the main strategic tasks had to be solved, the main, most important points on the territory of the soviet union had to be occupied, so that the soviet union would be defeated and would request surrender. in 1941 , over 4.5 million
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people lived in moscow. it was the largest industrial, scientific and cultural. he slowed down, removing tank forces from the army group center and throwing them to the north, that is, to the leningrad direction, to the south. in september
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1941, the germans captured kiev and blocked leningrad. after this, hitler ordered all main forces to be thrown at moscow. the operation was called typhoon. its author was the commander of the army group center, general field marshal. fedor von god, god was a very highly professional military man, he was a pure prussian, a veteran of the first world war, and he was also an officer of the general staff back in the first world war, and he is short, very lean, and his plan was as follows: to deliver three blows, that is, two tank groups are attacking on his flanks, and the fourth field army is advancing in the center. respectively, first, these tank groups create boilers. in which the group that defends the moscow direction is destroyed, after which, having surrounded these boilers, tank groups hand over these boilers to the infantry, which begins to squeeze these
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boilers with soviet troops, destroy them, after which tank groups begin a breakthrough from two sides, bypassing moscow from the north and south, surround moscow, cut it off, at this moment, the infantry armies, having finished off the group that defends moscow, begin the offensive.
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began in the early morning of september 30, 1941. the german tank armies under the command of gudarian and hoepner struck in the south, in the vicinity of bryansk, where they were not expected. avoiding frontal attacks, the germans went to the rear of our troops and in 3 days completely surrounded the main forces of the bryansk front. front commander andrei eremenko was seriously wounded and taken to moscow.
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his brigade had 61 tanks, including 22 of the latest t-34s. near mtsensk, katukov decided to set up an ambush. having let
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gudarian's advanced units pass forward, the soviet tank crews suddenly attacked the germans from the flanks and rear. with aimed fire at point-blank range, thirty-fours easily penetrated the armor of enemy tanks. according to official data, over several days of fighting, the katukov brigade. knocked out 133 german vehicles. gaines gudarian, considered the genius of the britzkrieg tank, was stunned by what happened. he immediately sent a report to berlin in which he demanded to change the principles of german tank building, and even summoned the famous german designer ferdinand porsche to the eagle so that he could personally study the design of the soviet thirty-four. later gudarian remembered. the 4th panzer division was stopped by russian tanks and had to endure a difficult moment. for the first time , the significant superiority of russian
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t-30 tanks was revealed. the division suffered significant losses, and the planned rapid attack on tula had to be postponed. it should be noted that the germans had tanks then, of course, not like at the end of the war, then there were no panthers, no tigers, or even improved t-4s, but nevertheless there were a lot of tanks, they were very fast, due to this enhanced maneuver, they very often achieved result. 2 october.
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mixed with the crowds of civilians, the surviving soldiers hastily retreated to the east. correspondent vasily grosman wrote: “i thought i saw a retreat, but not only did i not see such a thing, but i didn’t even imagine it.” exodus, bible. cars are moving in eight rows, a warrior is tearing up dozens of trucks simultaneously escaping from the mud, crowds of pedestrians are walking with bags, bundles, and suitcases. having defeated three soviet fronts, german troops rushed to kalinin, present-day tver. october 14 city was taken, the encirclement of the soviet capital seemed to the germans only a matter of time. the front
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was falling apart, our armies. they give us a colossal one, our army commanders are dying , our camp corps are dying, our corps are disappearing, that is, our army is simply falling apart, when rokasovsky arrives at the front, for whom he appoints the commander of the army, he has nothing under his command, they tell him, here you will arrive, you will receive under your command , here is a rifle division, here is a rifle division, and also maybe the dawa corps will come up, here he also says the division is here...
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in hand-to-hand combat, during stalin's purges, rokosovsky was arrested on a false denunciation , spent almost three years in the dungeons of the nkvd, he was released in 1940, and already in october 1941, rakosovsky received an order to stop the german offensive on moscow at any cost. gathering the remnants of the surviving armies, he organized several centers of defense along leningradsky. and volokalamsk highway. on his orders, the locks of the istrinsky reservoir were blown up. these measures delayed the german advance. having received news of the defeat of three soviet fronts, stalin urgently summoned another world war i veteran, general georgy zhukov, from leningrad. arriving at the front, zhukov was unable to find most of
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the army headquarters. search. all roads to moscow are essentially open; the last frontier on the way to the city was the mazhai defense line under construction, 120 km from the capital. and during the construction of these fortifications, a bet was already placed on anti-tank fortifications, that is, the civilian population was abandoned. to dig anti-tank ditches, some kind of ditches fortifications that would operate primarily not against infantry, well, that is, it is clear that against infantry too, but so that they could stop tanks. one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars.


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